Xp Pro Is No Installing - Previously Xp Home5

Mar 1, 2006

I have a inspiron 160m and it came pre-installed with xp home and now i would like to install xp pro but when i boot from cd it starts checking the hardware and gives me the blue screen of death just before its about to check for preveous versions installed.
But the laptop will happily install xp home again, i have tried lots of different cd's

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Computer Slowed Down As Twice Than Previously?

Oct 18, 2006

for the past couple of months, my computer has slowed down quite a bit. its like twice as slow as when i first got it. i have no idea what may have cause this problem. if you have any idea whats wrong with it, just let me know.

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Check If CD Previously Registered

Feb 24, 2007

How can I check with Microsoft online to see if a copy of Windows XP Professional has been previously used and registered? I have the CD, the original box complete with the PRODUCT KEY.Explanation:I bought what was supposed to be a NEW and UNUSED copy of Windows XP Professional on Amazon.com through a 3rd party seller.When I got the software the box looked like it was indeed new and still sealed.However, when I opened it, it had some writing on the CD that leads me to beleive it has been previously used.I would like to check online to see if this copy has been previously REGISTERED with MS.

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Reinstall Paint When Previously Removed

Sep 10, 2005

I somehow removed some of the Accessories programs like games and Paint. I
need the paint program. But when I tried to reinstall it in the Control
Panel, it told me I need the Window XP CD-ROM which I dont have right now.

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Finding The Log Of Previously Mapped Drives?

Aug 29, 2007

a client of mine lost connection to her mapped drive and has no record of its path or fqdn. does windows keep a log of previously mapped drives? a history anywhere? or is there a way of finding out what drive or share she was mapping to so I can restore the mapping connection?

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Uninstalling Lots Of Previously Installed Updates?

May 6, 2007

I have a ton of Updates, Sec. Updates, and hot fixes installed on WinXP. Is it ok for me to uninstall all but the most recent udates and hotfixes out of the previously listed categories without problems?

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How Do You Remove Previously Installed Tray Icon?

Mar 22, 2005

I want to know how to remove previously installed tray icon thingys like these . I dont have some of these things installed anymore ?

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Recognize The Data Files Created Previously

Sep 2, 2007

Saw this asked earlier, but apparently unresolved, so I'll ask it again.Dell laptop, Win XP Home, 1.7 GHz CPU,384MB RAM.Running slowly, clogged with junk-ware.Used F.A.S.T. wizard to create a backup on an external drive.Reformatted Hard Disk and re-loaded WINXP Home from the Dell installation CD.Reloaded driver disk, too.FAST will not recognize the data files created previously: says the directory contains no data.Files are there;I transferred them to C: and tried FAST again, with same result.

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CD Drive Windows Display Previously Insert Disc Info

Sep 10, 2005

Running XP Pro with 1 DVD ROM and 1 CDR drive. Whenever I remove media from a drive and replace with a new disc, windows only displays the old data and doesn't recognize the new disc. Especially frustrating during a multi disc install. Sometimes it will refresh if I eject the disc through a menu vs. drive button. Other times this doesn't work. This happens with both drives, so it doesn't seem to be hardware issue.

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Edit Sign On Information For A Previously Configured Page - Finger Print Reader

Sep 9, 2005

I recently purchased the Microsoft Fingerprint reader to run on my Windows XP MCE system It works fine for the most part, but I can seem to change any settings for a previously configured logon page When I reach a logon page which I have set up to use the fingerprint reader, an icon appears in the title bar next to the minimze/restore buttons. The flyover help says I can click on the icon to edit the signon information for
this page. However, when I click this icon, all I get is a dialog with the hightlighted fingers just telling me to use one to signon.Am I missing something? How do you edit signon information for a previously
configured page? I installed the software and reader on my laptop (XP Pro)

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Installing Acting Weird - Installing Windows Server 2003

Dec 20, 2006

I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 downloaded and installed on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003

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Installing XP: Go Into Setup And Change Boot Settings Without Re-installing?

