Allowing A Limited User Access To An Admin Folder?

Aug 14, 2012

2. When I am on a limited user and I try to access an admin folder or directory, or run application as admin I am asked to enter the admin's password. for folders I just click on the folder and it opens a window that asks for the admin's password, for apps I click run as admin. The problem is that after I enter the password and proceed, It hangs

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Allowing Limited Users Admin Priviliges?

Aug 15, 2012

When I am on a limited user and I try to set permissions of its folders I need to provide the admin password to proceed, why?

Now the problem with User Account Control. When I click on advanced sharing, or try to do any activity that requires admin priviliges, User Account Control window pops up, you know, that window asks for the password and it somehow blocks the desktop and anything else so I cant take a picture of it.

Anyway after I provide the admin's password, the pop up closes but the process hangs/freezes does not respond for eternity.

If it is an app, it does not run. If it is a folder, the explorer thread(is it thread?) related to that folder is not responding for eternity and it is stuck, hangs. however you want to call it.

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Allowing A User To Have Admin Rights On Their Own System?

Oct 6, 2011

I was kind of thrown into the issue of allowing a user to have admin rights on their own system, eg., download various programs like Firefox, Adobe stuff, and before I go in to muddle things up, I must ask how to do this.....

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Allowing User Access To Programs

Nov 13, 2009

Okay okay, I know typical forum etiquette and hate being that new guy that just logs in to ask a simple question, but today I'm that guy. I tried searching and couldn't find an answer and something this simple should easily be found at least on Microsoft's page.

I just want to know the best way to allow programs to be accessed and/or denied access by various user accounts.

Example: I currently have Photoshop Elements installed on my computer and the only way I could find to give access to the others users (household media center) was to copy a short cut and paste it on that users desktop. Then I had to install it on each individual user account. I had to do the same for Firefox and Napster. Is there a better way to do this??

I am currently having issues with Napster running correctly and I have a feeling it's because of the way that added this to each user's account.

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How To Delete Windows Admin User Folder

Mar 15, 2011

I had a problem with my admin account last night. When i tried to login it said that that the user profile could not be loaded. So i logged into the built in admin account and deleted that profile and created a new admin account. Now when i login to my new account, in c:/users, the old profile folder is still there. And i cannot delete it even through the default admin profile. It says that i need an admin account to delete it. All the files and evrything are still in that folder.?

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How To Delete Windows Admin User Folder

Mar 14, 2011

I had a problem with my admin account last night. When i tried to login it said that that the user profile could not be loaded. So i logged into the built in admin account and deleted that profile and created a new admin account. Now when i login to my new account, in c:/users, the old profile folder is still there. And i cannot delete it even through the default admin profile. It says that i need an admin account to delete it. All the files and evrything are still in that folder. How should i delete it completely??

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Unable To Access User Accounts As Admin

Jul 19, 2012

I'm not really sure when this problem started, but as the admin account and only real user (I set up another account to test my problems) on my HP Laptop, I cannot access the user accounts on my computer. I've tried to access them multiple ways, including through the control panel and directly through the start menu, but when I try to click on anything having to do with the user accounts on my pc, nothing happens. So I am unable to change my password, change my picture, or add or remove other accounts. It's almost like I'm not an administrator. However, according to multiple places on my computer, my account is still an administrator. Also, some programs do not launch unless I chose to launch them as an admin by right clicking, is that normal?

So to summarize my situation, I don't think my admin account is giving me proper access to my computer, limiting the things I can do.

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Can't Access Any Folder By Double Clicking, Can't Access User Accounts Or Dell Backup

Mar 4, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron 545s Desktop - Intel Duo Core 2.93, 6gb RAM, 720gb HD, 64bit Windows 7

I get the message: (every time I try and open a folder on my c/drive - Can't access Windows Explorer folder on the taskbar and any other folder or file by double clicking it. I can open them by right clicking, then open)
"this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a progra or, if one is already installed, create an assocation in the Default Programs control Panel".

I can open applications. But, I can not open the folder for them lets say in c:/program files -- the only way to open them is by rightclicking, then open. If I double click, I get the above error message. (same issue with "my documents", "My pictures", etc).

Included with the above problems: I now, can not access User Accounts. When I go into Control Panel, click User Accounts.. I can not manage existing ones, nor can I "Add or remove user accounts". I click the link and nothing happens.

I have someething built into the computer called "Dell DataSafe Backup". Its a recovery partition/part of the HDD that saves all my files for a recovery. However, I can NOT access it. I click the "Dell DataSafe" in my taskbar and nothing happens..

