My brother-in-law has been having nothing but trouble with his older WinXP machine, so he reinstalled the WinXP with SP2 included. Apparently, he inadvertently installed it to his back-up drive (D) rather than his main drive (C). Everything is working beauifully now. When he boots up the machine, it asks which drive he wants to boot from. He says D and off they go. The problem is that the D drive is only 5GB, of which about 850MB is left. I think he also reinstalled drivers and programs to the D drive.
Hi, yes, I did something really stupid! I was having major issues with laptop and as a last resort decided to reinstall Windows [should have been Vista]. However, I have two Dell Inspiron laptops and apparently used the wrong disc! I installed Windows XP. Now I have no internet as the Ethernet driver, and a few others, are showing errors. I looked in Device Manager etc and about 8 or 9 drivers were not installed. Oh, and the correct Windows disc is in US with my computer wiz son, and I'm over in UK! So . . . . is there anyway to install the missing drivers? Or even get Dell or Microsoft to help me get the correct version of Windows to reinstall? I have internet access on my mini Dell, and also on my desktop - which does have CD writer etc if I needed to download files. Or can that be done on memory stick?
i have 2 computers both is a e-4200 xp home edition and the other is a 819 gm xp media center. i took the recovery disk from the media center and put it on my e-4200 computer thinking it would speed it up. well i was wrong. and now i want to take it off and i don't no how .i have been working on it for 2 days and i am still at the same spot where i was when i started. does any one no what i can do to resolve this probleam. i do not have the recovery disk for the e-4200 computer to restore it back .
I think that the recovery disk that come with the computer is damaged in some way. When I reinstalled XP Home, since I bought a new motherboard, there would be files that couldn't be copied to the computer. Everytime I reinstalled it, there would be different files that would not copy.
I have 2 HDD's in my computer, both partitioned up.In the 2nd HDD the first partition is 30gb, however windows reports it as total size 5GB, free space 4.75GB, I know that is wrong cause more than 5GB of data is on the drive. Disk defragementer shows it as: Capacity: 5GB Free Space: 5.22GB % Free Space: 104% Disk Management still shows the partition as 30gb, but how can I fix how windows sees it? (I'm worried that defragger might lose data as there is limited free space on it, and as its reporting space as 104%, it wont flag up a low space warning (15% and lower).
hi, I'm using Windows XP Home Edition, and I laptop has only 5 more GB left in my hard drive! when I tried deleted unnecessary files and the free disk space go up. But when I tried deleting actual programs from Add/Remove Programs, the free disk space just stay the same! I know the programs I deleted must total up to at least 2 GB. I tried a different approach. I installed a new program and the free disk space decreased. then I unistalled the same said program, but the free disk space didn't go back up! I tried to using Disk Cleanup, but it didn't work! Can anyone please tell me what's wrong and how to fix it?
I have got a 200 gig hard disk and when i go to properties it say its full i the piechart but when u go in to the hard Disk and select all folders it says theres only 40 gig been used . Has any1 got any sugestions on how to fix this prob i have tryed disk clean but it does not do any thing.
If I use any program other than windows explorer to check my HD space, it says about 20 gigs left, windows right now says 0kb on both c, d and e partitions. I run off e at the moment.A few days ago I deleted lots of files and just made a huge 15 gig txt file because I was bored... then I deleted the txt file and the space didnt change (I made sure it was deleted, I know the recycle bin doesnt do its job) and as the space didnt change I used a program called Rollback RX to rollback my HD to a few days ago. so I got my deleted files back (from before the txt file) and checked windows says I am running out of space.
I left in a hurry yesterday and forgot to close some programs (specifically, Outlook 2003) and run a full virus scan. When I checked the computer this morning it looks like Windows XP had reinstalled itself! The items listed below are all DIFFERENT than what I normally see on my computer. To wit:
1. My Desktop was totally rearranged; all the icons were placed on the left side of the screened and arranged in alphabetical order. 2. A pop-up window appeared that sayed something like Setting Preferences and proceeded to set preferences for such things as Outlook Express (which I never use), etc. 3. Control Panel was no longer in Classic View. 4. The Taskbar was rearranged and the Quick Launch bar had disappeared. 5. The Start panel showed only IE, Outlook, MSN, Windows Media Player, Windows Messenger, Tour Windows XP, Files and Transfer Wizard. This is usually what the Start panel looks like with a new Windows XP installation but is nothing like what my Start panel looked like the day before! 6. The Language Bar was showing. 7. All Folder views were showing as icons. I previously had all my Folder views set to display Details. 8. The Event Logs seemed to be missing. The System Log showed no log entries after 5/29/2008. The Security Log had ONE entry (Audit) dated 7/21/2006. The Application Log had no entries dated after 5/15/2008!
I did a full virus scan using PrevX and BitDefender. No malware showed up. Finally, I decided to do a System Restore back to a restore point taken on 4/28/2010 (two days ago). Everything now looks as it did BEFORE I got onto the computer this morning.
