Comp. Slower Than It Used To Be

Jun 18, 2009

Any advise on how I can speed up my laptop again? It used to be faster 2 months ago. No idea what happened.

I used to play Insurgency mod on medium settings (sometimes bloom, no music/shadows).

I'm looking for a FREE option. I've already done the "how to speed up my computer" tweaks a LONG time ago (before this happened).

Vista 64
Pavilion dv9700
AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60 (2 CPUs), ~2.0GHz
4k RAM
DirectX 10
NVIDIA GeForce 7150M / nForce 630
Display Memory: 1065 MB
Dedicated Memory: 57 MB
Shared Memory: 1007 MB

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Machine Getting Slower And Slower

Apr 30, 2008

It's a Dell Precision laptop running Vista Ultimate SP1 32-bit and it started off being quite snappy when first installed and now it just gets slower and slower everyday. It starts up slower and programs are launched much more slowly than before. I defrag the disk(s) regularly and there are 4GB of RAM so what could be the reason? Yes, there are more programs installed and more disk space actually used over time but why should that slow down the whole machine?

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Comp Doesnt Read Usb Keyboard

Jul 29, 2008

Well i use vista basic and this USB keyboard just wont work. Ive reinstalled the driver, system restored, but still doesnt. It was working fine for months , but all of a sudden today it decided to not work.

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Comp Won't Shut Down! Restarts With Blue Screen!

May 3, 2010

Since last night, whenever I'm trying to shut down the blue screen appears with the message that it's dumping physical memory and starts counting and then restarts the computer! After that I get a message box showing the following:


Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: f4
BCP1: 0000000000000003
OS Version: 6_0_6002
Service Pack: 2_0
Product: 768_1
Files that help describe the problem:


I even tried to do a System Restore but when the comp shuts down to set up the restore point, blue screen shows up and repeats the whole process. Did a scan with Malware Bytes but still the same. I'm dead scared about the blue screen. Please HELP!!!

My System is 64 bit with 8GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad 2.33 GHz Processor with 350 GB hard drive.

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COMP Wont Go Past HP Screen At Begining!

Jan 1, 2010

I have an HP dv6000. I was using the computer today and it was fine and I did not download anything today. When I went to turn it on tonight it goes to the HP screen where in the bottom right hand corner I can pressesc for boot order settings for F10 for setup. Than it shuts off and does the same thing again. I try to press F8 but it's like it wont allow it, I can press F10 to get into setup but when I press F8 there is a
loud beep. It seems like there is a light ticking coming from the bottom part of the lap top, about every 5 seconds i hear a light tick. I tried to reset to the default settings. take the battery out, and all of that.

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Re-named Files Now Comp Wont Work: UxTheme.dll Cannot Be Found

Feb 20, 2009

I wanted to install a new theme onto my computer the other day,rather than use Glazz or whatever it's called i found instructions on how to edit some files within the System32 folder on the C drive.It told me to re-name the UxTheme.dll and two other files that i cant remember (ibelieve they were called something like svchost.dll and hmui.dll,total guesses)First i had to take ownership of all 3 files,then i had to change the permissions to full permision on all three to full control,and then i had to re-name all the files rom.dll to.old and then the part that i think i screwed up was that it said to copy something and i missed that,so i re-started the computer and then the problems arose.It will come up to the login screen,then i log in,it comes up with a message that UxTheme.dll cannot be found, i click ok and then two screenes come up saying that the Windows Explorer and Desktop Manager are not working and windows cannot find a solution.It then finishes loging in and brings to to a black screen where only the mouse pointer is visible, and that's it.If i ctrl-alt-delete it brings up the screene showing me my options,logout,switch users, task manager,etc.I can log out,switch etc,but if i click task manager it also brings up a window saying the task manageris not working.

