Nvidia And Monitor : Horizontal Tearing

Jan 18, 2009

I just got a new PC with a Point Of View GTX280EXO Vga and a Samsung 2232GW 22" widscreen LCD monitor. I have set it at 1680x1050 res but the problem is I'm noticing a big amount of horizontal tearing! I have the latest Nvidia and monitor drivers installed.

I notice this in games and in Windows, for example when I scroll this forum screen downwards quickly, I notice the tearing on the right and left sides of the text area on the dark area of the background. Is this normal? I hooked up my old CRT 17" monitor and set it to the highest 1280x1024 res and this does not happen.

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Dual Monitor Setup For Nvidia Cards

Nov 16, 2007

I've just installed Vista Business x64, however I do have some problems setting up the Dual monitors. I have: On the left a Dell 2005FPW, which is pivoted (to read PDFs and stuff like that easier) On the right a Samsung 226BW, which set to normal. However, when I go to the NVIDIA setup, and try to tell which monitor is where and which should be the primary display. The primary display always tends to be placed on the left side in the software. I want the Dell to be the extended display, while the Samsung is the primary display. But the software (either in Vista or the NVIDIA driver itself) insist on that both the primary and the first mentioned display is the same.

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Dual Monitor Not Holding Settings With Latest 180.48 NVIDIA

Dec 5, 2008

I run a dual Monitor set-up and that has been fine with previous drivers. Since installing 180.48 yesterday, when I reboot or start-up, it all defaults to a single monitor and messes up my icons. Fault appears to be on the NVIDIA part of things, as it loses the tick in the second Monitor under the NVIDIA Control Panel "Set Up Multiple Displays". It doesn't lose the tick in "Do Not USe SLI Config".

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Computer Has Horizontal Lines After 13 Minutes

Feb 20, 2009

I was listening to the 911 call about the chimp attacking the woman in Conn. when all at once my computer screen had these horizontal lines running all across the screen!!I wasn't watching the video ,just listeneing to the audio,after about 12 0r 13 minutes is when this happened,it was in full screen mode with a picture of the chimp on it. It was just a picture, no moving or anything. This has happened before,(just the lines are a new development) it never shut off it,this time, just stopped responding. what could have caused this?? When it happened before, it just shut off

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Line On Screen Vertical And Horizontal

Apr 11, 2009

like this _________________| It has moved since yesterday. Yesterday it was on the right and vertical. Today it's in the middle and horizontal. What is it?

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Small Horizontal Lines Flashing

Feb 26, 2009

I sometimes get my main monitor blurry (I have 2). It looks like the resolution decreased and it even has these small horizontal lines flashing you can notice when you look real close to it. It resembles ?static?. To fix it, I can go to the nVidia control panel and switch the monitor configuration and then hit ?No? when it asks me if I want to keep the setting But then it will come back again later at random it seems.

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What Card Does Nvidia Make And Maximum Settings Nvidia?

Aug 14, 2008

What Card does Nvidia make(or do they)that will play crysis at all max settings and Max Res at close to 60-100FPS? I have seen a system with an 8800 Ultra SLI and out past the 2000 range res it dropped to around 25fps. What about the new GTX280?

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Added A Second Monitor To The GeForce 7100 GS Using A DVI-VGA Adapter And For The Life Of Me Cannot Get It To Display Anything, The Monitor Is Just In Sleep Mode

Apr 23, 2010

I added a second monitor to the GeForce 7100 GS using a DVI-VGA adapter and for the life of me cannot get it to display anything, the monitor is just in sleep mode. I've got the latest driver, Windows is up to date, checked the cables, tried another adapter, tried everything but, still nothing. The second monitor shows up in the device manager and in the Nvidia control panel. It's enabled and set to extend desktops. It seems the system knows it's there because I can move the mouse over, but cannot see anything. The power light on the second monitor just flashes. I've swapped monitors over, to make sure there's not a problem with the display and it's fine. When I do that, the main monitor is then plugged in to the DVI adapter and then that one goes to sleep. Just seems whichever monitor is plugged in to the DVI-VGA adapter just doesn't want to work........

