Repair Function - Majority Unwanted Changes

Apr 25, 2008

I decided to make this post because I used to have a lot of problems with xp logo. Somehow it look like, with help of google, I fixed it but it doesn't work as it should, so I would like to kindly please for your help.Here is description:About a week and a half ago when I boot my PC (no matter from restart or from turning PC on), it used to freeze when XP Logo appeared on the screen. Everything I have done (before this began) was uninstalling, reinstalling and using once Spybot Search & Destroy. Progress bar stopped in the middle of "filling". I haven't been able to come to the desktop. I couldn't use safe mode and I was getting the error message:We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this. If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked. If a previouns setup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the power or reset button was pressed or if you aren't sure what caused the problem choose start windows normally.

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Repair Function In Recovery Console / Hard Drives Do Not Show Up

Jul 28, 2009

This is an older Dell Dimension desktop pc. It is running a RAID configuration with 2 drives. When I try to do the repair function in the recovery console, the hard drives do not show up in the MAP commmand. Also they are not listed in the Windows setup. However, they do show up in the BIOS, but not available in the boot sequence.I am not that familiar with RAID, are the drives fried or is the system not able to recognize b/c of the RAID?

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Registry Repair Sites Offering Repair Software

Aug 1, 2005

I have just installed some anti virus software and during installation I got messages saying my registry had been damaged and i should log onto such-and-such site to download repair software and run it on my system. I am suspicious that if I do this I am exposing myself to total destruction. One of the messages has just popped up again and the site it directs me to is

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Enable To Repair Drives: Get Logs On Restart After Repair?

Aug 24, 2005

Problems started was when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, windows works absolutely fine no problems what so ever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream.

It also said whilst recovering orphaned files insufficient disk space to recover lost files. It stopped for a while then carried on. After scan disk it restarted and wouldn't load windows, just got stuck on windows loading screen forever, eventually 15+ minutes i pressed reset as there was no disk activity.

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Repair Xp Without Using System Repair

Nov 30, 2008

I recently had a bad hard drive (It need the windows xp cd to boot) and saw that the problem was bad blocks. I decide to buy a new hard drive and use ghost to clone it. But, now i have the same problem with the new hard drive. After a while, i realize that obviously, if the disk was cloned, ONLY the information that can be copied was transfered to the other one.In conclusion, how can I resolve this issue without using system repair. the problem is that once i use this tool and then IE won't work. at last I had to format the drive.

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Get Rid Of Unwanted Pop Up?

Apr 16, 2006

I downloaded video convertor program for my PSP to play movies. , and I guess it came with some unwanted programs. How to get rid of MIRAR as it is the cause of all these pop ups.

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Services.msc And Help Function Not Available?

Jul 31, 2005

After removed serveral spywares, I cannot launch the services.msc (Computer management still fine, but not service page) along with "Help and support" from start menu. Also pressing F3 key in Explorer for "Find" function with result close down of explorer.exe.They seems startup for a split second and then close itself without notice. My guess is it has something to do with HTML/DHTML pages.

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Possible Reformat - Unwanted Pop Ups

Jan 13, 2005

A friend brought over a dell with windows xp.She goes to college and also has this computer at home.Well,seems that a family member visited some sites and now she has unwanted popups.She wanted me to reformat this for her.I do not believe reformatting will solve the problem.I was considering cleaning off all the temp files,install spybot and adaware,and installing a good popup stopper.

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Cannot Use Add/Remove Function

Jul 30, 2010

I cannot use Add/Remove Programs. I just get this message: "Setup was unable to open information file wmpocm.inf. Contact your system administrator. The specific error code is 0x2 at line 0." How do I fix this? I have Windows XP Media Center Edition, Ver. 2002, Service Pack 3.

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Function Of Cut Command

Jul 26, 2005

what is the "cut" command for in the rightclick menu?--also "map network drive"? (have never worked with computers before (obviously))

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Unwanted Pop Up Showing?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a regcure billboard that keeps coming up saying 'please set dpi settings' even though I have uninstalled regcure.

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Unwanted Window Pop Up

Dec 25, 2004

When my computer boots into windows or any office program and outlook, I get a box on the screen that says windows installer preparing install then a another box comes up it says setup this MSI must be launched through setup with a OK button.