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Can't Access Public Folder Without User Name And Password

Jan 29, 2011

I have 2 HP laptops running Windows 7. I can access the puplic folder and printer sharing from the first laptop to the secound. When I try to access the puplic folder from the secound laptop to the first I get this error.As far as I know all my setting are correct in the 2 laptops. here is the screen shotts on the setting. and the other laptop all looks the same so I dont understand why its asking for passwords.

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How To Log In As Admin On A Profile Set To Limited

Jun 16, 2011

I have three profiles on my Windows 7 PC; myself (Administrator), my Wife, and the Kids; both of which are Limited.Every once in a while one of them needs to ask me to install a program or sometimes I log in to their account to clean up their desktop of shortcuts they dont need.My question is when I just log in normally I can't just right click on the icons and delete since it says I need admin privvies. Well I am an admin. Why isn't there a dialog box or some way to work within the "Limited" User Account but with elevated admin privledges? Same goes for installing programs.As of now I have to log into MY account and temporarily change their user statuses to Administrator, log into their accounts, take care of buisness, log out and back into my account, then remove the Admin rights.

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Can't Backup My User Folder-access Denied On CardSpace

Oct 27, 2011

Dell Studio 1747 with I7, 4 core processor, 8GB ram, Win 7 Pro. When I try to back up my user folder, I get the msg-You must have administrator rights to change this folder (CardSpace). I can't find this folder, even by search. I have gone into the properties of my user folder (William) and made sure I have all rights, and changed the ownership (security tab, owner tab). All I want to do is be able to backup my data.

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Can't Access User's Folder On Any External Hard Drive

Jan 10, 2012

I am using Windows Seven ultimate x64 and I started having a problem when trying to access user's folder under documents and settings or users on any attached external hard drive on my computer. i didn't have this problem before, it started on the same installation of windows and without any changes to my system settings or user settings.
I am a computer tech and I use my computer to backup data before repairing computers so I attach the hard drive to my computer using a USB enclosure. This is limiting my work since I didn't find any solution yet. It's giving me the error below: "you don't currently have permission to access this folder" This is happening on any external hard drive I want to access the user's data.

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Win XP Pc Cannot Access Windows 7 User Restricted Shared Folder?

Oct 6, 2012

I have 10 pcs on a LAN workgroup. They are mixed Windows 7 and xp. I have set the file sharing, net discovery etc on win 7 on and password protection, firewall off.They all have user accounts like pc1, pc2,...pc10 and I have also created the account of the pc I want to access the restricted folder to the pc that shares it.I have set the ownerships on Windows 7 machines too. I can access the folders on XP machines from the Windows 7 successfully. When I try to set a user-restricted shared folder to a Windows 7 pc and access it from XP I fail. It says that I do not have sufficient rights to access the folder, contact the network admin. I can only access to the folder by setting it available to "everyone" or "guest" read/write but that s not what I want.

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Bar "permanently Get Access To Folder" Short Of Removing Admin Status?

Oct 1, 2012

Is there a way to bar "permanently get access to this folder" short of removing admin status?

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Browser Not Allowing Access To Certain Urls?

Sep 14, 2011

I have a problem in that certain urls are not allowed. Receive msg that "Internet Explorer cannot display ..."There is also a problem in a web page from in that the chess board does not display. I have un/reinstalled my AV (KIS 2012) and uninstalled IE9. Both IE8 & 9 have same problem. Other computers running Vista and XP do not have these problems.

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Disable Write Access To Personal Folder (root Location Of User Area)?

Aug 13, 2012

Im not sure if anyone else has had this problem or noticed it, but I have enabled the GPO prevent users from adding files to the root of thier users files folder on our network as we use folder re-directs to my documents which in theory should keep everything tidy. This works up until a point, if I try and browse to the location and create a file I cant. If I try and drag a file into that location I cant, but as soon as I try to save as it lets me

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Unable To Connect To Wifi - No Network Access/limited Access

Nov 10, 2011

Last night I was on the internet at home absolutely fine and my laptop automatically downloaded an update, since then I have been unable to connect to my wi-fi. I deleted the updates and was still unable to connect, so I tried to used a system recovery restore point and every one I use starts but fails to complete.So, I did a factory reset after around 8 hours of trying to sort it out today and I STILL have the same problem. I can plug in the cable to connect and my housemate is having absolutely no issues connecting and neither is my phone so now I am at a total loss what I should do to resolve this. Prior to the factory reset I was able to connect to the wi-fi but it was stating no network access/limited access and now it simply won't connect to my internet at all. It finds my full strength signal but will not connect.My drivers for the Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n card are the most up to date and the laptop (HP G62) says it is working fine.

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Strange Defult Login User Prompt - Local Admin, Not Domain User?

Jan 17, 2012

So a new box recently built, when booted, defaults to the local administrator account.This is a Windows 7 machine for a Linux guru that doesn't want to be bothered pressing more buttons than is necessary, if you get my drift. So my question is, after pressing do I dictate to Windows that the preferred used is "HisDomainAccount" on our company domain, as opposed to the local admin account?

