Network Speed, Enabled Jumbo Frames And Nothing Changes

Mar 8, 2010

As I continue to test the network speed I am truly baffled. My local area connection shows 1.0Gbps. The computer on the other end shows the same but when I go to download to the other computer I get speeds between 16-20 MB/s. I know there are many variables but holy cow. What can I do? My problem is still that there seems to be a problem between my one computer running vista 64bit and windows xp pro on the other one. I have enabled jumbo frames and nothing changes. The computer is an AMD quad core computer 4400+. That should be able to handle what I was feeding it. I changed hdd and that did not make a difference except to give me my needed space for the computer I was needing. The gig lan is a built in lan to the mobod of the computer. I don't have a NAS yet as I tried one but it was not very good. Would buying a pci lan card be the way to go for this computer as I will use it for alternative backups etc. Could a new nic card in each computer maybe make a difference? The cards would be exactly the same. The one mobod is around 6 years old the other maybe 4. The lan that I have are on the mobod. Just a thought.

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Wireless Network Seen But No Speed

Jul 30, 2009

I have a siemens Amilo laptop with a built in wireless card. It can see the network and asks for the network key but doesn't connect. It just times out. Although it finds all the networks available in the area they all display without any green bars in the speed bars. It seems to have no wireless power. The green bars are all grey instead of green even when the laptop is stood next to the router. I have another laptop that connects without any problems. I have removed the drivers from device manager and reinstalled them from the
drivers folder. This made no difference.

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Network Speed Slow

Apr 10, 2008

I have a desktop dual boot with XP and VistaSP1 and a laptop with XP, when I move files from XP to XP via network the speed os fast. when I move files from XP to Vista and vise versus, the speed is half to one third of when Im runing XP. Why is this and how can I fix it. I have tried disabling firewalls and antivirus on both machines with no effect.

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Copy Speed Over The Network Is Slower That XP SP2 And OS

Jun 20, 2008

We have a client with a new Vista Business x64 Workstation joined to a 2003 (native) AD domain. The hardware specs are first class (64GB RAM, Dual Qaud core 3+GHz Intel Procs, Fastest SATA disks available, 2 Uber Graphics card in SLI, Giabit NIC, etc.). This machine must move large amounts of data to a File Server's SAN frequently (hundreds of gigs per upload or download). The problem is uploads and downloads to this file server via mapped drive in Vista take considerably longer than either an XP Pro SP2 or MacBook Pro from THE SAME network jack.

What we have done so far with minimal improvements if any:

1. Disabled active AV scanning on the file server and removed it completely on the Vista workstation (were using Trend Micro).
2. Disabled "Remote Differential Compression".
3. Disabled SMB 2.0 via registry

***at this point the file transfer calculation seemed to start working correctly, previously it would estimate it would take 4+ hours to copy 85Gb of test data when in reality it was finished much much sooner (several minutes but forget the exact number now)*** Client reported some speed improvements at this point but not that great. From the file server during the transfer (when this is the only transfer happening on the network) the Gigabit NIC on the server reports a network utilization of 30-40%......

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Frames In-game: Slow

Mar 4, 2008

I have this weird thing happening to my frames in-game. In CS 1.6, the net graph shows that I am getting 100fps constant, but the actual gameplay looks more like it is forced at 60 or 70. It looks choppy even though I'm pinned at 100 frames. Also, Source appears the same way, while I am getting 135+ fps it's still choppy and appears to be forced at a lower refresh rate. I already did the common stuff, downloading the hotfixes, forcing off refresh rates in the NVIDIA console, putting in command line parameters (for 1.6 [-freq 100]), setting fps_max to 101; all of it. After all this it still looks like a forced 60 frames and will not smooth out (even though it says that it's 100).

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Network Speed Slows Over Time: The Only Fix I Have Found Is Rebooting The Machine --- Then Performance Is As Expected For A Day Or So Before It Starts To Drop Again

Oct 6, 2009

Problem is network bandwidth as measured by the speed test(s) will decrease over time without any changes being made -- it does not matter what time of day either. It is a Vista PC running SP2 and hard wired to a Linksys router (Wireless-G model) and I am a Comcast customer with 30mbps service. Maybe I should mention this PC sits idle for most of the day before the family comes home from school. All of the XP systems in the house do NOT have this problem.

