working on a friends computer and cannot get connected to outlook express incoming mail. On the internet in good fashion. My setting are exactly the same as my Computer (except name and password).I have reformatted the C drive to no avail. Have updated all programs from Microsoft.
When i have incoming mail it used to advise me in my taskbar and also by a voice message that doesnt happen anymore and I dont recall changing anything
I recently installed Service Pack 3 for XP, and all seems well. One problem is that I cannot get e-mail through to a friend of mine with outlook express. This is the error he is getting from Panix.This doesn't happen with SP2. Is this a known issue, and is there a fix that doesn't involve removing sp3? I've tried 3 sp3 computers, and they all do the same.
Is there any way to get back things that were in outlook express? I tried to forward them to my webmail acct and they didn't go for some reason. They were all in my returned mail folder. When I tried to forward that back to web mail it just deleted everything out of my outlook express program and it is in neither place now. I tried doing a system restore just to see if that would work and of course it didn't.
I am having a problem setting up an e-mail account in Outlook Express. I have entered all the correct details from my ISP but receive the following error when attempting to send or receive:-Unable to logon to the server using Secure Password Authentication. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC18.
I have Windows XP with all the updates, etc running fine.4GB RAM,dual core, runs just fine. I have several OE accounts on my computer - personal, business and photography business. Can I have Windows Live Mail for ONE account and the rest with OE? I like the way that finding attachments is so much easier with Windows Live Mail than with OE. But I hate that all of the email from all of my OE accounts download all together on Windows Live Mail. If I can't use WLM then I may opt for Outlook on one account.
My problem is.when receiving an attachment with E mail Outlook Express,at times I cannot open it.A message comes up.create an association in Folder Options. Apparently i need to do this to be able to open the attachment.I am using Windows XP system.Can any one help please and tell me what to do.
I am searching for a Software like Outlook with fallowing Features. The Admin Can Configur the Mail ID which the user can send only to that ID through User Login. if have multiple options like option-2 as workgroup and Only one Mail ID to send mail through internet.
I have Windows XP SP2 and Internet Explorer 7.0 in all 3 computers, but this particular computer displays the error message whenever it open Outlook Express.After I click the "OK" button and close the message window, everything works fine.It appears to be associated with Windows Messenger 5.1.0701, which I don't use and don't have running in the background.
I decided to back up my whole Inbox into an external new HD. I found the inbox folder and renamed it to move it to a new folder. But then I discovered in panic that the whole folder had dissapeared from my OutLook Express client and when I tried to import it back to OE there was this warning :the "folder could not be found or was in use by other application". Now this problem is beyond my power and I will indeed appreciate your help to get my inbox folder back to OutLook Express, before I do something else wrong. I know where the folders are but I guess I have a problem with the renaming that I am unable to solve.
I am running Windows XP Home.I recently installed MS Outlook and now it has become my default mail program. When I click on a link in a website to send mail Outlook opens instead of my web based email server. I was told that the adjustment has to be made in the registry and I have no clue as to how to to that.
I store *.EML files in various folders around my computer, and I use Outlook Exress File/Save As feature, to do this. Each time I open these files from within these folders, Windows Live Mail takes control. I have been trying to change the File Association, but I cannot find Outlook Express, listed anywhere.
I have Windows xp pro on an IBM Think Center. I can receive, download and print a large file using Outlook Express. If I then try to forward this file, either the recipient gets it but is unable to open it or it is scrambled and unreadible... OR... the recipient never recieves it and then I receive 2 or 3 emails (depending on the size of the file) stating FROM: "mail delivery system" and SUBJECT: "delivery status notification". I AM able to upload or forward small files of say 2 or 3 pages without a problem. I've tried to find some setting that I could change but have be unsuccessful.
You can easily create an icon on your desktop that allows you to compose and sand a mail by double clicking on it without opening Outlook Express.1- Find a free space on your desktop and right click on it on New -> Shortcut2- Enter in the space 'mailto:' (w/out quotes)3- Press 'Next' button.4- Enter in the space a name for the icon (i use 'mail')5- Click 'finish'.That's it.
When I try to send or receive mail in Outlook Express 6, I get an error message 0x800CCC0D along with socket error 11004. It's telling me the host cannot be found, to check that the server name is entered correctly. This began immediately after I clicked the stop button while I was downloading mail and then clicked on send/receive a minute later. My connection to the internet is fine. I checked all the vital information, POP3, SMTP, my password, everything. I removed all the information from my account and reinstalled it, still the same error!
