Remote Control Does Not Turn On Media

May 8, 2007

My remote and IR receiver are fully functional because all buttons work (volume, number pad etc) and when MC is on all other buttons (green button, live tv button...) also work but MC does not turn on when I press those buttons on the remote. Media Center Scheduler Service and Media Center Receiver Service are the only 2 services I see in my services list that include Media Center in their name and their automated and started. Ehtray starts at windows startup and ehrec.exe, ehrecvr.exe, ehsched.exe, ehschell.exe, and ehtray.exe are all running process. Also, the green volume indicater bars that used to pop up when I changed the volume with the keyboard or remote do not pop up anymore.

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Remote Desktop & Control Alt + Del Command How To Work?

Oct 3, 2004

When I sign in to my server, I need to access the task manager while using remote desktop. I cannot or do not know how to invoke control alt delete from a remote desktop session., so I can see the processes running. Is there another way to see this other then with control alt del?

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Media Centre Volume Control

Mar 11, 2007

If I use XP Pro my Logitech Elite keyboard volume control knob turns the volume up and down smoothly regardless of if I am gaming etc but when I use the keyboard in XP Media Centre the volume control becomes very jerky and virtually uncontrollable. For instance it will be at 30% but if I turn it down one notch in XP Pro it would go down to 27% but in Media Centre it go go down to 20% or even 15% or even worse no volume.I have tried uninstalling the drivers, reinstalling them and nothing seems to work.

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Alternate Remote Desktop Application For Simultanious Local/Remote Access?

Mar 12, 2005

The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.

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NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Accessing Remote Computer?

Aug 13, 2005

I want to use Remote Desktop Sharing in NetMeeting to connect to a remote PC to download files or fix problems on it. I tried to call the remote PC using its IP address but it only allow me to access the netmeeting features like video conferencing.

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Initating Remote Assitance/Desktop From Remote IT Staff?

Jul 8, 2005

I'm looking in using either using Remote Assitance and/or Desktop in a help desk support environment. For example, if a user calls in asking for assistance with a application, or if we are in need of troubleshooting the machine, we would like to initate a remote assistance request that takes the end user out of the equation so we don't need to walk them through how to send a email/file request.

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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Remote Desktop Connection - Can Ping The Remote

Oct 12, 2005

I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.

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Remote Desktop - Remote Logoff By Other Users?

Feb 20, 2008

Here is my problem. I am logged in to a machine via remote desktop and another user with admin rights logs in via remote desktop and logs me off because they assumed that I had forgotten to log off or whatever else. Is there any permission setting either in group policy or elsewhere that would prevent a user attempting to connect via remote desktop from logging off an already logged on user? The problem is that both users are and need to be Admins.

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Difference In Remote Assistance (RA) Vs. Remote Desktop (RD)?

Jul 30, 2005

My question concerns Remote Assistance (RA) vs. Remote Desktop (RD) to XP Pro desktops. Providing tech support, I am trying to see if anyone knows how to setup RD session I initiate to a Windows XP Pro OS to "share" sessions with the end user, other than via RA.

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Printing In Remote Through Remote Desktop ?

Aug 26, 2008

We run a terminal server at my my workplace which runs Windows Server 2003 rc2.We use Remote Desktop The list of OS's is as follows Winxp pro, Winxp home Windows 2000, and some Windows Nt(Yeah i know its depressing). The problem im having is in most cases i can not print from a local machine while in remote desktop unless the printer is on an LPT prtiner port.I have the printer shared on every Local machine, Rdp is setup coreectly also but still no printy. The only thing i have not tried is installing the driver on the TS and then trying to install and bring over the printer while in RDP.

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Enabling Remote Desktop From Remote?

Aug 25, 2010

Ok, so I have netbook with a crack LCD, can not see anything..How the hack do I enable remote desktop without using it's local LCD..I need two things done, enable remote desktop and second enable dual monitor mode, so I can connect external monitor to VGA port

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Media Player Does Not Recognize Music And Video As Media Files

Sep 18, 2007

Having recently had someone else using my computer for a while, installing various software (like winamp and SubEdit player) it seems windows media player (that's what I use) no longer recognises the usual files as media files like .mp3 .wmv .m3u .avi etc etc so when I click open file and select "media files (all types)" in the file type box it shows nothing, so I have to change it to all files which is irritating. Media player still plays everything fine but this is pretty annoying.

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System Not Turn On After Turn Off Automatic

Jan 13, 2009

Okay so I usually leave my computer on all the time. I went to bed and when I got up it was off and couldn't get it to turn on. So I assumed it might be the power supply so I went and bought a new one from stamples. He turned on for maybe 5 seconds then turned off. so I took it back thinking maybe I didn't have enough watts. The higher watts didn't doanything. I am lost without my computer can anyone help? I have Win XP..Could it be the fan? Even though the fan worked when i plugged in first PS...Second didnt do anything. Could it be something to do with motherboard?