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Single Monitor Stuck In Dual Monitor Setting

Mar 13, 2010

i have only one monitor, and somehow it is being treat as though its the secondary monitor in a dual monitor set up. i cannot view my start menu, or view any programs being opened, as when i try to open them, they presumeably open on the phantom primary monitor. even when i try to open display settings, i cannot see the box. i am able to move my mouse to the left border of the screen and move it off into oblivion, and occasionally drag random folders and short cuts over to view.

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Multi-monitor Side Bar Won't Go Back Monitor

Jan 30, 2009

Right now I am running a vista machine with 2 monitors one widescreen and my old one. I keep all my sidebar gadgets to the other monitor so I can monitor temps and system diagnostics. Today, my sidebar is on my main monitor and no mater what I do it won't go back to monitor-2, no mater what the setting is in the sidebar properties. What is going on here?

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Possible Nvidia X-fi Incompatibilty???

Jan 7, 2009

I have recently had to upgrade graphics card to an XFX 9500GT and I also upgraded the mobo chipset drivers for the latest NVidia chipset. I also did a clean install of Vista x64. The sound card was the last thing I had to install, I could install it, but on restart I kept getting a BSOD error code 0x00000124 or 0x0000009c. The only way to get Vista to startup was to restore to the point before installing the X-Fi XtremeGamer card. After reading the internet I have come to the conclusion that it's an incompatibilty with the NVidia stuff and the Creative sound card.

Does everyone else agree with this or is it something else. Idon't want to go and buy a simple 5.1 sound card if that's not the problem.

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Nvidia 295 Or Ati 4890 Better?

Jun 29, 2009

I am interested in computers so i just wanted to know, is the nvidia 295 or ati 4890 better?and by what specs.

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Nvidia Forceware 190.62 On X64

Oct 8, 2009

I was just checking the programs and features and found this annoying in my mind why its showing 4.13GB just for drivers.

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Nvidia Physx

Sep 17, 2008

does nvidia physx really work?
i didnt see n e change in performance that much
I noticed the same performance after disabling it
seriously i played ut3, cell factor
nothing better in performance.If u guys have noticed plz do tell in which game perfomance is better.I like Nvidia graphic cards and i dont want to get a bad impression on it

my system specs are
intel quad core 9450
intel gma 3100 & nvidia 8600gt

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Too Hot For A Nvidia 9600M GT?

Sep 5, 2008

Just wondering if 71C is too hot for it...

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Going From NVidia To AMD Card

Jul 27, 2008

In the not to distant future, I plan to change my 8800 GTS 640 card to an AMD 4800 series card. I'm currently running Vista 64. I'm concerned that I'll run into a whole host of problems and will end up just reformatting my C drive and starting with a fresh install of V64 with the new card already installed. Can anyone share their experience? I'm sure someone has successfully made the N to A transition.

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Shutdown With Nvidia 175.19

Jul 12, 2008

Since installing the latest Nvidia Graphics Driver 175.19, I've had a bit of an issue when I go to Restart or Shutdown my PC. After I click-on Restart or Shutdown, the Logon screen appears, then it goes back to the Desktop Screen, then back to the Login screen and Restarts or Shuts Down correctly. I'm not sure whether it may have something to do with the Task Scheduler (and Windows Sounds possibly)

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Nvidia Not Working

Sep 4, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium SP2...Core i7 at 2.67, 6 GB ram, Nvidia GTX 285 at 1 GB...computer is perfectly capable of running transparencies on the windows...I was clicking around in the "Performance Information And Tools" > "Advanced Tools" section (I'm new to Vista and am trying to get acclimated...I felt a lot more confident on XP than I do on here), and there was a clickable link that said "Performance can be improved by changing visual settings. View details." I clicked it, and a dialogue box popped up with three options to click, and no way to close the dialogue box without selecting one (no "x" in the upper right)...there was "help", "remove from list", and "ok". I clicked "ok", and now transparencies are gone...and further, when I right-click the desktop, and go to "personalize", and then into "window color and appearance", the settings to adjust the transparencies and the vista themes are gone...its just the old, XP-looking dialogue box with selectable color schemes......

