Measuring/tracking Monthly Internet Usage Data.

Jul 29, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how much is my monthly internet data usage. I'm considering getting Mobile broadband but need to know how much I use to determine which is the best package size to get. Does Vista Home Premium have any built in tools that keeps track of data usage?

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Windows Calendar Monthly Display/Printout

Apr 13, 2008

In Windows Calendar is there a way to display the start time of events on the screen (other than in the "details pane" off to the right) and when it prints in the Month View mode?

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Mouse Tracking Unplayable

Jul 13, 2009

I'm having a problem with my Halo 2 running on a x64 Vista Ultimate. What happens is that every 10 sec or so the game freaks out when moving the mouse on the x-axis too quickly (let's say trying to turn really quick when someone's shooting at your back). The mouse jerks and doesn't really move that far. Not only that, but my actual windows mouse icon appears on screen for a brief second and off center (i'm guessing the position where the gun should have been pointing by that time in the turn).

Weird thing is that this only really happens on the x-axis, but that might be saying little because there is little need to quickly move the mouse on the y-axis. I've tried to find a similar problem in the forums but haven't found one. this bug or glitch or whatever makes the game near unplayable.

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CPU Usage, Taskmanager Shows No Applications With Cpu Usage

Feb 21, 2009

since a few days my cpu has always cpu load of about 90 % at core 2. Vista is very slow. Taskmanager shows no applications with cpu usage. Now i installed process explorer and i can see that 45% cpu usage (this is 90% of core 2) is for "System / hardware interrupts". Which interrupts are the problem, what can i do to fix this?

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Tracking Down Cause Of Creeping System Hang

Apr 16, 2010

I have been seeing at possibly random moments a "creeping" system lock/freeze/hang (I have seen it especially just before the clean install in the original installation). It might start--but not always---with a mouse click to bring focus to an UltraEdit document. I get a "Not Responding", wait for the disk drive light to stop its continuous illumination. And when it does stop illuminating, I still see "Not Responding" and know I am in trouble.

I then start activating other windows, and they start showing "Not Responding". I know I am in real trouble when I do Ctrl+Shift+Esc to get the Task Manager and it never appears; I do this to try to track the nature of the creeping system luck. The Start menu will open on a click, but nothing else happens. The mouse pointer is still moving around, but nothing is responding to click. What could be at work here? How can I track the cause of the creeping hang?...............

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DATA PROTECTION Fraud Antivirus: Data Protection Is A Counterfeit Application Which Pretends To Be A Legitimate Security Tool

May 15, 2010

Data Protection is a counterfeit application which pretends to be a legitimate security tool. It is also from the same rogue family as Digital Protection, Your Protection, User Protection, Dr. Guard and Paladin Antivirus. The trojan based software starts its activities as soon as it installs onto your computer. Malware has no ability to detect and terminate the parasite. It only gains that user lose their vigilance and would buy a registered version of Data Protection application.

This is a fraud and dangerous for your computer. Behind an offer stands bad people who will use your money for malicious intentions. This application is not worth spending your money. As any malware this one will scan your computer automatically and will show fake results. You should ignore it. Do not fall for this blatant scam. Data Protection can also redirect your web browser to deceptive web pages that advertises “full” version of the security tool. Do not buy it, but choose decent anti-spyware application and terminate Data Protection upon detection. - the conclusion is that Malware bytes does remove it,, you need to download the lastest malware byte or update the one you got. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET

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30-50 Cpu Usage

Dec 14, 2009

well lately ive been watching hd videos on Internet with my new computer and i notice firefox is running at like 30-50 cpu usage and i was wondering if it was normal i thnik i can hear the fan humming alil bit too

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50% CPU Usage At Idle

Mar 12, 2008

At idle, I have 50% cpu usage at times. It seems to be msiexec.exe. I have absolutely no idea why. Is this a normal Vista behaviour? Second, at startup I have 67 processes running, then it jumps to 72, then back down to 67. I had this amount on my XP pro machine, but had probably over 60 different programs installed, as it was a shared machine with CAD programs, graphic design software, etc. Now I only have vista, adobe cs3, blackberry, and office... And for my final question, Why does eSata not able to "hot-swap"? Is this normal as well (sorry, I've always used firewire for my external drives, but now I'm trying to use eSata)

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Excessive CPU Usage

Apr 28, 2008

After installing Vista Ultimate, I am experiencing problems with processes using an excessive amount of CPU. However when I run the task manager, and clicking on "Show processs from all users", I can't see which process is responsible since none is consuming more than a few percent of the CPU.My computer is obviously very slow and I haven't installed any program yet.

