How To Connect D-link To 3 Computers

Apr 8, 2005

We have 3 computers and have connected all 3 to a d-link router. The problem we are having is that only 2 comps will work online at one time. The other one gets an error message. Our system is windows xp and we have tried rearranging the cables but the problem stays the same.

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Connect Three Computers To My Network

Apr 4, 2007

I have three computers that i need to connect to each other and to my network. What I want to do is put 2 NICs in each of the three computers and connect Computer A to Computer C and Computer B to Computer C via crossover cable. The second NIC in each of the three computers will be used to connect each of the computers to my network

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Cannot Connect Remotely To Any Of The Other Computers

Sep 25, 2005

i have 4 computers in my home, all running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, they all have the Norton Anti-Virus/Internet Security 2005 Anti Spyware Edition installed also. My issue is that on one of my Desktop I cannot connect remotely to any of the other computers in my home

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Connect And Use Two Computers To A Single Monitor?

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to connect and use two computers to a single monitor?

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Using A Splitter To Connect Two Computers With Cable Modem?

Sep 15, 2005

I have a cable company for my service provider (DSL) can I put a splitter on the modem and run 2 computers off of it?

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Plug Phone Line To Connect Two Computers

Dec 11, 2005

i have a computer with DSL and i was wondering if i can plug a phone line into a phone and into my other computer and still get internet access. or run a wire from my other computer to this one and get it. i dont know. it's probrably illegal or you cant do it at all.

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Can Not Connect To Internet - Browser Leads To Dead Link

Dec 11, 2005

I am running XP Pro SP2 2.4 Ghz 512 memory. My problem is that I can not connect to the internet with either firefox or IE. My DSL is working fine with a connection speed of 100mgs. Everytime I open either browser it only leads to a dead link. I went to command prompt and pinged Yahoo and the ping was succesful

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Outlook 2003 Link To IE Not Link

Sep 24, 2004

Recently my Outlook 2003 will not link. If there is a link in the email to a URL when I click on it I get the following error message. "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" I am logged on as the admin, Running Norton Systemworks with AntiVirus. I also have Firefox installed but not running. Control-click from Word will also not work - and gives the same error message

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Link "hand" Displays An "X" & Won't Connect?

Dec 24, 2004

I guess I must have inadvertantly changed a setting somewhere. I don't want to fish around and mess things up.

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Installed Sp2: Kazaa Wont Connect/ Waited Long To Connect?

Mar 1, 2005

hi everybody.every since i install sp2 on my pc ,kazaa lite has a problem with keeps trying connecting but it reemains on trying, even if i let for 2 hours

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IN6 Weatherbug, Widgets Will Not Connect, Firefox WILL CONNECT

Apr 8, 2006

I shut down system restore and went into safe mode to clean out spyware,ect. In safe mode, spybot,i used ewiedo,smit,adware. i dont recall but i think spybot was the only program to find an item. When i rebooted in normal XP, i have been unable to connect IE6,Weatherbug,Widgets to my wireless connection. However Firefox is connecting pretty good,atlhough my wireless program is funny, its telling me there is no internet connection as i surf I tried 'internet options' such as resetting IE, i tried that scannow command. again, i dont have the system restore option to use. but also yahoo widgets are not connectiong nor weathebug.

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Cannot Connect To Internet But Can Connect To Router

Aug 6, 2008

I'm setting up my friends home network. They have 2 PCs connected via ethernet and one laptop on wireless. The router is a wireless router / modem from 2wire. PC number 2 and the laptop both connect with no issues. PC number 1 is weird though. I can go to and it opens up the router system page and I can go through and change and view settings. However when I try to go to any websites it immediately goes to "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." I have tried netscape and the iTunes store and nothing can connect to the web. I have linux ubuntu on a Live CD and I can boot from that and it connects to the internet just fine.

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Cant See What Computers Are Under My Domain

Jun 9, 2010

I'm having a problem with 'Entire Network/Microsoft Windows Network' view!

So, I can normally see the domain, but when I want to see what computers are under that domain, it throws me an error (... not available. ...)!

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Swap OS Between Two Computers

Jan 26, 2008

My daughter has XP Pro on her laptop and I have XP Home on my laptop. Both are legal and registered but we'd like to swap the operating systems. Hers is a smaller, slower and older machine then mine so there shouldn't be any hardware problems or capacity issues.

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Computers BIOS - Hit F8

Jul 27, 2005

How do you get into your computer BIOS to change it. On one post it said to
hit F8 but when I do that the computer just clicks?

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Install On Two Computers?

Aug 16, 2005

I have two computer at home for personal use. I bought Windows xp and was wondering if i can install it on both computers or is it only meant to be used on one.

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2 Computers With 1 Email Account

Oct 15, 2010

I have a laptop and a PC that share one email address through Outlook. Is there a way to answer or file, or delete received emails on one computer and have that action done on the other computer? I end up having to repeat the deletions, especially, twice --- once on each computer.

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Need To Networking At Home Two Computers

Jul 31, 2008

I have a gateway desktop running win 2000 pro spk 4 and a Dell laptop running win xp pro spk2, i have a wireless router that allow my desktop thru a wired to conect to the internet and the laptop also connect wireless, but i want to be able to access the files and folders from each other, what do i need to do in order to browse each other i tried to share both hds and also created in both of them same workgroup name but when i browse from one each i don't see the other one and viceversa.

