Organize Photos Within A Folder?

Mar 23, 2008

I am not very computer savvy and I am having great difficulty organizing my photos. I need to organize them within a folder but I am not sure how. I tried the drag and drop method but it doesn't seem to work. I am creating a montage and I tagged the photos As montage 1, montage 2,etc. and then created a folder to put them in. When i put them in the folder they are completely unorganized. Is there a simple solution to this.

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Clipart C.D. Copy Photos To Folder

May 15, 2010

I have a C.D. with clipart on it, I bought it several years ago and frequently use it without any problems. Because it is in regular use I have always left it in the C.D. drawer at the end of my session. When I next turn on the computer everything functions okay. Over the past few days when I start up the computer the vista program wants to copy all "photos" on the CD to a folder - I have changed the setting somehow can someone tell me how to stop this from happening? Windows Vista Home Edition SP2.

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Arrange Folder Of Different Photos In Specific Order?

Mar 23, 2008

I am having the same re-naming issue with Vista that i saw someone else had on this forum some time ago. I can't find the original posting but I don't think it was ever properly resolved.

The Problem:
I want to arrange a folder of different photos in a specific order (that is relevant to me) and then to rename the files so that they have a common name and are also numbered sequentially in the order i have put them in.

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Removing Organize Menu

Jan 23, 2009

i want to remove that "organize menu" from my explorer, and found a tutorial: [VP} - Msgboard: Remove Vista Organize Menu when i changed the "shell32.dll" i cant boot anymore, so it did not go too well i`m on vista 64 and had to use restorator instead of reshack, maybe that's the problem. anyone having an idea to solve the problem? are there any other tutorials or ways to do what i want?

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Vista Organize Bar Icon Disappear

Mar 14, 2009

My vista "organize" bar was corrupted as shown in attachement... Anyone know how to fix it?

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Organize - Layout Menu Incomplete

Jun 8, 2009

I'm an instructor for the Hernando Computer Club here in Florida (600+ members). A couple of our members with laptops are having a peculiar problem. Organize > Layout menu for viewing files is incomplete. They have no details pane and no preview pane options available. It just occurred to me that I neglected to find out which version of Vista they are running and I'm wondering if this could make a difference.

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Manually Organize MS Communities In Left Pane

Aug 9, 2009

I only use Windows Mail to handle my MS newsgroups (it does an excellent job of this). I have now subscribed to 10 newsgroups, and am finding it harder to find the few I usually go to, compared to the ones that I only go to once or twice, whenever I have a rare question. Is there a way I can manually change the order in which they appear (in the left pane--I see "Local Folders" and "Microsoft Communities" as the two major sections)? It looks like Windows Main arranges them in alphabetical order. Is there any way I can drag-n-drop, or change them in any other way?

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Windows Mail Program "organize" And "views"

Dec 30, 2009

I think something is wrong with my windows mail program. I want to add a new contact, I click contacts and there is supposed to be "new contact" on the tool bar but I do not have that just "organize" and "views". How do I fix this?

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Apr 13, 2008

never asked about this know when you go to a web site and there
are photos.jpg and in the square.there are no photos.just little red blocks
with a red x in the upper left hand corner.

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Can't Open Photos

Apr 3, 2008

I haven't had a problem with people being able to open attachments but as of
today I am finding that people are having trouble opening my photo
attachments. I am not getting an error message. They seem to be sending

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I Cant Sent Photos To Using Email

Apr 5, 2009

i have a toshiba equium 32 bit i think.the problem is when i go to email a photo its asking for some sort of server or pop address im not very experienced with computers

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No Sound With Photos

Mar 23, 2008

I recently "upgraded" from XP to Xista Home Premium. Big mistake! I have used my camera to take group photos for years and I used the camera's recording function as a means to identify the people in the photos. It worked great! Now, with Vista, I am unable to get any sound whatsoever. The visual indicator moves across the screen as though there was sound there.

I have tried "open with" different alternatives with no results. I can get sound by kind of going in through another program (Roxio) so I know the sound is there. Vista has cost me a significant amount in that I could not use some programs plus I had to buy a new printer.

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Transfering Photos From XP To

Jul 4, 2008

I have an older computer, running XP, and I used Microsoft Digital Library, to keep track of about 2K images. I now have a new computer, running Vista, and have used the "transfer files " (using a USB) option, on Vista, to import all the photos, to the new HD. I also installed the old Microsoft Digital Image Suite (including the "libr ary"), on the new Vista=A0HD. Some of the photo files transferred just fine - dates taken, labels, etc.; however, a bunch of them transferred with totally incorrect dates taken, an d missing, or no labels. Needless to say, to fix this mess, on an individual photo file basis, is go ing to take forever. (I did change a few of the dates taken, and added labe ls, using the Photo Gallery, on Vista, and it did work, but there are tons of them, still wrong.)

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Photos Pixelate?

Feb 6, 2009

why my photos pixelate when I zoom into them, they are okay for a few zoom clicks, but then they begin to pixelate, the problem seems to be the same on Photo shop, Picaso and my other programs, but its a little bit better on Office Picture Manager (which I still have on a trial basis) the same pictures were perfectly okay on my old computer and I could zoom right into them without pixelation, my old computer is a far lower spec than my Sony vio so I expected the photo facilities to be as good or better on the Sony. The odd thing is that the photos look perfect when the screen saver slide show enlarges them, no pixelation at all!

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Cannot Print Photos To HP All-in-one

Mar 23, 2008

Whenever I print a photo (borderless) to my HP2610, either the photo does not print completely, or the print job just disappears. I have the latest drivers, and my XP systems work perfectly.

