How Show Same File Order On Card?

Apr 9, 2008

I have files on as SD card mostly in the correct order for an LCD picture frame. When I view the card in windows; it sorts the files so they are in a different order than on the card. I need to move a single file on the card. How can I get windows to show me the same file order as on the card (no sorting)?

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Right Click On File Does Not Show Open With

Sep 14, 2008

Anyone know how I can get the Open With assigned to my right click menu in Vista Ultimate 64?

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Documents And Settings, File Doesn't Show Up?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a clean verson of vista home. I just ran my mcafee virus scan and it is finding 1,000's of virus's in the folder c:/documents and settings. Anytime I open my c: drive this file doesn't show up. How do I access this folder? It keeps making more viruses as fast as it is deleting them.

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Windows Explorer To Show A File Extension

Apr 3, 2009

I have tried without success to get Windows Explorer to show a file extension, but cannot find a way to do it. I have tried all the options in View / Choose Details but don't have all luck. I guess I must be stupid. There must be a way. I am running Home Premium.

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Sent File Emails Show Nothing And Cannot Receive Email

Sep 23, 2009

why my sent file shows nothing and some emails people are sending are not coming through?

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File In Task Manager Show Larger

May 13, 2009

if i open say My Documents or My Computer to open a file a second explorer.exe decides to show up in task manager and is slightly larger in size compared to the original one. The first one currently sits there at roughly about 11,500k When the second one comes along its about 15,000k in size and the window takes about 2-4 seconds to load/display folders etc sometimes longer. It also becomes larger every window you open resulting in slower load times. From the task manager, if i close the smaller of the two explorer.exe's naturally the whole task bar at the bottom closes and you can't access the start menu etc.
But, if i close the other, slightly larger explorer.exe, it just closes that window.

I have run several anti-virus scans, spyware scans etc and have all returned nothing, so i am assuming that it might be somehting that has slipped through my scanners un-seen unless this is normal behaviour that i have not noticed before. Also lately my CPU usage had been fluxuating a lot between 0% and 20% when no windows are open, it can also shoot up to between 80% - 90% when opening a window and will then resume its fluxuating idle state until i open or close another window or file. If i click "Show process from all users" in the task manager another problem i see that might be related or compleetly seperate is displayed. I have 16 svchost.exe's, yes thats right, 16.... (screenshot available) they all range in size the largest being roughly 50,000k and the smallest being 200k. This can't be normal?

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Reinstalled Windows Update File Can Not Show Desktop Icon

Dec 27, 2008

So today I'm enjoying my 2 day old Vista. I've had a crappy 2003 Compaq XP for EVER now, and I was happy to get a new computer, completely crappy OS or not. (Yes, I've heard the rumors about Vista, so I was prepared for lots and lots of hours of troubleshooting!) I want to look around and explore, so I click on my start menu. Nothing. The My Computer, Control Panel, etc etc etc is on there. But nothing. I click 'all programs', and it's all there. I tried to modify the settings on my start menu, I pressed OK and out of curiosity went back into my Start Menu settings to check-- And they were back to what they were before!!

My easy way out has always been, since my XP was crap, to completely restore my computer, suck it up, reinstall everything and start fresh. So I decided to add a new WinRAR .rar folder thing, put all my pictures in there, put it on and download the file after I restore Vista. I right clicked. Went under 'New > (Empty)'.

I almost cried! My baby, my brand new vista, already encountering problems! I installed daemon tools, PHotoshop CS2, poweriso, AIM, itunes, basically my necessities, within the two day period. I turned my computer on, no problems. My norton preformed its scheduled scan this morning at 6am, and I had a trojan horse and it can't be repaired. I've had thousands of those on my old computer and it ran at full speed with no problems, but could this be the reason? I restarted it two, three hours ago so my daemon tools can finish installing, and that's when I realized my start menu and things were messed up. Also, when I went into my computer after I restarted, the theme was set on 'windows classic', my background was left untouched. I cannot drag and drop anything into the start menu. It says I can, but I can't. Desktop icons are fine. I also installed 16 or so updates because I guess my Vista isn't up to date-- It did it automatically. Also, links, pictures, etc, like 'My Computer', My 'C:' drive, 'My Pictures', pictures, music, etc in Folders, have a check mark beside them.

