Accounts :: How To Get Rid Of Password Sign In
Aug 17, 2014My computer is a private household toy so, how do I get rid of the password sign in thing and just turn it on and start using it as I was doing with my previous windows 7?
View 2 RepliesMy computer is a private household toy so, how do I get rid of the password sign in thing and just turn it on and start using it as I was doing with my previous windows 7?
View 2 Replieshow to change my sign in pw on the first Desktop ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedNot accepting my password on start up ....
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen computer starts up it has the screen showing date and time. As soon as I touch any key, a green screen with email address pops up. It wants me to type in password. Once I type the password in it tells me my PC is offfline. Please sign in with the last password used on the PC. I have no desktop, nothing. Just goes back and forth between these two screens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWin 8.1 .... Switch to a Microsoft account on this PC. The password you entered is incorrect. Try again.
Can make the password visible, it is correct. Running no version of webroot. Restore the computer to a time when the password worked, it never has even though it is correct for signing into my account on the micro website. Changed my password and still no success.
I made the mistake of creating a password to sign into my personal computer and am now trying to undo it. Also, I am using Windows 8.
How can I eliminate the need for a password every time I use my computer?
my computer had been booting up slowly lately so I decided to try to run diagnostic start up to see if that would fix it. When I did and restarted I click my profile and put it my pin. It just makes me select my profile again and put in my pin in a never ending loop.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have my Windows 8.1 PC's password policy set so that a password is not required when waking from sleep/shutdown. I used to be able to wake the PC from sleep and not put in a password, and I could turn the PC on after a shutdown without having to put in a password either. Since last week, though, when I turn my PC on, it will boot to the Windows loading screen and after loading for a bit, it will jump into the login screen and immediately report a login error that the username or password is incorrect. This happens before I even get a chance to type a username or password. The fact that I have to type in the username and password is strange because I have the PC set to bypass that option.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat are the pro and cons of signing in to windows using microsoft account?
View 9 Replies View RelatedNow that we learned how to bypass the 8,1 login hijacking; is there a way to bypass LIVE account sign-in nonsense when using Metro Essential apps (Mail, People, Calendar) at this point?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI set up the user account using my Microsoft email account. I would like to use a different password on my desktop vs the email password. My email password since it is accessible via web is strong 16 characters long, random characters password and changed often. I would like to change the desktop password to something I can remember, still strong, but I don't change it as often since you have to get physical access to my desktop.
I assumed once I linked to the Microsoft account I could change the password on the machine without it changing my email password.
Is this not possible? I would prefer not to have to lower the security of my email account just to accommodate Windows 8. Never a problem before as my email clients stored the password.
The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded. (Window 8)
Today when I tried to use my laptop, I got an error when attempting to log on with my profile. It states:
"The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded."
I am using a different PC right now, of course. I had Googled the error, but none of the solutions (thus far) will work in my predicament. It is a Windows 8 PC, so I cannot access the system BIOS in order to perform a system restore, cause unfortunately, it goes straight to the log on screen(Which is become SOLID BLANK COLOR). I don't have a second profile on the system, either. I can't find any way to access the BIOS, Settings, Admin. Profile, or anything.
(SOLID BLANK COLOR) the back ground image for the log in screen is a solid color and not an actual image, anymore.
I can't access the start menu to open the CMD, because I cannot log into my profile and there is no other profile on the PC, besides Administrator ... Which is, unfortunately, hidden. I cannot make it visible, because I'd have to log in to accomplish such a task ...
The problem is not that I am incompetent and cannot conjure a new profile or complete simple tasks on a computer. My predicament seems to be that I cannot access anything. I need to log onto my profile in order to reach the CMD, or any other settings for that matter. Unless there's some, very well hidden, way to run CMD from the log in screen. I know that there is a minuscule detail that I am overlooking, but I cannot find it.
If there's any way to access CMD, BIOS, or anything at the log in screen.
When I opened mu laptop (I'm using ASUS) = Its going STRAIGHT to the BLANK SOLID Screen and There's that. Nothing.... I cannot find anyway how to log in using safe mode and try anyway boot using f1 or anything....
IMPORTANT Problem: didnt's have a cd Windows 8, just found out this problem, didnt even made another account... and other PC is using win7...
Whenever I make a new user account I get:
"The Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded."
I've tried going into regedit and altering the user account, however there is not an S-1-5 entry associated with it. This happens every time I create a new user. My admin and other user account work fine.
Updated to 8.1, created a couple of users accounts - but unable to sign into these accounts. Clicking to sign in, simply shows (a few seconds later) - 'Signing out'. No errors or similar reported and nothing obvious in the Event Log of the Admin user.
Have tried a variety of accounts - with passwords, without, child accounts, etc - same result.
Any accounts existing prior to 8.1 seem to work okay.
