I'm trying to set up a Windows 8 image. I want to edit the default profile so that when a new user signs on, they have the settings that I choose. In Windows 7 Pro, we could log on with a dummy account, edit the profile how we wanted it, then just copy and paste the information into the Default User Profile. With 8, when we do this, it doesn't always work. Most of the time, once it's on the domain, domain users cannot sign in. Or when they do sign in, the Metro tiles don't work. Any good way to edit and set up the default profile?
I went to go set photoshop as the default for opening a jpeg, and I noticed this weird option on the list that says %1. I don't know how to get rid of it it is very annoying. I tried cleaning the registry with CCleaner and removing "%1;" from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileAssociation. Nothing has worked so far, What is %1 anyway?
I have configured my desktop etc, just one little niggle, how to stop the Wecome window appearing, with the rotating wheel and profile image, can it be disabled
I built a new PC to be used primarily for gaming purposes, so I installed Windows 8 Pro onto 128GB SSD. I wanted to move my User profile to my HDD, and followed the directions posted here: User Profiles - Relocate to another Partition or Disk
After doing this and exiting Audit mode, Windows acted as if I had were installing the OS and wanted a product key. I skipped this step, went through the configuration, but when I used my email for my Windows account, it says that a user is already using that account on my PC. Obviously, because I had been using my computer earlier today. So since it knows there is a user with that account, why can't I access it when I start my computer? A friend of mine says I may have installed Windows twice on accident, but he isn't sure.
Sometimes when I boot Windows 8.1, I get a generic screen that tells me that my profile couldn't be accessed and I now have a temporary profile. I went to the event viewer and it also said that it couldn't find my profile. I am the only user and administrator. Is there a way to make a new user profile AND not loose my files and settings.
The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded. (Window 8)
Today when I tried to use my laptop, I got an error when attempting to log on with my profile. It states:
"The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded."
I am using a different PC right now, of course. I had Googled the error, but none of the solutions (thus far) will work in my predicament. It is a Windows 8 PC, so I cannot access the system BIOS in order to perform a system restore, cause unfortunately, it goes straight to the log on screen(Which is become SOLID BLANK COLOR). I don't have a second profile on the system, either. I can't find any way to access the BIOS, Settings, Admin. Profile, or anything.
(SOLID BLANK COLOR) the back ground image for the log in screen is a solid color and not an actual image, anymore.
I can't access the start menu to open the CMD, because I cannot log into my profile and there is no other profile on the PC, besides Administrator ... Which is, unfortunately, hidden. I cannot make it visible, because I'd have to log in to accomplish such a task ...
The problem is not that I am incompetent and cannot conjure a new profile or complete simple tasks on a computer. My predicament seems to be that I cannot access anything. I need to log onto my profile in order to reach the CMD, or any other settings for that matter. Unless there's some, very well hidden, way to run CMD from the log in screen. I know that there is a minuscule detail that I am overlooking, but I cannot find it.
If there's any way to access CMD, BIOS, or anything at the log in screen.
When I opened mu laptop (I'm using ASUS) = Its going STRAIGHT to the BLANK SOLID Screen and There's that. Nothing.... I cannot find anyway how to log in using safe mode and try anyway boot using f1 or anything....
IMPORTANT Problem: didnt's have a cd Windows 8, just found out this problem, didnt even made another account... and other PC is using win7...
I was told to never use the Guest user account as it was not safe to use. I was told that I should open up another standard account without a password.
It looks like this PC can't run Windows 8.1. This might be because the Users or Program Files folder is being redirected to another partition."
By using the Customize feature of Windows Easy Transfer Wizard, I created a MIG transfer file, without selecting the user folders (such as Documents, Pictures or Video).
If the MIG file is copied to the C: drive, will the User Profile be created on the C: drive, when Easy Transfer is run?
I am guessing that the default User Folders will be created on the C drive, and then the locations can be changed to match the present physical location on my other partitions.
my computer had been booting up slowly lately so I decided to try to run diagnostic start up to see if that would fix it. When I did and restarted I click my profile and put it my pin. It just makes me select my profile again and put in my pin in a never ending loop.
I can't seem to get my profile to reliably sync to new devices or when I've tried clean installs on my main system. I have all settings checked to sync and the PCs are all trusted devices. Sometimes it will sync the desktop background and my profile picture, others it may sync some of my explorer settings. Sometimes it may not sync anything at all. My homegroup on any other devices also gets renamed to "winliveid_000" instead of the usual "winliveid@xyz.com." I've yet to figure out why this happens as well. I've tried deleting the data and trying again, all with the same result.
This has honestly all been an issue ever since I've installed Windows 8 and I'm starting to dislike the profile sync altogether. If it cannot reliably sync my data and all of it, I don't understand it's usefulness. I've also run the account troubleshooting tool, which gives a cryptic message saying "The following settings are turning sync off: Personalization." It gives no further details that I can see or look into and all settings are on. I've taken a look at Windows 8.1 and it seems that you have no choice but to initially use your Microsoft account to sign in, which is troubling. If it cannot be fixed, I may have to delete my synced profile online every time I try to reinstall my main system.
