ScreensI Entered Bios - Boot From Cdrom

Nov 26, 2006

I haven't posted in a while cause my computer has been running just great thanks to all I know this computer is a cheap one but it has been good for a long time.Here's what is happening when I turn on puter all I get is two screensI entered the bios to see if maybe I could boot from cdrom and maybe install xp again'but I can't even do that cause I can't get past these two screens.I'm attaching the photos here.

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BIOS Cannot Boot - Boot From CDROM

Jul 28, 2005

Is it possible to get the BIOS damaged?If yes, how to check it is damaged or not?
Is it possible to boot without any OS?I just want to access the BIOS setting.I use the OS saved in the floppy to boot up the computer, only once in a while can boot it up.The same happens for boot from CDROM.

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Unable To Boot Installer Cd Through CDROM?

Aug 22, 2007

I had tried booting the XP cd from the CDROM but it will result in a screen containing some message by Caldera Dr-Dos. It states that there is a program that is faulty. Therefore, what can I do to solve this problem for I intended to format my c:.

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Get Error On Boot Up - Corrupt CDRom.sys

Sep 16, 2005

I have downloaded Windows XP Home Edition Utility: Setup Disks for Floppy Boot Install from the MSDN download centre.I have run the executable WinXP_EN_Home_BF.exe and produced the 6 Startup floppy disks.When I boot my PC using the startup floppy disks I get the following error on disk #5 "Corrupt CDRom.sys"Where can I get a version that works error free?

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Computer Will Not Wake Up Once Entered In Sleep Mode

Jul 6, 2005

when computer goes into sleep mode, after i leave it for 5 min. I cant wake it up. it should wake up by hitting a key or the mouse.

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Address Entered In IE6 Opens A Firefox Window?

Jul 30, 2007

I have IE6 on XP and when I enter an address into the adress bar and hit enter, nothing happens to the ie browser window but the address entered then opens in a new firefox window? Or if I do get a page to load in ie6, if I click a link on that page, it then opens that link in a new firefox window. I also have ie7 installed to a temp location so I could test it before doing a full install but it has been working for a while without a problem until recently. IE7 still works fine. I did the scan with the winxp cd to check my system files. It is also kind of random and doesn't happen all the time or if I close and restart ie6 it will usually work fine again for a while.

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BIOS Boot Order First Boot Device

Jun 17, 2005

Is there anyway to see the BIOS boot order (1st CD, 2nd Floppy, 3rd HDD) through windows XP (possibly a registry key or something)? I ask because I need to make sure all of the computers in my department are set to HDD first and not CD incase they have a non-bootable CD in the drive and a power outage (or Windows Update) causes a reboot.don't want to goto every computer, and would like to do this all remotely.

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Boot From Cd With BIOS

Apr 20, 2005

How can i boot from a cd with a BIOS that doesn't support booting from a cd, the only options that it gives me are A & C drives to boot from. i know that it can be's just that i lost the disk that i had the program on, i don't have the download of it and i cannot find it anywhere on Google.

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Computer Does Not Boot And Not Even BIOS

Dec 1, 2008

my computer was running totally fine until i was converting some videos with itunes for my itouch and then the itunes froze the comp. it did the freeze i restarted the computer but ...nothing. i can't even get into the bios screen! everything powers up fine so i know its not the psu. I've tried removing extra hdds and starting with just the main hdd and removing all peripherals except monitor but still nothing. there is no resposnse form the hdd after initial power up. i noticed that the activitiy light remains dead after the initial power up. i hear the hdds spinning but nothing is happening. i dont understand why it wont even go into bios screen...i can see and hear the cpu and vid card fans spinning so i know they are getting power

P4 @ 3.2 ghz
windows xp pro sp2
ATI radeon with 128 mb
2gb ram
asus mobo
WD raptor 74 gig (OS) -sata
maxtor 120 gig - ata
seagate 300 gig - sata
psu is 500w

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Can't Set BIOS Boot Device

Jul 6, 2005

I am trying to set the boot device for a thinkpad T23. Nothing is password protected. When the BIOS setup CDROM is top, with no + next to it, and followed by hardrive and them removable. HD and removable does have a + next to it. CD is bootable, why won't the thinkpad boot from the CDROM?

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Setup Bios To Be Able To Boot To OS?

