"out Of Memory At Line: 4" Message

Dec 31, 2011

I've recently had the win 7 2012 antivirus virus. After following the steps and successfully removing it, I have been continuously getting a "out of memory at line:4" message while on Mozilla. The line number occasionally changes. I've deleting the cookies and cache. Not really sure if the two or related, or how to fix this.

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Message Pop-up Saying Out Of Memory At Line

Mar 15, 2012

Every time I go to a website, I am gettting a little pop-up message saying, "Out of memory at line: 1". I hope someone can tell me in simple terms why this is happening and how I can fix it.

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Stop Command Line Window Message From Closing

Mar 29, 2010

I have a problem running a task with Task Scheduler. The task doesn't run. I have to debug it. When I try to make it run from the app a message appears on a command line message, but it appears and disappears so quickly that I can't read it. To fix the problem I need to read it to know what is going on.Can someone please tell me how to stop that command line window message from closing, please?

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My Blue Taskbar Is Blocking My Facebook Message Line

Sep 13, 2012

My blue taskbar is blocking my facebook message line how do i fix this?

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Not Enough Memory Available Message

Nov 27, 2009

I am having a lot of trouble getting my computer to stay on for more than a couple of hours ever since installing Windows 7. Since I got past reinstalling all my programs and started actually using the computer I noticed these error messages coming up when I was running iTunes and firefox at the same time. After a while of testing I discovered that in fact iTunes alone was enough to trigger the message. I have since discovered that in fact I don't need to be running anything, and the memory still runs rampant.

At first I thought this was a virtual memory issue. I tried turning that off, which made it worse. I then tried spllitting my virtual memory evenly between my non-system drives. This helped quite a lot, but still the computer will be unuseable after only a couple of hours depending on what I am doing. Eventually if try and continue using the computer the screen will just go completely black.

I have found that in Resource monitor even when I don't run any programs my 'modifed' memory and to some extent my 'In use' memory just climb and climb. I also note that wmpnetwk.exe appears to be using more than its fair share. It drops back every so often, but I have seen it climb to more than 1.5 gig while the system is idle. At the moment it has 4,002,098KB under 'Commit' and 1,155,960KB under 'Working Set'.

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Line By Line Justification Of Text In Word 2007?

Sep 12, 2012

I would like to know if its possible (and how to do it if so) to justify a paragraph of text in Word 2007 to gradually get narrower.What I mean is, id like the first line of text to be longer than the one after and so on until I end up with something like this,I want the 2nd line to start further to right of first line and end closer to left and so on. Im struggling to show an example but hope you know what I mean. Basically centre justified but going down in a V shape

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Low Memory Message On New Windows 7 Laptop?

Jan 27, 2011

I recently purchased a couple of new Dell Vostro 3700 laptops with Win7 on them in my office. One of them started getting a message about a week ago stating that the machine is low on memory and instructing the user to close all programs and shut down. This does not make any sense to me as it is a brand new machine with 4GB of memory available. Normally I would think the user had too many programs running, but he is getting it even when there are only a couple of programs running.

In the mean time, we purchased another Dell Vostro 3700. I went through the process of getting it set up. After I installed the final program, it gave me the same error message. I removed the program and installed a more up-to-date version. It seems to be working fine. So I figured the other was the same issue. I followed the same steps. It just got the error message agian. There goes my theory.

what could be eating up the memory on a brand new machine?

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Windows 7 Cannot Format Memory Card Message Appear Window Was Unable To Format

Jun 25, 2012

Windows 7 cannot format memory card message appear window was unable to format

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Error Message - 0x746ae770 Referenced Memory At 0x746ae770

Oct 26, 2012

The error message is constant on my computer screen and will not let me open any of my documents. error Message - 0x746ae770 referenced memory at 0x746ae770.

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Convert A Shared Video Memory Into Dedicated Video Memory And System Video Memory?

