Messed Up User Account Under Control Panel

Jul 7, 2008

I think I accidentally messed up my user accounts under the control panel. When I double click on the icon it will not open. When I right click on the icon and click on open nothing happens.

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Created New User Account / Now Desktop All Messed Up

Oct 17, 2006

My computer was working fine. I would turn on the computer and it'll go straight into my desktop and I'll see all my files and icons on the desktop. Just 2 days ago, my son decides to "create" his own user account and he happens to set it him up also as the "administrator". When ever we turn on the computer, it would go to a screen and it would ask us to select a user to log on as (only one avail, it's his). We'd click his user account and it goes to a desktop, however, there is only 2 icons (recycle bin and adobe reader), nothing else. Where are my files/icons? How do I fix it? I rather undo what he did but it appears that I can't delete his user account because he is the administrator.

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Created A Second Administrator Account - Can't Open Control Panel

Dec 12, 2008

My desktop started acting strangely so I closed down programs and did a reboot which took a lot longer than normal - and later found out that my disk was full. During all of this, Windows somehow forgot where the administrator account was and created a new one that has no access. Can't open any programs, can't open Control Panel or IE. The folders for my old Administrator account are still on a second hard drive where they've always been, but Windows created a newly named Administrator account on my C: drive. I've tried the CTL ALT DEL twice trick to log in as administrator and still have the same situation. No programs work, control panel doesn't work. All give same error message, either it can't find the path or I don't have priv to access. "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."I've fixed the full C: drive issue since I can still access Windows Explorer, but can't seem to get my old Administrator account back. I can't delete the user since I can't get into Control Panel. I've started in safe mode and still have same issue.

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Cannot Open User Accounts Control Panel

May 29, 2005

I'm having a bit of a problem. As far as I know, my comouter is completely free of viruses and spyware. For about a month and half now, I've been receiving the error message "Windows cannot open user accounts control panel" every time I double-click on User Accounts in Control Panel. I've been to many sites and I'm still stumped. I think the problem lies in the file nusmrgr.cpl being damaged or defective. If anybody can't offer me some advice or point me in the direction of a download or a recommended piece of software. is (obviously) Windows XP and I've already tried System Restore and Roxio GoBack.

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Control Panel User Accts Options

Apr 30, 2005

I have 5 kids. the teenagers are very computer saavy. i stink at this stuff. i want to know when i create new user accts in my control panel, how can i prevent the kids from making themselves "computer administrators" i want to be able to have only my husband and i to be able to change things around. the kids know how to get into the control panel and how to use it.

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Home User Account Mess - Protect From User Account

Aug 8, 2006

I wanted to protect my documents on my laptop with a password, and I used ''the easy way'' of protecting it from within my XP user account (I used the built in documents password protection, found in the account mangement menu in the control panel). everything was fine until I've restarted the computer. I got (and still getting) the following message: ''The system could not log you on.

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"User Accounts" In Control Panel Wont Open-Error Is "Html Application Host Error"

Aug 29, 2008

I cannot open User Accounts in Control Panel, I keep getting ...

Microsoft (R) HTML Application host has encountered a problem and needs to close.

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Control Taskbar Auto Hide / Launch Control Panel Taskbar

Sep 1, 2005

I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".

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User Account Missing / Getting Back Files In Admin Account?

May 13, 2005

One of my user account for window xp proffesional is missing.Orginally i had one user account and then i decided to make another one.When I was making the second one I had to choose adminstrative powers because it said that I didn't had any other accounts with adminstrative powers. Then after i restarted my original account was missing and I was like wtf! My files are all gone now.The original account name was Administrator. I still have the files for it in my C:Documents and Settings Administrator So how do I get it back?

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How Do Copy Documents From My Main User Account To My Second Account

Feb 10, 2009

How do I copy documents from my main user account to my second user account on my home computer?