My computer wasn't working right, so I re-installed Windows XP with the CD-ROM that came with the computer.After I re-installed Windows XP, all my files and programs have been deleted, and everything went to the lowest performance(meaning stuck in the 640x480 resolution and the 16-bit color)I am unable to change the resolution even by doing what the trouble shoot tells me to do
I am having problems with IE7 crashing. I have run all spyware and adware programs, I even uninstalled them as well as some other programs that I thought might be causing problems. I disabled the shell extensions that were not Microsoft or Windows IE.
I monitor calls on a site--I call up popups that contain the calls--I go along fine and then out of no where the windows freeze up and I cant get out. Then i get the "IE needs to close"I have been working on this site for 3 years now and never had a problem. I do this at my day job too and I haven't had any problems. I am running Windows XP, Serv Pak 2, IE7 and Bellsouth DSL FastAccess Extreme
Any idea what I could do next? Please let me know Thanks Livefury
I recently reinstalled XP home on my Dell Dimension 8250 and now it won't see my Actiontec GT704-WG modem. Modem/router working just fine, am wireless online with it on my laptop right now, all lights green. Have checked TCP/IP and DNS to automatically detect in settings IE will not let me log onto router w/ "dslmodem" or "" I get "The page cannot be displayed".When I run a repair connection on my "LAN or High-Speed Internet" I get the following message: "The following steps of the repair operation failed: Renewing the IP address. Please contact your network administrator or ISP." Device manager says network adapter is working.Have tried many, many fixes recommended on various sites and forums where problem was nearly identical, but to no avail.Have tried setting up a separate broadband connection via the connection wizard and get "Error 678" for my attempt.Have rebooted, redownloaded drivers etc. and am seeing yellow question marks on Device Manager for Ethernet controller, Multimedia Audio Controller, PCI Input Device & Texas Instruments RNDIS Adapter. I downloaded the ethernet driver from dell (orange light on ethernet cable when plugged in), but the update driver utility would NOT see/find the file no matter where it was downloaded to. Switched the router to USB cable instead. Router shows green light with either when in use. Have rebooted and replugged everything MULTIPLE times in varying order.
Last night the computer worked fine but this morning the only way to start my wifes computer was to insert the Win XP disk. chkdsk /r did not fix the problem so I reinstalled Win XP over the old installation. The computer now starts. The problem is although the C drive shows all the old programs and folders are still there they do not show up when I click start, programs. When I go into add-remove in the control panel, it is empty. How can I move the programs showing on the C drive into the new program folder?
My friend's computer was really messed up last week, and the only way to fix it was to reinstall XP. Once I did so, the monitor and sound did not work right. After messing around, I got the monitor corrected (the computer could not find the drivers) but there still is no sound. The sound card is on the motherboard itself (not removable), but the computer does not see anything but a generic sound card.How can I fix this? Do I open the computer up and try to find the specs on the motherboard, or is there another way? Plus, I don't have access to the computer for a couple days, so I can't tell you what all the specs are.
My younger sister was playing on the "Neopets" website. She loaded up a browser-based game called "Shenkuu River Rush". As I understand, to do this, she needed to download the "3D Life Player". The game worked fine for a while, but then started to run slow, so she restarted the computer. When she restarted, it still ran slow. She was also running the latest version of MSN/Windows Live Messenger. Finally, she loaded up the game and the computer pretty much froze (impossible to do anything, and showed no signs of resolving) so I came and shut it down manually.When I switched it on again, the computer went into the usual "We apologize for the incovenience, but Windows did not start successfully." screen. Thinking nothing of it, I selected "Start Windows Normally" and hit enter. The screen stayed on the Windows XP loading screen for a while, then flickered to a BSOD (I couldn't out what it was at this point) and restarted. This time, I selected "Last Known Good Configuration", and the exact same thing happened. I then tried running it in Safe Mode (both regular and command line)
The computer came with Windows XP loaded on it (I think it might've been Home Edition?), but I had a Windows XP Professional disk so I booted up from that. The "Windows Setup" screen comes up, and at the bottom of the screen, as is routine, the "Setup is loading files..." message is present. Just when all the files are seemingly loaded, and the message at the bottom of the screen flickers to "Setup is loading Windows.
