Firefox 3.5.3 Released

Sep 9, 2009

Mozilla 's Firefox has been updated to 3.5.3.

Check for updates within your existing version ,or you can get it below.

Quote: What’s New in Firefox 3.5.3

Firefox 3.5.3 fixes the following issues:
Several security issues. Fixed several stability issues.

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Firefox Tweaks: Get Vista's Glass Effect In Firefox

Jul 17, 2008

For all you people who have been looking for a way to get Vista's glass effect in Firefox, look no further. Here is an extension for Firefox 3 that will do it. (supports 32bit and 64bit FF versions) Information Here: [Ext] Glasser 1.0.16 (BETA) - Add Vista Glass to Firefox • mozillaZine Forums. Menubar Addon: This Addon hides the File/Edit/View/tools menu using the ALT key to show it temporarily.

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New Version Of 7-Zip Released

Aug 29, 2007

1) Default mode: 7-Zip uses UTF-8, if the local code page doesn't contain required symbols.
2) -mcu switch: 7-Zip uses UTF-8, if there are non-ASCII symbols.
3) -mcl switch: 7-Zip uses local code page. Now it's possible to store file reation time in 7z and ZIP archives (-mtc switch). 7-Zip now can unpack multivolume RAR archives created with "old style volume names" scheme and names *.001, *.002, ... Now it's possible to use -mSW- and -mSW+ switches instead of -mSW=off and -mSW=on Some bugs were fixed. New localizations: Punjabi (Indian), Pashto.

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IE8 RC1 Released To The Public

Jan 26, 2009

As expected, Microsoft Monday released Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Release Candidate 1 (RC1) to the public. You can grab the download from the Microsoft Download Center: for Vista and Server 2008 32-bit, for Vista and Server 2008 64-bit, for XP 32-bit, for Server 2003 SP2 32-bit, and for Server 2003 SP2 64-bit and XP 64-bit. At time of publishing, the release notes have not yet been updated (but should be soon), though the Technology Overview for Developers is available. Please note that this build is newer than the one in Windows 7 build 7000 and cannot be installed over top of that version of IE8. Testers using Windows 7 will have to wait for a new build of the operating system.

Microsoft already gave testers an RC1 build (8.0.6001.18343) last month and then updated the build number 8.0.6001.18344 that same week, due to an out-of-band security update for the browser. The software giant gave the public IE8 Beta 2 in August 2008 and Beta 1 in March 2008. IE8 RC1 released to the public - Ars Technica

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IE8-Final RTM Released

Mar 19, 2009

Microsoft has released the final version of Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 8: Home page

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SP1 X64 Released Windows Update

Feb 21, 2008

I have seen reports all over the net that SP1 x64 is now on windows update!!! Can anybody confirm this, as I already have it installed.

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Virtual PC 2007 Released?

Feb 19, 2007

MS have realesed Virtual PC2007. Quote: Use Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 to run multiple operating systems at the same time on the same physical computer. Switch between virtual machines with the click of a button. Use virtual machines to run legacy applications, provide support, train users, and enhance quality assurance.......

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Windows 7 Packaging Released?

Jun 24, 2009

Just thought I’d drop in and let everyone know that the official images of the new Windows 7 packaging are out. Check them out here at the Windows 7 Team blog: Windows 7 Team Blog - The Windows Blog. I’m biased, but I like them. Simple, clean, and environmentally friendly – can’t beat that. Drop your comments in the thread.

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SP2 Released For Office 2007?

Apr 28, 2009

With all the hoopla about SP2 for Vista, I guess no one noticed that Microsoft has released SP2 for Microsoft Office 2007 through Windows Update… Haven't had a chance to install yet as I'm in the niddle of working on some office apps at the moment, so..

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IE8: Fully Released Or Still In Trial Stages?

Mar 26, 2009

i recently downgraded my IE8 on vista, down to IE7 and have been waiting for IE8 to be fully released.. now from what i am reading in MS emails, it looks like its up and running as they are offering tools to upgrade ur websites, so they can be compatible with IE8 and so on... anyways b4 i go thru upgrade again, i was hoping someone could shed some light on weather its ready or not... i currently use IE8 on my win7 OS, but that one doesn't seem to be ready yet... so don't know?