Feb 19, 2005

I recently installed xp for the first time after replacing motherboard and CPU.I skipped setup because I didn't know what I was doing. Now I can't boot up (cold or warm) without using the original disk. Can I just go into setup and change boot settings without re-installing.Is there anything else I should know before I attempt to fix this problem? I am tired of using the disk every time I update something or install new program.

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New Laptop - Installing Vista And Installing XP?

Apr 19, 2008

I've been casually looking for a new laptop for my Mom for her first computer. Now I am ready to get one, but just about the only choice is something pre-loaded with Vista. I have no experience with Vista and have heard more bad than good about it, therefore I think it would be easier to get her up and running if we're not both having to learn a new OS.

I upgraded my computer from ME to XP with few problems but wondered how difficult it would be to take a new laptop and go backwards. I know I'd most likely have to purchase a Full version of XP, but how much of a hassel is it to get all the drivers/XP versions of necessary pre-loaded software? Would a Vista compatible version of say Word work if I did this? Any other problems I haven't thought of?

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No Internet After Re-installing And Installing Drivers?

Mar 6, 2010

I re-formated my sisters computer yesterday, and after installing it i had no internet. As i hadn't installed any drivers yet, i understood that. But after heading over to dell's site, downloading all of the drivers for her computer and then installing them, i STILL do not have any internet. I don't see any connections on the computer either, it's just blank!

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When Installing My Dvd Rom, The Computer Says Installing Cd Rom Why?

Jul 12, 2009

When i tryed installing a new dvd rom on my computer, it installs drivers for a cd rom instead.
And when i try to play a dvd r it won't, it will only play cdr's.

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Installing Pro W SP2 On A New HDD?

Aug 27, 2005

I simply want the correct procedure to installing XP Pro that comes with service pack2 onto a brand new, off the shelf HDD. A HDD that has never had anything on it before.if I will remove this HDD which I am using to conect to the net and re-install the new one. I will attempt to wipe the partitions that were created by the XP Pro cd and then try the whole process again. But without the floppys this time. I wonder really, if there will be any difference?

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Installing SP3 Of WIN On Sp2

Jul 28, 2008

I have been trying to install win xp SP3 update from the microsoft site, everything goes fine until a message pop's up saying " File: cwindowssystem32format.com is open or in use by another application" I have tried to install it, by logging in safe mode, but to no avail. Did anyone of you encounter a similar problem and traced a solution to it?

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Installing WIN SP3 On 1TB HDD

Oct 12, 2009

I have installed a new WD 1TB hard disk to my computer. The motherboard is Intel DG35EC and the Ram is 4 GB DDR2. I have made the 1st partition of 100GB and 2 extended partition of 450 GB each. I have installed Win XP SP3. Problem is that most of the times system does not boot. It keeps searching for the OS or stucks. Is it advisable to have a 1TB hard disk for the boot system? What is the best distribution of boot partition size and other partitions?

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Installing Win X64 SP2 Over Win X86 SP2

Jan 2, 2009

I want to install a win xpp x64 sp2 but my current OS is win xpp sp2 which is a x86 or 32 bit OS. I just want to know if it is possible and that it will not affect my current computer configuration.

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Installing Two OS's

Mar 2, 2008

ive talked to has advised me against this. But I didn't listen.I used partition magic to make a new partition from which I could install another OS besides XP. The partition was made and activated, then I changed the boot order to run from the CD.The CD booted and ran, the files said they were loading, up until it said Loading Windows. After this I get a message saying that no hard drives have been found and all I can do is restart. Is there a reason why its doing this, and how do I get around this?

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Installing On Second HD

Sep 23, 2005

I have a Dell Dimension 4300 with 40gb HD (purchased in 2000).I installed a 2nd 120gb HD with two partitions; (P) for the paging file and (V) for digital editing.I want to install XP on the second HD to a) install SP2 and b) take advantage of its 7200 RPM speed.I will reconfigure the PC so that the 120gb will be the master and the 40gb will be the slave. Change the BIOS so that the cd drive will be bootable.

