"Destination Host Is Unreachable"

Nov 10, 2008

I have 2 Vista machines...one behaves somewhat normally, but another that doesn't want to play nice. I can access the Internet, ping local XP machines, but when I try to access several NON-PC machines that are wireless...that is where the trouble begins. I am just trying to ping that machines locally and they wont respond fully. I mean, they don't time-out...then just give the dreaded "Destination Host is Unreachable" which is not true as other machines on the network can see them.I have tried to add ARP entries manually (which it won't let me do) It is driving me bonkers and I have been looking high and low for a solution. It just doesn't make any sense to me, especially since I have another machine that works just fine

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ICS: Ping In CMD Gives A "destination Host Unreachable" On Both Computers

Sep 8, 2009

there's 2 wired NICs, one getting internet from my dorm room, the other going out to my other pc. the second is an Asus EEEPC 1000HE, running Vista Business x32. I've tried a myriad of static, dynamic, IPv6 on/off, windows firewall off/on, etc. ping in CMD gives a "destination host unreachable" on both computers. wireshark doesn't show any traffic going to or from the PCs. I've spent about 3 weeks tinkering with this.

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Starting The Virtual Machines From The Console Leads To An Immediate Reboot Of My Host Machine (I Can't Even See Any Boot Screen Of The Virtual Machine - It Is Like Clicking Start In The VPC Console -- > Reboot Of Host)

Jul 5, 2008

I have the following issue and hope that somebody can give me a hint about what might be going on! My system has two raid 1 arrays - one is running on XP Professional SP3 the other one is running on Vista x64 Ultimate SP1. When I start my virtual machines (either from the Virtual PC console or when double-clicking the *.vmc files) than everything is working fine on XP and the virtual machines are booting and running as expected. However, on Vista the following is happening (and I hope somebody has an idea):

1. Starting the Virtual machines from the console leads to an immediate reboot of my host machine (I can't even see any boot screen of the virtual machine - it is like clicking start in the VPC console -- > reboot of host).

Now I tried the following:.........

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Destination Access Denied

Feb 12, 2009

When i try to delete a mp3 file it tells me that its is denied(like as in thread title) i have restarted computer to make sure that it is not running in any thing but it wont let me. i am trying to delete it because nortan has detected a virus on it.

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Change The Auto-save Destination?

Feb 11, 2009

You know when you download something and that box comes up and asks you where you want to save? How do you change the destination if you check the little box that says "always save to this location"?

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Network

Mar 26, 2007

I am running Vista Ultimate on one PC and XP Pro SP2 on another. I am the only user and have full admin rights on both (I checked) They are connected by a wired home network. I can see and browse the XP PC from the Vista PC, install programs from the XP PC onto the Vista PC - no problem BUT.... when I am using the Vista PC and try to copy a file across from the XP PC I can see the file appear in the Vista folder (using drag & drop) but then I get the dreaded "Destination Folder Access Denied....You need permission to perform this action" you can only click 'RETRY.'or 'CANCEL'....of course RETRY just repeats the error window and Cancel removes the file that you have dropped into the destination folder. As I am the owner with full rights over the folder, does anyone know what this message means and how to set whatever 'permission' is required?

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Destination Folder Access Denied As Administrator

Aug 13, 2009

Trying to extract some files to c:program files folder. Login as administrator user. I'm the admin I should have every right to add file anywhere I'd like to, but of course I'm trying to delete system32 folder etc. the access denied is a good call..

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Destination Folder Access Denied Logged In As Administrator

Mar 30, 2008

How do i gain access to my folders when i'm already logged in as administrator. The folder path :Users\AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu, doesn't exist. I see it in the Guest folder but not for individual users. I also have trouble in other situations besides just favorites.

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How Change Default Destination Folder For Saving Files?

Apr 9, 2008

In particular, when saving an email attachement, in this case a word file, the default location is the Documents folder. How could I change this in Vista so that whenever I do a Save As, it points to my, lets say, Temp folder instead?

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Change Default Destination Folder For Extracted .zip Files.

Sep 8, 2009

I download several .zip files a day, and when I extract them, the default destination folder is Documents. Is there any way to change the default to another folder? I am using Vista Home Edition.

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Destination Folder Access Denied Comodo Antivirus

Mar 27, 2010

I downloaded Comodo anti virus protection onto my vista homa basic laptop on recommendation of family but it proved to just be a big mess up and i swapped to another anti virus instead but It wont let me delete the folder after uninstalling it, I have tried turning user account control off and have also tried changing the ownership and even looked to see what permissions i do have, I have full control over the folder yet every time i try and delete it i just end up with the error note saying destination folder access denied, and that i do not have permissions to delete this file I don't know what to do I have tried everything I have found through forums too but nothing

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Only Account On Computer

Sep 24, 2008

Permission from who? I'm the only account/admin on my computer. This is not the only time I have received some kind of error message reporting to me I need permission/higher access--it's also happened when I tried to "Immune" my computer from known viruses using Spybot - Search & Destroy.

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Destination Folder Access Denied For External Hard Drive

Dec 9, 2008

I edit my external HD sometimes to change names of my files & I get this message.

Destination Folder Access Denied, then I have to click Continue, then in user accounts control it says windows needs your permission to continue & I have to click Continue again. XP didn’t give me this run around, what’s the deal with Vista? I’ve searched but can’t find a fix for this.

I’m the Admin & can’t understand why Vista is treating me like a child & making me double check what I tell it to do. Isn’t my computer a PC or is it now owned by Vista!! That’s frustration coming out but I have other small issues about user unfriendly Vista where XP was user friendly.

