After Log Off Account Is No Where To Be Found

Apr 29, 2006

I turned my laptop on (and had done nothing special with it the day before) and everything looked as if I had just reinstalled Windows (default desktop appearance, default start menu.)I was able to log off from that account (which I never created to begin with) and log into my own account normally.And my computer has been doing the same thing ever since So I tried to delete that new account in the User Accounts menu, but the thing is after I log off from it, this account is no where to be found. The only way I am able to see it in the User Accounts menu is by switching user, not logging off (which disables me from deleting the account).I found out this way that it is an administrator account.

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User Account Cannot Be Found / Opened

Jan 4, 2005

When I switch on my computer I am confronted with 2 messages each telling me that my user account cannot be found/opened, and I will lose all the settings I change next time I reboot. Therefore when I am on my pc I have no user settings, I.E. favorites list empty, no history, my documents, and all that useful stuff. I have tried running adaware, spybot S&D, AVG antivirus and nothing relevant has come up.If i have missed any information or anything else out that you may need just ask for what you want and ill try find out.

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User Account Missing / Getting Back Files In Admin Account?

May 13, 2005

One of my user account for window xp proffesional is missing.Orginally i had one user account and then i decided to make another one.When I was making the second one I had to choose adminstrative powers because it said that I didn't had any other accounts with adminstrative powers. Then after i restarted my original account was missing and I was like wtf! My files are all gone now.The original account name was Administrator. I still have the files for it in my C:Documents and Settings Administrator So how do I get it back?

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Virus Found - The Folder It Was Found - Cannot Delete It

Dec 9, 2008

it found the virus on the F hdd which u guys know its not the main one was(virus) found on a folder i can't even see i have the "show hidden folders" on so why can't i see those folders ? i am more worried about that than the virus since my software found it im okay with it lol but i just reinstalled my os and i get a virus found on a folder i didn't know xcisted wtfuge ! ! and i have folder that are just named kinda like this "5e56dc46768be0474974c759ab4690" on some hdd any ideas? oh and i can't erase them why?

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Trojan Found But Anti Virus Found Nothing

Feb 12, 2006

I did a free scan Xoft SpySE and it says that i have a Trojan/CWS Combo I ran my Macfee anti virus and it has found nothing therefore what do I do?

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How Do Copy Documents From My Main User Account To My Second Account

Feb 10, 2009

How do I copy documents from my main user account to my second user account on my home computer?

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Admin Account Treated As Limited User Account

Mar 21, 2009

Windows XP Home SP2 in a Gateway Performer 1300 P4 I recently purchased a used computer locally from a private party. It seemed to work fine. Once I got it home, however, I discovered that when I tried to install the drivers for my wireless adapter, the InstallShield Wizard would come up and extract the files from the CD and then go away and nothing would happen. When I went to the Windows update site, it would not down load the activeX control to check my computer for needed updates. It did the same thing. It would show that it downloaded the file and then nothing would happen. I talked to a local computer shop and they said they have had a lot of trouble with "broken" Windows Installers lately. So I went to the Microsoft site and downloaded the updated Windows Installer (as they suggested) and this did not change anything.

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Renaming Primary User Account - Renamed The Account

Feb 17, 2007

I've gotten myself in somewhat of a pickle. I have a system that I had built for my husband. I later built a new box for him and decided to sell the previous one. A friend wanted to buy it so I purchased a copy of Windows XP so they'd have their own license, but instead of rebuilding the box, I wiped all the pertinent programs and info they didn't have licenses for and changed the license number to theirs. The problem is, I want to change the user account name under c:documents and settings to reflect the new name.I have created a new ADMIN account, logged in as this account and renamed the account "mitch" to "don". All this does is creates a new user "don" and moves the "my documents" (I have downloaded numerous pdf files that I've created instructing him on how to update antivirus, antispyware and general info on computer use, security, etc. and placed it in the My Documents folder) from "mitch" to don".

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Change My Account To A Limited User Account!

Dec 23, 2007

I am using Windows XP Media Center Edition and I would like to use my current account as a Limited user account.

I realise that I will need at least one administrator account on my PC -- so I go into user accounts, create a new administrator account, then I try to change my current account to a limited account, but it will not let me.....

