From time to time, I like to go to the Start Screen on Windows 8 and type in "uninstall" and want to go to the setting "uninstall a program." Unfortunately, it's extra steps, as I have to click "settings" on the right. In Windows 7, all I had to do was Start key + type "uninstall" and it would pop up, ready for me to hit enter.
Can I include certain settings in the search for applications, or do I need to use Windows Key + W to open "settings search" every time?
It seems I have to open File Explorer and use the search box there to search the contents of my IE Favorites folder. Is there anyway to add the same capability to the Start Screen Search. So far all I can do is put in the word "favorites" and start screen search finds the Favorites folder but it can't find any of the internet shortcuts (*.url files) within the Favorites folder. Is this normal? If so how can I change the normal behavior so it works like the start button search from Vista and Win7?
I am searching for a document from the Start Screen, then I click files to see the list of docs. When I click on a doc to open it, it goes into desktop mode to view the Word doc. After viewing the file, how do I get back to the list of search results? It seems like I have to recreate the search everytime after viewing a file.
While using the computer, periodically when I go to the start screen and search for something, it just hangs for about 20-60 seconds before responding. Now today, every single time I start the computer, it loads fine gets me to the start screen, but if I type anything for the search then it freezes on me for 20-60seconds. If I start it and immediately go to the desktop, I can run SOME programs like IE or Chrome but NOT Ventrilo or games (for 20-60 seconds). Also, TASK manager will not come up nor do any of the windows 8 "charms" work for that time frame.
I am at a loss, this is a fresh OS install about a month ago on a brand new Samsung 840 SSD. All my drivers are up to date, I didn't have this issue a week ago but I did have a system restore point that I restored my computer to and that didn't fix it.
I also tried the Windows Startup Repair, and it tells me it could not repair it and to check my log at "F:/Window...." whereas I have NO F:/ drive and Windows is obviously installed on my C:/ drive (also, it will not allow me to "refresh" my computer. *I have legit Windows 8 Keys that I purchased
I have tried disabling the fast boot in power options. I have ran a registry cleaner (ccleaner, I hate running cleaners but it was a desperate measure). I tried creating a new user account.
I checked my Event Viewer and these are common errors I am seeing:
The driver DriverWudfRd failed to load for the device SWDWPDBUSENUM{69d0e255-85f2-11e3-be67-806e6f6e6963}#0000000000100000.
The server {9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
To the user NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE SID (S-1-5-19) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
Setting Internet Explorer start page for all new users that are created how do I do that? I use Windows 8.1 and no pro version! so I have nothing to group policy,
I hate going to the Start Screen, typing whatever it is that I'm looking for, and not having the search results immediately displayed for me like they were in windows 7. In Windows 8 I now have to use my mouse to go to the right side of the screen and toggle the search result between apps, settings, or files.
In Windows 7 I could type in utorrent and press enter on my keybord, if that's what i was looking for, instead of having to type utorrent.exe. And because it was the first search result it would then open the program (or file etc.) that I was looking for automatically.
I thought perhaps the run command was the input box I needed, but it wasn't.
I try to start it from services management but the error 5 (access denied) rises (with user SYSTEM)
I tried create another user with admin privilegies, but it is not working as well, error 1297 rises
I think I added some folder to indexing and COULD this folder is not with SYSTEM privilegies...BUT I cannot see the folder indexed because the service IS NOT WORKING.
I seem to be having this issue return every reboot.
When ever I type something (anything) into the store search, it instantly redirects to my start screen.
/sfc scannow fixes the issue but literally it returns that same day for whatever reason & I have tried the troubleshooter, re-registering the store app & done this sfc scan about 3 times now and just getting bored of it.. Having to use the browser version of the store just sucks..
While trying to add folders to the Search Index, I was informed the Windows Search process was not started. When I go to the Services Console and attempt to manually start, I am given the error:
"Windows could not start the Windows Search service on Local Computer.
Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."
