Always when i install a new version of windows i change the default location of music, documents, downloads etc. Accidentally i change the documents folder to Documents without the after D: (don't know why windows let me choose this location in the first place). But I can't change the location, every time i right click on the documents folder to change the location, explorer crashes.
First I thought it wouldn't be a big problem by changing the default folder in different programs to D:Documents for example in Office. But for soms programs it's a problem, I can't change the default folder and it takes Documents which gives an error.
It's also creating random documents folders on my D partition.
How can I change the default folder for documents? I'm not talking about the library folders, but the folders underneath "This PC"
I want to change the File Explorer default opening location from the Libraries to 'This PC -> Desktop'. However, both 'Target' and 'Start In' fields in the File Explorer properties are greyed out.
I am an administrator, and as far as I can tell with my level of know-how, I have full permissions.
I've had this error for some time wherein I would try to open my documents folder and I get this message every time: 'C:UsersMeDocuments is not accessible. The file name, directory name, and volume label syntax is incorrect.' I also noticed that nothing was inside the folder at all, as I've checked its properties.
However, it seems that all those original files in the documents folder along with the folder itself seemed to have been moved to a different directory, as I managed to open it from my desktop in the windows explorer. It only appears from there too, as I've checked my libraries and no documents folder existing as well.
The only time It did open was when I tried creating a shortcut of that inaccessible folder onto my desktop and opening it from there. It's bothering me because I can't seem to install anything properly without a message telling me that it can't access my documents files or that it can't find the directory, etc.
I have a few Programs that have Databases. When the program is setup, the Database gets setup in My Documents. If I change the location to another folder, the Program still shows the Folder in My Documents. Is there a way to stop this?
I have Win 8.1 running in my PC; I don't know how and when, but the default location of screenshots (as taken by pressing Win key and PrntScr together) has changed to a random folder somewhere in drive E. I know that location, and if this is possible, how can I change that default location to wherever I want?
When I was setting up my microphone I set it up so that the mic comes on when the computer starts. I want to reset it so that it doesn't do that and put it in the Quick Launch toolbar / system tray instead where it would be more convenient a la windows XP style.
how to set a particular folder as the default location for a specific file type, or, in the event that's not possible, just set it as the default location for all file types. Mainly I'm interested in setting one specific folder as default for every time I right click on an image and choose save as. I'm tired of having to browse through to my images folder each and every time. It didn't used to do this until I upgraded to windows 8.1. I don't really use "libraries" as there are only two folders I use for downloads. One is for images. The other is for everything else. I don't mind having to browse to my downloads folder, just not the images folder as that is generally what I download the most since I work with graphics a lot.
How to delete or disable that folder I accidentally created don't know how, because I want to change those folders to under D drive, how to change location folder to another drive.
In Windows 8/RT, you can press WINKEY+PRT SCR to save a screenshot to C:Users\%username%My Picturesscreenshots. Is there a way to change this location via the registry?
I can't seem to figure out WHERE W8 stores the System Restore Points that I create so I created a 500GB Partition on an External HDD that I would like to use to save System Restore files and my question is WHERE in W8 can I CHANGE the location for System Restore?
In setting up a new Acer Aspire V I have managed to rename the default Pictures folder Documents and I now have two folders called Documents - see below:
I was trying to move the Documents and Pictures folders to DropBox (because DropBox is encrypted) in order to have all contents synced. I believe the problem may have arisen because Windows 8.1 (I upgraded from installed Windows 8 immediately after buying the PC and before the install of Office 365) may have put the Documents folder in Skydrive folder by default.
To complicate matters Acer also has some form of cloud storage that may be in the mix -the folder below? It is worth noting that the two folders below appear in both Documents folders (above) even although one still had the old Pictures icon - see above.
Here is a shot of the folders currently in the relevant user folder:
Is there any way to unscramble this mess and get the folders to DropBox?
My weather app keeps telling me the conditions & forecast for Helena, Montana. I am sure it is a wonderful place, and I am thrilled to know it is now 32 degrees F outside, however I live in New Jersey. I cannot find a "change location" function in its settings. Where does the weather app get its location info from, and how can I correct it?
Can you change the default search engine in win 8.1 from bing to google. If i search something whilst in the metro ui it uses bing. can it use google instead.
Is it possible to change the default sleep state to S3 ? So everytime i sleep command is sent to the computer, it would enter advanced S3 sleep instead of just the normal sleep state.