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Run On Two Computers On The Same Internet -Illegal?

Jan 18, 2005

I'm wondering if it's illegal to run my windows xp on 2 computers in my house that run on the same internet. If it IS illegal, what are the consequences? and how would this be caught?

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Right .net Framework Update To Run On 2 Computers?

Aug 16, 2009

My windows update utility is trying to send an update "Microsoft .Net Framework." It is a rather large file, around 70 Mb. The two computers in question are a netbook and an older computer I use to run ham radio programs. Both run XP Home. What is .net framework and do I need to run the updates?

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Backup Computers On Network

May 8, 2007

I have 10 Computers in my local network ipaddress starts. I need following data's from all clients

1. Outlook mail box

2.Outlook Address Book

3.Documents and settings profile ( Ex.All users)

I need to save automatically all client PC files what i mentioned in above all files to move a copy through my server PC through network ( Ex \ )

Each PC have individual folder. Every restart this script will take a backup ( First time full backup next time always take only incremental backup. I need a script of BATCH file for this operation.

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Remote Shutdown Computers On LAN

Dec 30, 2002

Right click on desktop, create new short-cut.Type shutdown.exe -i..Click next, type in name for your short-cut e.g. shutdown computers Click finish.Run the short-cut you just created. Now you can browse the network for computers to shutdown/reboot etc. or just type in the IP/Name of the computer.You can even broadcast a message, and schedule the shutdown.Cool for sysadmins.You will only be able to shut down computers that you have admin access on!

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Computers Clock Goes Really Fast

Jan 25, 2006

My computers clock goes really fast. Like yesterday, it was 20 minutes ahead, I turn it back. Then the next day it is about 10 minutes ahead

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Cannot Access Computers On The Network

Jul 27, 2005

I have a network running XP Home on 3 laptops and 1 desktop. All computers
can use the internet and printers fine. One laptop (IBM) can share files with
the desktop but the other 2 laptops (both the same make etc) give the error
"The user has not been granted the required login type at this computer" when
I try to access them from the desktop or the IBM laptop.
All the references to this error message say to go to Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Local Settings but XP Home does not have this
option on any of my computers.

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File Transfer Between Two Computers?

May 24, 2008

I have purchased a new hp computer running WIN VISTA and bought an easy transfer cable USB port connection, but when i go to transfer from my old computer which is running WIN XP, to my new computer before i can select anything a window pops up saying migration fAILED.

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Using USB HD To Transfer Data Between Two Computers

Dec 10, 2008

I am trying to use a USB Hard Drive to migrate some data between two computers running Windows XP Pro. I'm using the Windows XP files and settings transfer wizard. The drive shows up a local drive instead of a removable drive on the old computer. When I run the Wizard, it seems to do a quick job on processing the C: drive contents. Then it bogs down trying to also process about 30 GB of files that happen to all ready be on the external drive.

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Same Operating System On Two Computers ?

Aug 17, 2005

I have a retail copy of windows xp home edition.Im just about to build a new computer and is it possible to have the same xp on two computers ? so basically i have ONE xp retail disk and have used it on the computer i am currently on so i would like to use the disc again hassle free (activation etc. )I would like to keep the computer i have now in the SAME room as my new one. Can it be done ?

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Using One Printer On Two Computers Without Cables?

Jan 27, 2005

My wife and I each have a computer running Windows XP Pro, her computer in another room of the house has no printer. My computer has of course, or I wouldn't be asking the question. We're both on the internet via a router and on cable.Is there a way to set-up, so that we are both able to use this one printer? I know they do it at my work, but the systems there are possibly different then a home system, yes?Until asking,, she's had to e-mail me the document, and I have had to open it here in my Microsoft Word and print it. worse case yet, is if I don't have the same font as her computer. it doesn't always printer until I find the ttf font over the internet.There must be a simple way without running cables all through the house?

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Burn CDs On Your Company's Computers

Oct 8, 2002

If you wanna burn a CD on one of your company's computers, and if that computer has cd-burning disabled, you think: Huh? It's just a checkbox! Well it ain't. They have probably used a reghack which i call cdr_off. This is the reghack that they have prolly used:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]"NoCDBurning"=dword:00000001If you want to ENABLE CD-burning, copy the regcode above into notepad, change the 1 to a 0 and save as cdr_on.reg. Run it and voilá!

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Using Ghost To Deploy Computers

Sep 7, 2005

I posted earlier regarding this topic, but can't find the NG I posted to. Essentially, we deployed a few identical machines (and hence identical HALs) individually. Now I'd like to save a ghost image, and use that to image each machine, then change their domain and workstation info. My only concern is this system ID thing - I was informed to use SysPrep, but what does that do? What happens if there's two SID's on the network - I was able to clone one desktop using ghost (didn't run sysprep), then just changed the computer name and joined it onto the domain after (had to reboot obviously for that, but I don't mind).

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Xcopy Between Networked Computers?

Aug 29, 2005

I have my laptop connected to my desktop through a router with certain folders shared. No problem copying some files and folders from the desktop to the laptop. But it's taking a long time to copy multiple folders one at a time.If this were being done on the same computer, I'd just go to a command prompt and use xcopy with the appropriate switches and then walk away and let it do its thing.But I don't know how to specify the location of the source folders for my command if it's between networked computers.Is this even possible? How do I set up the command? I want to copy a folder with lots of subfolders from the desktop to the laptop, and I'm working from the laptop.

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