I am having a challenge reformatting the HD for a clean re-install of Win. XP Home SP2. I placed the Win. XP SP2 cd in the drive and booted up the system. Screen 1 came up (Windows Setup) & I pressed enter. Screen 2 came up and all the various items loaded ok. Before screen 3 came up the system had total shutdown with all loss of power-it crashed. Upon reboot a black screen came up with this information. Select operating system to start.
(1) Win. XP Home Edition or (2) MS Win. XP setup. Selecting option
(2) MS Win. XP setup brings up a black screen with this message on it."Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>system 32 hal.dll.Please re-install a copy of the above file. Can you please advise on how to do this so I can reformat and re-install
I would like to reformat my HDD as the main bug bear is that it takes about 5 minutes to boot up.I have a legal instal of XP Pro on it at the moment, but whilst getting all the disks together, i cannot find the XP disk anywhere.Any ideas on how i can reinstall Xp pro without the original disk?
I have just formated and reinstalled XP Pro, updated and loaded my programs.(Have installed only the drivers for the Creative Audigy 2).The system randomly freezes or justs shuts down. Mostly when I am working with images but by no means exclusively so.Sometimes instead of freezing/rebooting the graphics processor stops responding and will restart itself, often after only a few minutes. Again I don't know why this is happening or how to solve the problem.I had the same problem last month and followed advice given by crjdriver (in another thread on these forums) but the problems have reappeared.I've downloaded and run CCleaner and run the issues function which seems to have helped but hasn't fixed the problem.
It been a long time since I did this, I need to reformat the hard drive and reinstall windows xp, due to a program got corrupted, How do I reformat the drive?
I am really hoping that one or a few of you can help me with my issue. Back in June, I reinstalled Windows XP Professional on my computer. Previously, the PC kept freezing, saying Windows Explorer error, etc. Unable to do any work at all on my computer without it freezing, I reinstalled Windows. Problems solved. Except now, since then, I have had no sound at all coming from my speakers! I am missing the audio drivers, I think. Finally, yesterday, I downloaded Realtec AC 97... and now I can hear things opened on Quicktime from the internet, but cannot hear any sounds from websites or other programs I have on my computer. The little speaker control, that is usually displayed permanently in the right hand corner of the Windows toolbar, doesn't show up. I still have Volume Control on my computer...but of course cannot hear anything.Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? I've tried unplugging the speakers and then plugging them back in to no avail. I don't think I have the installation CD for the speakers anymore, as I got them a few years ago. But if I did have them, is that how the drivers would be reinstalled?
OS crashed and am trying to reinstall Windows XP Pro. Problem is I've reached the blue Windows screens and getting error message that 'can't locate asms file'. Now I can't finish the install, and I can't boot from cd to try to reformat drive and reinstall. when I restart Windows XP splash screen comes up, the blue install windows comes up and the error message comes up.
It has 2 drives and the boot drive is split into 2 partitions. I was 'upgrading' his XP (was on C: volume) to XP-MCE and there was a failure, I decided to just do a clean install onto that partition. I deleted the old boot partition and started installing XP-MCE into the now unallocated space. After the reboot to continue installation it stops after post with "Disk error" and "Press any key to restart" messages.
If I boot to the install disk again it shows the storage space as C: and the new installation as D: (opposite of pre-reinstall). I retried with the 2nd SATA drive disconnected and it's the same every time.I can't reformat the whole drive; the storage partition has all the backup data that I saved from the original XP installation.
I want to reload XP PRO, clean the haed drive and give him a fresh start, yet it tells me that I have an earlier version and will not let me install it. It says to reboot and start using my XP Pro and it still does not work. I have checked the BIOS and everything is right in it, i.e boot from CD. I for the life of me cannot format this drive so I can reload a fresh copy of XP PRO and all the updates, and then some other programs. I am pulling my hair out over this. What am I missing that I cannot format and start over,
I had to reformat and reinstall windows due to a virus . now since I have done that I am back to getting those bloody windows popups . can someone tell me how to stop them again ???
