System Resouces: Bouncing Off 100% SVCHOST.exe

Mar 22, 2009

I've been a reader of the forums for a little while and found the need to make my first post. Let me preface, that I've done some searching on this issue, tried lots of things, and found nothing to help resolving mine. I'm running Vista Ultimate X64 SP1. It seems that SVCHOST.exe is causing the problem and I've attached a screenshot of the associated services. The problem seems to be random in terms of when it acts up, but quite often. The only temporary resolution is a restart.

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System Freeze During The Logon Script:what Process Is Svchost.exe Associated

May 6, 2009

In my network, sometimes my user's laptops freeze during the logon script. Well the computers don't actually freeze, they just don't move beyond the logon script. When I go into task mamager, cpu is running at 100% (2 gb ram and very new processors) and the process taking up the most memory (48,748k)is svchost.exe I think it's associated with the windows search indexing but I'm not completely sure. On the Microsoft support site I saw that I could use the command tasklist /svc to see what is running in svchost. But I haven't figured out yet how to determine exactly what this svchost process is assoicated with so I can prevent it from running all the time.

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Email Bouncing And Not Receiving

May 20, 2008

I have several email address' that I forward to my main personal email in Windows Mail. I have not been receiving many of my emails (hit and miss) and here is the error message they receive: One of the recipients was rejected by the server; The rejected email address was '(my email here)' Server: '' Protocol: SMPT, Server Response: '550 5.1.1 relaying not allowed', Port: 25, Secure (SSL) No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79.

When I send test emails or work with the server that I forward from, they all get to me just fine! But I have several teachers that email me from a high school, and theirs are all bumped.

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Svchost.exe Using 120+ Mb Ram.

Jun 10, 2007

First of all, i have 13 svchosts running. I seem to recall around 3 in windows xp 32. Is this normal? Second, one of the svchost.exe's is ALWAYS using 120+ mb of ram. This can hardly be right, can it?

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What Is Svchost.exe?

Apr 23, 2009

One of the most common questions about system processes is what is svchost.exe and why are there so many processes running? First appearing in Windows XP, svchost.exe hosts multiple services within one process.  This allows the operating system to save memory by reducing process overhead by cutting down on the number of processes that need to be running.

Every system service such as Windows Update, Event Log, Terminal Services, Audio Service, etc. runs within svchost.exe.  Depending on the access the services need, they are grouped together and are run in a number of processes which explains why you see so many in Task Manager running under different accounts such as System, Local Service and Network Service.

Identifying what services are running is different depending on the version of Windows you have....

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Svchost.exe 90MB RAM Hog

Jun 24, 2009

I had this problem earlier but after installing Vista Service Pack 2 an instance of svchost.exe is using 91,256 K of RAM. I have disabled Superfetch. Go to services reveals:


















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12 Svchost.exe Running

Jun 14, 2008

I looked at the running processes and found 12 svchost.exe running. Can
anyone please explain this?


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Svchost.exe Is Not Running

Apr 25, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium, and one of these days I saw that the processes svchost.exe should be running. I open my Windows Task Manager, and there is no svchost.exe anywhere. Not a single one!

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Which Svchost Are Safe To Terminate??

Feb 26, 2009

The svchost seems to be spiking my physical memory at startup to around 80%.. and it only drops to around 75% And i also know that my computer cannot run to about 93-98% on memory because i suspect Faulty ram from previous problems of mine.( I will be replacing it with 4gb in 1to 2 weeks) Also after disabling Pc tools threatfire & Pc tools firewall i seem to be getting alot of processes which are also playing with my phiscal memory %. b4 i uninstalled The pc tools programs there was only 2-3 svchosts.exe now there are about 13 of them..

Name Memory(underneath each svchost are the services)
svchost.exe 1628
DcomLaunch, PlugPlay
svchost.exe 1984
svchost.exe 3708
svchost.exe 3516

svchost.exe 40348...................