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Windows SP1 RTM Is Lot Slower

Apr 6, 2008

I Finally Ended My Microsoft Boycott Of Windows Vista Service Pack One RTM And Returned 2 It Yesterday Night, And Now I Am Wondering Exactly What Was I Thinking (As Windows Vista Service Pack One Is A Whole Lot Slower Than Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.10 RTW, Open Source Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support Official Beta Refresh, And Microsoft Windows Server 2008 RTM), Just FYI. I Think That Frank, Bill Yanyire, The MS-MVP's, And Microsoft Itself Needs A Major Wake Up Call Regarding Windows Vista Service Pack One, As It's Much Slower Than The Other 3 Mentioned Operating Systems Combined, Just FYI. All Sold Copies Of Windows Vista Needs 2 Be Recalled, Before It Does Some Kind Of Major Destruction 2 Some Large Corporation's Computer Networks, Also Just FYI.

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Windows 7 Boots Slower

Oct 9, 2009

Quote: Microsoft's new Windows 7 operating system boots slower than its unloved predecessor, Windows Vista, a PC tune-up developer said today. The claims by iolo Technologies, a Los Angeles maker of PC software, contradict Microsoft's boasts that Windows 7 starts up faster than Vista. More - Windows 7 boots slower than Vista, says study

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Sound Is Slower Then Video.

Jun 23, 2008

My first post here but been hanging out here alot and learned alot.

Well, i previously had Combined Community Codec Pack but after viewing the thread on vista64bit codecs, i uninstalled this and used vista64bit codecs. But then i could play only media center not my windows media player. So after getting so annoying i installed Combined Community Codec Pack again.

But now i play any video, i feel the sound not in sync with the movie, as its slower then the video.

P.S : I use DIGITAL CABLE for my z680 and my supreme fx 2 sound card is just idle and not in use of my asus rampage. Also i use 9800 gfx from which a friend of mine has done audio output,

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Cut The Crap: Classic Is Slower Than Aero (*).

Apr 13, 2008

Cut the crap: classic is slower than aero (*) Ahhh yes.. educating the vistaboys once more.. the cluless mvps and vista-trolls alike. What can I do.. its so ironic that I, who think vista is a bucket of crap, know more than most fanboys about their OS. So here is the lesson of the day:

(*) Classic is slower than aero on machines that are aero glass capable. This is a clear fact that so many have gotten wrong is hilairious. Even tech geeks give this as one of their tips to make vista faster.

If your card doesnt support aero then classic is as slow as with the aero basic theme, and that means absolutly NO acceleration (compared to XP that DID have GDI acceleration that was lighning fast!) But its not faster with classic theme. Its slower........

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Win7 Boots Slower Than Vista

Oct 8, 2009

Vista is slower than XP. Win7 boots slower than Vista. Cathy's boobs are too large so she loses balance when walking. My car is too fast so can't stop properly at intersections. neighbor's child is being a child so he screams, and I hate that man... errr child. China id too large. Will you stop complaining & just get a modern computer to run a new OS? Or let's go back to DOS p- sure it can run f-g fast even on coal-powered machine.

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Copy Speed Over The Network Is Slower That XP SP2 And OS

Jun 20, 2008

We have a client with a new Vista Business x64 Workstation joined to a 2003 (native) AD domain. The hardware specs are first class (64GB RAM, Dual Qaud core 3+GHz Intel Procs, Fastest SATA disks available, 2 Uber Graphics card in SLI, Giabit NIC, etc.). This machine must move large amounts of data to a File Server's SAN frequently (hundreds of gigs per upload or download). The problem is uploads and downloads to this file server via mapped drive in Vista take considerably longer than either an XP Pro SP2 or MacBook Pro from THE SAME network jack.

What we have done so far with minimal improvements if any:

1. Disabled active AV scanning on the file server and removed it completely on the Vista workstation (were using Trend Micro).
2. Disabled "Remote Differential Compression".
3. Disabled SMB 2.0 via registry

***at this point the file transfer calculation seemed to start working correctly, previously it would estimate it would take 4+ hours to copy 85Gb of test data when in reality it was finished much much sooner (several minutes but forget the exact number now)*** Client reported some speed improvements at this point but not that great. From the file server during the transfer (when this is the only transfer happening on the network) the Gigabit NIC on the server reports a network utilization of 30-40%......

