Ribbons.scr Crashes 95% Of The Time?

Apr 5, 2009

Attempting to troubleshoot why my screen saver would crash 95% of the time. It works perfectly normal, however when I move the mouse or whatever to terminate the screen saver, it crashes and I get this in the error log:

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Windows Dvd Maker Crashes Every Time!

Mar 23, 2008

I add then hit next, then crash. I send the info in but nothing. this is really aggravating.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:DVDMaker.exe
Application Version:6.0.6000.16386
Application Timestamp:4549b5b0
Fault Module Name:StackHash_1703
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:00000000
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:03e6a8ed
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:1033
Additional Information 1:1703
Additional Information 2:2264db07e74365624c50317d7b856ae9
Additional Information 3:1344
Additional Information 4:875fa2ef9d2bdca96466e8af55d1ae6e

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID:381489676

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IE 7 Crashes ALL The Time: 'windows Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working.'

May 4, 2008

and I don't get it. 'windows internet explorer has stopped working.' and then sometimes when I start it---the links are all missing. All I have is the basic IE7 with the Yahoo toolbar, latest version. The next time it happens, I will take a SS. I may have to go to FF which is not my preference. How do you get FF be the default browser for yahoo mail, for example?

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Time Schronization: Change Date & Time Internet Time Tab And Chose A Time Standard To Connect

Aug 31, 2008

I recently went into Change Date & Time Internet time tab and chose a time standard to connect with. After doing that I went onto the internet and connected with time.nist.gov and checked the time. After that I was no longer able to go into the internet time tab. It tells me that time.nist.gov is the time connection and I can't change it. It tells me I need to have permission to do this as administrator. I am the administrator! What goes here?

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Bluescreen: Crashes All The Time With "0x000000124"

Apr 15, 2008

my computer crashes all the time with "0x000000124" as the error message, but it doesnt know what is causing the problem.

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Desktop Crashes Because Windows Explorer Or Word Crashes?

May 6, 2009

I keep having desktop crashes where the desktop disappears because windows explorer or word crashes leaving me with the only option to reboot how do I solve this

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Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems

May 13, 2008

measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista

Here's my ReBoot-Time:

Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon

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AntiSpyware Real-Time Protection At One Time

Oct 13, 2009

Is it wise to have more than 1 antispyware program performing real-time protection at one time?

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Travelling Laptop - Set Time & Time Zone

Mar 29, 2008

We are using Dell laptops while travelling or at field offices.

We have to reset the clock and time zone, every time when we get to new
locations. That is quite a hassle. Is there better ways to do this?

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Laptop Display: Boot Into Aero About 50% Of The Time. The Rest Of The Time I Forced Onto The Standard Theme With No Aero Option

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Sony VGN-BX197XP laptop that I've upgraded to Windows Vista Ultimate. Since then I've encountered some strange display-related issues:

1) I could only boot into Aero about 50% of the time. The rest of the time I forced onto the Standard theme with no Aero option. Since installing Vista SP1 I can't get Aero at all.

2) When not running in Aero mode I can't get the Windows Media Player to play video files, nor get a Perfomance Index.

3) If I plug in an external monitor I can't get a picture on the laptop monitor but I *do* get a picture on the external monitor and it runs Aero 100% of the time. It will also play video files and give me a performance index.

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X64 Freeze From Time To Time For 2-3 Seconds.

Aug 6, 2008

Recently I have bought Vista Home Premium x64 and to be honest I am having quite annoying issue with this OS . I had installed Vista on RAID0 partition. Additionally I have three other sata drives for my data . I noticed that from time to time when I am working on vista , system freeze for 2-3 sec then everything is fine and I can continue work. Particulary when for example I am opening some application or even windows explorer , my computer etc. (when it hangs I can't move my mouse). Moreover when it freeze I "hear" something inside my computer case as if my computer weak up from hibernation.

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Wont Time Sync Even Tho Keeps Time

Aug 20, 2009

Im in vista 64 bit. I was trying to install a licence for Cubase and was getting a time, calendar error. I look and everything is on time to the second hand on my wall. But for the hell of it, I tryed syncing it to all the availible servers but got: "An error occured while Windows was synchronizing with whatever.server" However I can ping the servers in comand prompt. And also, like the topic says, It still keeps perfect time. It set it's own time. So Im clueless. A bios thing perhaps?

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Every Game I Play Crashes, Or Fails To Load At All, Or Gets Into The Game And Crashes During Map Load

Jan 4, 2009

I finally decided to upgrade to Vista, and since I have 4GB ram I thought I'd give 64bit a shot. Every game I play crashes, or fails to load at all, or gets into the game and crashes during map load. I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed. I have installed and re-installed the OS multiple times to no effect. I've downloaded all of the windows updates. During one of my first installs of vista, I was able to get in to games of codwaw, but then it would crash after about 5 secs.......

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Ultimate X64 Crashes!

