Loading CTBMHA.DLL - Downloaded Creative Sigmatel Drivers

Dec 11, 2008

Whenever Windows XP starts up I get an error message saying "Error loading CTMBHA.DLL". I did some reading about this and downloaded the Creative and Sigmatel drivers from Dell to supposedly fix this problem. That did not work. Other solutions say to remove and reinstall the Creative/Soundblaster drivers and software. This software came on my computer and I have no CD to reinstall these.

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Sigmatel Driver For MCE

Mar 18, 2007

I just had xp home on my computer, and just did a clean install for media center edition. However, I can't find a driver that works with media center edition. When I install it, and it asks to reboot, I reboot, then it says something like system doesn't support something, Can't remember. Anyway, do I have to use a sigmatel driver or can I use something else. It's a Sigmatel C Major HD one, by the way.

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Xp Regedit- Cannot Open Sony Creative Software

Nov 13, 2008

trying to install ACID7 on HP xw4300 workstation, all of my SONY software stopped working. I am trying to edit the registry to get rid of all references to Sony so that I can re-install the 7 or 8 programs that I used to have.but I get an error message: "Cannot open Sony Creative Software. Error while opening key." I find that a lot of registry entries are doing that to me, but the only ones I care about are the Sony ones. I can't change permissions because I can't open or save changes...Is that enough to be clear

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Front Ports Won't Or Can't Accept Creative Mu Vu Mp3 Player

Jan 9, 2006

I have two usb ports on the front and six in the back. The front ports won't or can't accept my creative mu vu mp3 player.The message tells me to use a high speed port.I do use the front ports for my camera cord with no problem.My mp3 player works ok in the back ports but its inconvienient to crawl under the desk and plug into the back.Would it be advisable to buy a usb hub? Should I buy a so called powered hub?

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Installing 32 Bit - Loading All Install Drivers - Blue Screens

Apr 7, 2010

its a FX7026. I had to replace the motherboard and am trying to install XP on it, but after loading all the install drivers it blue screens. I have installed a trial vista on it to make sure it isn't just a problem with the computer and it installs fine, but when I try XP it keeps popping a blue screen.

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WIndows USB Installation - After Loading Drivers System Stops

Jan 27, 2010

I have successfully created a USB installation routine for Windows XP using Multiboot.cmd. The problem i am having is that the installation works perfectly on evry machine i have tried it on apart from Dell machines.

It gets as far as Setup is Starting Windows (after loading in all the background drivers) and then Blue Screens with error 0x0000007b. I have scoured the internet and found nothing of any use on this error code.

It does state that when installing from USB to ensure that no other USB devices are plugged in but the mouse and keyboard themselves are USB devices.

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No Sound After Fresh Install - Audio One Is A Sigmatel Driver

Feb 8, 2008

I recently did a fresh install of Windows XP on on my laptop and since then I haven't been able to get sound working. Almost all drivers have been installed and Device manager tells me they are working just fine. My audio one is a Sigmatel driver, if that matters much ... but there's 5 others listed under "sound, video, and game controllers."Almost all drivers, as I said, the ones below I didn't install for various reasons:

* Sony Visual Communication Camera Driver -- It is actually installed, just disabled because it gives shutdown issues.

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No Sound After Fresh SP 2 Install - Downloaded Sound Drivers ?

Mar 16, 2008

I just installed a fresh copy of Windows XP service pack 2 and for some reason the sound doesn't work.


Here is my computer. I tried downloading the sound drivers and restarted ,but I'm still not getting any sound

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Touch Not Working / Bad Drivers Installed Drivers Over Bad Drivers

Oct 9, 2010

How do I uninstall all drivers associated with my (windows xp) touch pad. Touch Pad is not working / bad drivers installed drivers over bad drivers.

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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Video Drivers Messed Up - Device Manager Display Drivers Update Can't Find

Aug 17, 2009

video card on my laptop messed up somehow, i can see a exclamation mark on the device manager in the display drivers tab... now im searching to update my driver but cant find any sources that would suit xp windows now everything is very laggy cuz it shows im not using any video card or something like that anyway?