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VISTA Sucks: 10% Slower On Benchmarks

Apr 14, 2008

VISTA SUCKS, I broke down and gave it a try. I have a recent computer, dualcore cpu, 2gigs etc. I went into it with an open mind, I never believe what people say until I try it myself. I expected it to be about 10% slower on benchmarks (gaming), etc. But I figured with a fast computer that 10% might not be missed.

It's so stupid! (unstable/crashy/crappy). My drivers are all up-to-date, etc. I've had more crashes in two days then I did in two years with XP. Games run horribly!I'm thinking I lost more then 10% performance, when things arent crashing With that said.... Goodbye you "sexy dumb blonde" of an operating system... I'm going back to ugly/reliable XP, after only two days...

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Download Speeds Much Slower Xp Windows

May 30, 2008

I've been getting very slow download speeds on vista and have done everything I could to fix it. I have disabled the tcp auto tuning following this guide, turned off the QoS thing following this guide, turned off my phishing filter and firewall, switched over to a static IP, and maybe some other stuff i cant remember but in the end I still get terrible download speeds compared to my computer that runs XP I went to to make sure I wasnt crazy...Vista: ~750 download XP: ~11600 download the upload and ping were the same.

Both computers are wireless (same distance from router) but I think that my be where the problem lies...I have a linksys wireless pci card and they apparently dont have drivers for my card for 64 bit vista, so I found this post and was able to get a driver to get my card working and get online. Im not saying this is the problem but just throwing it out there just incase it may be.So my question is what could be the cause of my slow downloading and what can I do to fix it?

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The Internet Connection Is Slower Than Dial Up

Mar 23, 2008

Just purchased a new HP desktop with Vista and Norton Internet Security. DSL connection with line connection to Ethernet slot. The Internet connection is slower than dial up. The old crappy desktop I'm replacing was faster! Been through Norton and HP support desks, both of which have not fixed the issue. What suggestions do you have? If I can't fix this, I'm returning it and purchasing a MAC!

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Rocketdock Launcher Slower Computer

May 5, 2008

Last night I came across what I think is a terrific free little program called "RocketDock." RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha blended application launcher. It provides a nice clean interface to drop shortcuts on for easy access and organisation. With each item completely customizable there is no end to what you can add and launch from the dock. Now with added Taskbar support your minimized windows can appear as icons on the dock. This allows for better productivity and accessibility.Features: Minimize windows to the dock Real-time window previews in Vista Running application indicators Simple drag-n-drop interface Multi-monitor support Supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons Icons zoom and transition smoothly Auto-hide and Popup on mouse over Positioning and layering options Fully customizable Completely Portable ObjectDock Docklet support Compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and Y'z Dock skins Runs great on slower computers Unicode compliant Supports many languages and can easily be translated A friendly user base :) And best of all... its FREE!!! Following is an image of my desktop showing "RocketDock' and weblink for the program:

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Increased Memory Now Slower & Application Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Installed new 4GB DDR SDRAM DIMM (Corsair XMS Twin2048-3200c2) on MSI 865PE/GNeo2 Motherboard with a Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU. Checked all installation issues and recommemded Bios setting. Vista performance and app responses are slower than before the upgrade and unstisfactory. Must I do reinstall Vista and if so can I do a clean install with Vista Home Premium Ugrade as I have done with Windows XP Upgrade.

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Install Extra Harddrive, Worl Slower?

Jun 24, 2008

If I Install extra harddrive on my pc will it worl slower?