1) During the installation process of XP, I will partition the 120gb HD as C: but how will the PC recognize the 40gb HD since its formatted as the original c drive?

2) Any suggestions on partitioning the 120gb for performance and security

3) What is the activation process for XP? (previously done by Dell).

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Installing To E Not C

Aug 22, 2006

I am trying to install software, a motor car workshop manual, which appears to want to install itself to my C: drive, suggesting there is not enough room, understandable because my drive C: is a Zip100 disc. My hard drive is drive E: The installer does not give me the option to chose the installation location, is there any way I can force it to use E:Windows will not allow me to change the drive letter of the boot drive.

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Installing 2 OS On The Same PC

Jan 11, 2007

I searched, but didnt seem like anyone posted a similar question..so here it is. I have a laptop which I use for composing music. The thing is that I have so many programs that it feels a bit slow at boot and when doing other operations. I have been thinking if it were possible to install Windows XP as a second operating system that I can boot up when I am not using the laptop for music. Is that possible? And how do I go about doing it?

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Not Installing???

Apr 18, 2008

Whenever I try to install windows xp on my harddisk by booting cd, after the blue screen where it says loading files and then the three options appear (INSTALL, REPAIR, EXIT) it stops responding when I press enter. Ive installed the same windows xp cd on other systems in my house, they work fine. But whenever on my system it stops responding at the blue screen.

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Re Installing No CD

Sep 14, 2008

Im considering re-installing XP (which is a genuine copy) on one of my oldish machines but i have lost the cd. is it possible to use a different copy of XP to reinstall if i have the liecence number thing (from system properties).and if so, will the cd have to be the exact same xp version? "XP Home edition" with no Service packs(i think it was from before service packs)

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Installing XP OEM

Aug 27, 2007

I'm building my new pc, so I went out and bought a windows xp oem cd. I put it in and it starts a blue screen then lists what it is loading on the bottom. When it finally gets done it says on the bottom booting windows,

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OEM Not Installing

Jun 17, 2008

It is an 80 gb hdd with 512 (some letters I cannot read as they are so small), and 3000+ AMD Athlon.I am trying to install a Windows XP OEM version with SP2 on a partitioned hard drive, the second partition has Puppy 4.00, a Linux OS, but that should not be interferring with the install.The first partition is formatted as NTFS.When I try to install with the new software it loads to the blue screen that says at the bottom "Setup is starting Windows" then it stalls. I was getting the same problem when I tried to use my setup discs for my other computer. It will only exit to the BIOS, no other keys or commands are working. ?

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Installing Pro Again

Dec 12, 2008

I've been using Windows XP for about 2 years now and I installed it again, I didn't know I made it a dual boot by mistake I wanted to know how to remove both of the operating systems and installing a fresh copy of Windows XP Pro.

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Installing A Second HD

Jul 11, 2005

Last month I bought a new computer with Windows Media Center. It came with a 250G HD. Two days ago, my old comuter gace up. I want to install it on my new computer. It is a 80 G hd. It ran under my licenced Windows 2000, My 80G HD primary is NTFS and my other partitions are on Fat 32. (BTW, my new computer is all NTFS).Can I install this second HD as a primary? If not, must I only use it as a slave. If so, will I be able to use the installed software that I have on it? My new computer is a HT 640HT 3.2G with 1,024G memory.

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Installing Ram With Old Ram

Sep 21, 2010

I'm going to buy more memory for my computer..I was told some years ago that if you install more memory it has to be the same as what is currently in there...My ram is 256...So my question is, can I leave the 256 in and install a 1G in the next port?

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Should I Install SP2 - I Tried Installing IE7

Aug 8, 2005

Well I've heard a lot of good things about SP2, and a lot of bad things. But I tried installing IE7 and it said I must have SP2 installed. is it worth it to download SP2 Or is IE7 not worth it

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