So I opened an command prompt with administrative level access to run sfc and received the following error after it was complete:
"Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log windirLogsCBSCBS.log. For example C:WindowsLogsCBSCBS.log. Note that logging is currently not supported in offline servicing scenarios."
The CBS.log file is too large to upload to here or paste into pastebin, so here is a dropbox upload of it:
What other way, aside from a repair install, do I have to fix my missing files and services?
Processor: Intel i5 2500k @ 3.3GHz OS Name: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Preview with Media Center Motherboard: Z68A-D3H-83 Installed Physical Memory: 8.00GB
Windows 8 keeps downgrading my screen setting to 30hertz on my HTPC. It happens every couple of days... It's very annoying and each time i have to go in my screen settings and put it back to 60hz... Is there a way to force 60hz forever?
How do I add a programs shortcut to the start menu search? For an example: On Windows 7 when I installed Steam on my second hard drive, the Steam exe popped up when I searched "Steam" in the start menu search. When I went to Windows 8, it doesn't do this anymore because I didn't reinstall Steam because it's already on my second hard drive. How do I get it to pop back up in the search?
I use a Lenovo C540 All In One with 23" screen and when I open IE10 the small version of homepage appears. Is there any way that I can get this to open full screen.
Add the single word "ishkabibble" and close the file.
Winkey-F, "dork", enter.
No worky. However, after some period of time, the file will be included in the search results. Or at least I'm pretty sure a file started to come up after a few days.
Now, If one were to have made the same new file in My Documents, insta-worky. That directory is included/indexed/cashed/whatever it's called.
Q: Can I add additional working directories I use often (c: emp, c:music, etc.) such that all nested files within will be included in the Winkey-F search results - instantly (or otherwise.)
Perhaps a "path" type environmental variable exists for search - I would imagine.
("Otherwise" - as in perhaps manually refreshing the cache before a search - which is lame, but serves the purpose.)
[I'm thinking Winkey-F isn't the tool.] Is there a grep type function or tool - that is absolutely categorically going to look at an entire drive for a file, regardless of system, hidden, whatever?
What about text search within a file? Using "ishkabibble" how do I find that file we made?
Since I turned on a new computer, SEARCH function is not working anywhere.
I can't enter the search mode in Explorer (CTRL+F or WIN+F does simply nothing) and when I go to Start menu screen and start typing, nothing happens. When I'm in Start menu and go to search it gives me no results no matter what I type - it just says: This app can't be searched. (as you can see below).
Is there a way to have the start menu's search results display all results by default, rather than initially only displaying applications, and then having to click through to settings and files?
I regularly change my sound card settings, and in vista and windows 7 i could just type "sound card" and hit enter. Now i have to type "sound card", press the down arrow twice, then press enter twice.
Windows 8. I just performed a refresh of my MSDN RTM copy of Windows 8 and my search screen (from the start screen) is dumbed-down now - i.e.: when I go to the search screen it only searches on apps and does not provide the filter UI that should be on the right-hand side.
Is there a setting somewhere or did my refresh actually break Windows?
Windows 8 search refuses to search items in my control panel. For example, if I tap the windows key and type "power options" or "Sound" I get nothing. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to work as it's mentioned in many of Microsoft's own documents as the easiest way to navigate to these settings.
Other searches are working, including files on secondary drives, etc.
In Windows 8.1 do the on screen notifications only show on the Start screen?
I'm talking about the big ones I see with the black bar, such as low battery warning.
Twice I've been on the desktop and I never got a low battery warning. To test I made sure I was on the Start screen and sure enough the warning popped up. Also, when I switched over to the desktop the battery icon showed the exclamation point where I don't think it ever did when always on the desktop.
I want to press start key and search my software but when I do this all of files in my documents appear in results. How to set default search only in softwares and control panel?