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Can't Change Login Name - Only My New Account And Quest Account

Aug 8, 2007

I created a new account in windows xp and I can not understand why there is still the name of the last user on a login screen of windows xp proffesinal. In accounts there is only my new account and quest account

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Account Missing - Reset - Recover Account?

Feb 23, 2007

when i rebooted and logged into the system from the menu screen, a pop-up came on telling me that it could not find my account and that it will temporarily be replaced by one. It gave me a blank account as if I had nothing on it... ever. is there some way to recover my account or at least scavange some files(like my all-important hundreds of bookmarks full bookmarks file) from it? no system restore is not turned on, sadly.

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Main Account Gone And Administrator Account Useless

Sep 2, 2005

My main user account has disappeared from the welcome screen. I know all about pressing Ctr+Alt+Del twice and typing in your account and if that doesn't work, to use the "Administrator" account to enable your main account. The problem is that my administrator account doesnt even seem to have any administrator privelages... its just as useless as the guest account, or so it seems.I don't know what to think. If i go to computer management and check out the users i see: Administrator, Guest, and some other SUPPORT_388... but not my main account. IF i go to documents and settings, i see all the accounts, including administrator and guest and my main account. So what's happening?

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Owner Account Changed To Account Unknown

Sep 11, 2005

My owner account (where most of my files are) has been magically changed to "account unknown" under the System Properties/Advanced/User Profiles. I "see" the "Account Unknown" listed, but I am unable to access it. I tried signing in as the administrator, but no luck. I checked Windows help online, but no luck. I called Sony Vaio support, (support?), no luck. I am running XP Home Edition SP2 will all updates. I have found out that the files aren't gone, according to online readings, but getting to them is another matter. I'm a minister and all of my sermons funerals baptisms etc. are connected with the "Owner" profile.

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26 New Folders - All Named FOUND.000 Thru FOUND.026?

Apr 23, 2006

Out of nowhere in the C drive come these folders. They are named FOUND.000 on up through FOUND.025. Inside the folders are various numbers of files that are named in this way FILE0000.CHK, FILE0001.CHK, FILE0002.CHK. what are they and what should I do?

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Can't Log Into User Account -- Logs Into New Account

Jul 23, 2005

When I try to log into my user account in WinXP (I'm an administrator), it logs me into a newly created account (I didn't
create it, the computer did).

For example, my user account name is JandJ, and my computer's name is LOVEMACHINE.

When I attempt to log into JandJ (as usual), I get logged into JandJ.LOVEMACHINE instead....

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Virus In One Account Will Also Effect The Other Account?

Apr 5, 2005

I have 3 user accounts on my computer, 2 of which are admins and the 3rd is my 7 year old daughter. Instead of moving start menu programs around, can I just put it all into the all users folder and somehow check which folders/files in there her account can access?

Also, when running anti-spyware/anti-virus programs from my account, will it catch nasties in the other 2 accounts as well or do I have to run the programs from each user account?

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User Account Delete One Of These Account

Dec 23, 2006

Just wondering if anyone out there can help me. I currently have two user accounts set up on my computer, if i was to delete one of these what would happen to the information that is saved in that user account and not in the other?

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Use A Limited Account, Or An Administrator Account

Mar 23, 2006

It's apparently a lot safer to use a limited user account, and that's what I'm trying now, but it's also a pain-in-the-a$$.I also don't understand why the XP installer forces you to create another admin account, when you could simply login as 'Administrator'.You're supposed to login to the admin account to install everything, but when you do, in most cases, the shortcuts seem to only be created for the account you're logged into at the time. Very messy.The list goes on, and these things have probably been discussed before, but why is there a single 'Program Files' directory, which all users have access to? Surely there should be a separate directory for each user, so user A cannot access programs installed by user B, unless of course it was meant to be shared?

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Create A New Account While Using The Guest Account

Aug 20, 2010

I have a question. how do i create a new account while using the guest accountn.

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Home User Account Mess - Protect From User Account

Aug 8, 2006

I wanted to protect my documents on my laptop with a password, and I used ''the easy way'' of protecting it from within my XP user account (I used the built in documents password protection, found in the account mangement menu in the control panel). everything was fine until I've restarted the computer. I got (and still getting) the following message: ''The system could not log you on.

