Root Web Directory Infact Owner Running

Feb 23, 2008

I have McAfee SiteAdvisor on my pc and have a technical issue When I click on "are you the owner of this site?" it gives me the option to create a "Request Verification File" which I have done. It has my website url together with a code Now it says: Create a file with this exact filename in the root Web directory on the Web server of the site you are claiming to own. How do I do this? What do I have to do so McAfee knows it is my site?

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C Drive Root Directory Do Not Permissionn This Locaiton

Jun 26, 2008

Windows Vista Ultimate single user system. Trying to edit and save a simple text file on the C drive root directory. I get message saying I "don't have permission to save in this location". All permissions look right.

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Documents And Settings In The Root Directory Is Denied (I Have Administrator Credentials)

Jul 29, 2009

Access to Documents and Settings in the root directory is denied to me (I have administrator credentials). Why is this so? Also, I want to back up my entire drive and all folders and files. If I don't have access

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Deleting Files In Root Of C:

Dec 13, 2009

Am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit all current updates. In the root directory, C:, I find the files 0X0409.ini , 1033.mst, realtek.log RHDSetup.log, and unistall.bat Are these of any importance or can I delete them without harm?

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4 Port USB: Root Hub Stop Working

Jan 5, 2009

I just bought a new 4-port USB hub after my old one had stopped working for some reason, and I can't plug in more than 1 device at a time. My old one also had 4 ports and I could use my 2GB USB drive and my wireless mouse at the same time without any problems. With my new hub, If I have my mouse plugged in and then plug in my USB drive, my mouse stops working (as if I have pulled the receiver out - the 'safely remove hardware icon disappears) and my USB doesn't even connect. Then If I remove either one, the other one which is still plugged in will connect again.

I've also had the same problem if I try any combination with my external hard drive. My external HD has its own power source and has the same problem. I can't say though, whether my old hub worked with either my mouse or USB stick, because I didn't have an external back then.

I've tried opening Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) and looking around in the USB section for the power being supplied to the ports, but it only shows 98 mA for my mouse. And what I don't understand is, even when I run this program without the hub plugged in, it'll show 5 listings for 'USB Root Hub'. Now my laptop has 4 usb ports and an integrated webcam, and the options for the 5th listing says my camera's name along with 500 mA, even though I'm not even using it. And when I plug the hub in, it doesn't show any new entries, and the properties for my mouse show up under the previous 'USB Root Hub' entries.

Does this have to do with my hub not being able to support more than 1 device at a time, or is this a power supply problem? (power supply as in the power that's being supplied to my USB ports, not PSU). And if I haven't mentioned already, both my old and new hubs do not have an external power source, the just have a USB connection.

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Documents & Settings Not Existed On C Root

Dec 3, 2008

Vista 64-bit, New to vista (from xp). Been working with vista for about a week trying to get things going after transferring files from xp. Up until just moments ago, I could have sworn that documents & settings existed on the c root. Here's what happened. I needed to find some files and worked in Folder Options to unselect hide extensions and hide protected operating system files. I got an alert that this may cause a problem, but ignored it (as this operation was recommended by a trusted source). So, after do all this, I noted that D/S and several other folders were now shortcuts. When clicking on these short cuts, I got access denied. I then did a restore to an earlier date and when I went back to the c root, d/s and the other noted short cuts had disappeared. BTW, I ahve undone what I did in Folder Options, but to no avail. Also, I have seen post that say one doesn't need D/S. I find all this very confusing as I had these folders and now I don't.

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UAC Started Blocking Access Root Drive

Jul 30, 2008

Several weeks ago UAC started blocking access to my root drive. Not sure if it occured after an update or not. I have restored to about 2 months earlier but the problem persists. Tried TweakUAC but no change. I'm not sure modifying the Regestry is the way to go. Hate to have to reinstal and start over.

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Change The Registered Owner Of Your PC

Apr 4, 2007

Would you like the change the registered owner and organization for your Windows Vista installation? Follow these steps below to make the registry changes necessary: ...

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Read-only Flags As Owner

Mar 23, 2008

I designed my own directory structure in windows xp and used it as a template for software and file management on vista. (seems to have been a big mistake). Currently i have all my games installed just on a Games folder, created by me in the Program-Files folder. Steam needs to write its own config file for any edits i make, However when trying to do this is just reverts back to prior settings. (As with other games). I tried removing the read-only flag from the attributes looked like it had done, closed and re-opened window and sure enough its back again. NB: im logged onto a user account, set in Administrators Group, created by myself.