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Svchost 100% CPU And Possible Windows Update

May 21, 2008

Vista Basic Machine started running very slowly and when I looked in Task Manager svchost.exe was using a 100% CPU. Using system internals process explorer it???s the network service containing crytsvc, dnscach, KtmRm, NlaSvc, Tapisrv and Termservice. Looking inside the thread that is using the CPU is ntdll.dll

I???ve ran all virus and spyware checkers I can and all show no problems. I've booted in safe mode and cleared all the softwaredistribution folder. The slow running does not affect safe mode but as the service is not started no great surprise. Windows Update doesn't work in safe mode either, thanks Microsoft. I tried to update AVG virus checker but it wanted KB929547 applied so I downloaded it and tried to run but after several hours all I got was install failed with 0x800706bb

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Computer Always Starts 'Svchost'

Mar 23, 2008

When i start up my laptop (vistaHPx86) ITs all good untill 'Svchost' starts.. then my computer forever loads something (I heard the sound),untill I shut down my computer.. this is so annoying any idea what windows is doing?

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Svchost.exe Taking Up Most Of The Memory?

May 10, 2010

I started noticing about just 2 days ago. whenever i am playing a movie or any audio file, its not clear because the cpu is being used completely 100% most of the time. I checked the task manager and found out that svchost.exe is taking up most of the memory and cpu! any solutions so that i can fix this, i dont think i can end process svchost since it runs some important applications on windows.

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SVCHOST.EXE AVG Resident Shield Alert

Jan 6, 2010

Two days ago i downloaded a program(Single file abt 100 kb) and executed it. After execution the program's icon simply disappeared from my desktop!

After that I have been getting resident shield pop-ups which tell me about a new file being created in TEMP directory.

eg: FILE NAME: C:windows empcvnp.tmpsvchost.exe
THREAT NAME: Trojan Horse Clicker.AEIO
Detect on open.

PROCESS NAME: C:windowssystem32svchost.exe .

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Mail Block Mail Particular And Bouncing

May 27, 2008

For reasons of my own, I would like to not only block mail from a particular sender, I'd also like to "bounce" it back to them, so that they know that I am not taking their e-mails. Is there a way to to this in Windows Mail, or Outlook 2007?

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SVCHOST.exe Keeps On Running And Ruins Computers Performance

Feb 27, 2009

This file called SVCHOST.exe is consuming my RAM, hard drive, CPU and everything on my Vista machine to capacity use. I know the real one is a necessary program, but there are many copies of this file working simultaneously here and my performance is down to a crawl or a crash. I've looked everywhere for a solution and have tried a couple to no avail. I get no working answers from anyone. Many, many other Windows users are getting this in massive amounts, too, so it's not isolated to me. Everything slows to a crawl often several times a day. I often have to restart. I am told it might be one or more viruses that does this, and I've been told it might be an unfixed bug in Vista, but no square answers. My scans and virus updates from Norton and MS haven't fixed this problem. I am now seriously thinking of copying my whole disk to an outboard memory and reintalling Linux on my machine instead of Windows Vista, as no one seems to want to address this issue in the Vista world, even though it is obviously a very prevalent problem.

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Ntvdm.exe And Svchost.exe-Regarding Prompt Window Prevention

Nov 10, 2009

I have installed Windows Vista in system. After logging into my system,when the desktop appears, i am seeing a command prompt running the below files each time i am logging in C:Windowssystem32tvdm.exeC:UsersusernameApp DataRoamingsupportsvchost.exe

I would like to know what these .exe files are basically and how to make this prompt window prevent from appearing each time when i am logging in. Whether this affects the OS & any of the system files/drivers or whether this is a virus,trojan or any kind of that.

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System Restore, System Protection Settings Has Stopped Working

May 3, 2009

Not sure why but when I try to open system restore I get this message: "System Protection Settings has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I cannot make or restore my computer. If I go into system protection I get this error: C:WindowsSystem32SYSDM.CPL is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.

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System Restore: No Disks Or Previous System Save Dates

Mar 23, 2010

I am new here and I have been having problems with my laptop for at least a few months now. And now I am fed up with it and just want to do a full system restore. I have no disks or previous system save dates. I talked to one of my friends and he said that i need a disc. I am just coming her for confirmation and or help. I am running a Toshiba Satallite P505D with and AMD Turion X2 dual core processor 4GB of Ram and a 64 bit operating system.

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System Restore, System Backup (Error Code 1068)

Oct 26, 2008

I wish the ****ing dumbass companies wouldnt preload computers with useless trials and dumb****. Ever since this computerwas purchased, I've had more problems than Lindsay Lohan had with DUI and drugs.