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Admin Account Treated As Limited User Account

Mar 21, 2009

Windows XP Home SP2 in a Gateway Performer 1300 P4 I recently purchased a used computer locally from a private party. It seemed to work fine. Once I got it home, however, I discovered that when I tried to install the drivers for my wireless adapter, the InstallShield Wizard would come up and extract the files from the CD and then go away and nothing would happen. When I went to the Windows update site, it would not down load the activeX control to check my computer for needed updates. It did the same thing. It would show that it downloaded the file and then nothing would happen. I talked to a local computer shop and they said they have had a lot of trouble with "broken" Windows Installers lately. So I went to the Microsoft site and downloaded the updated Windows Installer (as they suggested) and this did not change anything.

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Renaming Primary User Account - Renamed The Account

Feb 17, 2007

I've gotten myself in somewhat of a pickle. I have a system that I had built for my husband. I later built a new box for him and decided to sell the previous one. A friend wanted to buy it so I purchased a copy of Windows XP so they'd have their own license, but instead of rebuilding the box, I wiped all the pertinent programs and info they didn't have licenses for and changed the license number to theirs. The problem is, I want to change the user account name under c:documents and settings to reflect the new name.I have created a new ADMIN account, logged in as this account and renamed the account "mitch" to "don". All this does is creates a new user "don" and moves the "my documents" (I have downloaded numerous pdf files that I've created instructing him on how to update antivirus, antispyware and general info on computer use, security, etc. and placed it in the My Documents folder) from "mitch" to don".

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Change My Account To A Limited User Account!

Dec 23, 2007

I am using Windows XP Media Center Edition and I would like to use my current account as a Limited user account.

I realise that I will need at least one administrator account on my PC -- so I go into user accounts, create a new administrator account, then I try to change my current account to a limited account, but it will not let me.....

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Control Panel Function

Sep 9, 2007

I have lost my control panel function. When I click on "control panel" I get the message "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.My PC is not networked with any other equipment.

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Display In Control Panel

Apr 28, 2005

I have not been able to access the display configurations in my control panel. I click on the icon and nothing happens. Anyone know what happened?

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Control Panel Display

Mar 21, 2007

I can not get a photo or anything other than a "color" to be my desktop wallpaper. When I am in the control panel - display - the only buttons that are active are the "browse" and "color" buttons. The "position" button does not work. I can't even get one of the Windows backgrounds to display. The photo I choose to use is there somewhere because it is visible briefly when I start mycomputer. Then it disappears and is replaced by a "color" only screen.This is a very recent problem. I'm guessing some settings are incorrect.

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How To Display Control Panel

May 3, 2010

in my system control panel has been hided so how to unhide it?

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Display In Control Panel

Mar 25, 2008

I accidently posted this in "Vista" so I'm reposting it here as the operating system I have is XP Professional. I'm having a problem with "Display" in the Control Panel. Yesterday I visited a website and opened a file. After I did that, my wallpaper changed and it appeared to be whatever the website was. I was able to somehow get it off (don't ask me what I did, I couldn't tell you). Now, when I click on "Display" in the Control Panel and go to "Desk Top", the only thing that I can change is the color and I can also click on "Customize Desktop", but I cannot change the background or click on browse...".

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Control Panel Will Not Load

Mar 19, 2005

When I try to open "Control Panel" it gives me an error dialog box that says Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. "Control Panel" has been taking longer and longer to load, but now it just stops. Running Windows XP Service Pack 2.

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Uninstall Ie7 Through Control Panel?

Dec 10, 2006

We recently downloaded a number of critical updates from MS. I didn't notice that ie7 was included in the list and installed it. We all dislike ie7 and would like to return to ie6, Can I just install/uninstall ie7 through control panel and ie6 will come back? Or will this leave me with no ie at all.

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Control Panel Has Disappeared

Oct 14, 2007

My control panel has disappeared and I can't fix it even though I've run AVG anti-virus and Spybot Search & Destroy. I'm also getting the following pop-up (with misspellings).Warning! Potential Spyware Operation!Your computer is making unauthorized copies of your system and Internet files. Run full scan now to prevent any unathorised access to your files! Click YES to download spyware remover.