I then tried Security > Advanced > Owner > Edit to change from SYSTEM to Jamie (my username) After that, i also went to Security > Edit (To Change Permissions) > Add - Added Jamie as a user and set to full control.
However still i cannot change from Read-only for all subfolders also. So to save me the hassle, as i never seem to get malicious software anyway... how do i disable this whole, lets be safe and wear a condom crap that microsoft have put into this somewhat good but REALLY annoyingwhenitdoesntwork operating system.) Im Running Windows Vista Ultimate x64.

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Subkeys Can't Taken Over From Owner Ship

Apr 15, 2008

i have trouble with the security settings of the registry. There are some keys in HKLM and HKCR which don't have the correct permissions. When i try to take the owner ship as Administrator i get the nie message that some of the subkeys can't taken over from the owner ship, also some installations even as administrator report registry problems. Is there any way to set the registry security settings to the default values?

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Windows Registered Owner

Jan 31, 2010

you put your real name or ur nickname on the registered user of the windows, u noe when u click on computer, press alt, then help, then about windows....

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Orphaned Owner Profile - Want To Recover

Aug 9, 2008

I accidently orphaned the Owner profile. I have no way of accessing the account. I do have another Admin logon that I am using. Is there a way to assign a new user to the orphaned Owner profile, or do I need to create a new user and set up everything again?

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Computer Owner Don't Think Ultimate Admin Yet

Jul 27, 2008

I purchased my HP from a big computer store with Vista home installed on it. It was an out of the box sale (I thought I could avoid a wait for the comptuer I wanted). The company that sold it to me was listed as the administrator. The old owner took off their password before I took possession of the computer I purchased. I followed instructions on how to put on a password to start the computer. However, there are dozens of fiels named after the previous administrator. I tried to find out how to change the administrator globally to my name. There is still an administrator account name and it appears the previous administrator is still above my permission status - even though i am the computer owner, don't think I am the ultimate administrator yet. I read that not being able to use screen print was a result of not being the administrator. I can't make the screen print work either. I assume some members have dealt with these matters before. I directing me to some good "how to fix" information.

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Change Registered Owner Of Windows

Mar 18, 2008

The registered owner and organization can be easily changed in Windows by changing two registry keys.

Follow these steps to get started: ...

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Directory Always Available Offline

May 9, 2009

From a self-taught user.

The instruction reads:- Navigate to a Folder, right-click the directory and chose "Always available offline"

When I navigate to a Folder in My Documents and right-click on it I do not get "Always available offline" as an option.

How do I get the Directory, so that I can proceed with the right-click on the Folder and get the desired result.

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Keeps Quitting In Certain Directory

Mar 20, 2009

I recently installed a 1Tb Hitachi Hard Drive. As far as I can tell, it is working fine. I have filled half of it with with the contents of 3 smaller drives and all the content copied over flawlessly. However, now, when I go to one paricular directory on the drive, I get a RUN32DLL error which causes windows explorere to shut down and restart, srambling my quick launch, task bar, systray and desktop to unrecognizable condition which I have to spend forever straightening out!

I don't know that the drive has anything to do with it or if it's a coincidence that it just started happening after I installed the drive. what could be causing this? I already did a virus scan with Avast and Spybot. Nothing there. I tried a scandisk on reboot, no problems found. What gives?

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Name Shared Directory?

Mar 24, 2008

I can't seem to find a way to name a shared directory -- the only option seems to be to use the exact name of the dir. Is it possible to give a share a differnt name?

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How To Change "New Owner" On Laptop?

Sep 13, 2009

I have a HP Pavillion Elite d5200t and like an idiot I just installed an update from MicroSoft for Relteck today that has killed my sound. My windows media player has no sound but if you go to sound in control panel the realtek is OK and the bar is going up and down but I get no sound out of my speakers. Everything was working OK before this update. Has anyone run into this yet and if so what was the fix? Forgot to add and I'm using Vista Home Premium SP2 64 bit. Creative sound card is working OK. I rolled back the driver, but that didn't help.

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"undisplayable Owner" And Cannot Admin

Jul 4, 2008

I have two folders on my computer right now that both say I do not have privileges to access or delete even after escilating my privileges with UAC. Is there any way I can fix these folders? The claim to have a "undisplayable owner" and I cannot get myself or admin to be the owner.