Holy ****. Games, Personalization, System Restore, System Backup (Error code 1068), User Accounts, and Windows Update. They show up, and then they dissapear right away. Any help please? Virusscan'd with AVG, tested hardware, it's clean, I dont know whats wrong.

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System Optimizer Registry Cleaner Reeked Havok System

Feb 17, 2009

I have several utility software programs. I am afraid to use any of them. I am using Vista home premium 64 bit. I bought this computer back in april. after I bought it I purchased a new program called Advanced System Optimizer. When I google for information on a quality utility program this program had very high recommendations. I also have Fit-It utilities 7 and an older version of System Mechanic. My computer is running slower now and I know it needs cleaning up. The last time months ago right after I purchase Advance System Optimizer I ran the registry cleaner and it reeked havok on my system. I called the company and they told me their program I purchased was not designed for 64bit systems. Of course they didn't refund my money. Question is: My computer needs cleaning up I can tell it is running slower than it used to. What utility program is out there that will work on my system. My system is Vista Home Premium 64 bit Intel core 2 Duo 2.6 GHZ.

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Anti Virus System Pro And Can't Get System Restore To Work

Jul 29, 2009

My wife was on the internet and suddenly System Pro popped up and started scanning warning my wife of a virus attack on her computer and wanted her to buy the AV Pgm for $49.95. She just clicked all the exits and got off of the internet and now she is locked out of her computer. We can't get system restore to work, Can't get safe mode to work, She has AVG 8 installed but cannot start it. Tried SFC /scannow but was denied access. Tried putting the Windows XP disk in to do a repair and was unable to get it to start. I think the only thing to do is reformat the HD and start over but her PC ignores the A drive and the dvd drives. I cannot get into it in order to re format it.

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Black Screen: System Crash And Rebooted System

Mar 30, 2008

I have a problem currently with Windows Vista Ultimate(Integrale), this occurred last Friday evening. I was finishing off a word document when suddenly all went black. As an end user I assumed this was a system crash and so rebooted my system, then ran registry repair, then checked for viruses etc with Live OneCare, eventually reloaded Vista all to no avail. Each time I rebooted I was greeted by a black screen after logging in.

I called my tech support who could not help but I did manage to gain access to the internet and after a short while found an item entitled Black Screen Death. This reported that all my problems where due to Microsoft thinking I had a non genuine copy of Vista it went on to explain how you could circum-navigate the problem (this I did and even though I have to repeat this process each time I log on I can use Windows normally). I purchased my copy of Vista Ulitimate from a large chain store at the not give away price of over 400 Euros and registered the same online on the day of installation and have been running for sometime with other Microsoft products including Live OneCare. Why then am I suddenly crippled for an entire weekend by Microsoft security and how can I rectify the situation perminently

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System Restore Shadow Copies: System Error

Apr 25, 2008

I am trying to get rid of system restore shadow copies on my Vista home premium. I keep getting system error when I try to reduce the room used on my C drive as I only have 28gb of 145gb left. I have tried typing in:vssadmin list shadowstorage For the above command to run you must use elevated privileges:

1.. Click on the Start menu then click All Programs / Accessories
2.. Right Click on the Command Prompt option and from the drop down menu click on the Run as Administrator option
3.. At the command prompt type vssadmin list shadowstorage and Press Enter
(NOTE: if the command does not run change directories to c:windowssystem32) After the vssadmin has executed you will see results similar to the following:.....

The output above shows space used on the C: drive by System Restore is 237.419 MB. The maximum space allocated for System restore is 2.092 GB To view the number of restore points you currently have on your Computer run the following command vssadmin list shadows Next, to reduce the allocated space used by Vista's System Restore, use the following command: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[OnVolumeSpec:] /for=[ForVolumeSpec:] /maxsize=[MaxSizeSpec] Where example: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1GB When decreasing the space allocated to System Restore, you will loose the earlier system restore points. The advantage is gaining extra free space. If you are concerned with losing the previous restore points, wait until you do not need them anymore before reducing the allocated space. If you plan on upgrading to Windows Vista or running a clean install and will need extra space, consider reducing the space after installation has completed. It is not recommended to disable System Restore. The capability to restore to a previous point in time or having the new Shadow Copy feature available can be a time saver if something goes wrong or if you delete a file. source: John Barnett Windows Vista Support I keep getting an error message. I seem to remember doing this before with my XP but can't remember how. Is there an easier way?