Aug 12, 2011

how to convert a shared video memory into dedicated video memory and system video memory? me and my friend have the same specs computers but the same game runs slow in my computer but it runs smoothly in his computer?

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Troubleshooting Excessive Memory Use (Memory Leak) After Playing Video

Oct 6, 2012

i am having a problem with my memory getting tied up / used up and not being able to access it again until i reboot.

machine: dell xps studio 8100
os: win 7,
processor: i7 2.8
ram: 16gb (max it will take)
video: ati radeon 5700 (running 3 monitors)

versions: as far as i know i am running current versions of everything, including video drivers, flash, chrome, etc. (i've tried running chrome with both the build in version of flash and the system version -haven't seen a difference)

browser: i nearly exclusively run chrome / canary with auto-updates so am at the latest builds.what seems to cause me to use up / run out of memory is after i play videos (Internet, netflix, etc.), the memory seems to get used, but is not returned to the system, even if the browser is closed and re-opened.right now for example things are working fine; i rebooted my system a couple hours ago (but have not played any videos). i have adobe lightroom running, picasa, chrome and canary (currently 4 web browser windows open with 52 tabs open). task manager currently shows me using 8.20gb of ram, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

normally my system will keep running properly (if a program is closed, memory is freed up) right up until i start to play any videos (Internet, netflix, etc.) then it will start using up more memory. (of course i expect it to use more memory during playback) however, even if i restart the browser, the memory does not get freed back up. for example, just prior to the reboot, with everything closed, i was using right around 8gb of ram. once i rebooted, i was using 1.something gb of ram prior to opening any programs.however, once i start playing some videos, i never seem to be able to get my ram freed back up again unless i reboot the whole system. this is not just a problem with how much memory the system shows as being available, i frequently actually run out of memory. (task manager will show me as using around 15gb and then everything starts swapping out like crazy).

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Chkdsk High Memory Usage / Memory Leak?

Jun 1, 2009

I find that if I run chkdsk and watch the memory usage in task manager it jumps by about 50MB every 2 seconds or so until it either finishes or hits around 3.2GB at which point my physical memory shows 99% used (I'm running 4GB), and the system of course slows to a crawl.f you just run a quick chkdsk on your boot drive you may not notice it, but try running something longer like chkdsk /r on a flash drive or chkdsk /f on a bigger internal drive (but not your OS drive as this would require a reboot) and watch the memory usage climb. I have duplicated this on both systems I have running Windows 7. My XP machine (checking the same USB flash drive) uses a much more normal amount of memory for chkdsk (20 - 30 MB).

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Cannot Print Anything On-line

Jul 10, 2011

I have no problems printing coupons while on-line. However, my wife, cannot print anything on-line.

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Audio Lag On Line-in And Mic?

Jun 12, 2009

Under xp i had my guitar connected through my effects peddle, to the mixer and then to the line in on the pc. I have the exact same setup on windows 7 but for some reason i'm getting a fraction of a second lag between plucking the string to the speakers making the sound. I've only had this problem since installing windows 7. has anyone else had this issue and if so is there a fix? i'm using onboard audio as don't have a sound card just yet.

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Can't Hear Line In?

Aug 12, 2011

I have my audio source I have plugged into line in.If i right click on the speaker icon on the tooltray, and select 'recording devices' I get the recording window - there I see the "Line In" - the bar graph next to it pumps up and down suggesting my sound reaches the PC.I then double click on "Line In", click on the "Listen" tab, and click on "Listen to this device" - but I don't hear anything.Clicking on the speaker icon i select playback devices, and right click on speakers (I tried the same thing with headphones), and click 'test' I hear the test sound. I select properties and check the levels, they are turned up.I check the Volume Mixer - the things which can be turned up are turned up.

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What Does It Mean That Printer Is Off Line

Mar 21, 2012

pc shows printer off line, print que does not show a port.