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Download Directory Changed

Apr 26, 2009

When I used to download digital kits it would download & a download box would open. I could double click and then the windows explorer directory would open. I could then double click the file to unzip and I could copy to folder but somehow I changed it.

Now when I try to download from a digital store it downloads and opens in windows photo gallery which opens all my photos but not that file. I tried right clicking to save but it won't let me, so my paid digital purchases can't be downloaded so I am going to lose those purchases (limited amount of downloads and days allowed).

I checked the default settings for zipped files which shows windows photo gallery is picked (was picassa but I thought trying something else might trigger windows to give me the original default but didn't happen so I just clicked windows photo gallery/notepad/internet explorer which really made my system go wonky and hubby did a system restore to yesterday to get rid of the glitch it caused) but won't let me pick windows internet explorer (its not there in the choices). I tried searching for windows internet explorer and nothing comes up.

Am I going to have to bring my system in and have everything redone? Its frustrating for me b/c I thought when I got the choice to have Picassa as default I thought it meant only photos. I had no idea that it would screw up my whole downloading system. Plus the fact that I made a purchase that my computer wont download so I bought something I can't have. Ugh...I hate that such trouble was caused by a single click.

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Does Command Change Directory Cd .

Sep 27, 2009

what is this command cd. it is not give a error message and it doesn't anything. what is this cd and one point cd .

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Print The Directory Using Vista

Mar 23, 2008

How can you print the directory using vista

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Create Directory Folder?

Nov 17, 2008

I need to create a directory folder. What I need is a main folder with subfolders that pertain to weeks. I'm using Vista Ultimate.

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Directory Giving Error

Jul 10, 2008

I have an application trying to write to the folder - C:DocumentumcontentXfersend the app is trying to create some new folders and files in that directory. But i keep getting an error that say Content transfer: Could not create the directory for sending content: C:DocumentumcontentXfersend121570333633526426059

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Directory Of Autounattend.xml For Partitioning An Disk

Feb 6, 2009

In which directory of the DVD of Vista SP1 64 bit I have to put the Autounattend.xml file in order to allow Vista to automatically erase and create the partitions of an disk?

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Active Directory Domain Services Currently Not Available?

May 22, 2008

I have tried just about everything to resolve this. Running Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit and this occurs anytime I try to browse for computers or printers.

Network is set to "Private"
Network discovery "On"
File Sharing "On"
Firewall "Disabled"
LLTD "Installed"

I have read that I need to setup a DNS server, however, I never did this in XP and never had a problem browsing for computers/hardware. What am I missing? What services are necessary for AD?

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File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Nov 28, 2009

all the .exe files i try to install fails... This message pops up....This file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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How Do I Clear Out The Temporary Files Directory?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm used to doing this in Windows XP where the folder location is "C:documents and settingsusernamelocal setting emp".On my Dell laptop which has Vista Home SP2, It *appears* that the location may be "C:usersusernamelocal settings??" but "local
settings" is a link rather than a subdirectory, and when I try to expand it I get "C:usersusernamelocal settings is not accesible. Access is denied".I'm logged in as administrator, and I have set folder options->view to "show hidden files and folders" and to not "hide protected operating system files".I get the same error when I try to expand "C:usersusernamestart menu". What do I need to do to be able to navigate these links and view and edit the folder contents?

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How To Delete Deep Directory Hierarchy

Mar 9, 2010

I have a deep directory hierarchy (which was created programmatically) having a too long path name such that I cannot delete it from explorer or via DOS. I tried, rmdir /S /Q dir
but it does not work. how to delete a directory structure with too much deep descendent entries?

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How Change The Default Install Directory?

Nov 11, 2008

How would you go about changing the default install directory. I just freshly installed vista x64 and was wondering how to change the default install directory from Program Files (x86) to just Program Files.

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Active Directory Domain Service?

Dec 5, 2009

Windows Vista Ultimate 64; Office 2007 Professional Plus; Epson NX510 All in one Printer, is default printer under Printers. Will print test page and document saved on desktop. Will not print a saved or new doc. Document goes to "Not Responding" when print command is used. Do a esc to clear, then Print properties box opens. In drop down menu no printer shown, click on drop down menu arrow and printer is shown, highlight and click ok, nothing happens, does not enter it. Click on find printer get the following "Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailible".

Do a quick print command, "Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup." Click ok, next window comes up "Print Setup" shows as No Default Printer, Printers list the Epson NX510 Series, highlight it but Set as Default Printer will not activate, (remains grayed out), click options- "Word cannot bring up the properties dialog because the printer returned an error"....

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