My neighbor has two Dell laptops running XP Home. Someone installed Firefox and removed MSIE from both. They are on a dial-up ISP.How can I download the Windows update files on my computer so that I can put them on a flash drive to update their computers. I tried Google,
I can not download or install updates on XP I have contacted Micro soft also did all the things here and more nothing works.get error when trying each update when google one at a time also. error says Set up could not verify the integrity of file update inf. Make sure cyroptographic service is running on this computer it is running when I check. Have done several steps different times from Microsoft support team nothing has done a thing.
my updates download but do not install.I see from some comments that for example the malicious software tool does not install so I guess there may be others.However microsoft have just altered their update site and my computer does not intall microsoft installer 3.1so I cant even now see what updates I need or download them.
After getting the F11 restore (full factory format and reinstall) to work I went to the MS update site. This machine is running XP Pro SP1. I want to get the updates and install SP2. At the MS update site I see many updates needed and I start the download. They all download but on install they hang. Restarting gives the same problem. So I pop the SP2 disk in the drive and start it. It extracts, starts the Inventory, and hangs. Laptop doesn't freeze, the install just stops. Even tried it in Safe Mode and it hangs either on the Inventory or the next item, I forget which one.
I've recently repaired my OS (yes, as in repaired in boot setup via the CD...) and now Windows Update doesn't seem to work anymore!
Automatic Updates or manual updates, it doesn't seem to make a difference, I have downloaded all the critical/high priority updates from Microsoft Update, but every time I try to install them, the message reads simply 'Some of the updates could not be installed' (ie: ALL of them! - see attached images)
i pulled out a program disc halfway through installation, which jammed up windows installer (every time windows was started, a message came up saying to please put in the install disc). I fixed that by finishing the installation (putting the disc back in 4 or 5 months later, we don't get to visit much), but during the time she had the problem,which was right when she got the computer,97 or so Windows Updates downloaded to the computer, but couldn�t install.
These files include everything from the service packs (which are supposed to install by themselves), to critical updates. The computer is very slow at startup, and wants to install the files at shutdown. No error messages, but the files remain there wanting to install.
My system is setup to download updates automatically, but prompt me to install them. I've downloaded a few updates (WMP, IE 7) but decided to install them at a later time. Well, I'd like to install them now, but the little yellow shield isnt in the system tray anymore. Is there a way to install them? I went to the microsoft website and the automatic scan says I have all of the most recent updates (yeah, I have them, but cant find them now).
Hp Desktop T3140, XP Home Ed, P4 3.06MHz,1GB Ram XP updates download ok, no problem with WGA but none of them will install. Error msg advises to check log which says, in a long list .1.141: C:WINDOWSsystem32snmp.exe is Not Present1.141: Condition Check for Line 1 of PreRequisite returned FALSE 1.141: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102
The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.
What do I have to do to get rid of windows error code 0X80200010 ? My automatic updates worked fine. Windows update tries to give me 10 updates now, and thy download okay but do not install successfully. I'm using AVAST! antivirus which seems to work very well. I'm also using Mozilla Threatfire and PCTOOLS firewall. In a few more days, I will be 3 months behind on my security updates.
My windows automatic updates notifier wants me to download Service Pack 3. I have heard of problems arising from Service Pack 3 (I have XP). Should I ignore it or should I download it?
I have downloaded SP2 and some additional updates, I am not able to download files/updates from Is there some glitch or do I need to reset some of the settings so that it will let me download from their site? (I'm trying to download ipod updater but the login and download buttons do not load)
I have a friend w/dialup,yeah, I know, and it's taking FOREVER to do windows update. Is there a way I can download on my broadband computer to CD then install on her computer?
I am looking for a way to download Windows XP updates to a CD. The reason is I am working on my sister's computer which says she needs many updates, including Windows XP Service Pack 2. She uses dial up and one download can take hours. My computer is on cable hookup and downloads quickly. I would like to download the updates to a cd and transfer to her computer. However, going to the download sites requires it searching my system which doesn't match. I run Win98. Does anyone know how I can get these updates?
on Xp2, PC set to download automatic, but is unable to do so for the last 2/3 weeks. I have tried windows update site, 'custom' etc, it tries to update then says 'failed'Have Ad-Aware 2008 free installed.
I have brought new pc and its the first time I have used Windows xp I previously had Windows ME and I never downloaded Microsofts updates for ME after the first time I tried and I had to reinstall windows because of the problems it caused. Some people tell me not download the updates for XP and some tell me I should anyone got any sound advice.
XP Pro SP2, Intel 3.3 cpu, 1 gig ram. My automatic updating stopped working. I had it set to notify me of new updates, and I downloaded and installed what I wanted. Now I get no notifications. If I go to the Windows download site the option I select is download critical updates. This brings up a window telling me that my computer is being checked to see if all the needed files for downloading are on my machine. I am told that they are missing and that I can download and install them by clicking on the provided button. I then see messages saying that the download is progressing, and when I get to 100% a new message tells me that the files are being registered. So far so good. Unfortunately, I am returned to the window saying my computer must be checked, and we go around again. In my investigations to date, the only suggestion I found (in several places) is update my display driver. I have not yet done so because my screen presents no problems. Anybody out there have experience with something like this?