I can't connect wirelessly or with an ethernet cable. I downloaded a driver; that didn't work.I downloaded the driver for my Intel(R) Pro/100 VE Network Adapter from the Intel web site. I thought I needed this driver based on other advice (and also because under device manager I was seeing a red X next to it. I installed the driver, enabled the adapter (which now I suspect may have been what I needed to do all along to make the red X go away, but nothing has changed.Also, before anyone asks: I don't have any software from my ISP. I have a cable modem and a Mac Airport station. I started out trying to connect wirelessly -- my computer could detect the wireless network but not connect -- and then I tried connecting via ethernet cable to the modem, which was also unsuccessful.
my computer has been running incredibly slow, so I decided to reinstall windows professional and start all over. it works a little better now, but it is still slow on start up and in performance and all the features seem to be larger as if it were in safe-mode, but it is in normal mode. I defragmented the hard drive, checked for errors and even cleaned out the dust inside the computer itself (I don't know if that has any affect on its performance.).also one of the cd drives doesnt seem to work cant find the disk sometimes, could that effect how the xp was installed? i also can't seem to get the internet (broadband) to set up
I have two drives, one for data and one for windows. I had installed vista on C: but after it not liking my programs ive reinstalled XP on what was the C: drive. Its reinstalled fine but now the C: drive is D:!!Is there an easy way to rename the drive?
I reintalled Win XP for my desktop. But after reboot when finished, It brings up a screen says miss c:windowssystem32hal.dll. So i reintalled OS again just now
I have reinstalled Windows XP on this Gateway several times now and it keeps crashing. I have called the PC Virus tech support line provided by Microsoft and they gave me a few different virus removal tools to try. I thought I had fixed the problems and brought the computer back to my friend. A week later it did the same thing. It went to Scan disk and began deleting files. I don't know how to stop this. It may be a virus embedded in the registry keys but am not sure. I really need to remove it from this computer.
i have a system running Win XP Pro (Core 2 Duo, 2GB Ram, 250 GB Sata Hdd) software installed Adobe Photoshop, Second Copy & Avast. It had been running fine for the last 6 months and then all of a sudden today on switching on it showed the windows/system32/config/system is corrupt or missing. I reinstalled Windows XP and the other mentioned programs and it ran fine for about 20 mins and then froze up.On a restart it showed the same error as mentioned above. So i quickly reinstalled everything AGAIN..same deal, ran for about 20 mins and began showing the same error.
my existing W2K Pro has become corrupt and needs to be reinstalled. I have the original disk but I use the 4-floppy boot set instead. Tried to do reinstall without fdisking first and all that resulted was a blue screen. Should I clean-up the drive completely first with an fdisk then do a reinstall? If yes, what would be the best way to initiate the fdisk procedure?
I got sick and tired with the scrunny performance of xp and did a clean reinstall (after backing up most of teh files.). Now reinstalled and cant get access to internet, my laptop connected to the router dsl connection works fine but when I connect my pc and set up a connection it ends up trying to dial in whereas I use the ethernet, also the ethernet doesnt show any drivers (and I dont have a driver backup disk).I have access via another computer to download from the internet, so can anyone help me with sites/softwares that can determin the required drivers.
i reinstalled win2k but i cannot go on the internet. it seems that the network conections are gone. im not quite sure of the problein but i know that there is something wrong because when i try to turn on microsoft word it has an error "works task launcher cannot install the neccessary files to your computer's hard drive. there may be problems with your computer's hard drive. you can try reinstalling works cannot complete the task. try restarting windows or reinstalling Works".can someone diagnose the problem there something that i can run to find out the problem?
I reinstalled Windows XP on my Dell Dimension 3000 and now the Internet is not working. Some background-- the installation disk I used came with a different model Dell computer that I no longer have. I didn't have an XP disk or any driver disks for the Dell Dimension 3000. I went and installed the following two drivers on the computer (which I downloaded to a disk from Dell's website on another computer) based on suggestions from other forums but it's still not working: the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility and the Intel (R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection. When I go to device manager, under other devices there are yellow question marks next to "Ethernet Controller" and "Multimedia Audio Controller." Note that my internet connection is a cable connection and the motorola modem is hooked up to a belkin 54g router. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem so I can get back on the Internet?
I have recently reinstalled windows and since then i havent been able to get any sound except the warning beeps from the computer itself. my speakers dont work. The error message, 'There are no active mixer devices available. To install mixer devices go to Control Panel, click Printer and Other Hardware, and then click Add Hardware' pops up everytime I try to open the Volume Control.I have tried downloading various drivers which many people have suggested bute when I try this message pops up:'Microsoft QFE Update (835221) This is only to be used on HP Consumer PCs preinstalled with Windows XP. Your PC does not meet this requirement, so update is being aborted. but my PC was preinstalled with Windows i've just had to reinstall it again!
I reformatted, reinstalled, loaded all the drivers, and getting updates now, but when I typed the address for, the keystrokes were lagging.
I deleted a program a while back, I want it back now, so I reinstalled, except now I cant run it. A message pops up saying its not a valid win32 application? It worked fine before I messed with it!
I have just re-installed windows on my fujitsu amilo l6825 but dont have the driver disc, i am missing 3 drivers, if anyone can try and help me aquire them that would be great. Multimedia audio controller PCI modem Video controller (VGA Compatable).
I just reinstalled windows and it doesnt show any CD rom in my device manager. Ive run the "repair" module of Windows XP but it is still the same. I have heaps of software I need to install (including office)