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ATI 4830 Vs Nvidia 9800GT

Jan 17, 2009

im buying my graphics card on monday and the 2 cards are pretty much the same price
DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store
DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store
Sparkle 9800gt or Asus 4830

my computer specs are in the special box in the sig
im pretty much stumped which card i should get, ive heard good things about both
i dont plan on crossfire or sli so that doesnt bother me, the size and heat doesnt bother me, overclocking doesnt bother me either =/

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ATI Vs. Nvidia, Brand's Card Should I Use

Aug 12, 2009

If I buy a new graphics card, which brand's card should I use? Nvidia or ATI?

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Nvidia 8600M GS Crashed

Sep 12, 2009

Yesterday I was playing a game, and it just pixelated my screen and crashed. I restarted my Vista system, and it couldn't reboot. I reinstalled a fresh version of Windows 7 thinking it might help out. Everything is okay, I run 1280x800 without the drivers for the video but once I install NVIDIA Drivers, it crashes. I can't play any games this way.

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Nvidia Update Out Of Date?

Oct 15, 2008

why the latest Nvidia drivers from Windows Update are for Dec. 2007, nearly 12 months old!? (I have Vista Home Premium x64 and 8800 GTX)

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Cannot Install ActiveX From Nvidia.com

Jan 20, 2009

When I go to Nvidia.com to update my drivers, there is no way to update because when I click on the drivers tab all I get are blank options to choose from for selecting my video card and OS and what not. I found out that the ActiveX that makes that possible will not install it won't even pop-up. There are no boxes at the top of the screen to confirm and installation of anything. So I click on Option 2 from the the drivers selection page and all I get is an empty page saying that its scanning when in fact it is doing nothing at all. After I click on the link enough times it sends me to a page that still does nothing. No pop-up

Now to let everyone know I just installed Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit on a clean drive. I have a clean install of it and I was just trying to get drivers for everything and this problem happened. However Windows update did in fact install the correct drivers for the video card. Getting the drivers was not the problem here it is the fact that there was no POP-UP asking me to install the ActiveX needed for the Nvidia site to determine my system settings for it to find the correct driver for me. Is not having that ActiveX going to be a problem for later, or is it nothing to worry about?

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Nvidia Gtx285 Can Not Updating

Oct 17, 2009

iam going to be updating my 9800gt card soon witha gtx285 there seems to be that many on the market iam not sure which one to go for has any body got any recommendations

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Scrambled Display NVidia

Mar 23, 2008

I am having a problem with a scrambled display in Vista. Here's what's happening: If the computer has been idle long enough for the display to go into standby mode, once it is reawakened, everything seems normal. That is, until you do something that requires UAC, or a 3D game. When the UAC screen dimms, the screen becomes totally scrambled. The same if you start a 3D game like Doom. There is no clearing the display - the computer has to be rebooted.

Interestingly, if after the computer wakes from standby I log off, then log back on, the system performs properly, with no screen scrambling. The system is an Athlon X2 6000, nVidia 7900GT, Vista Ultimate (32-bit) with all the updates and patches. I have installed the nVidia 169.25 drivers, though this problem has existed with all the previous drivers.

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Can't Installed NVIDIA(PNY) 9400 Gt

Jun 7, 2009

I have been trying to "upgrade" my graphics card... It is technically a "new" install because I have tried everything including a "factory reinstall" of my POS hp OEM bloatware-loaded pc. When factory came it had a 9500GS, but the fan failed and HP hates me! :-) ......I uninstall anything with the name ATI or NVIDIA - Turned off my computer, restarted disabled intergrated in Bios then let the computer boot up, then turned off computer again.. Installed the card, then booted up.. Vista 64bit, installed the generic VGA driver and all was fine other then it was running with a generic adapter.. So I went and installed the most recent forceware/drivers I could find.. I tried this many times with different drivers .. *Rinse & repeat* I even used driver sweeper in safe mode to remove drivers & such...