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Lost The Control Panel

Sep 15, 2007

I have spent 14 hours trying to get this mess off my computer and get my life back.This warning screen popped up as you know after I got blasted by a porn page and had shut my computer completely off and rebooted.I did not download the spyware offered but something still got in.Lost the control panel and had restricted access to certain things.After many hours went into control panel through another user and was able to do a few things.I found a site that had a control panel fix and did get that restored on main user but everything is slow and not running right.I have also run Xoftspy, prevx, spybot,and spyhunter.I have run Norton none of which has solved the problem.

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How To Set Password NEVER EXPIRES To An User Account Trough NET USER Cmd

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to configute using Command Line (CMD) some local account configuration.

It must be configured by any standart windows command tools.

I need to configure the "Passworw Never Expires" option using the command line.

I had success by setting other options as "Account is disabled" and "User cannot change password". But this option is really making me sad.

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User Account Type And Group Or User Privilege

Aug 4, 2007

what i want to accomplish is to set an user account type automatically after creating one. as you may know, when you create an user account the system ask you what account type to apply for that new user. the default choice are: Administrator and Limited. i want to create an account that is not too limited but neighter with same privilege as an administrator. i went to the Local Users and Groups at the Microsoft Management Console (now on MMC) and assigned a different Group to each users i desired. task accomplished. but...

the problem is that i don't know how many user the computer will have. the owner of the computer are primitive human that don't know how to configure the system. i neighter want any of them to have administrative right because they have internet access and they still on the experiment process. meaning that they're propense to click 'YES' to any message even if those are viruses (most of them don't read english). the solution i thought was to assign only one user the administrative right so they can install and uninstall software and perform other administrative task as creating more user accounts. there is anyway that after creating an user account the system automatically assign the user a specific Groups? for example the built-in object Power User. or among the choice on user account tool add an new item or modify the existing items. or if there is anyway to modify the privilege and right for an built-in object Group. the Limited account pertain to the User Group, so instead of automatically assign other group, the new account inherit the privilage/right/limitation from the default group.

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Lost User Data After Deleting User Account

Aug 31, 2005

Does anyone know the extension that windows uses when it saves a backup of user data when a user account is deleted in XP?

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Computer Administrator User Accounts Messed Up

Mar 9, 2006

To mess around and make a new account on the PC as he was logged in as the Administrator of the computer. They had no other accounts except for the default Administrator account that they had used. So the son made a new account which he also granted th permission of computer amdinistrator. since that overworte the previous Administrators account that was on there everytime they log in they get the new account and there is no way to delete the new one that has been created... Even when I tried to go into safe mode and log in as the default administrator for some reason it won't let me delete the account even though you are the Administrator and Microsoft even says."You must be an administrator to delete another administrators account" you can't even change it to a limited Account.

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Configure Xp Login / Messed With Something Under User Logon

Jan 30, 2008

I had this set before, but since i messed with something under user logon, I cant get it back anymore.Like how do I set it when I boot up pc, theres the xp logon(with bar going back and forth) then I just want it go straight to screen so I dont have to be clicking my user account. Instead it stays at choose user account.

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Remove Icon In Control Panel

Jul 16, 2005

I un-installed a program (The Weather Channel) from the add & remove Programs and all other locations, including Icons have been deleted, excepting the Icon in the Control Panel. When I right click to open, an error #126 comes up stating (could not get local SMS.INI for current machine).Is it possible to delete thiss icon ? My OS is XP

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Install IIS With An Executable Instead Of Going To Control Panel?

Oct 25, 2006

how to install IIS with an executable instead of going to control panel, add remove programs, windows compents. I want to add it to a batch file that I run to install applications. I would just add it to the XP Install build script but I dont want it on every machine.

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Hibernation Tab Is Missing From Control Panel

Nov 25, 2007

I run Windows xp sp2, I often use hibernation option, recently I am unable to do this. When I go into power options in the control panel the hibernation tab is missing, also in the turn off computer options in the start menu the standby tab is greyed out

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Control Panel Opens With Windows

Feb 15, 2009

Recently, my XP Pro SP3 Control panel started opening upon Windows startup. I've found no one on the Net who has this problem, and have no idea how to stop this behavior.

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