Unable To Install Genuine Advantage / Downloading With Other Updates?
May 25, 2006
i cant seem to install the Windows Genuine Advantage.will auto updates still download security and essential updates etc.i am not interested in other windows software and extras
Can anyone tell me please how to get Windows Updates without installing WGA.My copy of Windows XP has already been validated and from what I read elsewhere it is no advantage to having WGA installed again and again as apparently this is Microsoft's way of keeping tabs on users activity. I have auto update completely turned off as I prefer to be in control of downloads
My university makes us run a Computer Assessment Tool before we bring our PC's to college. It is a good way to keep the network free of viruses and garbage. without running this tool and passing, you cannot connect to their network. of course, keep my computer squeaky clean and virus/spyware free. the only point that is keeping me from passing is that i need to download 2 windows updates. no biggie, so when i try to download them from the window's update site, but it won't download them, it errors. For some reason i am missing this Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool KB892130.
MS seems to have caved in on requiring validation for security updates, for the time being, so raking MS over the coals over it seems to have paid off, at least in the short run!http://google.com/news?q=Windows+Genuine+Advantage http://kurttrail.com/kblog/kblogarch/00000072.php
notification KB905474 hi, i keep getting a notification that i need to download this....when i try to download it my computer blocks it and now i can't get any updates from microsoft. what is going on? and what can/should i do?
The next time that you run a scan at the Windows Updates/Microsoft Updates site, you should be prompted to install the new update to the WGAVT. Once you do, it'll replace version 1.3.0254.0 with version 1.5.512.0.
This mandatory critical update was released today(April 25, 2006) at the Windows Updates site.Users of illegal or pirated copies of Windows XP - Microsoft announced that on Tuesday it will make Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) more bothersome than ever. A new update for WGA is now on the Windows Update website as a mandatory update. Once installed, your copy of Windows will be checked for validity.
If your Windows installation is found not to be genuine, Windows will display a message telling you that “This copy of Windows is not genuine.” Windows will check and display messages on every boot as well as once an hour (or so). The new WGA tool also puts an icon in your system tray if your copy of Windows is not genuine.
Hypothetically,if I have an'illegal'copy of XP Pro which fails Windows Genuine Advantage verification and then buy a legal copy,do I have to do a complete re-install or can I just type the 'kosher' number in somewhere?
I replaced a cd writer for a friend and all went well. Of course I had to power down the machine & in so doing so there were 5 MS updates for SP2 that ran. The updates installed sucessfuly & then I was prompted to install MS Windows Genuine Advantage; no problem. However following the install of Windows Genuine Advantage a notification flag appeared stating that he does not have a legit copy of windows.
The system is an HP 520W purchased new a few years ago and came with XP installed. The system is up to date running XP SP2 with all updates. Windows Genuine Advantage version 1,5,708,0 was the last update installed.
My pc has a legal copy of XP. it has one of those copies that comes with the pc when you buy it.when i go to microsoft update, it won't let me download any updates untill i install the WGA.I did install it and now it's telling me that my copy is illegal I contacted MS and they said that i have to send them some proof of it being legal (installation cd's) but since it came with the pc, it doesn't have the cd's now they're telling me to send them my pc and that they won't be paying shipping i searched google to find some fix for it and tried some things. i somehow got it uninstalled, but it still won't let me download updates untill i install this tool.
I upgraded from SP1 to SP2.Then I went to Microsoft's update site. All installed fine except the genuine advantage notification tool. I have been on the phone with Micro$oft for almost an hour, speaking with people in Phillipines and India.
This is third time that Windows genuine advantage notification (KB905474) is installed on my PC in the last six weeks or so. Is this happening to others as well?Also, when I check in "Add/Delete" I only see the last one being installed... the entry for the two previous ones are deleted.
I have already installed Windows "Genuine Advantage" Notification on my XP Pro machine. The last three days Windows Update has been asking me to install this "advantage" again. How can I get the gold shield off my taskbar?
I downloaded genuine advantage and it told me that my copy of windows was illegal. I then validated it on the website but windows validation still bugs me on my computer that it is not valid?Is my copy valid or not?And if it is then how can i get rid of the annoying message If it isnt is there anyone i can contact in microsoft to get it working?
