I Cannot Receive Any Attachments On Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Mail as my e-mail and are currently working in Vista but when I send e-mails from work to my home PC with any attachments I can receive the e-mail but not attachments appear. I have switched of the default in the security section in tools but still no joy.

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Cannot Receive Attachments In Windows Mail

Apr 21, 2009

Seems I'm having the same problems as some others here, but I can not find the solution. I just purchased a Vista 32 Home Basic machine last week. ALL email attachments are blocked. I made sure the -Do not allow attachments-.... is unchecked in the Security tab. I'm running AVG Anti-Virus and checked those settings as well. I do see the paper clip indicating an attachment in mmy Inbox but when I opent he email there is no attachment.

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Cannot Receive Attachments In Windows Mail?

Mar 23, 2008

Just configured Windows Mail on my new laptop, and I can send and receive messages okay, but I cannot receive attachments. There isn't even any indication that the attachment was blocked; it's just not there. Also, I cannot receive HTML formatted e-mails (I get a news headline service); I can just see the hyperlinks. I have unchecked (cleared) the box that blocks .exe files, etc, but I'm only trying to send Word docs (to myself at this point to see if everything is working).

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The Mail That I Received In Home Vista System Windows Mail Then I No Longer Can Receive In Office Mail Client

Feb 6, 2009

My main mail client is my office XP system, I also receive mail in home. So I select the 'Leave mail on Server' in my home XP system and it work fine. But after I upgrade my home PC to Vista system (I export my mail account for XP outlook express then inport it to my Vista system.) then it have problem - when the mail that I received in home Vista system Windows Mail then i no longer can receive in office mail client. Does anyone know is it the bug of Vista Windows Mail?

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Pdf Attachments, Move Or Delete The Mail Windows Mail Hangs

May 14, 2010

For the last couple of weeks when I receive mail with attached pdf files, if I try to move or delete the mail Windows Mail hangs. Sometime it recovers but otherwise I need to kill it. I can open the attachment by clicking on the paper clip etc and everything seems fine so I don't think it's a security thing.

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Can't Open Attachments In Windows Mail And How To Separate Them From The E-mail

Jul 29, 2009

Starting about 2 weeks ago, I can't open attachments in Windows Mail. Message says "command failed to execute" I have been reading the posts and still don't know what to do. How do I know if IE8 has been installed as an update? I'm inexperienced with technical stuff. I don't think I installed it, could it have installed on it's own as an update? Tried saving them to desktop but don't know how to separate them from the e-mail, so they still don't open.

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Can Not See/receive Attachments

Mar 7, 2009

I am usuing McAfee anti-virus and can not see/receive attachments sent from 3 PC's at one of my clients. I have disabled e-mail scanning and identified the senders as safe, no joy! All other PC's at the clients are ok. If I preview the message through BT.com, the attchment id there.

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Recipient Does Not Receive Attachments

Apr 10, 2008

I am using Vista and Windows Mail. When I try and attach a word or excel document (from 2007 suite) it does attach to the email, but the recipient does not receive the attachments. I have sent myself test emails and indeed an email arrives with no attachments (and yes...all the docs are closed in word or excel). I have sent as .docx and also as .doc and neither arrive..the only way they do go is if I zip them first in a folder and then send them.

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Attachments In Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

Recently I was unable to open attachments at all, after uninstalling IE8 I
can now open PPS files but when I try to open a PDF attachment it opens up
Microsoft Office Picture Manager. The only way I can view the attachment is
to save it to another folder and then open it with Adobe 9.1.

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Windows Mail With Attachments

Oct 9, 2009

I use a Vista and my Windows mail does not send any email with attachments like pictures or short movies, pps and others. Small attchments and normal outgoing emails work fine. I use ZoneAlarm and already disabled the email function, and dont know what else to do.

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Windows Mail Attachments

Apr 11, 2009

Most of the time when I attempt to open attachments (Media files such as jpg, mpg, wmv, etc.) the file does not open but I receive a message that OE cannot fnd the file. Usually, if I close OE and reopen, it will operate properly. Sometimes it is necessary to close and reopen more than one time. This never occurred prior to installing IE8. I am using Vista (64) home premium.

