Today I upgraded to Windows 8.1 (I think that's the version). I was pretty much forced to do the update. Now, my start button is completely gone and replaced with something that takes me to the Windows 8 screen, which I absolutely hate, because I can't control anything on it. I have installed a utility that let's me use the desktop, and it basically looks like Windows 7, which worked perfectly fine. It seems like all my apps are gone and this new button is linked only to the Windows 8 screen. How can I get my Windows 7 profile back?
How To create a start button shortcut to get to start menu in the taskbar. So that we don't need to click the invisible place in the taskbar And there would be a button on which we will click to go to the metro ui start menu.
If we will click on the start button Then We can get The Start Screen. Is there any way to create it??
I have Windows 8.1 installed and today I discovered that theStart button is back. I do not know how or when it happened but I now have thestart button and it is exactly like the one on Windows 7. A few days ago therewere some updates which I installed so I suppose it came down with that. I justclick on the little icon at the bottom left hand corner. As I said, it's justlike the one on Windows 7.Is this a fluke?
I can't find the start-button on Windows 8... Also the normal, not the start thing when you press the startbutton on the keyboard. i know my pc, but now its gone..
Randomly and following no specific action, the start button stop working. The start button becomes unclickable. this is a long time issue for me and some of my friends. Whats causing this? I've tried everything
(I am running 8.1 on an MSI GT60 2OC). Everything will be fine for a good while and at some point when I switch to the start menu after scrolling my mouse out of the bottom left corner and off of the start button, the task bar and start button will drop down and dispensary like it should. However when I scroll over the corner again, it doesn't pop back up, I cant swipe up or down for my charms bar on the right or see my running apps on the left everything is unaccessible. It can be fixed temporary by re logging but its only a matter of time before it happens again. I have done many hd wipes and re-installations to resolve this issue. Nothing works.
I have some apps installed and some drivers. I also did a bios update and some firmware updated and at this point I am thinking it may be them. I cant clean boot to troubleshoot because sometimes the bug wont show up for a whole day. Im a new win 8 user. 1 weird thing I noticed was that like my problem also had Revo Uninstaller on their computer, a program that I also have installed..
I have my taskbar pinned to the left side of the screen, and it seems there is no way to disable the start button.
If I have the start button in the top left corner (which is fine - I can deal with it), the start charm shouldn't still be available in the bottom left. If I don't have the start button, than the charm is fine.
Why can't we turn off the start button? What was MS thinking with this setup? It's totally useless unless you keep their taskbar on the bottom!
Why doesn't Microsoft just remake the start menu with 2 sides, one to open the classic windows 7 start menu. And the other one to open the Metro UI. Honestly it seems to be the best way to do it I like using both although can't live with out the old start menu.
In 8.1 if I right-click the start-button to get up the new "simplified gray start menu" there are options like "Programs and Features", "Device Manager", "Command Prompt" etc. When I click on these they no longer launch, nothing happens.
Is there a way to make the desktop button/tile/link to the desktop on the start screen to be a different image besides what is really on your desktop screen?
For example, lets say I want a photo of deep space on my tile desktop button, but don't want that image as my desktop screen. Just the tile.
Is it possible to customize what is shown on the Start Button right click menu for Windows 8.1? I would like to take certain items away from that list, and add others of my choosing.
When I try clicking the start button, it doesn't work. I move my mouse to the right side of the screen, and the bar doesn't come up. Same with moving my mouse to the top left corner of the screen. I checked the properties by right clicking the task bar. The corner navigation options are checked off to show them when I move my mouse to the different corners.
My start menu button completely disappeared from the taskbar. I am using DisplayFusion and Start8 so I am not sure if those could cause this issue. I am able to still access the start menu easily by clicking the windows key but would love to fix this.
Due to DisplayFusion I can still see the start menu button on the other taskbar but Start8 does not want to style it or anything.