I've tried just about everything, but can't seem to find a setting to stop this action. The screen on my laptop (Sony Flip 15A, intel4400/geforce735) seems to increase and decrease in brightness between screens. It's rather annoying not just because of the change, but also because it takes several seconds to occur and it occurs in discrete steps. I'm running the latest drivers from both intel and nvidia. I've tried turning off adaptive brightness and disabling the sensor service, and all effects (fade in, UAC, etc) have been turned off. A video of the condition is shown below:
(Vimeo was taking forever to process)
It even happen when no programs are opening/closing - for example, if I view a dark background web page and then a lighter background, the brightness shifts. I can't imagine how awful this will be in photoshop.
As I understand it, when I it the Windows key or mouse-click lower left while in the desktop, it is supposed to take me to the Start Screen. Indeed, it did work this way for some time. However, now, when I do either, it takes me to the Apps Screen and I have to do something (one of several) to switch to the Start Screen. Once there, if I hit Windows key or click lower left repeatedly, it goes Start Screen -> Apps Screen -> Desktop -> Apps Screen -> Desktop, etc. I think this is wrong. It is certainly not what I want; but my searching has not run across any other mention of this behavior. I don't want it to go to the Apps Screen when I hit Windows key or click in lower left. I only want to go there if I specifically do something to get there from the Start screen. (E.g., little arrow, Ctrl-Tab) How do I get back to the Start Screen being the default choice between these two?
The behavior changed some time after I upgraded to Windows 8.1; but I am not sure if it was immediately after. I suspect not. I've only had the computer for a week, so I am still becoming accustomed to Windows 8. (Coming from XP and 7 and having read a lot of negative comments, I was expecting that I would hate Windows 8. As it turns out, I don't understand the presumed problems. The functionality of Windows 7 is still there. The Start Screen is actually nicer than the Start button
I have two Windows 8 installs, one on my desktop HDD, and another on my laptop's. My laptop broke, so i took the HDD and hooked it up to the extra SATA on my desktop for extra storage. For one reason or another, my desktop install decided to stop working, and I couldn't find the disk I used to upgrade from Windows 8 to 8.1 so I could refresh/restore it. I went to boot to my laptop install to use it for a while (as safe mode wouldnt work on my desktop install anyways) and that worked for a few days, but now the start screen freezes and I have to open task manager and move it to my other screen with Win+Shift+left, and end explorer.exe. Of course, since that doesnt work, I cant use the create a recovery disc utility.
I was wondering what if any customization's can be made to the start screen. I know about pin/unpin and larger/smaller but any ways to update the background image, or maybe add shortcuts that don't appear in the actual "All Programs" listing?
I want to ask about start screen, here the screenshot.
The icons changes like box show in the screenshot. The last thing I remember before it's happen is, I installed all the font that I copied from other computer using windows 7.
When i start up the system... nothing happens ... its just blank screen no words like...pres F2 for bios options etc. Just blank idk what happened it just happen like that after i resumed the system from hibernate ....
I tried removing battery and re starting still like that. The light indicators lights up in processing ... power leds both have lights ....
Toshiba laptop. My son tells me ever since he went on you tube, he has pictures coming up Like wallpaper, with a field to type in where he wants to go, like the address bar in IE.
This worked for a while, but now the computer will boot it shows - welcome Glenn and the circle is spinning, but it will not display the start page. It stays black.
BTW he is running win 8. After about 5 minutes I am able to hit alt-Ctrl- Del and I managed to bring up task manager.I found that the CPU usage is at 98%. I shutdown the windows defender module, and it dropped to 48%. After exiting task manager it still does not display the desktop.
After several tries it is now a little faster and I can get to task manager without a long wait, and the cpu usage is down to 10-20 % , but still no start page.
After the computer sits for a while it goes into standby, I know that because after I move the mouse, I will see the space needle picture. After I click on the picture, it goes back to black.
Since I cannot get to the desk top, I cannot run anything, so I don't know how to proceed.
Any way to add an app to the start screen, but I want to add it to the all apps view screen,not the main start screen in Windows 8.1 this i know how to do, it's pin to start screen.
What happened is an installed program does not show up in the ALL Apps view of the Start Screen. Is there a way to add it there? I only find info on how to add it to the main start screen,not in all apps view.