Internet Was Not Working Anymore

May 11, 2005

My new custom built computer on a AMD Athlon 64 chipset 3400+ was working yesterday and today when I reinstall windows over three times the internet wasn't working anymore.The reason why I reinstalled in the first place was because the sound wasn't working well.I think my ethernet card is disable.

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working Anymore After Moving The Pc

Mar 5, 2008

I went to a LAN party so I unplugged all my cables from the pc. When arriving at the lan party I plugged everything back in and booted into Vista Ultimate. Everything was detected properly and I encountered no problems.But when I got home again I wanted to boot into Windows XP Pro and that's where the problems started.

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Dell Inspiron 6400 - DVD/CD Not Working Anymore

Aug 14, 2009

I recently uninstalled a bunch of unused programs from my Win XP and I may have uninstalled some thing. Now the DVD does not play anymore and I get the error message "The file does not have a program assocaited with it to perform this action." each time I try to play a DVD.I have gone to the "Device Manager" to check for the DVD driver. It is still there and working fine. I even unistalled the driver and rebooted my computer. This did not help.

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Internet Is Working For Some Programs / Firefox Is Working But IE7 Is Not

Dec 26, 2007

Whenever I start up IE7 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pops up. The problem is my internet is working for SOME programs. Firefox is working fine, but IE7 is not. Also Steam, Ventrilo, and AIM work fine, but programs such as, UBI Internet, and Gas Powered Games Internet, and almost all games do not work. It says Winsock error problem, but I have fixed the registry keys and followed all instructions.

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Internet Isn't Working Quite Right

May 4, 2007

My internet isn't working quite right.It works fine in all my games and stuff that need internet and connects, but in both of my browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox) the internet just wont load. The progress bar goes to 50% and then stops. The browser is still responsive though.Im using a wireless connection on Windows XP.

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Internet Has Stopped Working

Aug 24, 2007

System Information:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 2002
Intel Celeron Processor 1000MHz
996MHz, 256Mb of RAM
External Modem, Connected via LAN Cable

I bought myself a LAN Cable.I plugged the LAN Cable into a single port router (one computer at a time) through an external Modem, and it worked great for about a month.
I tried to open a page, and a message said: Problem Loading Page. It had all the usual [U][U] and, but mine was correct. In the Taskbar (bottom right hand corner) it came up with an image two computers with yellow dots transferring between them, and then it changed to two computers with a caution sign. I hovered over it and it said: Limited or No Connectivity. So I did the obvious thing, checked cables were plugged in, unplugged cables, restarted modem, restarted computer e.t.c. but it still said Limited or No Connectivity. I went into Local Area Connection Status, and it said, Limited or No renew IP Address, click "Repair". So I clicked repair, and it said could not renew IP Address, please contact Service Provider. I rang the service provider, and they said unplug everything plug it in and retry... This didn't work. Since then I’ve tried things I’ve seen on Forums, and on websites:

Start>Run>CMD>C:>ipconfig /release

It Showed

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . :

I then tried C:>ipconfig /renew

Windows IP Configuration
An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out.

I am unsure what to try next?

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Internet Is Not Working Properly

Jan 13, 2009

my intenet is weird when i go on the internet it works but when i go off of it to play cs or WoW or inything i go back on the internet and then it wont load to iny page the screen is white wont let me go to iny other page so inytime i want to go on the internet i have to restart then it does it again after i use it plz help me

recently got a internel harddrive installed by an tech guy and he went to the bios settings or something to make the drive work so i dont know
i tried searching for malware and spyware nothing found i tried reseting the internet it wont work either.

when i play cs the internet cuts out and makes it so it wont load and when i join a server it wont go there fast liek it used to and when i wanna play WoW i have to go on interet then go to launch wow or it will say no connection to internet when the little interet icon is on

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Internet Explorer Not Working

Oct 3, 2007

Hi everyone, newbie to this site. A co-worker of mine said she was having big problems with her computer over the last few days. She said its very slow and suddenly it won't connect to the internet (comcast broadband). Had her bring it in to me so I could take a look. Oh boy. Its running XP and found that it boots extremely slow. Once booted it slows down even further. So much so that I could barely get the computer to respond when clicking on the start menu. Fairly confident it is infected with a WORM. Tried connecting to the internet which did not work either.

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Reinstalled XP / Internet Is Not Working

Jun 25, 2010

I reinstalled Windows XP on my Dell Dimension 3000 and now the Internet is not working. Some background-- the installation disk I used came with a different model Dell computer that I no longer have. I didn't have an XP disk or any driver disks for the Dell Dimension 3000. I went and installed the following two drivers on the computer (which I downloaded to a disk from Dell's website on another computer) based on suggestions from other forums but it's still not working: the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility and the Intel (R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection. When I go to device manager, under other devices there are yellow question marks next to "Ethernet Controller" and "Multimedia Audio Controller." Note that my internet connection is a cable connection and the motorola modem is hooked up to a belkin 54g router. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem so I can get back on the Internet?