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Windows Mail/attachments

Apr 17, 2009

I have had Vista for 2 years now, suddenly I can't open attachments. I thought it would work itself out

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Windows Cannot Find File Name

Jul 29, 2009

There are discussions on this general subject but no aparent resolution. About two months ago I was sometimes prevented from opening photo attachments on some emails received from the same party and sometimes could open them. By this I mean, I would click on the paperclip where a list of photos would appear and I'd click on on photo and I'd get a message saying: "Windows cannot find file name (photo captions used by sender).jpg. Make sure your typed the name correctly and then try again." Well, of course I didn't type the file name; the sender did. I could click on the save attachments, and once saved to a folder I could open them from the folder. I forwarded the mail to others, and they report no problems in viewing the photos. I can also view the photos in the email itself, but it would be necessary to scan up and down and from left to right to view the whold photo and the caption would not appear.

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Receive Mail Stopped Working ( Windows Mail)

Jul 2, 2008

Vista Business, windows mail. Problem receiving. Receive hangs on one of the messages. I now have a number of messages received mulitple times, Windows mail then gets to 'receiving message 7 of (currently) 21, and hangs. Sometime I get an error saying that the server has timed out. (No response for a minute) Was Perfectly OK last week. (and for a few weeks since getting my new laptop with Norton!)

it downloads the first 6 messages, gets stuck and times out on the 7th, with or without Norton. And of course, since it gets stuck, doesn't clear from the server, which is why the first six keep coming down. I think I am now on SP1, have uninstalled Norton to no effect. I think the problem mail has an Access attachment about 2 meg in size. Anyway, was OK last week, not now. receive is from oneandone, send from either oneandone or eclipse makes no difference.

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Windows Mail Signature And Attachments

May 14, 2009

Recently bought a Dell Inspiron laptop from Future Shop and having a
couple of challenges:

1. Regarding standard text signature at the end of an e-mail: I set up
going through tools, options, signature and want it to appear at the end
of each originally created e-mail and the end of each reply or
forward...in Arial and font size of 10. Works fine when I create an
e-mail, but for a reply or a forward appears as Times New Roman.
Anything I can do to ensure always shows as Arial?

2. Regarding attachments received with an e-mail: often unable to open
when I click on. Someone suggested saving the attachment to the desk top
and then opening...generally works but a pain to save. Someone suggested
the problem is that I don't have full Microsoft Office suite on the
laptop just what came with it-Microsoft Works. Attachements being sent
are not unusual...generally Word, Excel, PDF or PowerPoint. Any
suggestion so that I don't have to save to desktop?

3. Last question...laptop came with a webcam, the workings of which I
am new to. Doesn't always open/work when I click on its icon...window
opens and says " please plug in a supported webcam". Sometimes when I
unplug from internet and reboot computer the webcam works.

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Apr 1, 2009


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Windows Mail Not Receiving My Attachments

Jun 25, 2009

If I send an e-mail from my other computer (XP running outlook) to myself. The e-mail plus attachments is recived Ok on the XP computer. The e-mail does not have the attachments when recieved on the Vista / Windos mail computer. I DO get attachments if e-mail is sent from someone else.

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Can Not Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 5, 2009

Recently I can not open attachments in Windows Mail. I'll get the message :WindowsSystem32xxx.xls or xxx.doc can not be found. How can I solve this problem, in the past I did not have this problem....

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I Cannot Open .doc Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 10, 2009

Right out of the blue I cannot open attachments with a .doc extention..I can open PDF attachments but not .doc. I use Open Office latest version. I can however save these attachments (usually resumes, I am a recruiter) to a folder on my desk top and view them from the folder. When I do try to open these resumes within windows mail I get an error window that says "c:windowssystem32 henthedocumentname.

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Windows Mail Parses Attachments

Oct 3, 2009

Whenever I try to send an attachment from windows mail, it parses the attachment into multiple files that get sent. I've looked for any properties to change but cannot find anything related. I've tried "send to" from the picture or file as well. It does send less files when I do this. I don't want to have manually compress (zip or whatever) and attachment every time I send.

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Attachments To Open On Windows Mail

Apr 15, 2009

I am having problems getting attachments to open on my Windows Mail. This started about a week ago right after I had to re-install McAfee Antivirus. I thought it had something to do with that so I went into it and disabled the email scan. It did not fix the problem. I also had SpySweeper installed on my computer but was told that with McAfee, I did not need it. So, I uninstalled it and it still didn't fix the problem. I also went into tools>options>security and made sure the option for "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus" was not checked and it isn't.