Example image: [URL] - The right taskbar is my main monitor and the left is the second monitor that has a taskbar from displayfusion
The start button at the lower left corner of my desktop now turns blue when I hover the mouse over it, and, more importantly, when I right click on it the popup menu no longer appears
My desktop picture button has disappeared from my start menu. Is there a way to put the desktop picture button back in the start menu ? I noticed that i can bring up a desktop button by hovering the mouse pointer on the lower left corner but that is lame. I just want my desktop picture button back . also is there any way to have windows 8 open on the desktop ? I do not want to deal with the endless stupid steps required just to open the computer . first i have to raise the unnecessary full screen picture . then i have to type in my password . ( i do not want to type in my password because i am the only person who ever uses my computer and if someone else did i wouldn't care anyhow ) . then i get to the start menu which is filled with buggy programs that never work and now my desktop button has mysteriously disappeared .
I would like for windows 8 to have the option to simply open on my desktop without me doing anything . no password . no start menu . no full screen picture that i have to raise ( what is that thing for ? ) . I realize that the windows 8 start menu and password stuff is mainly due to the people who will use windows 8 with tablets and smart phones etc . but i only use my regular ( rather old ) desktop pc . the password screen and buggy start menu are totally unnecessary and a pita . Give windows 8 desktop users the option of booting the computer up to the desktop screen and bypassing all the other wasted steps . i do not want to use the apps on the start menu . i do not need to enter a password because i do not care if anyone uses the pc. And why did my desktop button disappear from the start menu which i do not even need?
Like the title says... is there any way to remove or disable it completely? I've been searching for a while now and can't seem to find any. Please see the screenshot I provided to make it more clear.
I was wondering if we have a way to customize the Start Orb/Button with this software? I downgraded to an older version because the newest one had a look that literally appears to be the Shell gasoline logo! At least with this version it simulates the Windows color scheme.
I am using Version 3.6.7. The current version is 3.6.8. but it has a blued out background with the Shell logo prominent.
If it were not for Classic Shell I would not be using Windows 8 at all.
I'm getting confused about the new start button that was supposedly to come with the Win 8.1 update. I cant' find anything different from Win 8. Is the start button the icon found in the lower left corner of the screen?...or on my computer keyboard? looks like a window. I was expecting that I would get a dropdown start menu with Win 8.1 like I get with Win 7 when I click on that button. I would really like to have the Win 7 dropdown start menu when I click on that button in 8.1.
I have a Lenovo 580 laptop with windows 8.1. Months ago I installed the Windows 7 desktop. The START button has suddenly stop working - i.e., nothing happens when I click on it. I have shut down and restarted the computer but that hasn't worked.
How to disable windows Key button shortcuts? I am not sure if is enabled only Windows Key or even CRTL+ something or Alt+ something...
In some Games, when i use some of this buttons sometimes i open up language selection, sometimes some other setting. Want to perm disable this shortcuts.
Is there any way to set up a hotkey using the windows logo button in sequence with another? for example "Win + Z" or "FN + Win". I have classic shell downloaded on my windows 8.1 laptop, and I want to set up a hotkey for the metro start screen. I'm aware of how to make a hotkey through a shortcut's properties, but there's no way to use the windows button as one of the keys.
This button is not working. The window doesnt hang. There is no error message. It just doesnt say anything. I am trying to install Visual Studio 2013. It needs to create a system restore point before starting installation. Needless to say, it fails too. I am on Windows 8.1. I ran sfc /scannow with no results.
I'm running Windows 8 Pro 64 bit on a Dell Precision 490 desktop. I upgraded from XP so it was basically a clean install.
I have my power button configured to put the system to sleep and it will do that ONCE after I turn it on. After that, pushing the power button does nothing until the next reboot or power cycle. Going to Charms -> Settings -> Power -> Sleep always works.
This obviously isn't a critical problem, but it's really annoying because I'm in the habit of hitting the power button and usually it just doesn't work.
Things I've tried: - searching Google - can't find the needle in the haystack - searching this forum - nothing that matches - checking the Event Log - nothing interesting or suspicious - apply all Microsoft updates - no change - disable my Comodo Internet Security - no change - change power options and then change them back - no change - checked if I could stop and restart the power service - nope
I'm bravely tackling Windows 8 and am upset to find there is no button above web pages to 'send to mail recipient' or 'send link to mail recipient', which I found invaluable in XP.
The only way I could find to do it was create a shortcut on my desktop and then send that to a mail address but even that didn't work properly.