Constant Bluescreen

Oct 13, 2009

It seems BlueScreen has been a problem for many Vista users. I was reading the forums trying to find an answer, and it seems the best thing I can do is show you the last minidump.

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Physical Memory: Constant 80 To 90

May 10, 2008

My memory usage (shown in task manager) is at a constant 80 to 90 used even though I have nothing running.(cpu usage minimal) What is causing the problem or what is using this much memory?

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Constant High CPU Usage

Apr 6, 2008

I have a Intel Core Duo 1.60 ghz processor with 2gb of RAM and my computer will constantly have 100% of the RAM taken up. I usually only run firefox, AIM, and itunes at a given time and I don't understand why my computer can't handle it. I will open up the task manager and it doesn't seem like any one task is taking up that much RAM, I don't understand what is doing it. I ran a virus scan with norton and it says I am clean, so I am puzzled by how my RAM could always be maxing out.

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Constant FREEZES And No Infections

Feb 11, 2009

No infections of any kind can be found on this PC, yet MSMail, MozillaFF and IE7 lock up constantly. How can this be fixed short of a reformat and reinstall of the OS? Vista has been as unstable as W98 for us. Is there any way to get it as stable as XP? Does anyone know what causes these constant W98 type freezes so many of us are enduring with Vista?

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Constant Disk Access

Apr 28, 2008

The notebook I buy is installed with Vista Home Preimum. After using it for a while, I found the LED of hard disk is lighting continuously. I spent some time to search the related topics on the internet. And, then I tried to

1). Disable SuperFetch Service.
2). Disable Windows Indexing Service.
3). Modify the memory management for DisablePagingExecutive = 0

I feel that the interval of HDD LED lighting becomes to low. However, it is not turned off when I don't use any problem for a whle. I tried to use the resource monitor to trace the disk access. I found that "svchost(LocalSystemNetworkRestricted) ... C:/.../lastalvie1.dat" would apear every one second.

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Constant Crashing In Games

May 17, 2009

In the last week or so my computer has been restarting itself without warning whilst playing video games. When I reboot I get this notice: "A problem caused windows to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if there is a solution."

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Can't Sign On Automatically Without Constant

Jan 10, 2009

I experience the "identifying 'network'" only when I sign on automatically, yet I do have an internet connection and networking works flawlessly; when I sign on manually there's only a very brief instance of it and after that all is normal. After literally spending days on this and trying all sorts of configurations for the router I still can't avoid this issue when I set networking properties to connect automatically.

Got a late model Dell PC/Vista Home Premium 32 which connects with no problems to my AT&T dry loop DSL Siemens 4100 modem which is connected to a new Linksys WRT54GS router which is picked up by an HP laptop/Vista Ultimate 32 with BROADCOM 802.11 b/g network adapter and NVIDIA nforce networking controller. As far as router configuration goes, I have tried the following applicable settings; Automatic Configuration-DHCP, Mixed Wireless Network Mode, Wireless Channel 6, SSID Broadcast as enabled and as disabled, Security Mode as WPA Personal and as WPA2 Personal, WPA Algorithms as AES, TKIP or AES+TKIP respectively. Also I have tried various connection scenarios in Wireless Network properties. Again the bottom line is that while I do have a network and internet connection, I can't sign on automatically without the constant "identifying 'network'" issue and when I sign on manually all is well. Never worked with a router before, Linksys customer support is an absolute trip with no destination and I'm hoping someone here might give me a few clues.

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IE Stopped Working - Constant Reboot

Jul 1, 2009

who is not pc literate seems to have a trojan. It's difficult to tell as I don't live nearby so have been unable to look at his laptop. My sister-in-law visited at the weekend and tried to download some media software and half way through she told my dad it couldn't be done and left it. Since then he's been unable to access the internet - error message "IE has stopped working" and the laptop just continually reboots. He is running Vista Home.

Somebody else had a look and told him he has a trojan. He can't actually get the laptop to start up so that he can run an anti-virus (not even sure if he has one). I need something simple and easy that I can talk him through over the phone. He has contacted PC world but can't afford their health check at the moment.

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System Constant Freeze And Cursor Also

Jun 21, 2008

When I start it, it will go to the desktop, everything will run fine, then suddenly nothing can be clicked, and soon the cursor also freezes. No chance to Ctrl+Alt+Dlt or bring up task manager. This freeze was initially happening after about 30 seconds, but after taking out one stick of RAM it lasts as long as 5 minutes before freezing (may be coincidence). This started happening before I changed any settings, the PC is still as new.

I have tried taking out the RAM and putting back in, leaving one stick out as mentioned above, and having a look at the BIOS on startup (didn't really know what to look for though). Made sure everything is plugged into PSU, everything looks right, I'm truly at a loss as to why this is happening. Oh, and freeze doesn't happen in Safe Mode, which leads me to believe it's nothing to do with hardware and is related to Vista or drivers?