As you can see over the course of 5 days the download speed drops into the 2-3 mbps range (and the upload speeds are greater than the download speeds !! ) The 12mbps measurement was taken after the reboot. The only fix I have found is rebooting the machine --- then performance is as expected for a day or so before it starts to drop again.

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Screen Shots And Quotes In Frames

Dec 12, 2008

Can someone teach me how to make screen shots and those neat looking quotes in frames? It's not in tutorials

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Jerky Video Playback, Frames Freezing Momentarily

Jul 29, 2009

I have been dual booting Vista and XP for a couple of years. I have never been a fan of Vista but installed it so I could learn my way around since I work on other people's computers.. A couple of weeks ago I added Windows 7 RC1 (build 7100). Unfortunately, a major problem I've always had in Vista is still there in Windows 7. My problem is jerky video playback, frames freezing momentarily. It doesn't seem to matter what format the video is in or what player I'm using. It also occurs when watching TV. Interestingly enough, I can record TV in Vista (even while it's jumping) and if I go back into XP to play it, ity plays flawlessly.

I originally had Vista Home Premium 32 bit, but upgraded it to 64 bit a few months ago. I had hoped that would cure the problem but it made no difference. I have spent days googling and find all kinds of people who have had the same problem but no one has a cure. Needless to say, I have the latest drivers direct from the NVidia site installed. My video "experience index" is 5.8. That's up from 5.2 a couple of days ago when I upgraded from a 7600 GT to a 9800 GT. (Which made no difference either).

I have tried various "tweaks" to no avail. I've tried with Aero turned off. In WIndows 7 I turned off the "gadget" service. To no avail. Surely as much as this problem is talked about someone has come up with an answer. If they have, I haven't run across it yet.

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Memory Speed: Can't Stop Wondering If The Difference In Speed WOULD Matter

Apr 13, 2008

I just bought a new pc with Vista Home Premium, it came with: 1GB PC2-6400 DDR2 SDRAM, expandable to 4GB. I wanted more memory so I bought a 2GB kit PC2-*5300* DDR2 SDRAM, because it was on sale for $60. The 6400 speed would have cost me over $200. The salesman assured me it would work fine and I wouldn't notice any difference. I installed it when I got home and everything works great, no problems. But I still can't stop wondering if the difference in speed WOULD matter. Can anyone explain, or provide a link explaining, when, if ever, I would benefit from the faster memory. I mostly use my PC for surfing the web, email, and some photo editing.

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Slow Internet Speed:speed Goes Down To 300 Kbps

Sep 5, 2008

I have Vista x64 Ultimate and I'm having internet connection issues. My laptop is the HP Pavillion dv7. My ISP tells me everything is fine on his end. I have a router (Linksys model BEFW11S4) 2.4 Ghz - 802.11b. When I connect the wire from my modem directly to my laptop, I get internet speeds of 900 Kbps. But when I use the router, the speed goes down to 300 Kbps. Is there a setting in Vista that could be doing this? According to Linksys, I should be able to attain 900 Kbps with the router. The laptop comes with a wireless adapter (Intel Wi-Fi Link 5100AGN).

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Important For To Have UAC Enabled

Sep 28, 2009

O/S Vista Home Basic 32 bit. I had some IE problems which were also interferring with my printer causing it not to print. MS/MVP, PA Bear, helped me solve the IE problem in the IE group, which in turn solved the printer not working problem. Now I just have 1 little glitch. The printer will NOT print as long as UAC is enabled but WILL print when UAC is turned off. I did post this question in the printer group 4 days ago but have had no responses.

So my question now is this: Is it important for me to have UAC enabled? In the household there is only 1 computer & 1 printer (both wireless) & I am the only one who knows how to use the computer. I am not worried about people tampering around with my computer in my home. I'm a little foggy as to exactly what UAC controls but from what I can make out it seems it only involves preventing someone from making unauthorized changes to my computer.

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Offline Files Cannot Be Enabled.

Dec 21, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate SP1 on my laptop. The Z: drive maps to an Iomega StorCenter NAS. I can read/write folders, files, etc. with no problem. When I disconnect from the network, I can still see the Z: drive. The folders that I made available offline are accessible and there are placeholders (folder has an X on it) for folders that I did not make available offline.