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Unwanted IP Address

Aug 24, 2006

I have a new PC (EMachine) with XP Home edition operating sys.Preinstalled free 90 day McAfee antivirus program with Personal Firewall and Kill Spam applications and 60 day AOL trial(already un-installed.How can I get rid of a unwanted and annoying IP address that keeps reappearing in my incoming mail(POP3) box in Outlook Express, and temporarily blocking my in-coming mail. Out going mail not a problem.

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Turn On Touchpad Tap Function

Aug 29, 2005

How do you turn on the tap function for the touchpad on xp home

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PC Wants To Download Unwanted Updates

Apr 29, 2008

I have windows XP and Automatic Updates on my computer were set off for two months. Now that I'm back at home I turned on the Automatic Updates again, I selected the 'Notify me but don't automatically install them' option. After that, 5 updates where available to download, I only selected 4 of them. When I turned off my computer so that it could download the new updates, it started to download 71 updates. I did not let my computer download them since i do not know where did the other 67 updates come from. And I'm worried that they my use all the space I have left on my local disk (c). The capacity of my c disk is 9.31 GB, I have used 6.38 GB, and I only have 2.92 GB of free space. What can I do, I would like to know more about the 67 updated that I did not selected but I do not know how to see these updates and change them or cancel them. For now I will just turn of my computer with out downloading these updates.

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Control Panel Function

Sep 9, 2007

I have lost my control panel function. When I click on "control panel" I get the message "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.My PC is not networked with any other equipment.

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Lost Function Of Some Keys

Oct 22, 2006

Can anyone help with my problem! All of a sudden some of the keys on my keyboard no longer work. Have been into troubleshoot but it could not help. The keyboard has worked fine upto now, then bang gone. One of them is the forward slash so I can no longer search for web pages

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Lost Search Function On Pc

Sep 28, 2008

would any one know how i can restore the SEARCH function on my pc? i think my problem started when i uninstalled software, even though the uninstall went smoothly and without any obvious problems. whenever i click on START/SEARCH i get a message stating: "a file required to run SEARCH COMPANION cannot be found. you may need to run setup". i get the same error message when trying to search inside a folder.i'm running XP, and only have a recovery cd for WINDOWS, so if part of the remedy requires the full WINDOWS OS software, i'm out of luck.

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Lost Search Function On XP

Jul 16, 2008

It has been some time now the find button on the start list has disappeared...The search option in the folder view of the windows explorer disappeared too and the F3 key has no effect whatsoever (except when I use it inside Firefox.then it starts the firefox page search feature).This "may" have happened some time ago when I tried the "Windows desktop search" program that I didn't like and uninstalled later?)Anyway here I am using Google desktop which is too memory hungry (its database occupies 4GB on my C drive).I tried googling the internet and found 2 or 3 solutions that failed with me .Is there a solution?

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Win Explorer Search Function

Sep 9, 2005

Since moving to Win XP I have found that Win Explorer Search Files & Folders function does not work properly (as Win 98 did).I need to search a subset of the files (for example *.pas) to find a file containing a string (for example TLargeInteger). Win 98 would have found this but Win XP returns with no item found when there is definitely a file(s) with that string in it in plain text (ie not unicode). Is there some subtle selection I am not making or is the Win XP Search function broken.

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System Restore Does Not Function

May 15, 2009

My computer still creates restore points (manually and automatically) and it goes through the entire process of restoring, but at the very end (after the restart) it announces "No changes have been made to your computer. Unable to restore." I tried shutting off Restore Option, to clear restore points, but that did not help. Two Registry cleaner programs don't seem to find/fix the problem, either. I have AVG Full Edition running with Zone Alarm's firewall, and Window's Defender running in background. Everything seems to work fine, but if something shows up.

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Cut - Copy And Paste Function

Jul 17, 2009

I have Windows xp on my laptop. Till yesterday the cut, paste and copy functions were working fine. But today they stopped working I dont know how to solve this problem. I went through many forums and saw many people have faced same problem but could not find solution which will solve my problem.

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Searching For My Search Function

Jan 1, 2006

At the end of November, the folks over in the Security forum were kind enough to walk me through a huge problem I was having. My computer has never been better except for one small thing. my "search" function doesn't work. The little doggy is there and if I enter something and then ask it to search files and folders (or anything for that matter), it goes off to search and then nothing happens. Eventually I get the "Program not Responding" window and when I close it, my desktop blinks off for a second and then my Norton systray button is missing.It's weird and I'm sure I deleted something inadvertently while I was getting rid of that terrible trojan. I was just wondering if someone had a suggestion so that I could restore that function. If not, I'll leave it alone because I'm just happy to have my computer back to normal almost. I thought I was going to have to throw it away until those guys saved it for me.