Whats the difference between a FAST reformat and a SLOW reformat when I reinstall WIN XP Home? I got a damned WinFixer ad ware crap program that keeps reappearing after I re install windows XP and did a FAST reformat. Wouldnt that wipe out that Ad -Ware?
I reinstall Windows XP Home because My computer was messed up. It deleted all my files.. so on my desktop screen I don't have any Program Files Icons. BUT it still save my Files. I have my orginial files in my Documents folders and In my Program Files It has all the Programs and files that go with that program? How do I zap everything back on my desktop screen so I don't have to go Download each files as new again??? And I how do i get my Internet Favorite Links and my Notepad with my saved information in it? Yes I did try the "Start" and then program files and none of the programs are there.. BUT yet it is in my Program Hard drive C: Program files. with the Program and all it's content?
My Help and Support stopped working about the same time I installed the free utility GhostScript / Gsview so that I could view postscript files. I tried posting a question on another usenet newsgroup, but the answer of: click on install on the C:windowsinfpchealth.inf file - resulted in a search for the file dataspec.xml in the C:windowsinfi386 directory - Unfortunately, such directory does not exist on my C: drive. Furthermore, the "K:I386" directory of my Original Win XP Home CD does not contain any file named "dataspec.xm_ or .xml".And beyond that, I ordered a new Win XP SP2 CD, which just now arrived by mail - and there is no "K:I386" directory on that CD, nor does the CD apparently contain any file called "dataspec" (including dataspec.*).Another effort toward resolution occurred via another usenet post I read, which suggested opening the XP command line feature and executing a system status command, that displayed enabled services - I used that method, and switched the Help and Support service off and then on again. Such action did not in-fact enable the Help feature (including, of course restart), despite the indication that the Help and Support service was enabled. I am, and have been, running a purchased-CD version of Win XP Home, with a downloaded SP2 revision (I have not installed the new Win XP SP2 CD). Basically, I want to find out the means and methods for enabling my Win XP SP2 Help and Support feature, that apparently has been disabled or otherwise rendered inoperative.Is a reinstall of Win XP possible and the best choice? What are the other options?
Because of massive system porblems I have had t reinstall XP Pr with SP2. Before reinstalling XP I formmated the hard drives t give me a blank canvas to work. The reinstall worked fine but I cannot reinstall my Virgin Media Bradband service. Before the reinstall the bradband service was wrking fine..When I originall took out the bradband service it was through NTL. My cable modem states 'NTL' and the broadband disk has NTL' on it and I registered it tthough NTL. Now Virgin Media has bought up NTl annd I don't know if there is a compatibility prblem. Des somebdy else know?
I've been having some internet connectivity problems lately, and I believe it's due to some nasty spyware. I've already gone through all the steps to correct this (checking my DSL speed, anti-spyware scans, anti-virus scans, doing it all in safe mode, even reset my winsock.dll, etc.) but I'm still having problems with slow browsers. So now I think I'm faced with reinstalling Windows XP. My question is, should I do a format & reinstall, or is it better to reinstall Windows over my existing version? I have a Compaq Presario, and it comes with a Recovery CD.
My pc has been under the influence of alot of aware and spyware in the recent weeks. It made sure that some software and internet applications have been working quite slower. By defragmentating my HD and installing the Windows Anti-Spyware Beta software my pc has been able to function like it used to be a couple of weeks ago. Still i have noticed that the pc isnt able to function like i was used to. To bring it back to its original standard, i think it would be better to reformat my HD and install the different anti-virus,spyware and adware programs. But first i need to reformat my HD, which isnt that simple at this moment.When i right-click on my HD icon and click on 'reformat', the PC eventually says that i'm not able to reformat, because there are other programs running at the moment. I do a quick check if that's the case, which in first notice is not correct. I do not have any other programs running, nor is there any other screen open what so ever.
Once I deleted the Windows 7 partitions and formatted the drive, the computer restarts to start the installation... Well sure enough I blue screen every time.
when i go back to 7 just to get the computer running. Here I don't blue screen but I get an error everytime during installation. Says something like it seams to be missing files or files are corrupt.