When I connect back to the network, I would do a reboot and I can see all of the files on the Z: drive again. Given this, it appears that Offline Files is enable. Or, is it? In the Control Panel / Offline Files / General tab, I clicked on "Enable Offline Files" and I got the message below............

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02 Micro MMC When Enabled Slows Boot

Nov 7, 2009

I am having an issue with this device, here is what is happening. When i have this 'enabled' it takes my machine about 6-8 minutes to boot up, so I found that if I 'disable' the device everything runs as normal and the laptop boots up in seconds but then I cannot use the Micro SD slot as it is disabled.

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VSync Recommended Enabled Or Disabled

Dec 6, 2008

I think the title says it all - I mostly play games on my system and I would like to know what this function really is and what performance impact it has when enabled (besides frame cap). I noticed that when it is disabled scene on the screen sometimes gets 'desynchronized' (i.e. upper half of the scene is like somewhat 'nudged' compared to the lower half), especially when the player moves fast or camera makes rapid movements (reckon that is why it is also called 'vertical synchronization'). So the question is - should it be enabled or disabled ?

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WinRAR Score With The TLB Fix Enabled Is A Sickening 80 Vs 454 Disabled

Jan 26, 2009

WinRAR = 454 w/TLB fix diabled Avg scores for my system 1,100 Call Juarez = 30 FPS Avg score = 45. Dont know whats wrong. Could it be a dead core? How can I check?

1) My WinRAR score with the TLB fix enabled is a sickening 80!!! vs 454 disabled. So I am certain that the fix was disabled at my score of 454.

2)Regarding number of active cores:
a) When I run task manager I see only ONE window for CPU in performance.
b) Running CPU-Z V1.49 shows ONE Processor ONE Core
c) CrystalCUPID V 4.15 shows only ONE of One cores (Code name Agena?) I should see 1/FOUR
d) In Vista Sidebar using mCPU Gadget: Shows Four cores HOWEVER
only ONE ever displays activity. I tested it by really loading up applications and Never saw activity of the other three cores!!!......

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Guest Account Enabled And System Crashes

Mar 31, 2008

I have had this computer up for 30 days at a time but when my sister comes to visit I turn on the guest account and log out of my identity and let the computer sit at the choice between my account and guest is and I can't get through a night without Vista Home Prem. crashing. I have SP1 installed and besides this problem I have not had problems like this. Why would enabling the guest account cause crashes? Is because I have programs running in my profile and that causes a conflict? This is frustrating as you can imagine. I looked at events and at 10:30 there was a faulting application: LVPrcSrv.exe faulting module USER32.dll. Then at 12:02 the previous shut down was unexpected. There is 1.5 hours between the fault and the message about unexpected shutdown?

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Graphical Corruption In High-dpi Mode With Aero Enabled.

Mar 23, 2008

If i increase my dpi to anything above 96 dpi (and reboot) i will get graphical corruption after a few minutes. The corruption is limited to "glass" areas. For example the start menu may appear as a sheet of pure glass. Buttons on the taskbar, could appear all mached together. The Alt+Tab panel won't paint itself. Ossasionally an entire window's client area will be transparent, rather than painting anything.

If i kill and restart Explorer it fixes itself, for a few minutes. If i disable Aero (switch to Windows Vista Basic these) it's fine. If i kill the DWM.exe (which disables Aero) it's fine. If i set it back to 96dpi and reboot, it's fine. nVidia GeForce 6600GT. Any drivers you like, Windows Update's WHQL, nVidia direct, same problem..........

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Sign Up For Netflix: 'Whoops, Your Cookies Need To Be Enabled."

Apr 21, 2010

I have Vista. I have been trying to sign up for Netflix, but it keeps coming up 'Whoops, your cookies need to be enabled." I did what they said on the Netflix page, didn't work. Then I went to internet options and enabled them from there under the privacy tab, still no go. I tried disabling Windows Defender and still nothing.

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Monitoring Enabled On Gateway Computers Recovery Partition

May 12, 2009

I noticed today while digging around in System Restore's settings that it has monitoring enabled on my Gateway computers recovery partition. I disabled it as I don't think monitoring that partition is necessary. Am i right?