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After Re-installing XP / Internet Not Working So Well

Aug 22, 2006

Computer went down two weeks ago. I have internet service again but it doesn't quite fit the monitor, the colors are different, and I know there is text missing. I am at a loss as to what to try next.

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IE Not Working While Internet Is Fine

Dec 30, 2004

My IE has all of a sudden stopped working. I can still use MSN messenger, download, and even surf the web through Microsoft Outlook, but IE is persistent that no pages are avaliable. My Windows seems to be recognizing my internet connection as well, so I do not see what happened.I then tried re-installing IE, getting all patches (I had them all anyway), but the problem still exists. I am using WinXP Home with SP2.

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Internet Explorer Not Working

Oct 1, 2007

internet explorer has encounter a problem and needs to close on all programs i try to run i have windows xp

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Internet Connection Not Working

Mar 19, 2007

Computer froze earlier today while playing a new game, had to reset the computer.On restart it said the bios had been reset, and when I got into windows, my internet connection wouldn't work.

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Wirless Internet Is Not Working

Jul 26, 2007

I recently had some problems with my system and had to re-install Windows (XP SP2). Now, my wireless internet is not working. The connection is good, as I can get online if I plug straight into the modem.If I used the wireless utility that came with my wireless card, I can detect several networks, but I am unable to connect to them.When I use WZC, windows will not detect any networks at all.I checked all the obvious drivers, conflicts, network and firewall setting. However, I cannot seem to get my wireless working.

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Internet Explorer 32-bit Is Not Working

Feb 10, 2007

I just built my first personal computer and using XP PRO 64-bit as my Operating System. The Issue I am having is the Internet Explorer 32-bit is not working after a few day. However,the Internet Explorer 64-bit does work just fine.I went back and reinstalled Internet Explorer and still have the same issue of the 32-bit not working.This leaves me without a way to us Outlook and be able to get any updates.

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Internet Working Slow

Apr 22, 2010

My computer run very slow, especially the internet. I ran AVg regularly and also Rgistry repair. it fixed some of it but still slow. Will apriciate any help.

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Internet Explorer Not Working

Feb 7, 2009

I recently had a virus on my computer and had a friend attempt to fix it. my computer gradually got worse and now the internet does not work at all. (internet explorer cannot display the webpage error message for all websites). i was going to reinstall windows xp but cannot find the disk. is there any way to fix my internet without being able to actually use the internet on my computer? also, while pricing new windows operating system disks i noticed there is an upgrade version and a regular version which cost about twice as much. can i just purchase the upgrade version or do i need the full version?

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Get The Internet To Be Working At The Same Time, Using The Same Router

Dec 7, 2005

I have a Windows XP Home computer with a internet connection via USB from a Dynalink RTA100+. This router has a Ethernet port, i have a ethernet cable to my laptop which has xp pro. How do i get the internet to be working at the same time, using the same router, by using the same router but by diffrent ports.

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Cannot Connect To Internet - Working On A Client's Pc

Apr 30, 2007

Alright this is the first time I see something like this:i am working on a client's pc an I cannot connect to the internet.

PC specs: Compaq, Presario M2000. XP HOme.

Both the Local and Wireless connection gave a message saying the network didn't assign the computer an IP Address.So I went to Properties, Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and manually assigned both the IP address, Subnet Mask and Dafault Gateway, so now the Local area it's connected and the wireless too (with excelletn signal). but I am not able to go online yet

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Internet Options Not Working In Vista

Nov 6, 2007

The blue one day I cannot access Internet Options from the tools menu in IE7 on Vista Ultimate. I also cannot open Internet options from the control panel. When I click on it nothing happens. I tried to run Spybot. I tried running IE7 as administrator and it says: This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator. I checked and IE7 has full permissions and no restrictions. I am also logged in as an administrator. I tried sfc /scannow in an elivated command prompt and it said it found errors but couldn't fix them. I also ran system restore and it cannot restore anything no matter what date I choose. Can anyone explain what suddenly happened to my Vista out of the blue? I run the latest Mcafee by the way.

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Internet On XP Home Stopped Working

Aug 24, 2007

My internet on XP Home stopped working today after (or during) installing the latest beta drivers that are recommended to play bioshock with. I did that and then rebooted and it came up with lots of 'found new hardware' wizards but I couldn't install any because I then found out I couldn't access the internet (im on broadband). when I go into firefox or explorer and go to a website it straight away says it can't connect to the server.But when i go into ubuntu which i dual boot the internet works fine!Ive tried a lot of things including reinstalling xp but it still doesnt work.