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Internet Explorer 8 Released, Progress Unmistakable

Mar 19, 2009

The final build of Internet Explorer 8 has been released in 25 languages. You can also grab the download directly from these links: Windows XP 32-bit (16.1 MB), Windows XP 64-bit (32.3 MB), Windows Server 2003 32-bit (16.0 MB), Windows Server 2003 64-bit (32.3 MB), Windows Vista 32-bit (13.2 MB), Windows Vista 64-bit (24.3 MB), Windows Server 2008 32-bit (13.2 MB), and Windows Server 2008 64-bit (24.3 MB).

The public Windows 7 beta is not being updated, and although Microsoft released an update for IE8 for Windows 7 in February, the next update is not likely to arrive until the Windows 7 Release Candidate next month. For everyone else, in the coming weeks Microsoft will put IE8 out as an optional download on Windows Update and then later roll it out to users via Automatic Updates. A quick note to all the IT administrators out there reading this post: the IE8 blocker toolkit is already available, so make sure you get acquainted with it if you're planning on avoiding IE8 when it's released via Microsoft's update channels.

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Sp1 Released Users Installing Gpmc Removed

Mar 23, 2008

This is now an urgent issue - where is the RSAT pack? Now SP1 is released and users are installing it gpmc is removed and we can nolonger manage GPO's.

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Microsoft Officially Released Its IE 8 Browser, Therewith Shedding The 'beta Status'

Mar 19, 2009

As of this morning 9:00 AM EST, Microsoft officially released its IE 8 browser, therewith shedding the 'beta status'.

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Firefox 2 Or Firefox 3, How Does It Compare?

Jun 25, 2008

So whats better, firefox 2 or 3.. the Official release of Firefox 3 has came right.. it's already been released?? How does it compare.. I'm sick of using Firefox 1.. I never got 2. and I don't wanna use IE.. so I was just hoping to hear from a few people and see what you all think.. Post comments please...

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Firefox: Pop Up

Sep 3, 2009

I use the latest version of Firefox. I will get a message saying that I'm in unsecure mode, and the way to fix it is to install a program from Microsoft (attached is a screenshot). However, even though it says that it's from Microsoft, if I double click it, it says it's from an unknown publisher.... what gives? And if I keep running the stupid AV and spyware bull, then why does this keep happening?

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Firefox Not Run

Mar 29, 2008

I'm trying to get Firefox to run but it doesn't. IE does work.

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Winsock And Firefox

Aug 17, 2007

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 OEM without any issues, until now.

Yesterday my computer was running just fine, but now, all of the sudden, it seems like it doesnt want to cooperate.

Here's a small list of thumbnails to make telling my story a whole lot easier:

1) On startup - nothing appears out of the ordinary..

2) Starting firefox results in nothing but a blank page.

3) Closing firefox results in error.

4) Opening up Binary Newsreader = errors.

5) Closing Binary Newsreader = more errors.

6) Opening FTP app results in similar errors.


[1] Connecting to PlayGround*GFX
[1] Resolving PlayGround*GFX � Designing the future of digital warfare!...
[1] PlayGround*GFX � Designing the future of digital warfare! =>
[1] Socket operation on nonsocket(10038)

So my question to you, wise and noble users of - what can I do to resolve these problems?

As mentioned earlier, I had *no* issues with my system yesterday.

System specs:

Core2Duo E6600 @ 2.4 GHz

XFX GeForce 8800 GTS-X

2048 MB DDR2 Ram

Running on Vista Ultimate OEM, 64-bit

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Firefox Won't Start

Apr 19, 2008

I've been running Firefox 3 Beta 5 for a few weeks on Vista Home Premium. I started to get a message saying that Firefox couldn't be started because it was already running. Kill the process or reboot. Upon investigation in the Task Manager, Firefox is not running as an application or process?

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Mozilla Firefox

Dec 23, 2008

I just got vista 64bit and Mozilla Firefox keeps crashing on me.
I've heard there are some compatibility issues with Firefox and 64bit windows.
Is there a patch out, a windows tweak or an alternate version of Firefox out to solve this issue?
Another application I'm having trouble installing is Flash CS4, It keeps preparing the install files to a temp folder and then tells me that it needs to close and to check the destination drives disk space/ write protection settings.
(note the destination drive has over 400gb left on it!)

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Only IE X64 Works Not Firefox Or IE 32?

Mar 18, 2008

firefox or ie 32 bit does not work, it wont connect to the internet, neither will aim. however i can go on websites with ie x64 bit version. but i cant go to Internet and such because flash doesnt work with the 64 bit version.