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White Screen Constant Freeze

Nov 16, 2008

i have found over the past few weeks my system has been locking up in the first 10 minutes or so. All i get is a whit screen and a constant freeze out that is not resolved by ctrl alt del. I have taken the following actions

1. took side off case and removed any dust which was minimal
2. cleaned down heatsink
3. removed plug in Graphics card as i noticed it was very hot (GF8400GS)
4. reinstalled Vista ultimate from scratch
5. left the system running with the side off

alas it is still crashing in the first few minutes or wehn i try to install anything. The system is currently clean with just the install software given it crashes as soon as i try to do anything. It is 8 months old and in very good condition. I am at an absolute loss as to what could be. As stated before i cannot run for more than a few minutes so am struggling to do anything with the system....

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Keeping Folder Sizes Constant

Jul 7, 2008

Is there anyway that I can keep folder sizes to remain constant? For example, in my documents folder, I like the folders to be large, however at times they will be small or in list view. Is there anyway to set the size to remain large no matter what?

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Constant Stream Of UDP Packets From Same Four Addresses?

Apr 20, 2008

My router has been blocking a steady stream of UDP packets from the same four IP addresses. This has been going on for several days now. Here is an extract from the router's log. This same sequence repeats itself "ad infinitum" ;-)

[INFO] Sun Apr 20 15:25:11 2008 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to
[INFO] Sun Apr 20 15:25:05 2008 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to
[INFO] Sun Apr 20 15:24:53 2008 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to
[INFO] Sun Apr 20 15:24:51 2008 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to

Just in case, I rebooted the router and the computer... same results. I also checked SANS to see if there was any new activity and none was noted in relation to these ports.

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Constant Explorer Crashing (file Viewer)

Mar 14, 2008

6 months ago i bought a new lappy and its been going really good with vista on it, no crashes of anykind that i can remember, but last week its just started playing up, Whenever i do anything explorer crashes, sometimes it resets itself and other times i have to load task manager and Run explorer.exe to get my desktop back. anytime i load IE7 it resets itself or anytime i load a new page it does it. It does it when i load explorer (file viewer) and within 10 sec it crashes and closes that with no error box or anything, simply resets or crashes and dosent come back. Same with control panel etc. i've tried my nod 32 virus scanner is up to date and i've run a spyware scan but its still crashing constantly. When i first load windows a missing file error pops up that never used to aswell, but its a different file missing each time i boot up.

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Execute Downloaded Programs, Constant Application Crashes

Dec 12, 2007

Just installed my 3rd system onto Vista Ultimate x64. However, there is now a constant problem of when trying to execute downloaded programs (ie AVG, latest Directx) the application just crashes out in an AppCrash error. I have tried the UAC and permissions and SAFE MODE but nothing. I have read through varius Techs by MS but to no avail and have even done clean re-installs but still the same problem. I have read somewhere that Vista likes different files to be ordered, is ht correct and would anybody have an idea of what is happening?

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Constant Reboot, Suspend/hibernate Or Power Saver Mode

Feb 11, 2009

I'm not sure exactly where to post, but I been getting constant reboot after bringing my system out of suspend/hibernate or power saver mode. It just reboots like its about to post, but then goes back down. It does this over 'n over until I cut the power and kill the PSU. I did have my system OC'ed, but at the moment I'm currently running at default settings.

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OS Bluescreen

Aug 12, 2009

While I was surfing the net all of a sudden I get the bluescreen. This is not the first time this has happened. Here are the problem details Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen, OS Version:6.0.6002., Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:

Windows NT Version 6.0 Build: 6002 Service Pack 2,Product (0x1): Windows Vista (TM), Ultimate, Edition: Ultimate, BuildString: 6002.18005.x86fre.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830,Flavor: Multiprocessor Free,Architecture: X86,LCID: 1033, If any additional information is needed just let me know such as the dmp, file or sysdata.xml file

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New Processor -> Bluescreen

Mar 23, 2008

i installed new Intel E6750 processor and now i'm getting bluescreen.. sometimes at startup and sometimes after using computer for few minutes and it's never the same reason.. memorycheck says that i have some kinda hardware problem but my motherboard should support new processor. i have Vista 32-bit, Asus Commando motherboard, 4 x Kingston KHX6400D2LLK2/2GN ddr2 (total 4 GB), XFX GeForce 7800 GTX. with my previous processor Pentium D 3.00 GHz everything is fine, Vista runs bit slow sometimes but that's normal.

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Event Name: BlueScreen

Aug 26, 2009

I am a new Vista (x64) user and when I woke up this morning this was going on. Can someone please help me resolve this issue, I rely on my computer to run my home business. When I bring it up in safe mode and ask for the prompt to find solutions, nothing happens.

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BlueScreen Of Death

Feb 3, 2010

I was directed here after a thread I made on the forums because they said I would be able to get some help here regarding my first BlueScreen of Death. I am running.