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2TB SATA HDD for storage purpose and one SATA HDD for my OS, how can i setup my bios to be able to boot to my OS?

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Won't Boot / Cannot Access Bios

Nov 9, 2009

I have a old Sony VIAO PCV-1112 with Windows XP. I was out of town (so I don't know what the trigger for the issue was) and came back to a black screen that begins with "Award Medallion Bios v 6.0". It also says "Hardware Monitor found an error. Enter power setup menu for details." At the bottom of the screen is shows: Press F1 to continue. F2 to enter setup.
a. Nothing happens when I press F2.
b. When I press F1, the Windows loading screen appears, but it fails to initialize XP and goes to a black screen that says that Windows failed to load...and it lists the prompts to reboot in Safe Mode, Normal Mode, Normal Mode with prompt, Normal Mode with Networking, Last Known Good Config, etc. No matter which mode I choose, it reboots and goes back to the Award Medallion Bios v6.0 message screen.
c. When I press Esc > F8 > F1, I am able to get the boot order to pop up and I selected boot from DVD/CD drive. I've tried putting various iso files on disc into that drive in the hopes of trying to get in to recover data files off the HDD. I tried rebooting with the ISO file in the DVD/CD drive, and nothing happens with any of these: Bit Defender; Kaspersky Rescue; or Avira Rescue. I rebooted with the Knoppix rescue ISO, and it actually initialized the DVD/CD drive for about 30 seconds - showed a black screen with a flashing prompt (couldn't type anything though) and then it went back to the Award Medallion Bios v6.0 message screen. I thought it might be the way I copied the ISO files; since when I copied them on my HP laptop, I got warning messages that not all related information would be copied. So I'm looking for an ISO copy app that might help with that? Unless I'm barking up the wrong tree...?
d. When I put in the Windows Recovery CD in that same drive, it does pull up the recovery GUI - but I don't want to loose my data. So it does recognize that Windows ISO.I'm at a loss on how to get into the VIAO hdd to try to copy down the data files that I need, before restoring Windows XP. Is there a way to connect my laptop to the PC to try to copy down the files? I'm a computer newbie, so I need a walk through on what to do.

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Won't Boot From CD - Checked Bios

Nov 14, 2006

I'm working on a Pav zt1130. Upon boot the message "A disk read error occured Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I've checked the BIOS and it does appear to be seeing the HD. I've changed the boot order and attempted to boot from WinXP Home CD. It displays the "Setup is checking your configuration" message, then nada. The user said that it was running fine yesterday, but she booted this a.m. and received this message. She had a non-bootable floppy and a non-bootable CD in, but I've not seen that to cause this problem. Just a coincidence? HD failure the real culprit?

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Computer Won't Boot Past BIOS

Nov 8, 2009

I left my computer in "suspend", and when I sat again, it was frozen at my BIOS screen. Each time I try to restart it, it goes straight to that screen. I can't even access my BIOS settings (pressing keyboard buttons doesn't work). Nothing changed when I placed my XP disk in the ROM drive.

I'm using an ASUS mobo and AMD processor (sorry, I can't recall the particular models right now). I have not changed any hardware or installed new software recently except anti-virus definitions.

Does this sound like a motherboard or PSU issue?

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Computer Won't Boot Past BIOS

Nov 8, 2009

I left my computer in "suspend", and when I sat again, it was frozen at my BIOS screen. Each time I try to restart it, it goes straight to that screen. I can't even access my BIOS settings (pressing keyboard buttons doesn't work). Nothing changed when I placed my XP disk in the ROM drive.

I'm using an ASUS mobo and AMD processor. (Sorry, I can't recall the particular models right now.) I have not changed any hardware or software recently.

Does this sound like a motherboard issue?

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Tried To Update BIOS And Computer Won't Boot

Oct 13, 2009

I tried to update my BIOS on my Acer AOA150 Netbook (I know, terrible idea, I wanted it to be updated in case I used a 9 cell battery). I downloaded the BIOS, version 3310, from

I clicked on one of the readme files and it said to click on one of the executable files included in the download and to then click "sure." Once I clicked sure, my computer immediately shut down. I tried to turn it on after only about 5 seconds. It simply will not start up completely but I *can* get to the F2 screen. If I choose not to go with the F2 option, the normal Windows XP flashing image will come up, except it flashes slightly slower than normal. Then, right before the screen can display my various accounts to start windows, the netbook completely shuts off. This is an Acer AOA 150 model netbook. I downloaded the BIOS.