Safety Scanner and SFC check found no problems. A bit more testing found that if I create a new Administrator user, then this user can be logged onto and works fine. Whereas the Standard or Child accounts still won't logon. Accounts created using a pre-existing 2nd Administrator user (i.e. pre 8.1) show the same behaviour.
Logged on as Admin1 (my account).
Created W-user2 (child user) - unable to logon
Created test-user (std user) - unable to logon
Created test-21-1 (std user - created 21/10/13 after sfc check) - unable to logon
Created Admin3 (admin user) - Logon successful
Logged on as Admin2 (pre-existing 2nd Admin account)
Created standard2 (std user) - unable to logon
Created child2 (child user) - unable to logon
Created Admin4 (admin user) - Logon successful
So, it looks like only new Admin users can logon. A pre-existing Standard user account can still logon (as before).
I would like for my computer to sign in automatically with my Microsoft account, however, when I enabled Remote Desktop Connection (for I would also like to be accessed remotely), the automatically sign-in function doesn't work, because sign-in screen is now set by default to log in with local account rather than Microsoft one. However, I do not possess one, and if I tried to create on and make it sign in automatically, the screen said wrong username or password. Which I don't understand at all.
View 9 Replies View Relatedlike everyone else my tiles are missing but for some reason I am under temp user. I'm looking apps there's only a few. I can click on computer, users: to select files from the main user but I cannot sign in as that user. When I click on users it only shows administrator and activate guests. This happened two weeks ago
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need my computer to recover from a power failure so I have it set-up as always on, which requires no password, but I would like to take advantage SkyDrive which requires a Microsoft account password.
Is there a way to boot a computer that is set-up as always on with Microsoft account password set?
I have unchecked the box about needing password and it works when I boot up win 8.1 but if I log out and then log back in, it requires me to enter a password.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor a number of reasons I prefer to keep my local account (no password) and my windows account separate and I find it annoying that I have to enter the password every time I want to switch back to the windows account. Is there any way to maintain the password for login but bypass it for switching?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan I stop windows from asking me to enter my password for microsoft account every time i turn on my laptop? I tried using local account it worked but i had to use microsoft account again to get access to app store and mail app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove the administrator password. I am the only user on this computer!!!
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have change my live account password and it should also change my windows login password right?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI followed the steps here: Password Protection on Wakeup - Enable or Disable in Windows 8
It works, but after a reboot and stand-by after a certain amount of time, the option resets itself. This started 1 month or 2 ago.
Also, i notice that in one place it says password wake up is on and another place says it is off.
I just did a clean install of 8.1. The first install didn't ask me to fill a password. It just flashed the sign in with my picture and went into windows destop. With the reinstall I must have did something different when setting it up. Now, Theres a splash screen with some sort of windows default, with the time in big letters on the bottom left and a small icon I have to click on. Then it brings me to that screen with my picture, with my hotmail email address, and now I have to type in my hotmail password, then it goes into windows desktop. I do not want to do this. I want to turn on the computer come back a minute later, and theres my desktop. I found this website [URL] .... and tried the steps there but It seems there really isn't an answer for me and I'm a little gun-shy in doing whats in that page to allow me to log on to desktop without a pass word.
I really don't want to set up another user account and I don't want to be nagged by a new password and of course the famous you don't have administrator access in the future. I just want to turn on the computer wait a minute see my picture flash at me and then automatically to the desktop.
I have installed the Windows 8.1 update on two computers; one requires a password to login which I have changed to a PIN, the other logs in with no password.
How can I log in without a password or pin on the computer set to do so as control userpasswords2 will not let me change the password or delete the account and I don't want to set up more accounts
I can not log into my account..I am using the right password. I used the machine earlier, then came back and it would not accept the password. The pop up said..."can not log onto account at this time..see to fix any problems"...or something like that.
The computer turns on fine...I can log onto the other accounts.
I have my live account password....
Can I create another Admin account to take off the password to that admin account??
Possible to have it so that my surface pro 2 won't prompt me for my user password if I'm at home and connected to my home lan?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have to log back on with a password every time my laptop goes to sleep. Can I disable the password requirement so it boots straight to the tiles or desktop? It really is annoying to have to enter the password every time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Win 8x64 system, Build 9200. There are two accounts: Administrator (me) and Joe. Joe is a standard user. I want to remove Joe's password, but that option does not exist in Control Panel. The policy to require the entry of a logon password is disabled. Various other methods, like net user from Safe Mode all fail.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI updated my os from 8 to 8.1 a few months back. I put a password and pin as sign in options, and have been using the pin ever since.
I started my pc today and noticed it was asking for the password not the pin. Since, I had not been using it, I forgot the password. There is no 'sign in options' for me to switch to the pin. I have tried almost every password that I might have put, but no luck. I'm sure I must have put some hint for the password, but it didn't show up even once.
There is an option to access my Microsoft account, but since I don't have any saved WiFi networks, that's not an option.
all of a sudden I am having to put a password in to open up windows 8 why this has happened and can I open up windows 8 without having to enter a password
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