Dec 13, 2008

I am using windows vista ultimate x64, and in random times when i am playing some games like worldd of warcraft, oblivion, PES 2009 etc. the computer freezes and the screen becomes full of squares of the last image i saw before the computer crashed (like: if i was casting a spell in world of warcraft i would see that very screen but with little squares, can't really describe it as it's weird). I tried re-installing video drivers and i made sure they are for x64 vista version. My computer spec is:

Graphics Card: ATI RV770 [Radeon HD 4870]
Audio: Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8600 @ 3.33GHz
Motherboard: ASUS P5Q DELUXE
RAM: 4GB (2x2GB) DIMM DDR Synchronous 800 MHz (1.2 ns)

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X64 Crashes During Games

Nov 26, 2008

I'm new to this forum, but I already some topics that are of some interest to me. I tried to find a solution for my problem, but I couldn't find any... I try to play Warcraft III and Fifa 09 and they bouth crash...Fifa verry fast and Warcraft in 10-15 minutes. The problem is identical - my computer freezes and some pixels go bannanas....i have the latest graphic card driver, recently installed latest DirectX and still no sollution... I used the System Info Tool from this forum, and atached the .txt to this post.

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64 Crashes During Games

Aug 25, 2008

I am new in this forum and would like to have your opinions in a problem that I have. Currently I just purchased a new Dell XPS 730, and I did a clean install of Vista Ultimate 64. However, it crashes everytime I am playing games or watching DVD. I have also installed the latest Nvidia driver and directX

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COH Crashes/xSODs

Jan 8, 2009

i have no idea how much information ya'll will need, so i'm gonna try to put as much as i can. forgive me if its too much. in short, while playing company of heroes my system randomly locks up, loops the last sound (usually gunfire) and the monitor goes completely white, olive/green, or blue. this usually happens after about an hour of playing. i read up on the problem, and found out that many people were having the same trouble i was. i've tried turning off dx10 and changing all of the visuals to 'high' (no ultra) which apparently has cured many other peoples' coh crashes...but it hasn't cured mine. to make matters worse, my system just crashed for the first time outside of coh today, while i was watching Internet. once again, an audio loop, and a wsod.

people have said that installing dx9 is the way to go, but that seems silly to me...and whats the deal with all these new colors of death? is microsoft trying to be a bit more colorful these days, or do they mean something? now, i wasn't really concerned about the crashes until it happened when i was surfing the web---these crashes had never happened during my marathon sessons of farcry2, or outside of coh...until today.......

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FM 2009 Crashes PC

Jul 14, 2009

I bought FM 2009 and today I finaly received it. But everty time I try to launch FM 2009 with Steam my PC crashes and turns into a blue screen with some text. it says delete the software which you just used. so I tryed to delete FM 2009 but I got the same message. some more info:

Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: BlueScreen
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.0.6001.
Landinstelling-id: 1043............

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Crashes When Opening Something

Apr 18, 2009

About 2 months ago I installed Vista Ultimate 64-bit on my PC. About 2 weeks ago it starting rebooting sometimes when I open something like an image file or even Internet Explorer. It doesn't happen evey time and only happens about once a day (but only when I go to open something). I want to figure this out so that I don't lose any data or end up with some data corruption. I have run the Windows memory diagnostic tool and it didn't find any issues. The only event in the Event viewer that even related to the issue, was an event logged after it finished rebooting that stated the PC was shutdown improperly.

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X64 Crashes Alot

Aug 12, 2009

Its been about 3 months now since i've been using vista and unlike my previous experience with other OS vista 64 is the worst of all........It crashes alot comparing to other OS and also it has a lot of incompatibly issues by that i mean here is a problem i am having nowdays with this Vista thingy OS. I already have .netframe 3.5 installed and still this application as well as some other works smoothly on other OS crashes on Vista. And due to these regurlar basis problem i think i might wanna give up and install either Linux or Ubuntu.

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OLE32.DLL : HP SP1 Crashes

Feb 5, 2009

Keep getting APPCRASHES from all sorts of applications, ranging from Skype, to IE 7 and Microsoft Money. After watching these crashes for months, and using Process Explorer, it seems the common thread of the crashes is that OLE32.DLL is pointed to each time.

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Explorer Crashes

May 15, 2010

every time I start my computer, a message pops up and it says Windows explorer has crashed, and there are similar problems like this where people said that it was a loop, but this is no loop, the message pops up and it says that it has crashed, and it goes to windows search indexer has stopped working.

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MFC Application Crashes

Jun 10, 2008

trying to run a MFC application which crashes as soon as I try and launch with the following:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:SceeneManager.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:484c3a64
Fault Module Name:USER32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6000.16438
Fault Module Timestamp:45d3dc0e
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:000361b4
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:d13e
Additional Information 2:1b6ddd9d0e77c7a9b9dba28240cb8582
Additional Information 3:62d8
Additional Information 4:a1a9213e82db4bc58479eeab6f322eb1

Clean reinstall of Vista only two days ago, the program functioned correctly on the previous installation of Windows Vista. A friend connected via TeamViewer, and the program launched and functioned with no problems, its only when I attempt todo so.

