-Ultimate, Offline Files Not Working (NAS)

Mar 24, 2008

I have a notebook with Vista-Ultimate on it.I have a Intel SS4000-E NAS unit in my network on wich all of my data resides.I have marked several files/folders for 'allways available offline' but when I'm offline I can't open the files (Error: 0x800710FE: This file is currently not available for use on this computer). Syncing also gives an
error for each and every file in the Sync-Center 'The process cannot access
the file because it is being used by another process' while I'm the only
user on the system at this time and it's NOT in use.I've read that offline files may not work correctly with NAS units, I've also seen some postings about making changes to the 'samba' software ? But I don't know how to do that or if the SS4000 even uses Samba.I'm not sure how to proceed, but I really, really, really need my offline

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Offline Files Not Working

Mar 30, 2008

Machine is part of a domain. Everything worked fine using XP. Upgraded to Vista, and now Offline Files is not working. Tried SP1, same problem. File server is Windows Server 2003 Cluster. The "Offline Availability" says "Not available". What does that mean? The user does login to another machine and access these files. But there's like 500 files and all files and folders say "Not available" for Offline Availability. Other users (in same Org Unit) can log into that same machine and Offline Files works fine. I've tried removing the profile on that computer and re-creating it, but same problem. Originally the Org Unit for these users didn't allow access to Control Panel. Could that have something to do with it, since Sync Center and Offline Files features are under Control Panel? But even after allowing Control Panel, still same problem.

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Slow Performance When Working Online With Offline Files

Mar 29, 2008

I am currently testing Vista in our XP Pro/2003 environment. The XP clients perform perfectly in the same setup. We are using Netgear Managed Switches. To give you an idea of what I mean by slow/fine. When working offline, Word 2007 (or example) will open in less than 2 secs. When working online it is likely to take at least 10 secs. The HDD is busy continuously, slowing performance to a crawl. Something else I have observed is that this High Disk Activity does not start until all of the files that the user has chosen to be offline have been downloaded into the cache as observed by Network
Utilization in task manager. I have a feeling the problem may lay in Vista's background sync? All users are using roaming profiles (Stored on a seperate server) and Folder redirection for all profile folders.

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Off Sychronizing Of Offline Files

May 13, 2009

How do I tun off Sychronizing of offline files?

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Offline Files Cannot Be Enabled.

Dec 21, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate SP1 on my laptop. The Z: drive maps to an Iomega StorCenter NAS. I can read/write folders, files, etc. with no problem. When I disconnect from the network, I can still see the Z: drive. The folders that I made available offline are accessible and there are placeholders (folder has an X on it) for folders that I did not make available offline.

When I connect back to the network, I would do a reboot and I can see all of the files on the Z: drive again. Given this, it appears that Offline Files is enable. Or, is it? In the Control Panel / Offline Files / General tab, I clicked on "Enable Offline Files" and I got the message below............

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Offline Files Fail To Synchronize

Mar 23, 2008

I have my documents redirected to the server and therefore Vista has an offline copy of these files.

I notice that some files are failing to synchronize automatically, but will synchronize if I manually perform it.

For example:

An 767KB xls file changed in Vista requires a manual synchronization.A 1KB txt file will synchronize immediately.

Both files are in the same folder.

I also notice that Sync Center rarely updates the Offline Files status. The Last sync date could be days ago. It will update if I manually synchronize, but it won't update automatically.

If the user logs off or on, the xls file still won't synchronize. I notice this on both Vista RTM and SP1 beta machines.

XP machines will update the server share immediately.

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Turn Off Offline Files Synchronization

May 13, 2009

How do I turn off Turn Off Offline Files Synchronization. A process (mobsync.exe) runs periodically and I want to turn it off.

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Notebook: Offline Files Displayed Colored

Mar 23, 2008

I use Vista Business with all current updates on a laptop. On a server (NAS, Samba V3.0.26a), are the application files in the standard operation. To work with the files works always smoothly. In the notebook, I have some files declared as offline files and thesynchronization works smoothly. At the offline files is a yellow circle with green arrows. In the Control Panel / Offline Files / Disk use corresponds to thememory used by the offline files correct. When I use the notebook separate from the network, the offline files displayed colored. Up to here everything is still okay! If I try to open an offline file it is not to open or at favorites the Internet link is not available :eek: If you look at the properties it shows the following: size: 323MB size on Disk: 20KB :confused: Why are files missing? What is in the offline files defect?

