Mouse Causing Minor Irritations

Sep 4, 2009

I noticed today my mouse causes strange behavior now and then such as click and hold titlebar of my browser and it maximizes it when i only wanted to move it a bit,click close button on say wordpad and some game mod zip file under the close button i clicked opens up,in my thunderbird email client when i click a message to read it a window opens with the message i clicked in it,and after installing three new games on my computer one of the icons i clicked and held to move it just started the game!No major problems so far,just occasional irritants throughout the day.Anyone knows what happened?How to fix this?

Edit 1:I clicked a zip file for a game soundtrack and then extract.When i checked "create a folder from archive name" and "Use subfolder info" the checkmark appeared then disappeared in each box i clicked.I clicked again carefully and the checkmarks stayed.Seems my mouse is VERY sensitive today for some reason!Oh,and i use zipgenius for the unzipping of the file. Edit 2:I tried to move the newly created folder with the soundtrack files to my music folder and they did the second time.The first time i clicked and held the file it opened it.Seems my mouse has become Way to sensitive!

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IIS: Causing Error?

Feb 22, 2010

I have been trying to get the IIS server working on a PC (not mine) but keep getting the server error message as shown........I have installed the IIS in windows features. Not sure what is causing the error. I have even tried being explicit with the filename inside inetpub/wwwroot.......but that does not work either. Also - I'm not certain what a 'handler' is in this particular context.........................

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Update WU Causing BF2 To Lag Horribly?

Sep 23, 2007

Recently i found that after playing BF2 for a while without issues under vista problems have arised. I get random horrible hard drive thrashing which causes the game to just skip and be so choppy im forced to either wait it out (will eventually stop) or close the game. When it does stop it will happen again later...then stop again etc.. I disabled indexing options and defender hoping that would solve it. It didnt :/

I really dont know whats causing it. I even reinstalled vista in hopes something was just screwed up and i couldnt figure out what caused it but the same problem happened again. Im hoping that there are others out there that have found this to be true on their system or at least help me figure out whats casuing it. As for things running here is what i have running while playing BF2:

AVG Antivirus
Windows Sidebar

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P2p Causing Computer Freeze

Oct 7, 2008

I have successfully been using p2p connections on my previous Windows Vista 32 setup on my laptop, however, since I bought this desktop with 64 bit windows my computer continually locks as I open p2p connections. Included programs which cause the lock are, Azureus, Blizzard Downloader, and Bit Torrent. I believe this may be a port issue. Not sure however. Has anyone had this issue with 64 bit Vista?

The freeze is almost instant as the program opens. Within 5 seconds of opening any of the above programs the comptuer locks/freezes requiring a restart as I can do nothing else. This is why I suspect a port problem; it seems as the firewall opens the p2p port, the computer instantly freezes.

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Contacts Link Causing Close Down

May 23, 2008

Have been using Mail with no problem for a long while but just recently when I click on Contacts Mail or Tools/Windows Contacts - Mail just closes down. I can still use create mail and it finds the Contacts with no problem - seems like some linkage problem

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Freeze: Can't Figure Out Causing These Crashes

Mar 19, 2009

I have a problem regarding my Vista installation. I'm using it for a while now but since a few days I get lots of freezes, hangs and crashes of my Vista and I cannot figure out what is causing these crashes. I'll explain the symptomps first: Somethimes it happens after the PC was running for hours sometimes it happens right after logging in. When the PC starts to freeze first one or two programs will stop to react, until everything freezes and won't react anymore. Funny about this is though that I can still talk in Vent and hear until the very last moment. Sometimes though the entire systems just starts to lag like crazy. If I have task manager opened there's no prcess using up CPU% other than System Idle Process. However in Reliability and Performance Monitor the CPU is usage is at exactly 50%. One core (I run a Core 2 Duo) is always at 100% and the other is at 0% and suddenly they switch and the other will be at 100% while the first is at 0%. That happens until finally the CPU calms down again. Just a few second after that though the system will BSOD and tell me a crucial system process was terminated....