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Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)

May 22, 2010

Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)When I starting the Windows (in the first few hours) everything is normal But after 1 day or 2 (sooner or later) the amount of available memory gradually goes down and the physical memory usage increasing. This increasing, continues until the memory usage reaches near the 88% and at that point , there isn't any memory available to operate any software . Also when memory reaches that point, I can't access any drive in the HDD; because everytime I want to open any folder, the following error appears :c: is not accessible.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service At this point, I even can't shutdown or restart Windows normally; I must restart windows manually by pressing the restart button.after restart, everything goes to normal again; but this problem appears again and again ...

my system :
OS : Windows 7 x86
Cpu : Intel P4 3.0GH
Vga : nVidia 6600
MB : Gigabyte GA-8I915G Duo
PSU : Corsair 750W
RAM : 2GB DDR-400 Transcend
(I have these memories for 2 years)
Physical Memory: 2000 mb
Paging File: 2000 mb
Virtual Memory: 6000 mb

0- using some optimizing and freeing softwares like (Memory Booster Gold - RAM Saver Pro - CleanMem)

1- Scanning my computer with antivirus and antispywares

2- Changing antivirus software

3- Updating windows with all updates available via Windows Update

4- Updating drivers of all hardwares

5- Downloading and installing the following hotfixes that are related to memory leak : The memory of the nonpaged pool may leak when you enable IPsec on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 A memory leak issue occurs in the Windows Management Instrumentation service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 FIX: A memory leak may occur when you use the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2 A memory leak occurs when an ADO Recordset object calls the UpdateBatch method A nonpaged pool memory leak occurs when you use a WFP callout driver in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2

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Increased Memory Usage With Added Memory?

Nov 5, 2011

I just built a new computer and started with 8GB of memory. A few weeks down the line I purchased another set of the same memory because it was on such a good deal and had great reviews (newegg). It also was working well for me, so I figured maybe more could be better.

I haven't noticed any decrease/increase in system performance except Alt-Tabbing has recently got slower. Also, Windows 7 was sitting tight on 1.3gb to 2gb of memory usage prior to the extra 8 (now 16) being added. Even when gaming, it went up to like 3gb. Now that I've added the extra it's going up to 4.5gb or better. Also, is it possible to speed up my alt-tabbing? It seems to have a good 3-4 second pause in it instead of being immediate like it was.

Computer specs:
Windows 7 HP 64-bit
gSkill 16gb 1866 memory (BIOS shows it at 1866, too)
Intel i5-2500k Sandy Bridge (OC'd 4.6 with factory Overclock presets)
ASRock z68 Extreme4 mobo

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Error In Line 0x000000

May 19, 2009

I just recently decided it was time to upgrade to Windows 7 x64 from Windows Vista x64. I downloaded the RC1 from windows.com and burnt it to a CD using ImgTool, all of that went smooth. I run the setup and it asks me if I want to upgrade, so I choose Yes, since I don't feel like losing all of my documents and such just yet. So about an hour and a few restarts later, it is on the final step which involves copying about 400,000 files over which seemed to be the longest step.

When it got to around 360,000 it came up with an error about "WerFault.exe" and it said something along the lines of "Error in line 0x000000, click OK to terminate program." that wasn't exactly what it said but it was similar. So I hit OK, and it pops up 2 more times for 2 other files that I forgot to write down.

After I hit OK for the other 2 popups, about 10 seconds go by and then it says "Windows cannot complete the Upgrade. Your previous settings will now be restored." so I hit OK and it erases all of the changes it has made.

I am unsure of why it is doing this for me, could it be because I am trying to upgrade? Or whats the problem?

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Power Line Adapters

Aug 6, 2009

Can someone tell me if its possible to use different Power Line adapters of different makes or do they all need to be the same make??

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Line-in Won't Work Windows 7

Jul 27, 2011

when I try to plug in a microphone or some other line (such as guitar amp or keyboard through an aux cable) my computer won't pick up the sound. Audacity comes up with the message "error while opening sound device, check the input device settings and project sample rate". Sound Recorder says "an audio recording device can not be found".