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Home Firmware Drivers: System Recognizes The Drivers Wont Install?

Jul 30, 2005

I purchased a SIIG PCI firmware adapter. It has no drivers and says that it will use Win XP drivers. Well I installed the board and booted the pc, Win XP
recognized the hardware but could not find any drivers. I tried unplugging it manually, installing it in another card slot with no luck. I took it back to
my pc dealer and he plugged it in his system and had no problems. I decide to try another brand, an IO Gear GIC1394.

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Pro Drivers: System Crashed Installed New Copy / Missing Drivers?

Nov 3, 2007

A friends HP Media Center PC m7077c crashed. Had no recover disk, etc. Installed XP Pro SP2 and I need drivers (according to Device Manager). No sound is obvious but video controller is not. Video seems okay. Where do I find drivers for this machine. XP Pro, Home and MCE are different OS's ... as far as my experience. The drivers are not the same.

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Installing Drivers For Graphics And Wireless Network Card Drivers

Jan 1, 2006

Whenever i install drivers on my pc, (i've tried graphics card drivers and wireless network card drivers) my pc stops working. When i installed the graphics card drivers, i tried testing the graphics on a game (counter-strike) but as soon as i got into the game, the pc flashes a blue screen, and reboots. I cant see what the blue screen says because it flashes on and off again to quick for me to read it. I decided to uninstall the graphics card drivers, and the game worked perfectly, but the graphics were REALLY bad. So i thought i might need to update some other drivers, so i tried to install my wireless network card, but when i finished installing the drivers when i had to restart my computer, it flashed the BSOD.... AGAIN! I need help urgently as im going to a LAN gaming comp called "rezidue" and its on in 2 weeks, i need my pc fixed by then! All these problems started when i upgraded my CPU. Everything was running smooth, and i was happily playing along on my computer, when i was asked what my FPS was in counter-strike, and i was all "mine are 65!" and there like "wow that sucks, mines 130" so i set out on my epic quest to get better FPS then everyone else and MAN THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I upgraded from my celeron 2.8ghz cpu to a P4 3.0ghz HT cpu, and thats when things started messing up on me. My entire system is as follows (incase it can help someone help me) P4 3.0ghz HT CPU, Microstar P4 motherboard, 128mb Nvidia Geforce mx4000 AGP x8 graphics card, 256MB ddr ram (recently brought new 1GB ddr ram off ebay just for rezidue! should be here soon!) TP-LINK 54mbps wireless network card) And last but not least

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Pro: Downloading Software Asks To Download Drivers?

Jun 25, 2010

I just recieved an IBM laptop while downloading some software, it was suggested by the site that I should download all the updated drivers. I am very wary of this advice because I don't want to fix something that doesn't seem to be broken, but at the same time, I would like to be up-to-date. I am running XP Pro, how I should proceed? And where I might safely download such drivers?

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How To Add Drivers To Default Drivers Installations List

Aug 8, 2005

Is there anybody who can tell how I can add a driver so that windows Xp recognize this and does a unattended installation of the hardware device (a example is a USB mouse) But the Windows XP is alreay installed so, I am not really looking for a sysprep solution?

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Need Graphics Drivers, And Sound Drivers

Oct 10, 2007

I recently reformatted my computer, after it went FUBAR on me, and now I am having some glitchy scrolls whenever I scroll down web pages, and I have no sound, it's the same thing that happened the last time I reformatted it, and it was like 5 months ago, so I can't remember the damned names of the drivers. Any help? I have windows xp home edition, and my graphics card is an ATI.. I remember something on the lines of CCC Catalyst Control Center.

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Need Drivers CD / Accidently Uninstalled The Drivers

Apr 27, 2005

I accidently uninstalled the drivers for my Sony CD-RW CRX160E and Samsung CD-ROm SC-148C players. I have tried to roll back the drivers but there was no backup. Since my Windows XP was installed by my work and I no longer work for that company I am a bit stuck as to what to do.