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Hardware Interupts Causing 100% CPU Usage

Sep 15, 2009

I have an Acer 4810TZ; Im looking for a definite fix for this 100% CPU lock - when some hardware starts to hammer it with Interupt requests. I know this can also happen in XP; but I want to know if Vista has a way of sorting the problem out?

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Is Windows Mail Causing Email From Getting To My Blackberry?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a webmail POP3 account for work. Instead of checking email on the web, I set it up in Windows Mail. On my web email I chose to leave a copy on the server. I also did this when I set up the Windows Mail account. Regularly, email stops coming to my blackberry and I have to validate my password on my blackberry constantly. Does Windows Mail have anything to do with this?

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Is Micoshaft Marketing Causing Retardation Of IT Admins?

Jun 15, 2008

Is Micoshaft Marketing Causing Retardation of IT Admins? I speak with them and I hear gobbledigook from them about Linux that bears no relation to The Linux Desktop Experience or to the Linux Server Experience. However it does seem to have 100% correlation with Micoshaft funded fraudsters and asstroturfers selling Anti-Linux FUD in COLA and their pro-micoshaft posted articles.

All this marketing is not being shovelled just into COLA but the wider world of 100% controlled puppet journals and press coverage. A few minutes talking to these IT RETARDS often clears their mind and the opens their eyes to wanting to install Linux immediately giving it their best to have a go.

1. Demo of a liveCD or two, and doing an install or two.
2. Demo of virtualisation with windummy OSen running in Qemu or in ?Virtual?Box?.......

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Audio Interface Causing My Computer Blue Screen

Jul 5, 2008

I currently own a audio input interface called MobilePre USB. I have recently purchased a computer with Windows Vista which (I think) is using service pack one (not sure how to check this!). The audio interface has been causing my computer to crash (blue screen) and having contacted the company they have told me that the hardware is not supported by Vista service pack one. They did say though that I can "roll-back" my system which would cure the problem. I am unsure about how to do this or whether this is safe to do.

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Nvidia 7300gs Video Card Causing Freeze

Mar 30, 2008

When I have my display adapter (nvidia 7300 gs) enabled as normal, Vitsa freezes at a random time. It occurs more frequently when running video files, but can happen with no applications open. When I disable this display adapter and run on the on-board one, the problem does not occur, but then I cannot run anything that needs direct x. I think the issue is due to the driver for the nvidia 7300 gs. I have rolled back the driver, but this has not helped. And I downlaoded the latest driver from nvidia's website, but this has not helped. Through device manager, I have unistalled and re-installed the nvidia 7300 gs.

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Logitech Mouse :: Double-click With Middle Mouse Button?

May 28, 2009

I have an old Logitech but fully functional mouse (cordless optical).

When I ran Vista x86 Ultimate, I installed a small program that allowed me to double-click with middle mouse button. Now, with Vista x64 Ultimate, it doesn't work anymore.

Do someone know another small program to allow me that?

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Is It The Mouse, Or The OS

Mar 28, 2009

I've been getting increasingly annoyed with my mouse as of late. I've always noticed that while I've been in World of Warcraft, the mouse just doesn't seem precise. You can move the mouse, and sometimes it stops prematurely, sometimes it goes past where you want it to go, you move right and it moves up a bit, it really just isn't seeming that great.

I'm using a Logitech MX400. I've tried both with, and without the Logitech Drivers / Software. I've enabled, and disabled precision on the mouse, and have also tweaked the sensitivity. Something just doesn't seem right. I'm also using a regular mouse pad that has absolutely no reflective capabilites on it... so I'm really at a loss.

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Nov 29, 2008

I start vista up and sometimes i cant select anything on start menu/taskbars altho i can interact with anything on the desktop. A temp fix seems to be if i ctrl+alt+delete then esc but it happens again soon after.