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Synchro Offline Files & Folders Very Slow

May 12, 2009

I have a laptop with Vista Business SP1, in a AD domain with SBS 2003. When i syncronize the offline files it's very very slow. for a short file or folder the synchro make 1 hour. I have another laptop with Win XP Pro SP3 on the same domain, i use the offline files and it's word well. Why it's very slow with Vista There some space on my hard drive (more than 1/4 space free of the hard drive)

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Windows - Offline Files Access Denied

May 1, 2008

Once redirected folders using Folder Redirection for My Documents is setup, Users on Windows Vista SP1 get's access denied, to all 'Offline' content, and files created/modified can't be synced to the server,sync enter reports access denied.The file server is running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition R2 with Service Pack 2 installed.The share allow use of Offline Files, and share permissions are Everyone FC.I let Folder Redirection populate folders for each user in the root directory of the share. (Following Guidelines)This issue seems to be common, but there doesn't seem to be any solution to the issue.

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Remove Sync Center Logo From Offline Files

Feb 20, 2007

Microsoft has spent a lot of work on updating Offline Files in Windows Vista with the new Sync Center. For those of you that do not know or use Offline Files, they are simply a local replica of a file that is on a network share.  These replicas allow you to work on files you have set to be available offline even if you are not connected to say your corporate network or home server. You can manage all of the offline file settings in one place, the Sync Center. 

The only problem I have with the new offline files is the massive green icon that is appended on top of any file that is setup to sync as an offline file. This provides a nice visual clue but often blocks a big portion or almost the entire icon depending on your explorer view.  This is unnecessary and since you can manage your offline file from the new Sync Center, it is no longer really needed to find out what files are setup to be synced.

Follow these steps to disable the offline files logo from appearing on your files:

Click on the Start Menu, key in regedit and hit Enter........

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File Synchronization: Access To Other Files Set Up For Offline Access

Jun 23, 2008

I have my laptop connecting to a server under AD control. My laptop is not joined to AD by design. I set up some files using 'Sync' to have them available to me offline. My AD password has since changed and I cannot connect to the server to have access to other files set up for offline access. When I attempt to remap the drive, I get an error stating I am already connected using the credentials provided. This is not true, since I cannot access the server. What do I need to do to fix this problem?

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Ultimate: Microphone Is Not Working....

Jun 8, 2008

oh the joys of Vista... once again my microphone isn't working.. it's a front mic.. when I go to configure it it shows TWO front-mics.. why is it showing two when I only have one? and why does it say "working" next to "Rear Mic"?? I don't have a "Rear" mic, whatever that is.... again, main question: why does it show TWO front-mics? (and how do I know which one is the one I have?) (am SO SICK of Vista.. anybody wanna buy a PC? am getting closer and closer to switching to a mac, I swear...)

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Right Click Not Working On Ultimate X64

Oct 31, 2009

my windows vista (or my wirless mouse?) has a strange behaviour sometimes, sometimes it automatically right clicks on stuff, im a programmer so use applications like NetBeans IDE alot, sometimes (often) when i start typing or im doing nothing windows or my mouse right clicks on text and stuff, i dont know why but its based on any type of logic, im confused. it happens in firefox and other apps which there is a sort of TEXT is available. i have recently installed windows x64 because ive purchased new hardware parts, (4GB RAM, QuadCore CPU, VGA and Main). also ive purchased a set of Logitech 2400 Cordless desktop mice and keyboard along with other stuff.

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DEP Not Working Vista Ultimate 64

Aug 10, 2008

System is dual opteron single core, Highpoint 1820 raid 5 western raptors, another for photos another as scratch disk and a spare tyan 2885 mother board ultimate on raid 5 drive as c drive. System appears stable till I try to do anything as an administrator. I click on something to change something and system locks up. will only work after a hard restart till I click on something again, Where do I need to start looking for problem, system was stable with 2x the memory 4 gigs in XP 32 and 64 even thru the vista betas, I could only reinstall with 2 gigs of memory all ecc and registered all are matched. Office 2007 installed and updated, printers installed, networked etc. last crash I had message 3 days to activate, activate now. I clicked on activate now system locked up