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Internet Explorer Not Working Due To Iexplore.exe?

Nov 9, 2008

When I try to open Internet explorer, it tells me that iexplore.exe is missing,so basicly IE can not be opened.I tried to run it through start-> run , but he says that he can't find the file (C:Program filesInternet exploreriexplore.exe) I do have a internet explorer folder in program files,but i'm unable to open it.Normally,when you click on "Start", "internet explorer" is standing there too. Somehow I can't see it there.

When I click on the Internet Explorer shortcut, it opens a screen saying: Choose the program that you want to open this file with (Note: This will probably won't be the correct translation as it's a dutch computer).In this screen you can search for IE. By this i know for sure that it is iexplore.exe that is missing.When i do Ctrl-Alt-Delete , I can't see iexplore.exe running .

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Internet Explorer Not Working Properly

Feb 4, 2009

when I boot up I just get a blank screen. The Start menu has disappeared and all the icons on my desktop have gone away as well as the taskbar and the clock at the bottom of the screen. How do I get them back? I'm using XP and just downloaded the latest updates (six of which didn't work). Not sure if the latter had anything to do with it. I've tried starting explorer using ctrl-alt-delete then running explorer, but it still doesn't work as normal. A reboot doesn't work either.

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Internet Explorer Stopped Working

Dec 24, 2007

my explorer.exe stopped working. I'm not sure if I got infected with some virus or what, but I tried many antivirus scans, offline and online based, and also did malware scans with adaware/spybot/spyware doctor. Nothing was found that could fix it. So, after spending many hours on it, I gave up on fixing it that way. My computer was still working, except for some things I couldn't do:

- no system restore - if I open the program an empty screen would show
- since my explorer shell disappeared I had to get this program to browse through my files....

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Upgrade From ME - Internet Not Working Properly

Nov 19, 2008

I want to upgrade from ME to XP. I ran the upgrade Advisor for XP and have found a few issues I may need to address. The main issue for me is the internet.

Network adapters
Network TeleSystems EnterNet PPPoE Adapter

If someone could take a look at these results and tell me what will happen? I'm not sure and don't want to crash anything or not be able to connect to the internet. Setup found hardware or software on your computer that might not or will not work with Windows XP. You should read and understand this upgrade report before continuing.........

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Slow Internet - Not Working Properly

Jan 28, 2007

For few weeks internet hasn't been working properly. It has slow upload rate and webpages and games are unplayable because of the lag. How can I figure out what is causing this? I called the Rogers HiSpeed and they reset my connection but it didn't help the problem. I have Rogers HiSpeed and WindowsXP Media Center.

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System Stop Working While Using Internet

Jun 12, 2005

I am having such problems with my computer! I am sure that there are a million reasons why computers lock up, not blue screen of death, but rather just simply lock up. The screen stays on exactly what I am working on, but I can't do anything. The mouse is locked up, control alt delete doesn't work nothing works. It mostly happens while I am on the net, but sometimes happens in word also. I have checked RAM, heat and power supply and all of those things checked out fine. I added more RAM thinking that might be the problem but nop.

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OEM Pro Doesn't Get Any Use Anymore

Dec 21, 2008

I've been thinking of installing Windows XP Pro on my laptop (it came with Windows Vista Home Premium) and I have an older computer that doesn't get any use anymore that has Windows XP Pro (came with the computer). So can I use my Windows Xp Pro disk from my old computer to install it on my laptop, or will it only work on the old computer?

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Computer Won't Start - Internet Stoped Working

Oct 24, 2006

i have a hp computer running windows xp and yesterday the internet stopped working so i tried restarting the modem and router and nothing happened so i was gonna shut down my computer and then start it back up but after i shut it down it never started back up. it just goes to the windows xp start screen and the little blue bar just keeps loading forever, i tried letting it set for about 30 minutes and still it would not load.

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Screensaver Causing Internet To Stop Working?

Jan 31, 2006

I have a plain, blank screensaver enabled that is passworded. My roommates complain that when I leave and this screensaver becomes enabled, their internet stops working. We have cable internet and network through a simple router. My question is - is this really the case? Would my screensaver really cause their internet to slowdown/stop?? This is what they claim and it's beginning to get on my nerves.

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Newly Installed Is Not Working Properly With Internet

Jun 24, 2005

I have posted the message below to the Microsoft Windows Xp email help service. I have decided to post a copy here as well so that there is more chance someone who reads it may be able to find me a solution.

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