Double Sized Task Bar

Jan 6, 2006

I added the option for Quick Lunch Icons and now my task bar is double sized and I can's seem to reduce it. I tried to go to the edge and drag it to the smaller single size but it still will not become smaller. Nothing I do seems to make it smaller.

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Made The Task Bar About Double The Thickness - Restore

Dec 3, 2005

Some how I made the task bar about double the thickness from what it use to be. Have tried and tried to resize it back to normal. and can't seem to do it.

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Getting Big Sized Font In All The Options?

Oct 27, 2006

I have a font problem - they appear too big in windows xp

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Making The Display Screen Sized To Short?

Oct 9, 2005

How do you take a display screen shot?

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Task Manager Acting Weird - Shows The Running Task Window

Nov 1, 2008

when I click on task manager it only shows the running task window. it used to have a list of all startup stuff and a thing where I could look at a graph of cpu usage, but those are not there anymore

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Start Up Task Bar Freezes & Not All Programs Show Up On Task Bar

Feb 4, 2006

on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software

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Task Scheduler Asks For Password / Get Task Scheduler To Run The Task?

Jun 3, 2006

Using Windows XP Sp2.

I am trying to create a task using Task Scheduler, and it asks me to "set account information". I am given three boxes. One of them, marked Run as has "COMPUTERJesse" already filled in. The other two are marked Password and Confirm Password. This is odd, because I am running under an Admin account (yes, generally not smart, but I'm smarter than the average bear when it comes to computers, so I feel confident I'm not going to mess it up with downloading viruses and such

I clicked OK to get out of the "Set Account Information" box, and in the entry for my task, the Status is listed as "Could not Start", Last Result is "0x0", and Creator is "Jesse". how can I get Task Scheduler to run the task and most of all, obey my authori-tah?

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Task Manager And Task Bar Not Responding

Feb 27, 2006

I recently downloaded some media files and straight after my computer slowed down to a crawl and then would not respond. The mouse pointer remains active but i cannot click on anything succesfully. The task bar and task manager do not respond at all, i can open files saved on my desktop but cannot do anything when they're open and cannot close them again. I reset my PC a number of times but this did not solve the problem. I assume this is a virus or spyware problem but could it possibly be anything else?

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Task Manager - End Task Queries

Oct 16, 2007

You know how after you end a program using End Task in Task Manager, it asks you if you want to tell Microsoft about the problem? I was able on my other XP system to change an option somewhere so it doesn't ask me that any more. I just can't remember how I did it.

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Task Manager Refused To End Task

Sep 1, 2005

At times, I have this problem.When I tries to "End Task" of some program, Windows Task manager refused.The same will happen to Process Viewer that comes with Norton SystemWorks

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Double-click Search

Jun 29, 2006

I'm running XP pro on a Dell Latitude 610. Whenever I double-click on an icon in My Computer, instead of opening the folder or drive, a Search Results window opens. If I right-click on an icon, Search... is bold and at the top of the menu list instead of Open. Can someone please tell me how to restore Open as the default double-click action?

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Double Click Nothing Comes Up- Is It Cookies?

Mar 7, 2006

when I double click nothing comes up even tho I've done searches previously. I think it might be something to do with Cookies but I don't know enough about them to solve the problem. My OS is Windows XP.

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Double-clicking Searches

Jun 13, 2005

so i dunno what i horked one day...but for the past year when i double click a folder ( i.e My Documents or files contained within ) i get the search box instead of the folder opening right up. In order for me to open a folder, i need to right-click and 'open
any way for me to tweak this back into some sort of normalcy?

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Desktop Seems To Be Double The Size

May 21, 2006

When i point my mouse pointer to the left of the screen it just keeps going.its hard to explain so i have attached a bitmap of the screenshot of my will see that the screenshot shows it looks like there is actually the space of two desktops.the image is in a RARfile beacuse i had to compress it for uploading.winRAR is the program used for opening the RARfile.also, you will need to open the image up in "paint" to see it properly.

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Cannot Open C Drive With A Double Click

Nov 26, 2009

Operating system is XP cannot open c drive with a double click. The error message reads - Can not find script file "C:TTMS824.dll.vbs" However can open it with right click and explore Have tried to restore earlier dated restore points but the computer will not restore any of them. Have tried xp_folder_open.vbs by but it did not help.

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Can't Open Drive C: On Double Click

Aug 19, 2007

I have this so called virus/worm "VBS/Solow-B" or FS6519.dll.vbs and I managed to delete it by searching thru the net on how to manually delete this worm. Unfortunately after deleting this I can't open my Drive C using double click unless I used right click then choose open then it will open. Here is the error message that came up. The window name is "Windows Script Host" the message is Can not find script file "C:FS6519.dll.vbs". How do I fix this so that I can use the double click again to open my Drive C:.

BTW I know this is too much too ask but how can I clean/remove the virus/worm on my flash drive? I think I got the virus from other pc using my flash drive then infected my other pc.