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System Fat16 File System Recovery Won't Work

Jun 4, 2008

I have a system that has FAT16 file system on it. I have that file system on that for some reason so I don’t need to upgrade on that….but recently I had some files deleted and now I need to get them back. They are important for my official use and hold great importance. I know that there is software for recovery but since I have a FAT16 file system I guess that all won’t work on that.

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How To Increase System System Performance

Jun 10, 2009

I thought I would share this with you all, a few little tricks to boost Windows performance. If you have a spare USB flash drive or you are willing to get a cheap say 1GB flash drive. First we plug in the flash drive. Go to Disk Manager and assign it a drive letter, like Z: (this is just to get it out of the way and optional). Go to Advanced system settings, Evironment variables. Change the Temp variable under User to Z: (I didn't see any point creating folders, but that's optional). Change the Temp variable under System variable to Z:

This will cut down on I/O traffic to the hard drive. Starting an app like Word, would cause the HD to read the program into memory while at the same time writing into the drive, temporary files. This causes an I/O queue to form and degrade Windows performance. By off loading some of the I/O traffic to another storage device, the hard drive read/write head doesn't have to move around as much either. All performance gains.

Another trick I tried was moving Windows Search Index to a flash drive, but it won't let me select even a 16GB flash drive. Even though the Index doesn't grow beyond 1GB. It's max size seems to be just under 1GB. You can move to it to a removable drive, though. I rebuilt the Index on an external 500GB USB drive. Again, this cuts down I/O traffic to the internal hard drive..........

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Does X64 System Mean AMD Athlon System?SP1 Related

Mar 23, 2008

Does x64 mean an AMD System? I think I got that confused with the 64 bit version of Vista..I tried to google it with no avail..

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System Restore / System Checkpoint

May 11, 2008

I remember with WinXP that if I had my computer turned on and was not using it for a certain length of time (maybe 30 minutes), it would 'automatically' create a 'System Checkpoint' in the System Restore area. I could also 'manually' create a 'System Checkpoint.' What I would like to know is - doees Vista (Home Premium) create such an 'automatic' System Checkpoint if I have notebook turned on, but don't use if for about 30 minutes?

(I believe there is a way to turn on an Automatic 'System Checkpoint' that you can schedule to be done at a certain time. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about an 'automatic' System Checkpoint' that is done if the computer is turned on, but not used for 30 minutes or more (approximately).

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No Operating System On System Recovery

Nov 5, 2009

I recently have managed to gain a corrupt file on my computer this basically means my computer does not startup. I have a boot disk available for my system (Windows vista x64 ultimate). However when it comes to trying to select a operating system
in the system recovery options the box is blank and i have no operating system to select. I have a feeling the fact i have sata raid setup on my computer is the reason as to why i cannot see my C: drive. I know this will fix my computer if i can only locate an operating system to detect. I have already carried out all the usual suspects of what is wrong like system restore etc but i cannot find a hard drive to restore.

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System Is 64 Bit, And Needs To Be 32 Bit

Oct 17, 2008

I have a friend that just bought a computer for her new job. She needs to download some meta frame program, and when she tries, it says her system is a 64 bit, and it needs to be 32 bit for that program. She just got that computer for her work, does anyone know if she can make it work - or if she has to get a different computer?

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System Not Log On.

Sep 28, 2009

I know a lot of you are gonna think that it is an easy fix, but it seems that my problem is a little more complicated than others. First off I have a acer laptop with specs as follows.. Vista 32bit home dual core 2.0...3 gb ddr2....320gb hard drive....the acer model - aspire 4730Z...

so I have tried to fix this problem many times and none have worked including this site.. The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.... Im having that same problem where i cant logon ... The guest account is disabled and the admin account is disabled... When i try booting in safe mode it gives me this error...the user profile service failed the logon..........

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System Has Not Enough Ram

Dec 27, 2007

FSX/ i cant fly for more than 1 hour,after that time i get,your computer has not enough RAM to continue,aplication will now close,i HAte this crap!!!

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