When I reboot after the install of the recent drivers, I get the black screen (no video) but windows does boot just fine?!?!? I do not understand what is the problem? my biggest issue is how come the card would work until I updated the graphics driver fromt he generic VGA adapter to the 9400gt driver? When the drivers were installed the device manager even stated the correct 94oo gt nvidia name..? So why would it not work after the reboot? Should I go with an older driver? Should I go with the one WIndows is suggesting/ from windows updatE? I think I tried that also but perhaps I will try to monkey around with this until I get it or until someone that is amazing can give me an answer!?!? This is rediculous... I also could not install a ATI 4350 on here either I returned that for the 9400gt.. Thinking that because my computer came with an NVIDIA that it would work.....Should I disable the intel in the device manager before disabling it in bios, or after? or not at all? (The rep from PNY said I did not have to)? Should I try to update my bios ? I am really upset as we can see above my comp is capable running with intel on-board graphics fine but,, I just bought the sims 3 and want to use the "nicer" graphics that I can get with this card.. I know it isnt the best card but come on , installing a GPU should not be this difficult.

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Nvidia Geforce Gt Can't Working

Sep 2, 2008

I am playing alot of games.. I play for example Counter Strike Source. I have 2 gb RAM - Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 cPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz 64 bit Vista. With Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT. When I for example play source.. and exit it.. It comes like ALot of colors and things.. and cant do anything.. Have to restart the computer to get back.. Same with FIFA 08.. When I start Fifa 08 happens the same thing.. It comes Red/Black/White.. and cant get out or something.. have to restart.. so annoying.. Can only play like Source.. and then after I have to restart to get back to desktop.I cant do ''Alt option''.

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Nvidia Can't Working Properly

Jul 13, 2009

I just built a new core i7 computer with the intle DX58SO board and a EVGA GTS 250 Video Card and 6gb of ram. I have time warner cable, just the basic channels up to 80 or something. I am interested in getting something for my computer that lets me watch the channels on my monitor. I would prefer something with a remote, but it doesn't really matter. Video quality is the most important. And it has to work with Vista Ultimate x64. I wasn't sure if there is anything Nvidia based, but I would prefer that also.

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Install Nvidia Remove The Ram

Jan 25, 2009

I have a Vista anytime upgrade cd but I am downgrading to 32 bit. Using this guide will it keep me from getting the error that I need to install the "nvidia serial ata controller driver" I also have a copy of Vista that was used by us techs at the now defunct Circuit City that is an enterprise edition. Is it true I need to remove some of the RAM to complete the install? or is this trial and error? If I chose to do a dual boot of 32 and 64 bit (if possible) would I still need to uninstall the RAM The reason for my wishing to to downgrade to 32 bit is I am a web designer and none of my software (dreamweaver, CS4 suite, cuteFTP) will run on 64 bit.

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Nvidia Control Panel Crashing..

Jan 15, 2009

Hey everyone. How ya been.

Basically here's my problem. I'm trying to open the Nvidia Control Panel, and it crashes and gives me the option to check for solutions online.. and Nothing seems to get the Control Panel to open.

Yes, I've done a Re Install of Drivers, I've updated and tried the 180.43, 44, 48 and then just did the 181.20's. Still doesn't work. I was then told that the 185 extreme G drivers helped someone with same problem. So I just barely installed those, with NO luck. It's still crashing. Basically I just got my new GTX 260 today and I now can run SLI, but I can't get the darn control panel open to enable SLI... I'm going crazy here.

I googled the problem, and someone suggested I delete the nvapps.xml folder in the actual driver file location and then reinstall. I tried that as well.

If ANYONE has any idea's on how to fix this I'm very open to suggestions. I've just installed NV system Tools, but if it's anything like nTune I don't want it near my system. lol.

Please help me out. I wanna see these babies in action.


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Nvidia + 64 Mostgame Crash / Freeze

Aug 4, 2008

My pc worked fine some times ago, but now vista crash with the most of games. Just to made some titles Grid, SimCity Civilizations. the tipical behavior is that the game looks works fine until it will stop to respond to any control the mouse pointer will not respond and the keyboard also. the Sound / Music will go on for a while, just like nothing appens... after a few seconds the sound will freeze too, and looping. yesterday i've listened a whole song before the sound be freezed too. Old game like Caesar IV or Flatout2 works fine, so i'm going crazy about that ... This is a realy frustrating situation, so much that i'm thinking about to go back to xp.

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