The reason i want to do that is because i bought a MCE remote (Rosewill RHRC-11002). It has a sleep button and i want to use it to make my HTPC enter S3 Sleep mode...
My mother got a new laptop for Christmas. When I set it up for her I went through and did the "express" set-up or whatever it is called instead of the custom set-up.
I too got a new laptop and did the set-up on mine after I did hers. I now want to go back and do the custom set-up on her computer instead of the express setup I did initially.
I'd prefer to have details for all folders. It looks like I found a solution for the annoying auto changing of folder types:
Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00;This registry script has been made by Vishal Gupta -[-HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellBags][HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellBags][HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellBagsAllFolders][HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellBagsAllFoldersShell]"FolderType"="NotSpecified"
But I also want the view to stay details even if I change it in explorer's view menu to look at something. In this case currently the setting is immediately saved somewhere and next time I get that view. I want it to show details the next time I visit it...
(I have also disabled thumbs.db and desktop.ini via registry settings.)
I always wanted to make a small partition for the OS and use the rest of my HDD to store my apps and files but I couldn't format my PC as I had nowhere to back-up my work projects and files I'll need. So finally, I got an external HDD yesterday so I jumped quick on my PC to back-up my files and format (Note that my DVD reader is broken so I performed a clean install from a Partition where I stored Windows 8.1).
Everything went smooth but whenever I want to install a software or something, it default path is on A: (A: is the symbol of the small partition where I installed the OS). I want to install all my apps and store everything on the C: partition (Which is the main partition that have 550GBs).
I already changed the ProgramFilesDir's on the Regedit but whenever I want to install a software it still shows up as "A:" and even after manually changing it to C: the software doesn't lunch. ------------------- I'm also having another problem, after installing Windows 8.1, when my PC boots up it asks me from where I'd like to boot (Windows 8.1 or Windows 8). I want to delete that Windows 8 thing so it automatically boots on Windows 8.1.
First and foremost, I do not want to disable OneDrive; I just want to make it behave.
I have an external hard drive that I save all my data to; however, to save to it in Windows 8.1 is a virtual nightmare. As you can see from the clip, OneDrive is the default selection, with Computer and Add a Place supposedly available.
However, when I click on Ad a Place, I get:
What I would like to see as a choice is my external hard drive, but after searching diligently, I can find no way to make my external hard drive the default location.
I wasn't aware that I had used an email to get the Windows 8 started but I guess I did. I closed that account and am not able to access it. However, if I want to get into the store, etc. It tells me to log in with that email address. It will not let me change the address in the login screen. How to do I change in on the computer? Where is that setting?
My laptop is defaulting e-mail attachments and most programs to open in windows picture viewer, and if it isn't a picture I am unable to view the file without saving it and selecting 'open with'
How I can just get it to open in the appropriate program first time?
I have preinstalled Win 8 on new desktop, now upgraded to 8.1. When I first started setting it up and it required an account login, I didn't really realize that it was going to exist outside my computer. I used my full name and primary email account for it. Then, it set up a folder(s) under Users (using my name), in the file structure. When I copied over say "Documents" from my Win 7 machine, they now show in a path of: This PC / Windows / Users / (myname) / Documents. I will not be using "the cloud" for anything, and want to only have a local account with Admin Privileges and a local account for using 99% of the time. Hence a multi-part question:
1) If I make a change to my MS password, like setting it up with a non-identifying username/password with a Hotmail email (which I never use), how will it affect my docs/pics/music/etc that is under Users / myname? If I change the MS login to a LOCAL login, what effect would it have instead?
2) Is there a way to get (myname) out of the file structure and rename it something neutral, or will that bring chaos?
3) And, as long as I'm asking things...I created the new Admin-Account and Daily-Account, but it seems like neither of them can access anything. They just get "permission denied" - even on the Admin one. I set up a Hotmail account for them both, so they have MS logins as well. Can I just switch them to LOCAL logins as well?
In previous versions of windows, I was able to customize the printer settings so that it always printed in grayscale, unless specifically changed at the time of the print job. I see how to access the control and can navigate to Customize Your Printer under Printer Management, but the option to change the default printer settings to grayscale or black and white is nowhere to be found?
I like the Metro app because it is the simplest to understand and I believe I do know *all* other ways to read SD card data into any folder I choose.
Autoplay has been properly selected. I put the SD card into the slot and immediately the files are read, but when they are selected and imported they end up in the default folder "Pictures." I really don't believe there is any way to change this folder if I insist on using the Metro app, but is there??