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Internet Crashes

May 26, 2008

Got a new hp laptop and everything was working great until a week ago,now every time a close ANY window while on internet it crashes and closes everything....don't know why is doing it. this is what appears everytime.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:7.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:47918f11
Fault Module Name:StackHash_982d
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:00000000
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:038e0e10
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:1033
Additional Information 1:982d
Additional Information 2:e0f88d8c5c1e0552bb96e737da3d2a89
Additional Information 3:5f40
Additional Information 4:c8114b86a7fe5feeb94989d8d8dccc8a

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Random Crashes

Jan 5, 2010

i have vista home premium 64 bit installed on sony vaio fw 170(ram-4gb). Few days ago it got infected with agent2,ofg. Avg removed the threat. But ever since then, it is crashing/freezing/hanging randomly. I thought it might have more infections so I scanned with a-squared, malwarebytes and sophosrootkit: no infection was found.

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Random Crashes In Just About Any Videogame

Jan 11, 2009

When playing just any game it crashes and I get an error messege saying "Directx has encounterd an unrecoveralbe error"


Display driver "nvlddmkm" has stopped working.

Then the computer flickers in and out and I am forced to restart the computer manualy.

Thins I've tried is that I formated my main "C" harddrive and setup all newest drivers etc.

That didn't fix this.

Another thing I thought of is that the card was overheating, well it has a custom Thermal Right cooler and a 120mm fan but I still tried and opened up the case.

That didn't have any effect.

This is a strange problem because I am able to run tests such as 3d mark -Vantage, 06, 05 and 03 without any crashes..

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Explorer Crashes On Right Click!

Sep 5, 2008

I have a problem sometimes when i made a right click on random items on my computer, because while vista tries to display the right click menu an error appears saying that EXplorer has enconter a problem and must be restarted.

Sometimes does this, and sometimes not, but always when i right click an item.

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Windows X64 Constantly Crashes

Apr 5, 2008

I've installed windows vista ultimate x64 in a brand new Gateway GT4220m that originally came with Windos Vista Home Premium. After the drama to find the required drivers for it, all seemed to work fine. All updates for the system and the drivers where downloaded. Anyhow, suddenly the system started to show a warning telling that there was a problem with the STacSV.exe

Now it does not appear very often, but the system freezes and it is needed to reinitiate it turning off the machine. I've noticed that it hapens when I use itunes, WM or play pictures in a presentation mode. If the machine goes to hibernation mode, it won´t wake up, so it is needed to turn it off again. I am unable to use the windows media center as well. Would it be OK to reinstall all the drivers? Do I have to run the Windows Vista installation in repair mode or reinstall it clean again ?

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Recover Old E-mail When Crashes?

Jun 8, 2008

My Vista recently decided to no longer recognize me as a user and I had to start over and bring it all back up, but there are huge holes in what I used to have. I'm basically fighting one thing at a time and hopefully, will get it back the way it used to be, I dunnoh. My Windows Mail I had to start over from scratch and set up. I had loads of very important e-mails in my previous Windows Mail. Is there any way to recover these e-mails?

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Explorer Crashes Constantly

Sep 24, 2009

Recently, it seems, a lot of vista machines are experiencing explorer crashes. Mostly mine are from ntdll.dll but they are all split. It also mostly crashes when I move files, open control panel, or right click, the latter being the most significant. I have disabled every programs' context menu to see if it was that and nothing. It still crashed. ShellExView doesn't seem to do any good either. I've been using autoruns from SysInternals. I'm going to upload all the crash information.

Other than that there isnt much else to explain. Usually I'll be working along then boom, explorer is restarting... It even did it to me just from adding a quick launch icon. I have no idea what the cause is. Well here are the crash events in order of occurrence, top being most recent:......

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The Next Challenge: X64 Crashes When Running With 4 Gig Of RAM

Jul 1, 2008

Firstly, thanks for all of the help and assistance with the installation questions. Here's the next problem :

My system does not want to run with 4 gigs of RAM. Since upgrading to the 64 bit version of Vista, I have not been able to get it to run using more than 2 gigs. When the full 4 gigs are installed, it will stall during the load up process, or only operate for a few minutes before locking up, which will then need a manual restart/reboot.

Just to rule out the possibility of a bad stick of memory, I have swapped the four sticks out/around, ran the memory test, and everything comes out fine. However, when the full load of 4 gigs is installed, the same thing happens - system crash. I've also installed all of the latest drivers and BIOS, but this seems to have no effect either.

Now, I'm not sure if this is a Vista problem, motherboard/RAM incompatibility issue, or what? I have consulted the motherboard manual to see if I could learn anything about the situation, but it's mostly incomprehensible to my non-techie brain.

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