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Passworded Administrator Account And A Non-passworded Limited Access Account

Aug 17, 2007

Guest account feature is off. Two other accounts are normally available on the machine, Mine (named "RedCola") which is a passworded administrator account and a non-passworded limited access account.Tonight when trying to log on I accidentally typed the wrong password. When I entered the correct password on the second time it gave me a message that my account was locked and would have to contact my administrator. I rebooted just in case and the account was not available to select, but the generic Administrator account was now there. When I went into that account to check User Accounts though the Control Panel my account (named RedCola) was not even listed. I rebooted again. At the log-in screen I hit Ctrl+Alt+Del twice and typed in my account name and password. Again, same message about the account being locked.

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No Admin Privilages On Any Account Even Admin Account

Aug 30, 2008

OK here I go with the problem- to start, there are no admin privilages on any account even the admin account. The guest account has been blocked and when you get to the welcome page bit there are no user names, so currently we are having to press alt, ctrl, del twice to get a weird boxy thing up to sign in. Now I have a problem because I have been given a new version of XP to install on my PC but I can't do it.I have no idea if that makes any sense to any one out there, but I would really apreciate any help or even suggestions, I am a desperate woman lol.To top things off I think I may have just downloaded a virus that isn't being picked up by my virus scanner

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OS Not Found

May 8, 2007

windows xp on my fujitsu showing "PXE-E53: no boot filename received" and then "PXE-MOF: Exiting BootManage PXE ROM. Operating System not found"Anybody know how to solve this. Everything working fine if a little slow up to now.I'm fairly clueless about this type of problem.

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MFC42U.dll Was Not Found

Feb 16, 2009

MFC42U.dll was not found. Search of computer reveals file not on computer. Google found many advertising free download but when visiting sites want you to download a scan for dll issues and many want a fee.Very leery of these sites.

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CoreFoundation.dll Was Not Found

Aug 30, 2009

When starting up my Dell computer, running Microsoft XP, I get an error every time I start up. I'm just not sure what this error is - I have been having performance issues with the computer lately and am not sure if this error is related. The error says: CoreFoundation.dll was not found.

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No HDD Found On SP3 Reinstall

Mar 10, 2010

My brother has given me his old PC and I was planing to do a complete re-installation... so after a few attempts I keptr getting loads of error messages! So I thought it was the HDD... which I completely wiped... Now I boot up with my SP3 disc and it starts to load and then I get " set up did not find any hard disk drives installed on your computer"

After some googling I think there is something to do with a RAID driver?!! The motherboard is an ASUS K8V-MX and I dont have the disc!! So I've been on their website and downloaded the appropriate raid driver... so I started the re-boot with xp disc in, then pressed F6 as instructed and now I am lost... how do i get the driver files on the disc into the system?

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NO Bios Found

Apr 15, 2006

i bought a ASUS motherboard about 8 months ago its a A8V Deluxe i believe and when it boots it says detecting BIOS then a bunch of. then it says BIOS NOT FOUND!

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USB Drivers Not Found

Jan 1, 2008

I just installed XP on my new rig; I then put in the motherboard CD and got that all installed. However, when trying to install the USB 2.0 drivers a text message comes up saying that I don't need to install the drivers if I have XP SP2.My problem is that when I try to put in ANY usb device windows does not detect it, so I cannot use my printer or external hard drive.Anyone know what's wrong? Is it a BIOS problem? Or do I have to find the drivers somewhere? Or are my USB things broken?

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Boot From CD - OS Not Found

Jul 28, 2004

I am running on Microsoft Windows XP Professional, my computer is a e-machines 540.
Below are the screen messages I get when I do the following:Problem 1:The PC always has to boot from CD, if don?t I will get the following screen comes up when I start the PC ?Operating System not found?. Why does it do that? Someone installed the OS for Problem 2:The PC automatically boot from CD, as it?s always in the drive and has to do that as explain in problem 1. Then a screen come up with the below:Please select the operating system to start

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Msyfihh.dll Not Found

Jan 30, 2009

I spent several hours on my friend's work computer today. She has a LOT of errors but this one has me stumped.

"This application has failed to start because msyfihh.dll was not found", pops up twice Everytime I try to open anything, even folders

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Specified Module Could Not Be Found

Mar 24, 2005

I uninstalled the Nvidia driver, powered down and pulled the card then installed the Radeon card powered up and am now getting these two rundll error messages. Can somebody tell me how to make them go away?

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