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Default Defragging Can Not Working With Ultimate 64

Mar 2, 2009

I may be flamed "for not using the search" on this one, but I did. I didn't scour, as I'm about to go to sleep, but I did notice the mention of Auslogics quite a few times. That's my current defragger, as the default defragger in Vista, I'd say, is pathetic. My question, though, is: Is there anything else? What is the best way to defragment Vista? I don't know if it's a juvenile idea, but in XP, I was always comfortable using the defragmenting tool the OS came with because.. it was for XP, and it worked. You saw the progress. As for Vista's, it shows nothing, there's no visual progress, and every time I use it, it stays on for days on end if I do not end it myself. Auslogics seems to work alright, I see the progress, but I can't verify it's potency and power myself. Plus, I didn't pay. Seems to good to be true. Can someone point me in the right direction, or correct me if need be?

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Networking Not Working On New Windows Ultimate

Oct 6, 2008

i installed my new windows vista ultimate but i have a problem i cannot connect to the internet well im dual booting it with windows vista basic my old os because i knew something was going to go wrong lol so any tips on how to get internet on my new ultimate it works fine on basic on ultimate it gives the error hardware

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Reboot Vista Ultimate Without Losing The Files On My Hard Drive

Jan 9, 2009

I need to reboot my Vista Ultimate (I know how to do this, I'll use the Recovery CD that came with my laptop), but I don't want to lose the files on my hard drive. I also have no way to access my hard drive at the moment (I tried restarting and pressing F8 and all I got was the message I initially got, below).

I got impatient at my ASUS M51 T9500 laptop freezing, so I pressed the "On/Off" button for a long time, got the computer to turn off and then pressed "On" again. The computer started, but Vista wouldn't come up. I got this error message, which I keep getting when I do "Ctrl Alt Delete" (I don't know why I tried that, I just hoped it would help) and when I restarted and pressed F8: Windows Boot Manager. Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert the Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, then click "next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

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Outlook 2007 No Longer Working After Upgrade From Home Premium To Ultimate

Oct 18, 2009

I had a copy of Ultimate laying around the house and decided for some stupid reason to upgrade the OS yesterday. It's been a nightmare. After 10 hours I've reinstalled many, many programs and have been able to get the to launch all of them with the exception of Outlook. I've searched for a solution and have had no luck following a solution to the problem I'm encountering.

I'm getting the following error message:

>>> Cannot open your default e-mail folders. An unexpected error has occured. MAPI was unable to load the information service mspst.dll. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured.<<<

I have successfully used Outlook 2007 for the past 6 months on my home PC. The problems I am encountering began immediately following the upgrade to Ultimate (32 bit--I thought I'd have less problems with drivers going 32 bit route than trying 64). I am hoping to salvage my contacts and calendar if at all possible (I have them backed up on an external drive but it's not current about 6 weeks old...I see an Outlook.pst in Windows.old but I cannot open it). I've had to reinstall Office Ultimate 2007 and I have run repair three times. All the Microsoft Windows Ultimate updates are installed. Not sure if this is related but the Office Ultimate Disc 2 will not install properly.

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Directory Always Available Offline

May 9, 2009

From a self-taught user.

The instruction reads:- Navigate to a Folder, right-click the directory and chose "Always available offline"

When I navigate to a Folder in My Documents and right-click on it I do not get "Always available offline" as an option.

How do I get the Directory, so that I can proceed with the right-click on the Folder and get the desired result.

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Printer Goes Offline

Apr 10, 2009

Using HP psc 2510, linksys wrt54g router, and Toshiba laptop with Vista os.Everything is great for a few days, then the printer will not work.Looking at control panel, printers, I see the printer is offline.How do I get it back online? The blue light is on, but it will not print network config page.I have to reset the router and reinstall the printer to get it working again.

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Can Only Show As Offline On WLM

Sep 28, 2009

everytime i log in as any status other than show as offline my wlm instantly disconnects, and when i sign in as show as offline and switch it disconnects. anyone else had this problem/know how to fix it?

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Defrag Offline?

Apr 27, 2007

Is there a way to defragment offline (not in the windows operating system), similar to the way chkdsk /r is done to the operating system's partition/HDD offline(right before windows boots)?