I may have tried to turn it on while the computer was still trying to flash the BIOS. Or, I just messed up from the start by trying to do it from Windows.

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Custom Bios Boot Sound

Aug 27, 2008

I have a Lenovo 3000 C100 hopefully you know what BIOS it uses and I want to put in a custom BIOS sound that play when I push the Power button. It would be nice if someone also gave me the download link to a Mac startup sound which I could use for BIOS

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Boot From A Floppy Or A Cd - Check BIOS

Feb 6, 2005

I am trying to get a machine up and running for a friend. It is one he bought off of someone up north and he doesn't know the admin password to be able to use it.
I originally was going to use some software I found in the forums that requires me to boot from a floppy or a cd. I checked the BIOS and have it booting from the hard disk last and yet I cannot boot from either the cd or the floppy.At this point I am willing to Fdisk the whole thing and start fresh. It shouldn't really matter since he has never been on the machine before and can't have any data that he would care about.

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Pro Wont Boot After Bios Change?

Jul 2, 2006

I have an old (but still very spry) AMD 850 Duron 20gHd, award Bios with XP Pro Sp1 updated to Sp2 via updates.Was reading about overclocking (which I know nothing about), and decided to change a setting in the bios to Enable," CPU temperature shut down" ?? not sure exactly what it was called but something very close to that. When I hit "Y Enter" the screen went black and that's how its been ever since. Ive tried tapping delete on start up and the XP CD but nothing .. just the black screen!Ps I've since read a number of reports referring to AMD chip temperatures being misread by bios's, sounds related maybe?

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Numlock Not Coming On At Boot-up - Bios Set And Registry Set

Apr 18, 2005

I would like my Numlock to be on by default when I boot my computer, but Windows is not doing that. When my computer boots, the NumLock is on at the beginning, but then when the first Windows screen comes on I can watch and see the NumLock light go out.

I am using Windows XP Home, Version 2002, Service Pack 2. I have gone into the Bios and made sure that Numlock is ON/ENABLED. I have checked the Windows Registry item, and it is set to "2". Also, the operating system has been registered with MicroSoft.

Where else in Windows can this be coming from? What else can I do/try to get the NumLock to be on at bootup?

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Computer Ignores My Set Bios Boot Sequence

Mar 15, 2010

When my bios boot sequence is set to boot from CD, a 'press any key to boot from disk' sign should come up during boot-up.
It doesn't (it always used to when I set CD drive, not HD as first boot). I have not got the bios HD set as first boot, but have set it to boot from CD as first boot. When I boot up it goes straight to my HD / XP OS !

I need to boot from disk and I can't work out why the bios boot sequence I have set and saved is being ignored. My bios is not buggy and has never caused any problems until this issue. I have a MSI K9N Platinum mobo.

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Wont Boot Into Bios On Toshiba 490CDT?

Sep 18, 2005

I can't boot into BIOS on aToshiba Model 490CDT

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Boot Up / Bios Never Recognizes A Hard Drive

Jan 5, 2005

I have tried replacing the power supply-no change.I've tried unhooking cd-rom, floppy, replace ram & everything remains unchanged.Bios never recognizes a hard drive. I've tried several known good hard drives and the original hard drive works in another machine. It starts POST & I get HP splash then back to NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND, It doesn't find the CD rom drive either. What might this be related to? I've replace hard drive cable, floppy cable. The only cable I haven't replaced it the cd-rom drive.

The hard drive works as a slave in another computer. I am running virus scan and spyware on. But, why won't it work in the other computer? I'm thinking its somehow related to the bios and the fact that it cannot see the drive in the bios. I don't find anywhere in this particular bios where I can try to auto recognize the drives

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Boot Disk Error, Bios Still Recognized

Nov 3, 2008

There was a power outage at my house yesterday while I was away. When I came home my computer screen was black and displayed the message: boot disk error, insert system disk and press enter.