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HIGH Cpu Usage..

Jan 29, 2009

I think I have tried everything and I am not computer savoy enough to try some. But recently my computers CPU has been fluctuating a lot and has been pretty slow..I took off most of the start up programs and only have a few (virus software etc) but I was wondering if maybe it could be not by updating my drivers.. or bc i only updated some of my drivers.

I am currently running

4 gigs ram...
ATI Radeon HD 3200
vista 64 bit
professor amd duel core..

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60% CPU Usage All The Time

May 29, 2008

I've just had my computer for a few days and I've noticed that the CPU usage meter is at 60% all the time now (even when it's sitting idle).. where it was usually less than 10%. The realiabilty and performance monitor shows that something alled "LOCAL MANAGEABILITY SERVICE" "LMS.exe" is continually using 50% of the CPU. What is this manageability service and why is it consuming 50% of my CPU power?

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CPU Usage 100% And Slows Down

Sep 2, 2008

When I am downloading my CPU is at 100% and as a result my computer slows down. I have AVG installed and have scanned my computer and have found no viruses or spyware. I have checked the task manager and there is a process called System - NT Kernal & System and it runs at 70% when downloading - surely this isnt normal.

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Might Be Too Much RAM Usage On Idle

Dec 15, 2007

my computer is running idle and nothing is going on, i am just staring at the screen and it seems like a lot of ram is being used up...and i dont know whats eating 51% a little too high for an idle..if so, can u guys help me point down whats eating it all up?

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CPU Usage So High!

Jul 17, 2008

Why is my CPU Usage so high? It's using 100% sometimes and sometimes 88%. From 88-100% CPU Usage. What is the problem here? Is it supposed to be that high?

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Memory Usage 1.5 Gb Of Ram Out Of 2gb

Aug 5, 2009

I've had Windows Vista Ultimate for a while, and recently I've been noticing that the pc is using a large amount of memory. While playing World of Warcraft, it sits on 1.5 GB of ram out of 2GB, and everything slows right down. I also have 1 Firefox window open, but I added up all the memory usage in the Task managers 'Processes' bar and it doesn't add up to that much. It also says I have 56 processes, only 23 of which show up in the processes panel. Im really not techincally minded, I just had hoped that when i first got this pc that 2GB of ram would not have been used up so easily.

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Drive C Usage?

May 26, 2009

I'm new to this forum and I think it's a really really useful forum. I have an HP HDX X18-1275 laptop which has two hard drives. The problem I have is that drive C usage is reported about 120GB but when I even show the hidden files and uncheck the check mark to protect system files (in Folder and Search Options), when I select all the files shown and right click and then select Properties, the reported size is only almost 46GB ..... (almost one third of the number reported when I right-click on the C drive itself and select Properties) ....... Anyone know the reason? Are there any files not being shown and responsible for this HUGE gap? By the way, the disk usage for drive D is accurate and there's almost no difference if I right-click on the drive and select Properties, or select all the files and folders in the drive and get their properties.

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RAM Usage Before And After Disabling Pagefile

Aug 30, 2008

1) before disabling it my RAM usage was always under 50%. it mostly remained around 33% to 45%. when i significantly reduced its size to 200MB fixed, i still didnt see change in RAM usage.

2) after disabling page file my RAM usage would start at the same 33% and after some time easily get over 50%. even upto to 68-70% which it never touched before.

3) there was also a very visible performance boost.

i measured RAM usage with the multi metre sidebar gadget. it is not a one day usage. i have used pagefile for over a year and no paging for a month.

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CPU Usage And Drop Down Menu

Jul 24, 2009

Okay just re-confirmed a solution to two simultaneous problems that I think will be helpful to folks. Soon after I got my Vista x64 pc I started noticing huge constant CPU usage spikes attributed to dcomlaunch.