When I go to Wundows update The Window Update dialogue opens saying "The updates are being downloaded and installed". Windows Update indicates 8 Critical Updates neet to be installed. I have tried both Express and Manual install. The Windows Update site has even rechcecked to make sure I am using an genuine Windows product.
I niticed in the Start menu there is also a Microsoft Update When I go to Although it appears to be the same URL all I get is a blank page and the IE window freezes and I have to End Task.The Windows Update dialogue opens saying "The updates are being downloaded and installed". Windows Update indicates 8 Critical Updates neet to be installed. I have tried both Express and Manual install. The Windows Update site has even rechcecked to make sure I am using an genuine Windows product.But nothing happens. The Installation status box stays blank and the download progress bar continually says "Preparing for download" After about 10 minutes the Installing Updates dialogue says "Updates were unable to be successfully installed". No error messages or codes received.
Meanwhile the Windows Connector icon in the Taskbar indicates no data being transfered except it occassionally flashes as though it is attempting to connect to the server.Currently updated AVG, S&D, Ewido, MS Antispyware, Registry Mechanic and Adawre indicate no problems. HJT does not seem to indicate any problems. Trying System Restore didn't help.Using XP Home, IE6 SP2.
I have not been able to download and install MS security updates for several weeks after never having this problem for years previously. What is happening is the process stalls at the place where it is, "Checking for the latest updates for your computer." I am only behind four or five small downloads, so the process should not take too long and never has before. I have let it run for a half hour with no success. The progress bar shows no activity either.
After sourcing the net for a solution to the problem of my computer not being able to download from the Microsoft Website the security updates and updates for Windows Defender I found the following.
SYMPTOMS When you try to connect to the Microsoft Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site, you receive one of the following error messages: � The necessary services are disabled or unavailable
I have tried lots of time to download windows updates, when I go to the updates page all I get is: Checking for the latest version of the Windows Update software.Depending on your connection speed, this might take a minute. During this time, you may receive one or more security warnings. Review each security warning to ensure that the content is signed by Microsoft, and then click Install or Yes to install the software.and that is where it stops. It will not go any further. Page says 'done'. I have let is sit for hours and still nothing. When I go to Control Panel and click on 'Windows Firewall' the message I get is: Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings. I am not sure if this is part of the problem or not. I have recently done a Compaq System Recovery, but not a destructive recovery, just to restore the original files that were loaded when machine was new. Since then I have not been able to download windows updates. Everything else seems to work fine. If anyone has any answers I would be very grateful.My computer is Compaq Presario P8654T S3000T (OEM) running window XP, 2.40 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4, 512 kilobyte memory, on a cable modem.
recently i had some virus problems and i had to make a repair install and a lot reg fixes and such and i wanted to download all windows updates (critical and security) because the repair install left me with fresh SP2 installation .i downloaded IE7 and when it started downloading security updates a window popped up to notify me that all updates FAILED then i went and tried to download the updates the regular way , first file was Windows Installer 3.1 but it failed also so i went and did download it manually from Microsoft website and after the install i went and opened the update screen again and i could see Tons of critical and security updates waiting i pressed DOWNLOAD just to see the window pop up that all the updates failed I'm so desperate now since my PC is soo vulnerable for attacks and hackers and all what can come to your minds
so i this problem caused by the repair install or some key missing in the registry or by some hidden Stupid virus ?i do use Kaspersky 7 / Zonealarm pro / winpatrol / spyware blaster but i feel something is not right.
I have windows XP and Automatic Updates on my computer were set off for two months. Now that I'm back at home I turned on the Automatic Updates again, I selected the 'Notify me but don't automatically install them' option. After that, 5 updates where available to download, I only selected 4 of them. When I turned off my computer so that it could download the new updates, it started to download 71 updates. I did not let my computer download them since i do not know where did the other 67 updates come from. And I'm worried that they my use all the space I have left on my local disk (c). The capacity of my c disk is 9.31 GB, I have used 6.38 GB, and I only have 2.92 GB of free space. What can I do, I would like to know more about the 67 updated that I did not selected but I do not know how to see these updates and change them or cancel them. For now I will just turn of my computer with out downloading these updates.
i have sp3 for windows xp but i cannot download any updates for some reason. It just says "updates failed to download" both that yellow icon at the taskbar and explorer way of downloading the updates fails. what is going on? how can I fix this? is there another way to download these updates?
For a while now I have been unable to download the following updates in my computer:Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 I have Windows XP, not 7. I have tried everything I can think of. I need to get this fixed so that I can load the new Turbo Tax program. It will not load because of an error with the 3.5 sp1.
Instead of downloading updates from Microsoft and using up bandwidth, I have saved them to a file.Whenever the OS is reinstalled on a machine it takes quite a while to download them to each machine via automatic updates. I have SP2 on a disc to install automatically. There are now some 80 or 90 updates after installing SP2. I have most of them saved to a folder and have been looking for a script or batch file to install them automatically.
I keep getting the following message when trying to download updates on my Vaio VGN-FJ270. I have not had this problem in the past when downloading updates from the MS web site or through the automatic update application. I am currently running XP Home Edition 2002 Service Pack 2.
I can't seem to get any updates to download. I have tried both manual and auto update. I have tried checking different settings plus shut down my anti- virus and firewall and still nothing! I checked around microsoft's site and didn't find anything either. When I try to download ( even just one update at a time) I get the update file name failed.