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How To Remove The Line From Taskbar

Aug 31, 2011

One day i was going thruugh a bad road with my laptop when i reach to my house when i open my laptop ihave seen there a line like showing picture of avove icon. how to remove that.

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Command Line - Can't See Partition

Oct 8, 2012

Recently, I'm assuming a virus or whatever made my system un-bootable. I have a Dell XPS 420 ... Windows 7 ... a single 500GB hard drive with three partitions.

- partition 1 - the OS, approx 250GB
- partition 2 - docs, approx 20GB
- partition 3 - other stuff, approx 230GB

I booted from the installation disc, and I tried everything imaginable to be able to boot up again, but was unsuccessful. So I made the decision to re-install windows, but before that, I wanted to copy everything off the hard drive onto a portable drive.Going into the command line tool ... I am able to read from the hard drive fine ... I copied everything from the first two partitions off to an external hard drive. No problem.HOWEVER ... the system is not recognizing, or not allowing me to see, the 3rd partition. I went into DISKPART and looked, and it does not have a drive letter assigned to it. I can't find it. Something I can do? Or is this part of the corruption of the disc that is preventing me from booting?if I re-install the OS on partition 1 ... will partition 3 be harmed and would I still able to see it in Windows when things are back to "normal"? If so, I won't worry about the previous question and I'll just re-install. But if not, I won't re-install until I can figure out how to get that data off the 3rd partition.

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Have A 2nd Line Of Favorites Toolbar?

Oct 25, 2012

Is it possible to have a 2nd line of favorites toolbar?

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External Hard Drive Does Not Always Come On Line?

Nov 25, 2012

Whenever I power up my computer, my external hard drive does not always come on line. I have to unplug and replug it for it to come on line.

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Line IN Not Showing Up In Volume Mixer?

Aug 22, 2011

Line In doesn't show up in the Volume Mixer 99% of the time (if I reboot the machine it shows up, but its not always practical to reboot it)

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PC Keeps Crashing When Playing BF2 The Game On Line?

Jun 24, 2012

My PC keeps crashing when im playing BF2 the game on line. Do you need any more info?

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.


Is Windows 7 . . . - x64 - It is an original installed OS on the system - Full retail version? - What is the age of system (hardware)? Hardware is less than 2 years old - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?)

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Game Command Line Parameters

Aug 13, 2009

I simply want to add the -nointro parameter to my BioShock game shortcut.

I go to the shortcut, then properties, but where I think it should be added, similar to what XP looks like, is greyed out (the word "BioShock").

What do I need to do? I'm new to Windows 7, coming from XP.

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Windows 7 Explorer Command Line?

Sep 14, 2010

On one of my PCs running Windows 7 Pro 32 bit I'm getting odd behavior when I use command line switches for Windows Explorer.When I create a shortcut with the following command line it works perfectly everytime: C:Windowsexplorer.exe An normal Explorer window opens.If I create a shortcut with the following command line it rarely works. It starts but just hangs and no Explorer window opens: C:Windowsexplorer.exe /e,c:That switch at the end of the command line should cause an Explorer window to open with the C: drive selected on the left pane. That's exactly what it does on all of my PCs except one.Obviously something is set differently on this one PC but I don't know what.

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Registry Editing From Command Line?

Jun 21, 2011

So I am trying to delete some keys from the registry using command line, eventually I am going to turn it into a batch file because it is something I may have to do frequently. Basically I want to delete a folder full of registry keys without having to list every key individually.

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Command Line PING Response?

Jun 22, 2012

I work within the IT department and i require to install some software etc on machines remotely on our network, the machines tend to be offline due to been portable computers so i wanted to see if there was a way to create a script or something so if did a ping response from command line (ping machine name -t) so that when the machines did actaully appear back on the network i would receive say an email from Microsoft Outlook (exchange) This would be weather the command line has to stay open (which i know i could do with the Asstrix syntax but i dont want to keep it open, just have something to notify me when its back on our network?

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