I tried rebooting but the message persisted (after going through the initial information about IDE stuff). I went into the bios to see if my hard drive was dead, but the bios still recognized it and my secondary hard drive. I also tried to boot from a Window XP cd and repair Windows on my master drive, but the error message came up regardless of the cd drive I used I have a CD drive and a CDRW/DVD drive. In both instances where I had the CD in one of the two CD drives, the CD was spinning and presumably being read) but I could never get the computer to boot off of it. (Note: I tried both CD drives, because my bios is set to boot off CD first, although I don't know which CD drive it actually looks at first

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Unmountable Boot Volume - Configure BIOS

Aug 15, 2007

I am getting the unmountable boot volume when trying to boot up my dell computer.It tell me to restart in safe mode it shows a blue screen that says there was an error when iogged off.It says to start in safe mode ,but that dont work i tried everything and it comes back to the blue screen that says to start in blue screen and also says Stop 0x000000ed along with some different codes.I wish I knew what these codes were maybe i'd know what is wrong.Also i cant run the windows disk cause my cd rom don't work it's broke.So i copied it from family's comp. onto floppy disk and i can't get it to run on myy computer it just wont go to the recovery,nor can i figure out how to get into bios.

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Disk Boot Failure: Drive Is Recognised By The BIOS?

Apr 25, 2005

I have a 60GB Seagate HDD running Windows XP, which when connected as the Master Drive will no longer boot Windows. Instead I get an error screen reading "Disk Boot Failure - Insert System Disk and Press Enter."The drive is recognised by the BIOS approximately 1/4 of the time I have it plugged in. I have attempted to run the drive as a slave to my current HD on the same motherboard which I am running at the moment to no avail. I have tried using the program "GetDataBack for NTFS" which failed to recognise the drive.

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Weird Lines On Screen / Can't Boot Or Access BIOS

Jun 28, 2010

A few days ago strange lines started appearing on my computer screen. It has progressed and I could barely see anything. Then monitor kept going into "power saver" mode and back when I booted Windows in normal mode. I booted Windows in "safe mode". Monitor wasn't shutting off anymore but the screen was barely readable.I managed to save my data on external drive. I put in my Windows installation disk and restarted computer wanting to format the hard disk and reinstall Windows.When I would restart I would see black screen and hear DVD drive spinning but nothing was happening. Now when I restart I see this .This screen just stands there. I cannot access the BIOS, load Windows or boot from CD/DVD. All 3 fans in my comp work fine when computer is on. I tried removing this battery and putting it back later but it didn't help. My computer has 2 gigs RAM, runs Win XP Professional SP2 and this is my motherboard .At this point I have no idea what to do or even what caused this. I was hoping to format and reinstall Windows but I'm unable to boot.

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Floppy Drive Is NOT Selected As Boot Option In Bios

Aug 23, 2005

Just got a new computer with Gigabyte GA-K8SNC-939 Motherboard. The problem is that on each boot , and shutdown, the floppy drive is accessed (i.e. motor runs ).The floppy drive is NOT selected as a boot option in the bios and the access on boot comes just after the 'Loading Personal Settings" screen. On shutdown it is just before the end , not immediately on shutdown.I seem to remember there was a Floppy Seek setting somewhere in Windows at one time, but I can't seem to find it in XP SP 2. As it happens well into the boot cycle, I don't think it's related to the motherboard.

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Microsoft Sytem Management Bios Driver And Pc Slow During Boot

Dec 27, 2005

The device manager stated window could not load this driver for microsoft system management bios driver and intel (r) 82801eb usb2 enchanced host controller - 24dd. I have run windows service pack 2 but still not resolved it.

And also my pc is running very slow during boot and browsing. For your information my pc is p4 3.06ghz. I have run hijackthis program, but dont understand its content which is to be removed.

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Entering Bios : Wont Move Up And Down For Changing Boot Sequence?

Dec 21, 2004

I'm having trouble when I enter my BIOS. It seems that once I enter, I can't move up or down or do anything at all. At first, I thought it migt be my keyboard, but I switched my keyboard with the keyboard from my other computer. It still had the same problem. I don't know why my BIOS won't let me do anything. Can anyone please help? I just want to change the boot sequence so I can wipe my drive

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Disk Boot Failure: BIOS Extension Support Failed?

Oct 15, 2005

When I try to boot the computer I get the message: Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk. I have used the manufacturers (Maxtor) Diagnostic software to check the hard drive. Everything checks out except for the BIOS Extension Support Failed. I have taken the ribbon cables and power cables off the hard drive and reseated them. No difference. I can see everything when I use Bart's PE. I have all the files backed up.

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