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Unwanted Icons - Cannot Delete

Dec 30, 2004

I turned my computer on and 7 new icons appeared on my desktop (they don't appear to be shortcuts) advertising Poker, Card Games, Printer Cartridges, Casino Online, Bingo, Website Hosting. It won?t allow me to delete, drag, right click, or search for them. I have also done a search in DOS under my username/desktop with no luck, I tried the desktop cleanup again they were not listed, I have scanned with Norton Ad-aware and spybot search and destroy, but still they remain. The icons could not be found in my C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktop even with show hidden on.

The icons do not appear in safe mode, and since I have no idea where they are on my computer as I cannot search for them, I could not remove them in safe mode. The icons just link to web sites, so they are not on add-remove progs either. I'm running Windows XP Pro. **UPDATE** 2 IEXPLORE.EXE were found open in processess, when I tried to end one of them, all the icons vanished for a second then popped back up and IEXPLORE.EXE remained in processes, I use firefox not IE !!.. I have no idea what this means, maybe someone will know what to do now?

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Can't Delete An Unwanted DLL File

Jun 3, 2005

My daughter downloaded a game ( Carmen San diego) awhile back. She decided she didn't want it anymore. She went into add/remove programs and removed it. The shortcut is still on the desktop and when she tries to delete it she gets a messages that it cannot be deleted because it is either write protected or in use with another program.

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Search Function Goes Away - Not Able To Connect

Sep 11, 2007

It seems that this problem surfaces every once in awhile. I have not been able to connect it to any actions done previous to its occurrence. The problem is that when I attempt to search in windows I get a "Unknown error" message. In the past I have gone to reinstalling Windows but that is rather tedious. So if there is any other way to get the Search function back I would like to know what it is.

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Search Function Is Broken

Jul 6, 2005

WinXP Home with SP2, after removing a bunch of spyware the search feature in Windows no longer works. It says the files are missing or something along those lines.

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Search Function Not Working At All

Dec 7, 2006

For some time now I have not been able to use my Windows XP Search function. It doesn't even start up, from either of the two spots I use it. The first is by clicking the Start Menu, and clicking Search; the second is by right clicking My Computer and clicking Search. Both do nothing when clicked (at all, not even an hour glass or anything). It's almost as if teh executable for the function has disappeared. I have been pulling my hair out for a couple months now. I have searched many forums and have tried the fixes such as registry keys; running (regsvr32 C:WINDOWSsrchasstsrchui.dll); running sfc /scannow; kellys-korner help pages;

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Unwanted But Unremovable Dll (hkshext.dll)

Oct 30, 2009

I had a program (Hot Keyboard Pro) that I no longer wanted. It did not appear in the Control Panel "Add Or Remove Programs" list and there was no Uninstall option in the program folder, so I attempted to delete the folder and all of its contents but was informed by XP that access to this one dll (hkshext.dll) was denied, and that it might be in use. The Command Line del command responded in the same manner and the Command Line attrib command yields no enlightening information. How might I determine what/who is using this dll and/or how might I remove it? No great import, I suppose, if I just leave it there in the otherwise empty Hot Keyboard Pro folder.

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Keyboard Does Not Function Properly

Jul 10, 2010

My keyboard does not function properly just a few hours ago it worked perfectly for now i am usin the on screen keyboard. how can i solve this problem? for windows xp desktop computer.

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Restore Function Not Working

Jan 3, 2006

I have an unusual problem with the windows restore function on my computer. It seems to still be making automatic restore points periodically along with the ones that I create. However, I am unable to restore to any of the earlier time points. I have used all of the virus and adware/spyware programs on my computer to check for problems and they all report my computer as clean. Does anybody have any idea of what might be causing this or any suggestions to repair this without reinstalling the entire system again?

The system I have: Hewlett Packard 533w, Windows Xp SP1, Intel Celeron CPU 2.00 GHz, 256 MB RAM, Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller. have also installed the unofficial patch for the WMF flaw. Installed on my computer: Norton AV 2005, Zone Alarm Firewall (newest free version), AdAware SE Personal, Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4, Spyware Blaster 3.5.1, Spyware Guard 2.2, Ewido Anti-Malware 3.5, Arovax Antispyware 1.0.494, Arovax Shield 1.2.314, Spy Defense, HiJack This Scanner, CWShredder 2.19, Blacklight Rootkit Eliminator, Rootkit Revealer, and Earthlink SpyAudit

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