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Can't Open Drive C Thru Double Click

Nov 3, 2007

I can't open my Local Drive thru double click. I think its a malware or something but can anyone of you guys teach me how to get rid of it. My anti-virus and anti-spyware can't seem to detect it.
This Windows Script Host message pop-ups everytime I double click on Drive C: Can not find script file "C:LibraryBoys6519.dll.vbs".

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Drives Go To Search On Double Click

Sep 14, 2005

When opening my hard drives with a double click they all go into the search mode in lieu of opening. I have noticed that "SEARCH" is listed first and "OPEN" second using the right mouse button.

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Double Quote Key Acting Weird

Sep 3, 2006

Newly installed copy of Windows XP SP2. Have installed most of my apps and games etc. Now noticing that my " key is not working very well. If i press it once - nothing. Press it again i get two " characters. Also works if i press it once and any other key. Its like the character is queing somewhere in the buffer. Now i thought it was the keyboard at first. So i swapped it out. Same problem. Weird. Thought it might be some strange interaction with loaded software but it happens on bootup at the login prompt when none of my apps are loading

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Can't Open Zip Files By Double Clicking

Aug 26, 2006

I'm running XP Pro Edition and when I double click on a ZIP file it does nothing (it used to though).
I've tried associating ZIP files with WinZip and PicoZip and still the same problem.I am able to open WinZip or PicoZip and then open ZIP files from the program.

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Double Clicking Files To Open

Feb 16, 2006

whenever I try to double click a file, Ie. a .txt or a small .jpg from explorer it takes aprrox 1 minute to open the file, it's certainly not the capability of the machine as it has just started occuring, and all my other programs are working fine.

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Cant Open Pics Up By Double-clicking

Oct 6, 2008

i recently reformatted and got all my stuff back, but now i cant open up my pictures by double clicking on them. i can open them by going rightclick>open with, but thats just annoying.

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Double Clicking To Open Folder

Aug 7, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to change my setting for clicking to open a folder for my home computer. When I dbl click with left mouse button It goes to the search screen. I have to right click and choose "open". On my computer at work when I left click a folder it will open and right click a folder the "open option is on top of the list and on my home computer the "search " option is on top.

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Can't Open Any Drive By Double ClicKing

Aug 11, 2007

I can't open any drive By double ClicKing.. When I click on drive Icon. The dialog box of " Open With.." appear.I think sal.xls.exe is missing .

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Getting Minimize Instead Of Maximize After Double Clicking?

Jan 29, 2005

Is there a way to change when you double click the title bar of a window to minimize as opposed to the window maximizing?

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Double Click On My Computer After Reboot

Jul 24, 2005

i recently had to format my hard drive and reinstall windows xp pro.after i reloaded and reudated everything i ran into a problem. once i turn the computer on and double click on my computer it takes about 5 minutes to find the contents.once the contents are found i can
close my computer and double click it again it shows up right seems to me that when the computer shuts down and then i restart that particular path to my computer is lost and it has to try to find it everytime i start the computer. dont know where to look or have any idea why this would be happening.

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Disable The Double Tap Feature On The Touchpad

Nov 8, 2006

i just got me a toshiba laptop and i was wondering how i can disable the double tap feature on the touchpad cuz i always seem to double tap it by accident.

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Mouse Automatically Double Clicks

Jul 28, 2008

I've used AVG Free 8.0, Spybot - Search and Destroy, Windows Defender, firewall on, all my anti-virus stuff updated, so I don't know what's wrong. I've physically checked my mouse, cleaned it etc., didn't find anything wrong. I also played with mouse settings, and did the little test thing to open and close the folder, and it still double clicked. I also play Call of Duty 4, and my weapon will like 'jam' up. I have found some suspicious things, like some 'Virtumonde' and 'DoubleClick' thing on my virus scans, and the DoubleClick one says it is like some tracking cookie. (No matter how many times I delete it, it comes back.) I can't tell you how annoying it is when I have a window behind a window and it exits them both out because my mouse suddenly double clicks. I also know I am not PHYSICALLY double clicking it instead of clicking it once.

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Double Click On A HDD - Opens Search

Mar 7, 2007

I don't know why, but every time I double click on a HDD, a device with removable storage or a CD drive, the search window comes up. Which means I have to right click it and go to 'Open

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Change Double Click Speed?

May 22, 2005

I accidentally screwed up my double click speed. Where should the bar be for the default double click speed or is there a registry key I can change for this.

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EXE Files Will Not Run / Double-click Isscrpt.msi

Jun 13, 2006

This all started with iTunes - I could not get it to run - I have installed and uninstalled a few times. I still can't run the .exe file for iTunes; I was planning to wait awhile and when I had some time I was going to call Apple; iTunes isn't that important to me. But, today I tried to run a different downloaded .exe and it wouldn't run either.I went to the Microsoft site to see if I could find any info about installing programs. From what I found, there are a few ways to troubleshoot/fix installation problems. Here are the ones I found and my comments on why they didn't work for me:Reinstall the InstallScript engine Click Start, click All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer. Open the following folder: C:Program FilesInstallShieldDeveloperRedistLanguage Independenti386.Double-click Isscrpt.msi. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

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