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Need Permission To Perform This Action

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, I am trying to add a Maxtor Shared Stroage II 320 GB Hard drive that is networked connected. I have installed the supplied software. The drive is up and running. I can access the drive but anytime I try to Move, Copy or send any file to the drive I get the following: "Destination Folder Access Denied, You need permission to perform this action." I have been on the phone with Seagate for hours, they have never seen this before. I have shut off my firewall, USC, Antivirus but no help.

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Host 'msn' Could Not Be Found

Mar 6, 2010

The host 'msn' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'Fw: Welcome to Windows Mail', Account: 'msn', Server: 'msn', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Cannot Resolve Host Names Over VPN

Mar 13, 2009

I have set up a VPN server on my desktop computer. The primary reason for setting up this VPN is to be able to access my home network shares, networked printers, VNC, as well as web pages not accessible to the internet on my laptop while away from home. While testing out my VPN at a friends house I found that I cannot access my network shares, etc by their host name, but am able to access some things but only by using the local IP address of the computer in my home network.

The setup:

VPN Server: Windows Vista Ultimate (x64 SP1)
VPN Client: Windows Vista Home Premium (x64 SP1)

I know I am lousy at explaining things if there is any more info needed let me know. Please note that I'm not a network admin by trade so please keep that in mind with any responses.

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Server And Host Could Not Be Found?

Feb 6, 2009

I keep getting this message: The host 'SMTP' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'test', Account: 'Signature Home Renovations', Server: 'SMTP', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

The host 'POP3' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the
server name correctly. Account: 'Signature Home Renovations', Server: 'POP3', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Host Pop3 Not Found

Sep 25, 2009

The host 'POP3' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'POP3', Server: 'POP3', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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The Host 'SMTP' Could Not Be Found

Dec 4, 2009

i keep getting this message and have no idea what it means no clue whats pop3 or smt i just my account running

The host 'SMTP' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'Re: Welcome to Windows Mail', Account: 'POP3', Server: 'SMTP', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Host POP3 Could Not Be Found

May 16, 2008

I have been going through all the discussions and tried everything but I still get error message; The host POP3 could not be found. Please verify that the server you have entered is correct.

Account;mail@aapt.net.au,POP3,Protocol;POP3,Port;110, Secure (SSL):Yes socket error 11001, Error Number: 0x800CC0D

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Host Server Name Not Found

Feb 28, 2010

I have an existing account with verizon as my e-mail and I want to be able to use Microsoft windows also to do my work.

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ICS Trouble W/2 XP Clients To X64 Host Net

Apr 9, 2008

I had two XPSP2 clients that successfully used a third XPSP2 host to connect to the 'Net. Host used onboard NIC to the cable modem. Two additional NICs connected the clients to the host. I installed Vista x64 with the SP1 update on the host PC. After enabling the host to modem connection as shared,
only one client can access the net. Both clients appeared in the connected clients tab to use the shared connection but only one can be selected. Both clients can access the host's shared folders, as well as the host can access both client's shared resources. How can I set up the host and the clients so all three can access the 'Net?

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Smtp Host Could Not Found

Feb 16, 2009

The host 'smtp' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'Emailing: PICT0078', Account: 'pop3', Server: 'smtp',Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Wrong Host/server. How Change?

Apr 3, 2008

When I set this up I put my wrong server and now I can't send anything. How can I change this information? When I tried to send something it says that the host 'smtp' and 'pop3' is not correct. I didn't know who my server was so I just guest thinking that I could change it if it was wrong. However, I don't know HOW to change it.

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Host SMTP.gmail.com Cannot Be Found

Mar 2, 2009

I have tried for several days to send email and keep getting the same messages.

The host 'SMPT>smpt.gmail.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'j', Account: 'POP3>pop.gmail.com', Server: 'SMPT>smpt.gmail.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Desktop Remote Host Is Not Available In Windows7

Oct 20, 2009

Usung Vista Home Prem 32bit. I have utilized the Remote features to assist a friend in another state by taking control of his PC remotely. I was just reviewing a comparision Chart of the new Windows7 versions. It shows Desktop Remote Host is not available in Windows7 Home Prem....have I understood this correctly?

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Cannot Send Mail :: The Host ... Could Not Be Found

Jun 19, 2008

I cannot send mail using identical account settings on my new laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium, the so called new "Windows Mail" and I.E. 7.0. I get a message saying that my smtp server cannot be found, error message follows:

The host 'smpt.att.yahoo.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'test', Account: 'pop.att.yahoo.com', Server: 'smpt.att.yahoo.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 465, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CC 0D Please help I am possitive all settings are correct, been doing this a long time and this damn Vista incompatability with everything I know is driving me crazy.

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Host Process Has Stopped Working

May 31, 2009

I get this message almost every time I go online. I've searched the web with no definate results. Windows says it's because I need an updated HP printer driver. Not so. I don't have a printer installed. Iit's a real pain in the a**. I'm running a HP Pavillion DV 6871 laptop with 3gb and Vista SP1.

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Email - Failed To Find Host

Mar 18, 2009

due to several recent events I've just gotten a new computer I'm in the process of getting it loaded and "normal" for me I've managed to get IncrediMail installed even got the mails I saved from the old computer transferred but now I can't send or receive anything the following message appears:

Failed to find host. Socket Error: 11004, Port: 995,Protocol: POP.The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. I've used IncrediMail with my Cox internet service for years with no problems whatsoever

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Host IMAP Cold Not Be Found

Jun 17, 2008

I was trying to set up windows mail for the first time, al was going well then I got the following message, Host IMAP cold not be found, please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server, due to non - network errors.This could, for example, indicate a lack of memory on your system.

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Host Server Pop3 Not Working

Oct 6, 2009

I desperately need to know my host server and whether I am POP3.

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