I have decided to go with Windows Live Mail, so do not need Outlook Express any more. Question: Can Outlook Express be uninstalled or do I just leave it where it is in All Programs. I know it is interrogated software with Windows XPSP2, so I guess I just leave it be. I had a glitch in the signature area of Outlook Express and when I installed Windows Live Mail, the glitch came over with the importing of everything from Outlook Express....darn it. To describe the glitch.....when I go to attach a signature saved in Windows Live Mail a message appears on the desktop saying WLM has to close as there is a problem with the software. The main reason I decided to install Windows Live Mail was to rid myself of this particular glitch in Outlook Express, but unfortunately the glitch was imported along with all the messages, folders, signatures and options chosen from Outlook Express.
I am using outlook express to check my email but i want to use microsoft out look, and i want all my last emails to be transfered to micosoft out look. help me how to transfer my inbox, sent items and address book from outlook Express to microsoft out look.
I know procedure for backup and restore my email messages from outlook express. Now I want to switch to Microsoft outlook and I wonder if it is possible to transfer messages from outlook express to MS outlook 2003?
After installing Windows XP Home it disabled my Outlook & Outlook Express. When I try to open either program, a message states that it is an out-of-date version, then the windows installer comes up, then an error saying it cannot find 'omint.dll' cannot be found. I have tried to reinstall Outlook from XP, then from Office 2003 disks (original and a second copy with service packs), but I cannot get installer to install the programs
I intend to import express emails to outlook. what will i loose if anything, i have heard that i may loose the dates that the emails arrived in outlook, is this correct. i am transferring as i prefer to us outlook for the 'contacts' information which express does not have or does it?
the other day email (outlook express) were coming in with pictures and now I get red X what might have happened. The only thing I loaded was AVG and I did notice after that the Windows firewall got turned back on again.
how do i uninstall these programs. I cannot get my printer or scanner to mail from those sites. i have a pd hotmail acct and also gmail and windstream acct. i use incredimail too. I went into tools and selected my incredimail acct for emails but for some reason they are going to the outlook programs and will not mail from there. i tried to set up new email accts from both but they will not mail.. I have tried to email from my excel program too and the same is happening.
can anyone tell me what the difference between Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook is?I am trying to sync my email (contacts etc.) with a new Palm Treo phone and I think I may need M.O. instead of O.E., but I am not sure what the difference is or how to fix it!
I have been using Outlook for quite a while now and have always exported to a CVS or Excel file when backing up. It's not bad, but viewing e-mail on a spreadsheet and losing all the attached files is not the best solution.Are there any good solutions out there? I have a "Save Mail" folder I'd like to back up every so often and be able to search and read through it. Even if it exports all the e-mails into one long document, or PDF, that would be great. Ideally I would like to save the attachments too but that is less critical.I believe Outlook stores in mbox format? So maybe a tool that works with that. Or with Outlook's archive format. Anyway...just looking for a good way to export all my emails to a normal readable file.
I did some looking in the forum and did not see anyone else commenting on this issue. I have a Dell computer with XP Professional installed on it. While using Outlook to read mail messages, I noticed that if I click on any web link in the message that an adobe reader download manager activates and tries to upgrade my version of adobe reader. These web links have nothing to do with adobe- such as a link to "unsubscribe" from the email that I am getting. I have allowed it to load the latest version of adobe- but when I hit the link again (after the latest adobe install) it tries to download it again. I have tried removing the adobe download manager program and tried loading the latest version of adobe myself (9.3.1)- it still tries to download an upgrade to adobe. It looks like Adobe is using a 3rd party upgrade program from Nosso, their link is That is the program that keeps activating and I do not see it in the remove programs choices. I also looked in the registry and see that there are still entries for Adobe v7 as well as v9 (7 was the prior version). I don't understand the registry- have done some simple fixes in the past- wondering why v7 is still there when v9 is loaded.
I have done something in my settings to cancel my ability to reply to or forward e-mail I receive. I use Outlook Express on Windows XP home. Can someone give me specific guidelines/directions on the procedure to correct this problem.
I have the XP home and had the Zone alarm installed. Since I have installed the new service pack for XP I have problems with the outlook. It shows me sending & receiving error and doesnt open. I reset the account again for outlook after consulting the ISP but still not luck.