After some research about the BSOD,Sure enough it worked and XP installed. My issue now is...after I installed all the drivers and did the mandatory restart for them, now I get some other BSOD every time. Unfortunately, it's one of the quick ones where it just flashes and restarts.
I have an 80 gb drive currently running Win 98 SE but I want to install Win XP Pro. Do I need to reformat or can I simply install Win XP Pro over the existing OS?
If I reformat (which I think you're going to say is the preferred route) do I need a Win XP boot disk?
A friend brought over a dell with windows xp.She goes to college and also has this computer at home.Well,seems that a family member visited some sites and now she has unwanted popups.She wanted me to reformat this for her.I do not believe reformatting will solve the problem.I was considering cleaning off all the temp files,install spybot and adaware,and installing a good popup stopper.
ok I have a bunch of crap (virus') on my computer and i am in the process of tryin to fix it. i.e. spybot, ad-aware, spyblaster, and HJT. One problem im havinf is that i cant go to any web pages. so i have to do all this then bring the results to work so neeedless to say its taking some time. well anyway i was wondering since my computer is pretty new would it be ok to save the few things i wanna keep on a flash disk and reformat and reinstall windows media center edition? Or would last known good configuration do the trick (get all the crap off)?
I just recently reformatted my computer, using Windows XP Professional, and have been having a couple problems. As I try to install the drivers, InstallSheild Pops up and then goes to an error stating: RPC Server Unavailable I've tried researching how to fix this and I've found a thread with the exact same problematic tried going into services and starting the DCOM services. It is set to automatic, but will not start automatically. As I try to manually start, it comes up with another error saying "It was not possible to start the DCOM Server Process Launcher service in Local Computer. Error 1053: The service didn't respond to the requisition to start or control in time". After this, for some reason, I'm able to install whatever I was trying to before.
However, after I reboot my computer, I have to do this process again because the DCOM service is not started. I want to figure out how to get the DCOM service to always be on. I feel like it might be a problem with the win32 folder because when I click the properties of the DCOM service and go to the last tab, an error message comes up and says Win32: RPC Server Unavailable.
I just reformatted my computer and now I have no sound. In my device manager it says there is a conflict with my 'Multimedia Audio Controller'. I don't have any drivers. Is there something I can use to find out what I need or even a known driver I can install. I tried to install somethihng called'Vinyl AC'97 Codec Combo Driver' but that doesn't work and it keeps giving me a warning that it "has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows XP."
The computer is a Dell Inspiron 8500 Notebook, running Windows XP SP2.I reformatted my hard drive recently and reinstalled XP. The sound worked fine before the reinstall, and not at all afterwards. Everything else seems fine. Thinking the problem was certainly a driver issue, I downloaded the latest relevant sound drivers from Dell. No dice. Called tech support - the representative took over my computer and, as I watched, did the same thing I had just done: not surprisingly, no dice again. He then told me that buying a PCMCIA sound card would certainly, "no doubt about it" fix the problem. I did so: a SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS. No dice. With both my internal sound card and the PCMCIA, in the Device Manager I get a yellow exclamation: "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)." This is bollocks, since I (and the Dell guy) successfully installed the (AC97) driver several times, and I did the same thing with the PCMCIA card. Dismay and frustration were again the only results. After reading some forums, I found and installed the latest chipset drivers from Intel (the 845MP chipset), thinking that this might be the problem: again, no dice. I hate to ask for your time, tech gods, but I am all out of options. My knowledge has reached its limit and I can turn only to you in my hour of need. Please help. SOS.
I reformatted my computer for the means of a reinstallation. The BIOS does not recognize the cd drive. So I go to the setup utility. None of the Primary Drives are recognized. They are all classified under unknown device. The boot sequence is checked to check cd rom drive.
I'm currently trying to re-install windows xp pro on my hp pavilion laptop which previously was running xp pro. I have a hp windows xp operating system cd that I'm trying to use to re-install. Every time I try and start up from disc, it tells me to insert the Restore Plus CD. I do not have the restore plus cd. If I try and re-install while running windows, it will start all the required steps and then stop at the blue screens saying it had to stop to protect computer. so my question is.Is there a way to reformat my hd and re-install windows xp pro?