For some reason my computer loads slowly. I log in then black screen with mouse only can be seen. it takes <10 seconds for explorer.exe to appear. I searched for fix and found that it can be fixed by creating new profile. So, I went ahead and created profile. Logged off my current one and find this error when trying to load the new one. "User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded".
I then ran sfc /scannow command in Administrator command prompt. It found few files but was unable to repair them. Unfortunately I cannot open log because I have access denied popping up (was working before).
A few days ago my laptop started logging me into a temporary profile, when I log on 2 mine it says preparing windows for a while and then I actually log in and all my setting have been changed and also my files deleted. It says "You can't access your files, and files created in this profile will be deleted when you sign out..and my files have been deleted all of them it shows on the windows 8_OS(C space meter thing. I've tried rebooting and everything but nothing. My admin user account has also been deleted. I've literally tried everything on the internet like even going to the System 32 to select SAM file but it always says the SAM file is in use. My whole life and memories are all on my laptop I have a lenovo G580.
When I click on My Profile Picture the menu does not include an option to click on for Edit Profile Picture. My Microsoft Account is in my name only so that isn't the issue.
"The Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded."
I've tried going into regedit and altering the user account, however there is not an S-1-5 entry associated with it. This happens every time I create a new user. My admin and other user account work fine.
I want to see a JPG that I viewed some time ago in the default viewer of Windows 8. Do copies of previously viewed pictures still exist in a directory somewhere? If so, how can I find them?
You've Been Signed In With A Temporary Profile error In Windows 8 and boy was that a mistake, i went to where it said to go to Regedt32.exe, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList i found 2 accounts the temporary account and my account, the fourm said to reroute them to the right account so i made the temporary account go to my account and then i restarted the computer it did the exact same thing exept that when i went to user it had replaced my account with another temporary account. Any way to get all of the things i had on my user or is it gone. (BTW i have no restore checkpoint to where i can go back)
This seems bad, and I'm concerned something is wrong with the way the OS is behaving. Can't delete the many too-long profile directories in backups. Is this symptomatic of some future failure?
While creating custom system image, I accidently registers the custom system image as default image when refreshing Windows 8 instead the OEM one. So, how do I unregister the custom system image and make the OEM system image as the default one?
Changing fonts by modifying the UITHEME.DLL temporarily using ResourceEditor.exe? Attempting to figure out a way to modify 8.1 fonts by utilizing registry tweaks, I happened to stumble upon this modification. I was able to make the modification, lost "aero" temporarily, edited the font titles via registry by changing the HEX entries, restart, fonts changed (along with colors), and then removed the tweak to the .dll, aero back.
I am trying to add a second account to my machine and whether I try a Local or Microsoft account, I get the same "User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded" error every time I try to sign in for the first time. I've Googled this a bit and it seems everything I've found yet (except one) has been with logging in to existing profiles. For the one that was with a new profile, the solution didn't work.
I tried deleting all files similar to the specified one (file in C:UsersDefaultAppDataLocalMicrosoftVSCommon12.0SQM with name of "sqmdata-####-###-#####.sqm"), but that had no effect. I'm guessing this is because I have VS2013 installed, as this happens with my laptop as well. I don't want to delete my profile, I have important (and large) data in my documents folder that I don't want to lose. I'm guessing this will have to do with messing with the registry, but I don't know where to begin.
I have a problem with my windows 8. In my absence one of my friend tried to login in windows and entered wrong image password gestures. Now windows required my hotmail login password for login. But i forgot my hotmail password as well as at that time i have no internet connection on my laptop. So i wanna get back screen of image password. So what i do. How to get back image password screen. ????
I remember that Win XP has the Default Hidden Admin Account that is created when you install the OS and also by default it's not password secured which can be a security issue. By doing a quick search, apparently Win 8 also have this Default Hidden Admin Account.
When in Windows 8 I verify the available created users I see an Admin account. Is this account the 'hidden' one, but made visible?
I also did the prompt cmd: net user administrator /active:yes, but I get a msg saying that there is 'no' user under the name 'administrator' ... maybe the admin user I'm seeing is a microsoft account, not a local account?
I've setup my machine to enable PIN login (I find it quite convenient as the computer is 99% of the time in my home and 4 digit PIN is enough to discourage family from tinkering with my machine but easy enough to quickly unlock - I had 3 letter pass on my win 7) but I'm facing an issue - often, even tho I've previously selected PIN windows 8 default to password after computer wake up (even after short sleep) which is annoying because of muscle memory (swipe lockscreen, enter pin - when it's password I have to remove it, change to PIN and so on).
How to force using PIN by default at every login/unlock?
If I delete my email address from the pre-installed email app, would that have any effect on the main user account, which I log into using that email address, and if I add someone else's email to the app, would our email accounts be synced?
Alright, so I just recently got a new computer that has Windows 8.1, compared to my old one having Windows 7. I tried to transfer all of the files/folders over to the new one over the network and everything worked just fine. However, whenever I tried to modify any of the files that were transferred from the old one such as a png or txt file and overwrite the original through the program, I was always given an error box that said "access denied."
I'm pretty sure this is meaning that I need to get administrator privileges from the old PC, but I'm not sure how I would do that. My only option is to save the version to another folder then move it to where the original one was.