Turned out it was my ATI video card's HDMI audio driver. Go to device manager, expand sound, video and game controllers, and disable "ATI HDMI Audio". Problem solved instantly. My CPU usage dropped from ~30-40% constant use to <5% average.

Fast-forward 6 months after I upgrade to sp2. I notice that in PhotoShop and a couple other apps that use old-school file open/save dialog boxes, I can't choose a new file location from the "Look in:" drop-down menu at the top of the box. Every time I click it, the menu opens and then immediately closes again. Infuriating! A couple days later I notice my CPU has been working overtime too. Could it be the ATI HDMI Audio device is active again?

Yup, there it was active again. And this time I see there are (2) of these devices (I have 2 ati cards) and my CPU usage was up to >60% average! (2 x 30%). Insane. Again, I disable and usage drops back to nearly 0. Yay!

Amazingly, this ALSO SOLVED the problem with the file open / file save drop down menus. I re-enabled the ATI devices to test and confirmed that this was the cause of both the CPU usage AND the odd problem with the pop-up menus closing instantly.

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Not Started Any Utilities But CPU Usage 100%

Dec 23, 2009

I just started my pc. I have not even started any utilities but it shows 100% cpu usage. What happened? Below is the snapshot of Taskmgr.

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Constant High CPU Usage

Apr 6, 2008

I have a Intel Core Duo 1.60 ghz processor with 2gb of RAM and my computer will constantly have 100% of the RAM taken up. I usually only run firefox, AIM, and itunes at a given time and I don't understand why my computer can't handle it. I will open up the task manager and it doesn't seem like any one task is taking up that much RAM, I don't understand what is doing it. I ran a virus scan with norton and it says I am clean, so I am puzzled by how my RAM could always be maxing out.

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Relevent Usage, Using Linux

Sep 25, 2009

Post to alt.os.linux.ubuntu ... 1000
Post to ... 1037

Seemingly, people are using linux, that is, people whom can learn. Good for them. Thats one linux distro. I suggest Bleak Horizon as the next Windows version name.

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80 % Memory Usage Hardly Anything Running

Apr 3, 2008

I notice on my laptop with 1 gig ram is using almost 80% of it's memory with hardly anything running. Here's a list I manually jotted down from the performance memory section in control panel....

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100% CPU Usage On A Clean Install?

Feb 5, 2008

I have uninstalled Vista, and I just have XP and Ubuntu. When I did a clean install on my semi-new franken computer, I was hitting 100% cpu usage, in both x64 and x 86, at idle. I disabled indexing, all services I could, and to no avail. I had Vista x86 running fine on another mobo with the same proc. and less RAM. But now on my seemingly FASTER computer, Vista is SLOWER than ever

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Audiodg.exe Consuming Up To 40% CPU Usage

Jun 26, 2008

Sometimes, I found system very slow. I recently checked the task manager and found there's a process named Audiodg.exe running at up to 40% CPU usage. I turn it off and no sound. How come it happens?

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Cpu Usage Turned 100%, Win Became Slugish.

Jun 5, 2008

i bought an extra 2gb of mem (same brand,ocz reaper, but diff timing 3-4-4-15) currently installed is 4-4-4-15, for a upgrade to 4gb on my pc. currently, im running on win x64, sp1 with nvidia geforce 8800 gtx, my mobo (msi p6n sli platinum, intel) bios is v1.1. i can't install the latest bios ver 1.6, win won't let me. now, when in put in those 2 gb sticks my windows boot up really slow my cpu is playing between 90 - 100 % usage, sometimes my screen is black with only my cursor on the screen. i know that those new 2gb of mem are working fine i used them in replacement of my old ones but only on 2gb
config. i'm thinking of reformatting my hd and installing the latest bios ver and reinstall win x64 again with the 4gb at the start, if it will recognize it.

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CPU Usage Spikes, Jumps From Perhaps 10% To 70-80 %

Apr 10, 2008

I have a Toshiba notebook with Vista Business installed. Recently I installed the sidebar and added the "CPU performance meter" and noticed that it was constantly in motion. Looking at the Performance tab in task manager, I see that the CPU(s) (dual core) are very priodically show spikes. Every 4 to 5 seconds, the usage jumps from perhaps 10% to 70-80 %, and then goes back to 10%.