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Windows Mail Not Show Email Attachments Having Excel Xlsx File

Jun 15, 2009

Windows Mail will not show email attachments that have an Excel xlsx file so I don't know they have been sent unless it is mentioned in the email.

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AVI Files Show Pic Other Show Black Icon

Feb 21, 2009

Is my first post and i have a problem with avi file icon. I am from Cyprus and my english its not very good. Some of my avi files show a picture and some others show a black icon. I did not have this problem before. Before all my avi files show a picture. I have K-Lite Mega Codec Pack (new version). I try Vista Codec but i can solve it. If you don't understand my english, one of the moderators please delete my post.

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Do I Have Everything In Order

Dec 6, 2008

This is what my system has and I would like to ask you guys if everything works to the maximum. Why do I only have 2.12 available of physical memory?

I would love to hear what you say guys. Tnx.

OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate
Version 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name SASHA
System Manufacturer TOSHIBA
System Model Satellite A300D
System Type x64-based PC
Processor AMD Turion(tm) X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-80, 2100 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date TOSHIBA V2.20, 11/08/2008
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:Windows
System Directory C:Windowssystem32
Boot Device DeviceHarddiskVolume2
Locale United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.0.6001.18000"
User Name SASHASash
Time Zone GMT Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 4.00 GB
Available Physical Memory 2.12 GB
Total Virtual Memory 8.20 GB
Available Virtual Memory 6.33 GB
Page File Space 4.29 GB
Page File C:pagefile.sys

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Out Of Alphabetical Order

May 22, 2009

On one of my computers a newly created Folder In my Documents does not find its correct space in alphabetical order when the name is inserted but stays at the bottom of the list of Folders in My Documents, requiring it to be placed in the correct place by hand incurring all the difficulties of merging Folders at the same time - all time consuming. Is there a way of correcting this? The Technical Assistance for HP Compaq failed to find a solution - maybe you readers are better equipped with the grey matter than they are?

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Order 5001722279?

Feb 21, 2009

I ordered and paid for a "windows Vista after market" 32 bit CD. Part 660-02694. Order 5001722279. Can you tell me where this order is.

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Put Lists Into Alphabeical Order

Dec 2, 2009

I need to be able to put lists into alphabeical order, such an easy task on windows XP. Surely this useful device has not been omitted on my new Vista......but I cannot find it.

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Custom Order Of My 'All Programs'

Apr 23, 2008

I've got it set up to my tastes. That said, one MAJOR annoyance I've come across is that no matter what I do, I cant keep the custom order of my 'All Programs' and 'Favorites' menus. I'm allowed to drag and drop in the order that I like, but every time I restart it's always put back in alphabetical order. I've unchecked the 'sort by alphabetical' in the 'customize start menu' panel, and I've made sure none of the folders are sorted by name... but
nothing seems to do it.

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Shutdown Window Order

Nov 26, 2008

Am running windows vista enter. 32 bit on my machine.

When i use the turn-off short key (Alt F4), the shutdown window appears and the first option in the drop down list is " Sleep ".

I want to change the order of these commands, like: i want the first option to be LogOff

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Order Of Software Installation

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a new computer that came with Vista Home Premium pre-installed. I purchased the Any Time Upgrade for Vista Ultimate. MS had to mail me the Any Time Disc, which is taking a long time coming. I haven't installed any software, including my anti virus, thinking it would be best to do the system upgrade first. Is this correct, or can I just go ahead and load the other software (Office 2007, QuickBooks 2008) and Trend Micro Internet Security?

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Chronilogical Order In Alphabetically

Apr 20, 2010

when I look at all my e mails from one sender--by clicking on sender--I want them to appear chronilogically, so I can scan what I need to, usually within the ten most recent. But they will only appear organized alphabetically by subject! Who cares about alphabetical by subject! Is there a way to rearrange?

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Sort Order Not Saving

Mar 2, 2009

I want my new messages to come in at the bottom but everytime I open my email box it is back at the top again. It is most annoying. This just started happening since I replaced my hard drive. Is there some setting I am missing?

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DNS Server Order For PPP Connections

Jun 5, 2008

It appears that in Vista, the DNS server(s) for a PPP connection are always favored over those from other connection regardless of the service provider order defined. This can be verified by using the nslookup command without any arguments and looking at the Default Server that is displayed. This is different than XP. Is there any way to change this?