Also when i am in iexplorer/firefox the mouse starts auto scrolling when i move it quickly, when this happens the mouse wont respond to anything outside the main window of explorer. If i then open my Bookmarks or run a mouse over a link they all open in new windows.

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Better Mouse?

Jul 29, 2009

my Trust mouse wheel has just broken, i took a look at it and it seem like it is unfixable. So im looking for a new mouse, as i were looking around i saw a Microsoft mouse which offered 1000 PPI DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store and a SAITEK mouse which offers 3200 DPI DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store But i have no idea whether or not 1000 PPI is better then 3200 DPI. I did some Google searching and didnt find anything, so what is ppi? Does it even exist? Is it better? And Which mouse is better?

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No Mouse Or Other Devices

Apr 16, 2008

I am having a problem with Vista. Last time I shut my computer down, my mouse worked fine. Now it is gone. I normally use a regular Dell USB mouse. I tried a PS2 mouse that that isn't recognized at all. So, I plugged the USB mouse back in. The computer recognized that I plugged something but claimed it couldn't find a driver for it. I read that Windows Update KB938371 but I am unable to uninstall it and a system restore doesn't fix the problem.

As an additional note to this problem: for the past couple of days ANY USB or firewire drive that I plug in (even ones that I have used before) will not work. As with the mouse, the computer recognizes that I plugged something in but it can't find a driver for it. Anybody have a solution for this other than reinstalling Vista? Having no mouse and no connection to a external hard drive is quite an inconvenience. Even if I DID want to back my stuff up and reformat my computer, I don't dare do that because I have nothing to back it up on besides a bunch of DVD's.

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Mouse Lag In Games But Not Xp

Jan 23, 2009

i have mouse lag problem but ONLY when i'm playing games and ONLY when i'm using Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Under windows xp i have no mouse lag at all :
Now i have installed windows xp sp3, vista ultimate x64 and seven, all the 3 OS with latest driver for mouse and VGA.
My mouse is a logitech G5, my video card ati 4850 and my motherboard abit ip35.

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Mouse Speed

Oct 3, 2009

Ever since installing Vista I seem to have lost control of the mouse speed. Even changing it in Vista does not fix it. The double click is so fast, that 95% of the time is performs a double click when I did not want it to. This is SO damn annoying. It is an older Microsoft mouse with the light and wheel and buttons on the side for going back and forth in Explorer and on the Internet. I think it was called Intellipoint, or something like that. Anyhow, does anyone know if this is a bug?

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Usb Mouse Disconnects

Jun 2, 2008

i have an acer aspire 9410 intel core 2 duo t2500 windows vista home premium 32bit (i think >.>) SP1 nvidia geforce GO 7300 128mb(yaya it sucks) and i have no discs for vista what so ever the only thing i got was the laptop and a box for it and im not sure if this will help me but ever sence a recent download (think it was one for media player or that) vista takes me 30 minutes before i can run an application and now my usb mouse will some times disconnect for no reason at all. i really need help im losing my mind im starting to consider a mac

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PS/2 Mouse Refuses To Work Under

Sep 22, 2008

Like the title says, my PS/2 mouse refuses to work under Vista Home Premium 32bit. The same mouse works fine under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but under Vista the mouse gets detected but I get the "Code 10", "This device cannot start." in the device manager.

I checked and there are no resource conflicts, or any other outstanding driver or hardware issues in the system. Also, the proper IRQ is assigned and everything looks fine, except for the fact that it does NOT work and I get the Code 10 code.

Like I said, the mouse works fine in Windows 2000/XP. Right now I'm using a spare wireless USB mouse under Vista until I get this figured out. There are no special drivers or software for this mouse since it's just a simple PS/2 mouse.

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Mouse Pointer Jumps Away

Jun 26, 2008

This does not necessarily always happen but some times the mouse pointer jumps away to the top left corner area from where I click. Is there a remedy to stop this from happening?