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Using Firefox Or IE : Can Not Download Anything

Feb 25, 2009

ok so i use vista home premium, have firefox installed. I cannot download anything using firefox or IE. whenever i do try to download the download window comes up and downloads all the way. I do not use desktop as the place where files are placed so it doesnt get cluttered, but it is in a folder on the desktop.

When it is done downloading there is nothing in the folder. It will be there while downloading ( and i can do anything with it), but when the download finishes the file dissapears and is unable to be found anywhere. It is not hidden or anything. I've done full advanced computer searches and the file cannot be found. I have AVG, but it is disabled.

I am in a few college classes and another problem that i am having is that when i try to take my homework off the site (usually in a .zip or .doc format), i have an error that comes up saying Cannot open C:UsersRyan' (or .doc) this is a HUGE!!!problem as i cannot afford to run back and forth to the college everyday trying to get my homework done.

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Need Firefox 3.6.x Update?

Apr 1, 2010

Every time an update comes out for FF 3.6, even though I have Firefox unchecked in the Update settings, it will ask me to update. Not just on startup, but just any old time. It's gettin' old fast!

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IE And Firefox Crash

Apr 11, 2009

The other night I come home from work late. I go to check my email and non-sense...but can't. Internet Explorer starts to crash..a lot. So, I found someone to send me Firefox the next day (I couldn't keep IE open long enough to do anything, half the time it didn't even open before the crash msg came up.) Still FF crashes. I don't know what the problem is..or was, it seems to be doing ok right now, first time I've actually been able to keep my browser open long enough to do something..I'm afraid to close it in case it doesn't work again. are the
reports, first the IE and then the FF.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:7.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:47918f11
Fault Module Name:StackHash_40d4................

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Firefox 2 Has Gone Very Unstable

Jul 2, 2008

Its late here so I'm gonna make this brief, my windows update keeps trying to install the same update over and over and over again. At this has been happening my firefox 2 has gone very unstable. I have never any problems with firefox till now. It is an update for xml core services (KB936181), take a look at the screen shot.

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Firefox Won't Working

Oct 22, 2007

i can't stand ie, but lately whenever i need to hear anything it's my only option. no sound works on firefox period. even when i use the add-on that switches firefox to ie in the firefox browser, same problem. i think it might have worked when this computer was new but i could be wrong. and if it did it was only for a very short time.

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Firefox 3.6 RC1 Download?

Jan 6, 2010

If you go to and click the Windows button you'll see an announcement and download links for Firefox 3.6 RC1. I just put it on both my PCs(W7 32 bit and Vista64 SP1.) Those running GradientIcool Blue theme may have to reload/reinstall the theme. After I did that using FEBE addon, my AddOn buttons showed in the status bar again. It passed my litmus tests. The pop-down descriptions on TV Guide site work, Silverlight video works on Netflix, and my AutoCopy AddOn copies. So far I haven't found any quirks or bugs.

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Firefox Slow

Nov 27, 2007

basically as the subject says, Firefox seems to run really slow on Vista, IE7 and Netscape 9.0RC1 seem to run really fast but for some reason Firefox just lags. I've searched the Internet but not really found much, few of the suggestions suggest netsh interface tcp set global autotuning disabled but that hasn't done much, they say run as an administrator which I do by right-clicking cmd and selecting run as administrator, not sure if I'm doing this right, not really sure how to run my machine as an administrator.

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IE Does Not Work Through Firefox

Jul 19, 2009

I have just downloaded Kodak Easy share from Kodak's website and each time I click on the kodak setup zip file it trys to intall Fraps instead. This happens on all the setup zip fles I downloaded from Kodaks website. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Edit got it working now using IE. Still strange though how come it does not work through Firefox.

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Is Vista Still Compatible With Firefox 3.0.8

Apr 17, 2009

Yesterday when I tried to open Mozilla Firefox, they showed up some error like crash something, I removed the old, install the new, the problem is still there.

I don't know why, before it ran smooth. I did try to install the old version firefoxe 2.0 but impossible.

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Firewall Can't Access Firefox

Jun 1, 2008

How do I disconnect the firewall.

I have certain web sites that I cannot access using Firefox and I'm thinking maybe this is the problem.

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How To Delete Firefox 3.6.2 History?

Mar 31, 2010

I know Tools/Clear Recent History/Everything but not everything gone when I cleaned my history.

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