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Found USB 2.0 Drivers - Motherboard Drivers

Oct 4, 2005

i have problems finding drivers for my motherboard.. i need usb 2.0 drivers.. my mb is a asus p4p800-x, i searched 4 drivers in many sites, like asus.com, but i haven't found yet..where can i found USB 2.0 drivers o

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IDE Drivers - Bus Mastering Drivers

Jun 3, 2005

I think i have a problem (not sure if i really do) I have win xp+sp2. When i go to My computer-properties-device-device manager-Controllers IDE ATA/ATAPI, and press '+', I see this line NVIDIA NForce 2(tm) SPP/IGP ATA Controller is this normal? should i seen something else?

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I Downloaded Twice. How Do I Delete One?

Jul 13, 2005

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?) I downloaded XP twice when I first set up my laptop. I just left it that way for years but now I am having problems with one of the copies and would like to remove it from my system. Does anyone have the fix? Needless to say I'm not real computer savvy.

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Can't See Downloaded Files

Sep 12, 2005

I can't see my downloaded files. If I download a file and select a location too, then after the download is
finished I can't see it in that folder. Actually I can see hidden files
and so, but my downloaded file I can't. Where can I turn off this
behaviour, so that i see those files???
win xp sp2

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Can't Run Downloaded Files

Apr 9, 2006

Since upgrading my computer and reinstalling Windows XP Home with all upgrades, I haven't been able to run executable downloaded files (most recently openoffice but also Google Earth Pro trial). The files download properly but when I try to run them them, I get the message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
I'm using IE beta 7 but have tried the same process using Firefox. All Windows Updates are complete. Running Norton AV 2003 and NVidia firewall set to Antihacking only.

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Cannot Run Downloaded Software

Jul 27, 2005

Downloaded the Belarc Advisor PC Analysis software; saved to C drive, but when I Run the application file I receive an error message with a big red circle with a white X in the middle with the following message: "C: advisor.exe is not a vlid Win 32 application".What is this? How can I get the file to run or for that matter any file to run that I download?

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Downloaded Ms Auto Run

Jan 20, 2008

all its been awhile since ive been here,i downloaded ms auto run,but im a bit confused,as to what i can stop from loading and unloading,could someone here please advise me?

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Downloaded A Tool Bar

Feb 11, 2005

Some how I have downloaded a tool bar. It is at the bottom of my screen at all times, even when I am viewing pictures. It just wont it to go. How can I get rid of it . Can any one help please It has a search box, which takes me to a search web site but when I close the site down the tool bar is still there.

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Downloaded Files Not Found

Jun 11, 2006

When I download files using ie the download window indicates the files are downloaded but they are not there. I've been able to see the files being deleted instantaneously after being downloaded.

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XP Not Saving Downloaded Files

May 11, 2007

When I try to download a file from the Internet, I get a box sasying "Run/Open", "Save", and "Cancel" as always. When I click on either of the first two options, however, the box simply clicks and unclicks with no actions following it. Almost as if you click "Post" in a forum, but you hold the click on it and move the cursor elsewhere, stopping the system from performing that action. On some days, I can get my system to download about 5 files before I can no longer click "Save" or "Open".

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Blocked Downloaded Files

Oct 28, 2008

I run Firefox 3.0.3 under Windows XP SP2 Home.
I have downloaded, a new batch of .jpg files from a trustworthy site that I have been using without any problem for a couple of years. With the latest batch of files I find that whenever I try to open any one with PaintShop Pro, I get an Open File - Security Warning asking me if I really want to open it from an unknown publisher.

If I check the file's properties, I find it is blocked. I can unblock each file individually, either by changing the property or by checking an option on the Security Warning.

I can see no reason for this happening suddenly. I have found various possible solutions proposed (but for slightly different environments or file-types), but they do not work for me. Is there any really proven solution for either preventing the blocking in the first place or removing the block en block?

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