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Mouse Acceleration Could Not Be Removed

Dec 3, 2008

I have a Toshiba X505-Q830 and it came with Windows 7-64 bit, I play Counter-Strike competitively and the mouse acceleration could not be removed which completely ruined my ability to play the game. So I popped in my copy of Windows Vista-64 bit and formatted and installed. Now my laptop is without the proper drivers for the internet and I have searched high and low for them but nothing is working.

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Working

May 11, 2010

I have a Dell 9400 series with Vista Home Premium Edition, and the mouse and keyboard are not working. I tried to change ports, wait until the system is up to plug them in, but nothing. I can not use F8, because the keyboard is not working. What can I do , please suggest, I do not know what to do.

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Jumping Mouse Pointer

Jul 8, 2008

I have just bought a new laptop with Windows Vista Home installed. I've noticed that my mouse pointer sometimes jumps around the screen by itself whilst I am on the internet. What could be causing this problem and how do I rectify it?

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Mouse Cursor Not Working

Jun 19, 2008

I am having some problems with my mouse cursor, at first I thought it was my logitech wireless mouse and I got a different wireless microsoft mouse, and still have the problem. When I go to click on something, sometimes I have to click above it because it seems as if the mouse is not actually clicking where the cursor is.

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Mouse And Window Positions

Mar 23, 2008

If I have a window open and move my mouse over to the left or top edge to resize the window, the cursor changes to the double arrow not on the border but inside the window a bit. On the other two sides the cursor changes outside the window a bit. If I click on the mouse, the cursor edges over to the correct position on the appropriate border.

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Mouse Stopped Working

Apr 17, 2009

Today suddenly my mouse stopped working properly. The mouse cursor stops moving then I hear the sound that hardware is removed from the system and immediately after the sound that hardware is added and then the mouse works again for a little while. This happens all the time. Mouse stops..hardware removed..hardware added..mouse works.

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64 Bit Keeps Freezing, Mouse Won't Move

Aug 24, 2008

I seem to have a problem. Vista HP 64 bit keeps freezing on me after just a few minutes, the mouse won't move and there is no keyboard response so I have to reboot. Everything is fine for a few minutes and then it happens again. I've been trying all sorts for the last two hours but have got nowhere. Luckily I dual boot Ubuntu so I'm writing this from it. When I tried to post in Vista I never got to finish my post before it froze. Yesterday I got a new monitor (Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP) and it set up fine. I used it for about ten hours yesterday without a problem- both gaming and general use. So I don't think it's that.

Today I installed and purchased 3Dmark06 and ran that. I also ran Ntune. Therefore I suspect these programs are the problem. I have used System Restore. I took it back a couple of days but the problem remained even though 3Dmark06 seems to have disappeared from Programs. I have then taken the restore point back a week but still no luck. I tried to uninstall Ntune in Safe Mode but I can't, I get a message saying that Windows Installer must have not installed properly(?)......

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Turn Off Touchpad Mouse?

Sep 22, 2009

Can anyone help me turn it off? Or, at least the function that simply reads me tapping it accidentally as a request to move the mouse? When I type - it's annoying.

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USB Mouse Not Working After Goes To Sleep

Jan 12, 2009

Running Vista Home Ult 64. I have a USB mouse, which is listed in the DMgr as "HID compliant device". There are no drivers for the mouse, which is by Kingwin.

If I wake the computer with the keybaord, the mouse functions fine. If I wake the computer with the keyboard, the mouse no longer functions. Doesn't even function after a reboot. The only way to get it to function is to unplug it from it's USB port, and then back in again. Called ASUS, and they said I do have the right amperage coming from the PSU.

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Mouse Pointer Can't Response

Jul 20, 2009

I recently had a power failure whilst working on my PC - I restarted it - but started getting problems - I have put both C and D drives through the Check Disk Utility. To all intends iand purposes the Pc appears to be workin, except:

1. The Mouse pointer has the `working in the background`i.e.the revolving circle which goes on for 5 secs then off for 1 sec and back to 5 secs etc.I have tried changing the pointer but to no avail.

2. I can not delete anything in the C/ directorory Program Files.

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