*Lenovo T400

*Vista Home Premium 32bit

I believe the problem lies in the USB Flash Drive I've been using, though I am not completely sure. Every time I plug in the flash drive, a screen comes up saying that it is damaged, and must be scanned/fixed. Unfortunately, I cannot scan/fix it because it is "in use" when it's plugged in (or so it says). I used it many times with the "fix it" window popping up without problems, so I didn't see any issues coming up in the near future. I was only using Chrome for website browsing, when I decided to plug in my flash drive to transfer some files. RIGHT after I plugged it in, the Blue Screen showed up. And the only thing I recently installed was "PerformanceTest v7.0" which benchmarks my computer's performance. I just uninstalled it though. Lastly, I was told to .rar a minidump file, but I cannot find anything in the minidump folder.

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Bluescreen After DISKCRC.SYS...

Sep 15, 2009

A friend has a Lenovo laptop running Vista Home Premium. Right now, when booting to Vista the PC bluescreens and starts the boot process over again. This happens in normal as well as safemode. When in safemode the last file loaded is DISKCRC.SYS (probably just the last SYS file that would normally load). After a few seconds the bluescreen occurs and the laptop restarts. I don't have the details from the bluescreen yet. There have been no changes to the laptop.

I haven't had time to do a deep inspection, but BIOS settings are all correct and trying to boot to the last known good configuration doesn't change anything. I don't see an option to not restart on bluescreen from safe/normal mode boot screen. Of course Lenovo won't send out a Windows disc and one was never created when the laptop was purchased, so I currently don't have a disc that I can reload the laptop with.

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Jun 18, 2008

Vista Business Works six months no problem. Now, sometimes gives blue screen on startup. Shows hsxhwazl.sys. Sr. Google says it is a Conexent file for
56k modem, which I do not use. How can I safely disable?

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BlueScreen At Gamestartup

Apr 14, 2010

any fullscreen 3d app instantly crashes my system, giving the bluescreen. Im currently running the 196.21 drivers from nvidia because with the latest drivers the crashes occured even more often(at vista startup!). I tried a clean new driverinstall, didnt work. Im working with vista home basic x64 and GeForce 9800 GX2. If there is any more info you need, ask away, ill be ckecking in regularly.

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Bluescreen During Games

Mar 19, 2009

I'm currently having an issue when I play Left 4 dead. I can play for a bit, then about 30 mins or so in..I get a 'bluescreen' which isn't actually blue, but my monitor turns black..freezes up and then reboots. When the pc boots back up, it gives me this.

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Bluescreen Not Logged

Feb 6, 2009

I have fault bucket 0x10D_6_ax88772+74a8, type 0 for a bluescreen event and this is not the first event I have logged like this. Is there a solution to this?

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Unexpected Shutdown To Bluescreen

Mar 23, 2008

My computer has shutdown three times without warning over the past two days the error message that appears is as follows:


Shut down unexpectedly

1/13/2008 2:20 PM

Not Reported

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:1033............

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BlueScreen When Connecting To VPN, With ServicePack1

Apr 19, 2008

Before installing SP1 for Vista 64bit , my VPN connection was perfectly working. After installing SP1 , every time I try to connect to my officeVPN,( connection window..credentials...) I receive a BLUESCREEN. Not any helpfull EventLog entries written. Problems Reports and Solutions returns nothing....

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Repeated Bluescreen Crashes

Aug 31, 2009

My Vista machine is suffering from repeated bluescreen crashes, caused by a variety programs, but the usual running program is ntoskrnl.exe, although I think it 's another driver which I haven't been able to identify causing the problem. I've checked memory in memtest86 and all is ok. The PC can go a couple of months without crashing and then I can get several crashes in a day.

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Bluescreen, Not Shut Down Automatically

Mar 9, 2009

I got a bluescreen full of "stuff", it must mean something to someone, when I tried to shut down. My Lenovo 3000 K series would not shut down automatically and I had to turn it off by pressing the Off/On button. The Ethernet network is pointed to.

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Bluescreen BCCode: 100000b8

May 26, 2008

I got my new computer last week (5/18/08) and so far I have gotten 5 bluescreens so far. this is really starting to frustrate me. Here are the info for each bluescreen.

1. 5/19/08 Problem Event Name: BlueScreen BCCode: 100000b8
2. 5/21/08 Problem Event Name: BlueScreen BCCode: 100000b8
3. 5/22/08 Problem Event Name: BlueScreen BCCode: d1
4. 5/23/08 Problem Event Name: BlueScreen BCCode: 100000b8
5. 5/26/08 Problem Event Name: BlueScreen BCCode: 100000b

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Bluescreen And Memory Dump.

Mar 23, 2008

I've been using Windows Vista Ultimate for about a half year now and i keep getting bluescreens. I am uncertain of the reason and i don't know how i open the .mdmp files that are left in the folder of the program that crash my comptuer. Some time ago, vista actually solved the problem and said something about my RAM being in conflict with my motherboard or processor.

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Installed Vista And Getting Bluescreen

May 13, 2009

I've been having a problem since I installed Vista on my laptop. I had to manually install some drivers and I don't know if I installed them all correctly. Anyway, I've been having this error/bluescreen:..........

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