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Can't Cd Burning Photos

Oct 14, 2009

When I try to do this it says it is going to take around 7 hours and nothing else happens..I know it shouldn't be doing this and that I am doing everything correctly as it used to work fine. However I recently had to reinstall vista on my laptop and don't know if this has caused a change which will prevent photos burning now! I am using CD-R discs and my drive is compatible with DVD discs and CD-R and CD-RW so I'm not going wrong here! All the discs I am using are new and therefore blank. Also I'm not a computer whizz in the slightest so any explanations have to be fairly simple!

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Attach Photos To E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

My wife wants to know how to attach pictures that she has in our computer to an email. We have a Dell 530 with Windows home vista, and yahoo is our homepage.

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Resizing Scanned Photos

Sep 25, 2008

My old computer has Windows XP. My new one has Windows Vista Home Premium x32.

When I scanned photos with XP on my HP1200 printer/scanner in Preview I could enlarge the photos. With Vista can't seem do that. Am I missing something here? I can scan in Paint or in Windows Photo Gallery, but in neither can I enlarge the photo.

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Photos Attachments To Mail

Aug 4, 2009

Do you know how do I attach more than one photo to my message in one go?

I can't seem to attach more than one photo at a time.

What should I do?

it is also limiting me to 50 photos per one mail.

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Transfer Photos From Camera

Jul 11, 2009

I have just changed my computer from XP to Vista. I now find that i can not transfer my photos from my camera to my computer not one of the programmes will do it on Vista. All was fine with XP.

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Slow Transferring Of Photos From CD

May 20, 2008

I have just purchased a Dell XPS 420 from PC world with Windows Vista pre-installed. I had previously backed up my photos on CD-RW which was a good thing as the motherboard and hard drive died spectacularly on my last PC. I have been trying to transfer the files from CD to the hard disk on my new PC. When I insert the CD in to the DVD-RW drive I get several options to transfer files: Using 'Media Import' (part of Vista) takes forever...and I mean forever - at last count more than 48 hours and still going to transfer about 800 photos (approx 600MB). Shouldn't my DVD drive be a little quicker than this? If I transfer the files manually using cut and paste this seems to be just
as slow and some of the files cannot be transferred.

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Embedded Photos, Attachments

Jun 23, 2008

When I send a mail all the pictures are embedded in the mail when I only want them to be attachments. Problem is greater in that the pictures fill the whole mail making them difficult to see anyway. I either need the pictures removed from the text or made about half the size.

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Date Taken For Photos Copied

May 25, 2010

date taken for photo copied, actually modified date on any documents copied in explorer tends to changed to the Now (date and time of copying). especially annoying for folders

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Can Not Transfer Photos From To Computer

Jul 22, 2009

I have a Nikon Coolpix2200 camera. I have just changed my computer from XP to Vista I now find that i can not transfer my photos from my camera to my computer not one of the programmes will do it on Vista. All was fine with XP. The spec is Vista Home Basic 64 bit

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Can Not Print Photos On 1 Sheet

Oct 5, 2009

I have tried and tried ( and wasted hours and a lot of good photography paper) to print on this above Epson four 3.5x5.0 photos on 1 sheet. I have tried it from Paint, Paintnet, Windows Gallery and always get 1 full sheet. On a previous Epson and Windows XP I never had this problem. I also have a HP Office jet 935 and that gives me 4 on 1 sheet also with VISTA 64. What's wrong with this newest EPSON?

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Change Screen Saver To Photos

Mar 23, 2008

I want to change my screen saver to my photos. I followed the steps already, seen it in the preview screen, but when I don't do any thing on the computer and the screen saver is supposed to come up, it doesn't. It says I have no photos in the folder i selected.

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Can't Open Photos In Overseas Mail

Apr 5, 2008

I am sending emails to Iraq and my friend has been unable to open them. He has not had this problem before. He is using gmail. I have been able to open his but only 1/2 the message is coming through and I can't open his photos. We have been trying to work it out to no avail. Is it possible that Windows Mail may have anything to do with this?

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Lost Drive D: With All My Data And Photos

Jan 31, 2009

Was installing software on my Dell Inspiron 530 with Vista 32 froze up. I rebooted but found that I lost all data in Drive D: Drive D: properties shows 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free. I tried to do a system restore but it says that I need to format Drive D:. When trying to install new software I get an Error Message: Error 1324.Thepath Program Files contain an invalid character

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Fixing System Loosing Photos

Jan 27, 2010

I tried fixing my gf's laptop and ended up loosing all of her photos.

-basically she has a HP laptop running vista
-she wanted me to clean up her laptop so I remove several things in add/remove program
-one of them maybe MS SQL express that comes pre installed
-now, on her desktop she used to have a lot of folder with irreplacable memories
-but now its no longer there
-when I do a search for the name of the folder ex "2009"
-I see it appear but I can not open it, it says missing shortcuts
-it looks like its a .lnk file and everytime I try to open it, its missing shortcuts

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Pixels To Inches With Digital Photos

Apr 28, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a way to convert pixels to inches using a digital camera? What I am trying to say is, i have as an example a photo that is 286 KB with a 300 dpi resolution and 2921x2100 pixels. Some one E-maild a picture as an attachment that was 2.01mb, 180 dpi resolution and 3264x2448 pixels. I am trying to understand why their picture 2.01 mb and when I take pictures I never get over 600kb.

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Importing Photos But Losing - Windows

Feb 7, 2009

I have a all in 1 card reader and it has worked flawlessly for over two years on a XP computer. I recently got a new computer with Vista and every time I try to import my photos I get many warnings that some of the photos can't be imported due to errors. In the dialog box that lets you watch the progress of your photos being imported the photos that are OK have little thumbnails and the photos that have errors appear as tropical landscape animations or something.

I'm losing so many photos? At first I thought it was the card - I formatted it and tried again to no avail. I switched cards and the same thing happened.

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