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Cant Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Apr 22, 2008

vista/windows mail/office 2007 all installed. Error message to set associations in control panel. Have done this many times and seems that the correct icon is listed though when I go through the "change file association", the check box for "associate all the time" is greyed out so I cannot check it. If I save the attachments to the desktop, they open just fine but I want to be able to open them in Windows Mail. I saw the fix for .doc attachments. Is there one for exe also? Would I have to fix each extension/file type that I wish to open while in Window Mail.

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Picture Attachments In Windows Mail

Apr 13, 2008

I received an attachment of pictures in an email and the actual pictures showed up in the body of the email as well as an attachment. Is there a way to set Windows mail so it only comes as an attachment and does not display the pictures in the body of the email?

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Cannot Open Attachments In Windows Mail ...

Mar 23, 2008

I have been reading all the messages from other who cannot open any attachment in Windows Mail. I have also tried all the suggestions but so far nothings is working for me. It doesn't seem to matter the extension (.jpeg, .htm, .wmv, .gif) none of them open. My screen fades out and I get "windows not responding" and have to close the program.

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Can't Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

I can't open any attachments in Windows Mail. I have to save them to the desktopto view.

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Cant Open Attachments In Windows Mail ?

Apr 28, 2008

still cant open attachments in windows mail, can you send me some updates? this is my worst experience of a MS product ever. I doubt that this product has been tested properly and to ask your customers to do it is unfair? Have tried the file tye association have tried various versions of word already!

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Attachments Crashing Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I suddenly find that any message containing an attachment causes windows mail to go into "not responding" mode when I attempt to open or save the attachment. This happens with all attachments, irrespective of the application. I can right click the file name and "save as" the attachment, which successfully saves it to disc, but this at the same time crashes windows mail as above.

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Can Not Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Mar 14, 2009

About 1 week ago, I was no longer able to open any attachments in Windows Mail/Outlook Express. (didn't matter what kind of file). If I tried to save the file to the Desktop, I received an error message "the command failed to execute" with a help reference to this forum. Also, my download manager stopped working, and I was unable to download any files from the internet. I have read through all of the entries under this topic, and have tried all of the solutions.

1. Download problem was solved by downloading DownItAll from Firefox.
2. Email:
a. The box marked "do not allow attachments to be saved..." under Options/Security is unchecked. "Block images and other content..." is also unchecked.
b. Anti-virus- I was using AVG - I uninstalled it - no change. I installed Kaspersky 2009, ran complete virus scan - no change.
c, Checked registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - no problems there
d. Tried to restore to a previous point - no luck......

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Windows Mail: Receiving Attachments Pop Up

Oct 19, 2009

I do have IE7 and understand that this problem is even worse if you downloaded IE RECEIVING ATTACHMENTS: When I open an email that hase an attachment, I click on the paper clip. What comes up is this. In the pop up box at the top is the IE Icon (never seen this before) and next to it is this AT100146.htm. Below that in the same pop up window is the attachement. In this case it was two jpg,s. In my old outlook express program, the jpg was active and the description following the jpg icon which describes what the jpg is is also active. With windows Mail, the description that follows the jpg icon is NOT active so when I click on the attachemnt, NOTHING pops up. When I try to save the jpg attachmet, it defaults to the IE Icon previously mentioned and when you go to where that was saved and try to open it, you get blue screen.

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Windows Mail Can Not Opening Attachments

Mar 11, 2009

Suddenly I cannot click on attachments to mail and have them open. This applies to any type of attachment, but most of mine are Office documents. When I try to open a Word document, it opens Word, and then a Word error message pops up saying: This file could not be found. (C:windowssystem32document name) I have unchecked the "do not allow attachments to be saved or opened" box (it was off already). I turned off email scan in Norton 360. No effect.I can, however, save the document and then open it. Which is timeconsuming.

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Opening Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 12, 2009

I have recently done an upgrade on my internet explorer. I am unsure if my problem relates to this; however, I am unable to open documents in my emails (windows mail). I did not have any problems before hand. "This file does not have a program associated with it..." or "windows cannot find 'image.jpg'. Make sure you typed the name correctly..." " there was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found" are the error messages I receive. This is occurring so far with .pps , .pdf, and .jpg attachments on newly received messages and saved messages. Has any one had the same sort of problem or have a solution?

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