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Windows Media Player Not Playing Media

Dec 19, 2004

each time i try and error message appears: "gdiplus.dll is missing".what can i do to fix the problem? iv already tried downloading the software from the microsoft website but the same message came up.iv also searched my pc for the gdipus.dll file and loads come up!

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Media Edition 2005 Media Centre

Aug 1, 2008

Since installing SP3 my media centre will not open although the rest of XP runs fine. I get a report 'Strong name validation failed for assembly 'C:Windowsehomeehshell.exe. The file may have been tampered with or it was partially signed but not fully signed with the correct private key.I have the original installation disk from Dell, but it won't recognise the key that came with the pc to re install it. Is there any way I can repair the file in question. I have tried uninstalling sp3, and using the recovery program, but nothing is working to make it work again.

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Automatic Run Media File In Media Player

Jan 23, 2005

I get this every time I try to open a media file even when I click "always use selected program" This just started happening a few days ago after I ran a bunch of registry cleaners.

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Control Taskbar Auto Hide / Launch Control Panel Taskbar

Sep 1, 2005

I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".

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Volume Control Computer Windows Cannot Display Volume Control

Jun 15, 2005

So i was trying to make some room on y C drive and i guess i deleted some files that i shouldn't To make a long story short now my volume control thingy that stays on my taskbar has dissapeared.When i go to the control panel and to sounds and audio devices and i get in there and there is an icon with the option to place volume icon on the taskbar but when i click on that i get 'windows cannot display the volume control on the task bar because the volume control program has not been installed. After several tries i figured i deleted the windows file soundvol32.exe but how the hell do i get it back and put it in its right place?I have no idea where it would go? Anybody have an idea how i can install that back? I tried using my windows cd but since i put service pack 2 on it it said that the version of windows i had on the cd was older than my current version.

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Play Media Center TV Recordings On Computers Without Media Center?

Feb 23, 2009

I was just wondering is it possible to play media center TV recordings on computers without media center? And if so, how?

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Control Service / Requested Control Is Not Valid For Service

May 22, 2005

I have started to get the following message coming up when my machine is booting up: Control Service. The requested control is not valid for this service.Has anybody else experienced this? I am using a Notepad with WXP Pro SP2.

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Media Center Edition Access Needed Media Center Edition

Jan 15, 2007

Wondering which versions of XP can Access which other versions of XP.Specifically, can media center edition access media center edition , or do one or both OS's have to be XP PRO. My understanding is that XP Home cannot access or be accessed via Remote Access.

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Xp Pro To Pro Over Remote Desktop

Jul 13, 2005

to run the office Sage accounts remotely from home. The "Server" will be an XP Pro box running only the Sage accounts application which is also accessible direclty from the LAN (this is a basic small office peer to peer workgroup). We have a broadband connection to the Internet from the LAN and intend insstalling an XP Pro PC and broadband at the book keepers home.

Remote Desktop seems to cater for this, however I would appreciate knowing the easiest way of setting it up.Having set up numerous SBS's using RWW, which requires Certificate
Authentication from SBS, how do we achieve similar ease of connectivity using
just 2 PC's?

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No Remote Servers

Sep 2, 2005

I am running Windows xp.I installed 'Remote desktop' on a windows 2000 computer on my network.When I try to connect, I get The Workgroup domain/workgroup does not contain any terminal servers'

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Can't Remote To From Pro To Home

Aug 7, 2005

I can't remote from my XP Pro machine to my XP Home machine. However, I CAN remote the other way, XP Home to XP Pro. Any suggestions? And yes, I've enable remote assitance on the XP Home machine.

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How To Do Remote Access

Aug 13, 2008

I am using Windows XP home edition and I have a family member who is also using Windows XP home edition. I would like to be able to access the family member's computer and do weekly maintenance. I would like to have the family member do nothing, but just have the computer started with Windows XP and be on a high-speed connection.

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How Can Turn Off?

Feb 24, 2005

what is not necessary to have on and how I can turn them off I would really appreciate it.

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Remote Access Using 56k Modem.

Jun 22, 2005

Did anyone out there ever attempted Remote Desktop Connection between 2 PCs
using 56k mode? Can share your experience on it?

I attempted to set up remote access between a PC and Notebook, both using
WinXP Pro SP2 OS and 56K modem for connection.

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Dial Up And Remote Connection

Jul 25, 2005

I'm trying to set up a remote connection so I can control and troubleshoot my other computer from my house, we both use dial up and windows xp is this feasible? What is the program that I want to look at? I've searched around but there isn't much mention of dialup anymore these days and we both cannot get any type of broadband

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Using Remote Desktop Connection For 2 PCs With 10/100 Lan?

Feb 8, 2006

What's Remote Desktop Connection and how can I use it ? (I have to 2 PC + 10/100 LAN)

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Remote Access Programs

Apr 27, 2006

I'm using "logmein" as a remote access program for some of my clients machines. Its a bit slow and jerky is there one that is better?

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