I read an article on slashdot.org which states that if windows users do not install the windows genuine advantage update that windows will stop working. Apparently this is supposed to be happening this fall. I have installed the Windows Genuine Advantage update because well I had no choice but I haven't installed the Windows Genuine Advantage Notification update (KB905474).These are separate updates. If I do not install the notification update will this mean that windows will stop working or do I just need to install the Windows Genuine Advantage update for windows to continue to keep working?
When I start up Windows XP I get a message from Zone Alarm which reads:Suspicious Behavior Windows Genuine Advantage is trying to read and modify physical memory ( programme WgaTray.exe)Zone Alarm gives me the option to allow or deny - thus far I have opted for deny. Please could anyone tell me what Windows Genuine Advantage is; I suspect any advantage would be to Microsoft rather than to me.
Whenever Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool is used it hangs my pc. firstly explorer starts to hang window by window until nothing responds not even task manager and i have to hard reset. I first experienced this when i tried to install the new IE7 beta a week ago, whenever it went to validate my copy of windows the pc would hang and i would have to reboot.needless to say i didnt install it,Now ive turned off auto update to get round this for now but im wondering what on earth could be the problem.. I know 100% i am genuine with XP and i turn off sygate firewall and symantec antivirus 10 and close as many process as i can this still happen. Ive run a scannow /sfc and that didnt come up with any errors. couold anyone point me in the right direction with this.
When i install the windows genuine advantage notification (kb905474) I get an error saying wganotify windows was updated partially..I tried to install it manually but i get the same problem
I have a valid PID key and when I go to windows updates I get an invalid product key message. But , If i leave it on auto updates , it downloads all the updates for me.?
I HAVE A VALID COPY OF WINDOWS XP PRO. WHEN I GO TO WINDOWS UPDATES IT VALIDATES THEN I RECEIVE A MESSAGE THAT YOU HAVE AN INVALID PRODUCT ID. I READ IN A NEWS GROUP THAT IT WAS A BUG. I RECEIVED THIS QUOTE FROM A NEWGROUP POSTING. The result of a bug in WinXP SP2's code that creates the PID for display. WGA extracts the correct PID. The one displayed in System Properties General tab will have the OEM-00 issue because of the bug.
I am having trouble downloading updates I cannot manually download KB90574 WINDOWS GENUINE ADVANTAGE I HAVE A LEGAL XP SP2 IT CAME INSTALLED IN MY DELL DIMENSION 3000 XP SP2 Dell had to install a new hard drive How can I make sure Microsoft knows my XP is legal I reg it with Microsoft and I am unable to download updates?
I've recently allowed Microsoft to install his WGA program because I have a genuine copy of Windows XP installed on my computer. After this wga.exe got installed my computer get's unstabled and cause several instance of a process called dumprep.exe to consume all your cpu time and memory usage leaving my computer unstable which causes my mouse pointer difficult to control until I end these instance of this process. I know how to unstall this WGA but if I do then I won't get any crital update. Have anyone else experience this problem?
My cumputer runs Windows XP Service Pack 3. Every day I am invited by Microsoft(automatic update program) to update my browser. After downloading the program it does not install. It is simply impossible.Note that before reinstalling my operational system a couple of months ago, I had Internet Explorer 7 running in my computer without any problems.
I'm using a computer that was built by a friend (really, I promise) who installed non-genuine XP in it. I've never been a fan of pirated software, but the computer was free, so what's a boy to do?
OK, so I've put up with all the "non-genuine" reminders from Redmond figuring it was my penance, but now I'm thinking I should move on up to Vista (mainly for Media Center). And yes, the hardware is up to it.
Meanwhile, I had installed a genuine copy of XP on my previous computer before receiving this one (I still have the disks). One install, one machine. So, can I just install that genuine XP over the non-genuine one?
I need the maximum CPU usage and memory space for 3d rendering. After I installed "windows genuine advantage notification" it became slow and with long rendering process +5 h. it crushes. So I looked at "add/remove programs" list, but it wasnt there.
I am unable to install Windows XPro SP2 updates. Windows Installer 3.1 will not install.Error message reads Extraction Failed: The system cannot find the file specified.
I am trying to update windows from the microsoft site but it just dose not seem to be working right.The site will search my pc and comes up with 80 updates required. It will download them but when it trys to install it fails. There is no error code, just fail.