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Wireless Printer Offline

Mar 23, 2008

Using a wireless HP 2510 printer, Linksys router, HP machine with XP, and Toshiba with Vista. I get everything set up and all work well. Then for some reason the printer will not work from the Vista machine. Got to control panel | printers and I see the HP 2510 and it is the default printer and is "offline".

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Stuck In Offline Mode

Sep 1, 2009

So early this morning I was trying to connect to a Linksys Wireless Router so I was changing some setting in Network Connections. I plug back in my internet cable and it says im online but when I go to surf the web it says im in offline mode and i have to go to tools and turn it off. So i go to tools and unselect offline mode. I press refresh and it wants me to connect! I've been working for hours and it still wont work!

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The Webpage You Requested Is Not Available Offline Displayed

Jun 8, 2010

I use Windows Vista Home Premium and Int. Explorer 8.

When I sign into my ISP I get the following message: ???The webpage you
requested is not available off line.?

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Favorites To Appear In Windows Explorer Again - Offline

Jun 6, 2008

I used Favorites alot in Windows explorer (not IE). It saved me huge amounts of navigation time. It is really rotten that it is not available. As a matter of fact, the whole hidden navigation, lack of easily viewable menus only slows me down and makes working with Windows Vista very, very, frustrating. At least put offline Favorites back in Windows Explorer. Favorites should not just be an Internet feature. When I want to dive 7 levels down to a particular folder, I want to do it right now, not 8 clicks from now.

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How Can Delete Printer: Deleting - Offline

Sep 23, 2009

I had a problem with Adobe Acrobat that has been resolved. I have a new 'Adobe Acrobat Distiller Printer' installed and all is well. I am trying to get rid of the old one and it says "Deleting - offline" and stays that way even after rebooting.
I can highlight id and press delete or right click delete or Alt+File->Delete but it doesn't go away.

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Windows Live Messenger, Appearing Offline

Feb 28, 2009

I had a problem 3 days ago, somehow when I'm online, all my contacts are unable to see me, and i appear "offline" to them. I have tried installing the latest windows live messenger 2009, and the problem still persists. I have also tried logging on using web messenger, ebuddy, still....it doesnt go away.

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Drive Offline To Be Disapeared From Windows Explorer

Apr 26, 2008

I have two hard disks in my computer. Nowadays many people have more than one hard disk. Let's call them A and B. A is a large disk, and I have installed Windows on A. Most of my personal files are also stored on A. B, however, is relatively small and contains seldom used files and back up copies. Since B is not often accessed, B usually gets turned off by OS. But for no apparent reason ( I guess it maybe due to some sort of defragmentation or indexing) B gets turned on making an annoying sound.

I could manually cut off the power by opening the chassi and plugging out the power code of B, but that will be even more annoying. I can set B won't be turned off, but it will waste a lot of power since B is idle most of the time. Can't I just make the B offline till I want it to be functioning again? I mean I'd like to turn B off using some sort of software and prevent it to be automatically turned on until, I explicitly turn it on. I saw PerfectDisk (a defragmenation software) make a drive offline so that it to be disapeared from Windows Explorer. So it should be possible in some way....

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Win98 Printer Share Is Perpetually Offline After Rebooting

Oct 10, 2009

For years, I've had an HP DeskJet 812C connected to the parallel port on my Win98SE computer. The printer is shared, and I've had no problems printing from Windows XP. Enter Windows Vista. I set up Vista to use client-side rendering by adding a local printer and having it point to the port for the printer. Everything works fine when I set it up, until I reboot the Vista computer. When that happens, Vista lists the printer as "offline" and NOTHING I do will allow it to print again. The only thing I can do is add another printer, have it point to the same port, and delete the old printer.

How do I fix this problem, or alternately, how do work around the problem by making a script to automatically add a local printer set to print to the shared port on bootup and delete it on shutdown? I have no idea how to make such a script or if it is even possible. I'm using Vista 64-bit home premium. I should mention that this is definitely a Vista problem, because I have Virtual PC installed on that same computer to run Windows XP Pro (32-bit) and the virtual machine on the same hardware with the troublesome Vista as the host OS has absolutely NO problem with the printer or file shares as far as the Win98SE computer is concerned. As a consequence I'm resorting to doing all my Office Suite work with Virtual PC as I don't want the hassle of forgetting to reinstall the damn printer every time I want to print.

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