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32 To 64: Through Alternate Media Order

Mar 5, 2008

A bit ago a person on here said they were able to upgrade their academic vista ultimate 32bit from their school to the 64bit version through the alternate media order. HOW? I have tried and it says offer not found. I have a copy now of 32bit vista that is doing me no good at all since I have 4gigs of ram and a 64bit processor.

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Boot Order: PXE-E61 Error

Aug 27, 2009

Well, I get the PXE-E61 error on my computer every once in a while; maybe 1/5 times I start it up, and when it does happen I usually have to restart about two or three times to get it to start up correctly. I 'm not sure if it's a huge problem, but I would really like to get rid of it altogether because it is kind of annoying. Nothing else is wrong with my computer. I know changing the boot order is supposed to get rid of this, and I was given a link and a suggestion, but my options are slightly different than the ones I found in the link. I just want to be completely sure I'm doing this right. This is the link How do I resolve and PXE-E61 error message and crash?....

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Sidebar & Gadgets Getting Out Of Order

Jan 7, 2010

Initially, I had a problem with my sidebar gadgets getting out of order each time I turned on or restarted my computer. I hacked the registry, which enabled me to keep my sidebar gadgets in order, but now I can't add any new gadgets except for the ones that either I already had downloaded and installed (WoW Explorer and App Launcher), or that came with WinVsta Ultimate.....................

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Want To Re-order Pictures In A Folder

Feb 6, 2009

I wish to order image files in a folder in a certain way (ie not alphabetic or chronologic). I can drag and drop pictures into the preferred order, but I am not sure how to ensure the permanence of that re-ordering. Also, I would like to be able to copy these images (in there new order) to either a new folder or to a CD.

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Does Not Boot If I Add The WinTV Card (or The PCTV Card)

Mar 23, 2008

Since I have upgraded the PC to Vista, I cannot use anymore WinTV-HVR-1300 (PCI) (Same issue with PCTV Dual hybrid - PCI-Express). Vista simply hangs while booting, the last driver loaded is crcdisck.sys. If I remove the WinTV card Vista works perfectly. With WinXP all was working fine. I tried to remove all the cards from the PC... the issue happens when I insert the WinTV or the PCTV card... Of course I also tried to change some settings in the BIOS without success.

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Internet Favorites Into Alphabetical Order

Mar 25, 2008

How do I put my internet favorites into alphabetical order when I click Favorites? They are in order in my C:UsernameFavorites folder, but not when I click Favorites in Internet Explorer.

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Harry Potter-Order Of The Phoenix

Jul 12, 2009

I have had HP Order of the Phoenix running on Vista Ultimate before.Just tried running it and it does not appear to run.I can see that there is a hp.exe process (by guess is its the gaming trying to start).I wait for a while and nothing happens.If the game dvd is not in the drive it complains as expected.So I load up the dvd; still nothing appears to happen. Kaspersky has been installed since the last time it ran; I have checked and the game is trusted to run.Even tried running it as admin; no luck. Tried uninsalling/reinstalling (a number of times); no luck.

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Emails To Sort In Descending Order

May 30, 2008

I want my emails to sort in descending order. This was working fine, but today it has decided to sort in descending order AND by subject. I can't get the 'sort by subject button' to clear. How do I do this?

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Contact List: In Reverse Order

Mar 23, 2008

My contact list was always showing in alphabetical order from A-Z...recently it appeared in reverse order...How can I change it back?

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Details View Sort Order

Feb 12, 2009

Example: 785.txt precedes 3241.txt. I'd prefer the old way where the "3" precedes the "7". Any way to change this?

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Change Multiple Pagefile.sys Using Order

Jul 17, 2009

I'd like to ask if I've two pagefile.sys in two drives C: and D:, how can I configure the using order of the pagefile.sys to use D: before C:?

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Organizing Pictures Alphabetical Order

Jul 1, 2009

How can I organize my pictures in the place I put them, and them stay there? For instance..I have a folder of pictures that I want to put in my own order..when I click and drag them in the order that I want, they stay there...but when I close out of the folder and go back to it..they are all back in alphabetical order by the captions. so how can I make them stay in the order I put them in myself? is there any way or is it always in alphabetical order?

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