The laptop shows this bahavior over long periods of time, even if no application is running. Looking at the processe that are running, it appears that one of the "svchost.exe" (of which there are quite a few) seems to be the culprit, but I have no idea what is behind it. How do I find out what this process is actually doing? Can I simply end it to see what happens, or will that harm my laptop?

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Memory Usage Stays At 100%

Sep 5, 2008

When I put in a CD and install a program, my Mem usage sometimes goes to 100%, and stays at 100% even when it is finished installing. Everything runs insanely slow, and I usually end up holding the power button to restart (if I click on the start menu to restart, it takes 15-20s for the menu to come up). I say it happens sometimes, because it doesn't always happen. It is hit or miss. It sometimes also happens when doing other tasks (see below). However, when I open up task manager (and display all processes), I do not see any processes that are using an insane amount of memory. Everything looks normal. Also, today I was backing up ~3.5gb of files from my hard drive to my external drive. My memory usage went to 100% and stayed there, just like I mentioned before (had to power off).

Just to get all of the starter questions out of the way:
-This is a fresh install of Vista x64 with SP1 (SP1 is up-to-date)
-I do not have any viruses
-I do not have any spyware
-I have ran memtest for 16 hours just to make sure it wasn't my RAM
-I have no messed with the pagefile
-UAC is enabled

Also, when I run a program like prime95, my memory usage goes to 100%, but when I hit "stop", the mem usage goes back to 30-40% like it should. So things are working okay. I have had this system up since June. It is not a HUGE issue, because most of the time I am not installing anything, but when I do install something, it sometimes requires me to reboot.

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CPU Usage At 100% , After Waking From Hibernation

Mar 23, 2008

I'm completely confused on this issue and I've baffled people at Dell, which from experience isn't hard to do. I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 with Vista Home Basic as the OS. My CPU usage bumps between 10% and 44% after I first start up my computer. And when I allow my computer to sleep and then wake it up, it runs at 100% constantly. I've tried stopping programs from running in MSCONFIG, I've ran Ad-Aware 2007, Spyware, Registry Cleaner and McAfee Virus scan. Nothing has corrected this problem and the programs have cleaned off a few items, but still nothing has changed. I tried checking the Reliability and Performance Monitor and I'm not educated enough in computers to know what I'm looking at. Dell thinks I should reinstall my OS and start over, but I don't want to do this unless it's the last possible recourse.

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Recover Disk Usage?

May 20, 2009

I just build a new computer and installed Vista Home Premium (64 bit). I only have one hard drive (640 GB). I've added a few applications and music and pictures from an external HD. I checked my disk usage last night and it said I had used 195 GB! I got that by right clicking on the C drive and then properties. I noticed I had a Windows.old directory and manually deleted it then emptied my wastebasket. Still no improvement. I tried to do a disk defragment before I went to bed and let it run overnight. It was still running when I woke up so I cancelled it (I don't know how far it was as it doesn't show a progress bar like in XP). I rechecked and now it says I've used 208 GB (more than before).

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System Mis-reporting Disk Usage

Jul 4, 2008

I am using Windows Vista (32-bit) on my computer. Lately, I have noticed that the reported "used space" on my hard drive (via right-click/properties) keeps rising dramatically while I add very little to my computer. I then made sure that I had turned on options to show system files and hidden OS files so that I could add up the used space. What I found is that all of the files on my computer added together total 44.2 GB, while the usual right-click on the C-drive (selecting Properties) reports that I have used 65.2 GB. I re-checked the math and the folders and still come up with a 21 GB difference - almost 1.5 times the size of what the files/folders add up to.

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Mouse Problem High CPU Usage

Feb 16, 2009

I have a Very Powerfull Processor, an E8400 3.6 GHZ and after i installed updates when i move my mouse on my desktop my explorer.exe process SHOOTS UP to 11 percent CPU usage its very unnecessary, on xp it stayed at 0 percent, Anyone know how to fix this? Whenever i move my mouse on my desktop explorer.exe uses anywhere from 5-11 percent CPU.
Its strange because if i move my mouse over firefox the firefox.exe cpu usage goes high to. same thing with ie7. Basically anything i move my mouse over gets 11-15 percent CPU usage, its very unnecessary.

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