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Cant Default Startup Programs Enabled Thumbnail Viewing

May 26, 2008

Was using the program explorer to try to cleanup what gets loaded and probably went too far too fast. Didn't realize on of the default startup programs enabled thumbnail viewing. Got tired of the popup messages that there were disabled programs and chose to delete blocked programs. Anybody know which one that is and how I get it to load up again? It is faster though:>)

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Flash Content Not Working Protected Mode Enabled

Oct 24, 2007

I made the move to vista 64 but I experience a big headache with Protected Mode in IE7 (32). Here are the problems :Flash content not working when Protected Mode enabled Unable to download some contents. I receive an error when trying to download this but when outside protected mode it's all fine.

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Nvidia 6100 Graphics And Zuma Deluxe Is Enabled

Feb 6, 2009

Setting up a new PC here (eMachines H5270) and installed Zuma Deluxe. The game is playable but the motion becomes quite jerky whenever the on screen action becomes more intense. Also the mouse leaves droppings when Zuma's custom cursors option is enabled. The processor is a 2700Mhz Athlon and the graphics chipset is years newer than the ATI card in the PC this one replaces. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms with Zuma? Is there a way to fix this or am I seeing an incompatibility problem between this game and something in hardware?

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Enabled Hidden Built In Administrator & Temporary Login Everytime

May 15, 2010

I have enabled the hidden built in administrator and have changed it's name but every time i log on it gives me a temporary login anyone know anything please help.

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Multi Monitor Bug: Make Sure Aero Is Enabled, And That Your Taskbar Is Always Transparent

Jun 23, 2008

I think I've found a bug with the way Vista handles dual screens and wallpapers. I'm sure there are PLENTY of us who have dual monitors. For those of you who do, try this:

1. Make sure Aero is enabled, and that your taskbar is always transparent.
2. Download any dual screen capable wallpaper program. For instance, Ultramon, DisplayFusion, etc.
3. Set a DIFFERENT WALLPAPER PER MONITOR. Make sure to do this.
4. Observe?

You'll see THROUGH the transparency of the taskbar that the wallpaper schema is screwed up. There is a small part of the wallpaper that is cut off at the bottom right, around the system tray icons, and looks like the wallpaper repeating, or is confused with the wallpaper on the secondary monitor............

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Spell Checker, "Language Not Enabled"

Jun 11, 2009

Have spent over 2 1/2 hours trying to use the tips to get this working and come up empty-handed each time! Anyone else with a NEW and proven solution to the "Language not enabled" message?

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How Can I Get Back My Hiberation Enabled/back

Dec 20, 2008

i had cleaned up my hibernation option unfortunately in disk cleanup thinking that i is using 3 GB of my C drive and from then im not having the option HIBERNATION when i wanna keep my notebook shut.

and if i want it back is there any option of getting it..and to keep the size of it to a limited one bcoz im having just 30 GB to my C drive ...

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RAM Speed Question?

Aug 2, 2008

I installed the following ram on my PC OCZ Reaper HPC 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory - Retail.

I have also installed the NVIDIA system monitor.

My question:

Why does my computer recognize the RAM at 800mhz (this shows on boot up and in the Nvidia monotor) when my motherboard supports 1066 and the ram is also 1066.

I have a p7n diamond 780i motherboard from MSI.

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SP2 Speed Improvements

Jul 29, 2009

I still see the spinning wheel and can't do a thing until it goes away. I double click and MP3 file spinning wheel until Winamp fires up, which used to take no time now I don't know what it's doing but takes longer and still can't do anything with a $800 computer until the wheel stops turning.

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Mouse Speed

Oct 3, 2009

Ever since installing Vista I seem to have lost control of the mouse speed. Even changing it in Vista does not fix it. The double click is so fast, that 95% of the time is performs a double click when I did not want it to. This is SO damn annoying. It is an older Microsoft mouse with the light and wheel and buttons on the side for going back and forth in Explorer and on the Internet. I think it was called Intellipoint, or something like that. Anyhow, does anyone know if this is a bug?

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Speed Up Menus

Jun 27, 2008

How do i speed up the rate that start menus and sub menus open. Its too slow now.

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How To Speed Up Computer

Feb 24, 2010

I have a toshiba L-305 laptop with 3 gigs ram and windows premium vista installed by
the manufacturer without the c.d. I use it wirelesly with a linksys router and a usb accelerator by linksys. I am not very computer literate, (newby), and I want to find out ways to speed up this computer, I am using a satellite ISP, bluemountain;

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