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Backing Up Manually Move Was Slower Copy

Feb 10, 2009

when i was backing up...manually. i saw that move was slower than copy. it sound funny but yes,, that true. is it normal. can u tell me ur ideas? on why

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File Copying Seems Way Slower Than XP And It Crashes A Lot For No Apparent Reason

Jun 27, 2008

Been using Home Premium SP1 32 bit for several months, file copying seems way slower than XP and it crashes a lot for no apparent reason. I mostly use for web surfing and downloading music and some work related document writing. I've been thinking of trying Ubuntu, since Vista doesn't seem stable. Opinions?

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Downloaded Dreamscene From Windows Update, Slower Startup?

Dec 19, 2008

My vista (ultimate x64) is working perfectly, and only one thing bothers me.When I installed vista, and some programs (cc cleaner,winamp..), everything was fine during startup. But, when i downloaded Dreamscene from Windows update, now when desktop shows-the background is still (frozen), and the only thing I can click with mouse is taskbar, and icons on taskbar. Then, after one and a half, or two minutes, the circle on the mouse shows, like its loading something, the background start playing, and then everything works perfectly.

I was looking at programs that starts with windows, but nothing-those are the same programs that were before dreamscene (java, windows defender, roccat drivers, nvcpldaemon, nvmediacenter). When I uninstaled dreamscene, everything was fine again. But, since I want DS, is there a soultion? Is there a manual dreamscene instalation, so that I can try with that-without windows update? Or its not DS, its something else.

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Sound Dumb Buts Dose Vista Sp1 Make Its Run Slower

Apr 11, 2008

this goings to sound dumb buts dose vista sp1 make its run slower ors is it like every one is on the web tonight? seams to make things running slower n was wonderings if any one else was having this issue?

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Slow Hard Drive Access Times, Gets Slower With Time!

Oct 11, 2008

this is my 3rd fresh clean install, using both vista x86 and x64, and all new hardware as well (new mobo, hd's, cpu, ram, etc):

after a day of two of creating a user account, the hd access starts to become excruciatingly slow, and gets slower with time. when you use explorer and want to access the hard drives, the system takes 3-7 seconds to open the folder. when browsing pictures, it takes 3-6 seconds to switch to the next, etc.
creating a new user account solves the problem temporarily, until a day or two passes, and then the same thing starts to happen!

what i've tried so far:
- disabled indexing (windows search service)
- disabled hard drive indexing
- tried booting up as ide, as well as ahci
- created new install with raid0, and same issue.

* e8400
* asus p5q-e with latest bios
* 2 x 320 wd 3200aaks sata drives, 1 x 250 wd 2500aaks sata drive
* asus sata dvdrw drive
* 4 gb crucial ballistix pc2-6400 (ddr2-800)

i've noticed this problem accelerates even more when using the "sleep" power mode. but even when disabling this, it still happens.

i've googled for over 2 weeks. i've done 3 fresh installs, i've replaced all the hw, and used 3 different copies of vista ultimate, with same results!

update: here is a video of the problem:
Internet - windows vista hard drive performance issue

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Games Run Much Slower On Vista Is Because Vista Is A DirectX10 Supported OS

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried everything to get my games to run smoothly on Vista, and nothing seems to work very well. Its not so much as my computer sucks, cause when I downgraded to XP, just to try it out, my games were running perfectly smooth. And don't say, "Just stick with XP then!" cause I love Vista in its many other ways.

The only reason I can come up with as to why my games run much slower on Vista is because Vista is a DirectX10 supported OS, but has a DirectX9 "emulator". And since all my games, and video card are DX9 compatible, it runs in the emulated mode. Now we all know running emulators makes our computers run a bit slower, so thats the only solution I can come up with.

Well I know alot of others have had this problem, and Microsoft knows its a problem, so they have said, and I've been told that Vista SP1 would fix that. Well I downloaded SP1 RC Refresh, yet nothing seems to have changed at all...

So heres my questions - Do you guys feel that because its a DX10 supported OS, and im running DX9 software/hardware, that thats a reason why my games run slower? Also what do you guys think on Vista SP1 RC Refresh?

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