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Admin User Changed To Standard User Startup Programs?

Oct 31, 2012

I changed a user from admin to standard after creating a new admin account. When I boot into the standard user, I am prompted by UAC for the admin password for 4 programs to start. All the programs are ASUS utilities that came with mymotherboard.I have checked the permissions of the programs and the User group has full control.Also, these programs do not show up in the MSCONFIG startup tab. I want the utilities to run but do not want to have to authenticate every time I boot

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Admin User Has No Admin Rights?

Nov 26, 2012

My problem is that even though I have only one user account defined on my machine and it is set to "Administrator" it is not being allowed to do admin types of things like deleting folders. I tried to create a user group but that's not an option on the Win7 Home Premium version that I use. How can it be that the sole account is not the admin even though it shows that it is in the account user setup?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3890 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 1721 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 424790 MB; E: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 381321 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, NALAA
Antivirus: Lavasoft Ad-Aware, Disabled Microsoft Security Essentials in use

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User Profile Folder - Static Folder Instead Of Created By User Signon

Feb 18, 2012

A twist on the creation of user folders on a drive other than C: in Win 7 Ultimate. Does anyone know if one could designate a user folder location such as E:Data instead of using the users name and being a subdirectory of "Users". I am the ONLY one on my computer - and it would seem much easier to look to the top folder in the E drive than clicking thru E:, users, name, documents, project. I fully realize that I can set up shortcuts, but when you are in an application that wants to place a file somewhere else and presents you with an explorer windows it is a pain. The only method I thought of is using redirection with symbolic links.

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Limited Access Signal Beside Internet Access?

Dec 9, 2011

Recently, a "Limited Access" signal has been coming up beside my internet access signal, even though it's got full access and the wireless connection is fine .

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Cant Access Internet With New Laptop, Only Limited Access?

Oct 2, 2012

laptop so I reformatted his laptop and when I try to to connect to the internet via WiFi I could connect but I would have limited access. I can connect to the internet with my old laptop, iphone and xbox. But I cant connect to my newly reformatted laptop

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How To Create User Limited

Jun 4, 2011

As the title suggests, I want to create a user in win7 limited to its desktop (and desktop shortcuts) only. Should not be able to access my computer or any other drives or browse the internet

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Limited User Account Issues On Startup

Jan 21, 2011

So I am very familiar with windows 7 and stuff, and for obvious security reasons I don't want to use a an administrator account just to browse the net and do day to day activities like most people do and then wonder why they have malware. So I have installed some software from the administrator account that was originally created during install and then I changed that account to a standard user account and created a separate administrator privileged account named admin. All should be good right? When windows starts up now in the standard user account that I want to use most of the time I need to use my password for certain startup programs like core temp i.e. you have to verify you want to them to run using the administrative password. What if I don't want to do this? I just want them to run without the password? I tried going in and changing the permissions to allow full control for authenticated users and my standard user account but it still asks for a password on log on.

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Limited Access To Internet?

Sep 12, 2011

My daughter has a laptop connected to our wireless broadband from Virgin and was working fine for last 6 months then overnight it changed to limited access and will not let her on internet. When we try to diagnose problem it says problem with network adapter driver. We cannot update driver as no acces to internet. Shee needs this working for going back to university next week so can anyone help us.

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Wifi Has Limited Access?

Sep 30, 2012

im having trouble with my wifi. The day before it works fine but then the next day i turned on my Vaio laptop and it says Limited Access to my home wifi. I tried connecting to other wifi but same thing. I tried resetting the router, disabling and enabling the wireless connection but all didnt work. I tried connecting it with the cable directly still cannot connect. Finally i did a system restore to the day before where its working fine, it worked. The next day it says Limited Access again! So im guessing 'something' made my wifi error after that 1 day and i dont know what to do

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Connected But Says Limited Access?

Oct 11, 2011

I recently just got a laptop for college.Today I tried to connect to the internet and it's connected but its says Limited access. I have been looking online to fix this problem and they say to go online. But when I open a browser I can't connect. I was wondering how I fix this? I have a cable that connects to my router. But it's still saying limited access to any internet connection that I can use (ex. wireless, cable).

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Frequent Internet Access Dropping ''Limited Internet Access"

Oct 4, 2011

[code] I never had this issue on Windows Vista, occasionally my internet will randomly dropout. Limited Internet Access". When it does I can do a few things to get it working again:

- Disable, then enable my wireless card and reconnect.
- Uninstall the card, then re-install and reconnect.
- Disconnect from the internet myself and reconnect.

Either way it gets super frustrating. There is 1 other computer plugged directly into the router that does not experience any issues. In addition, I have 1 laptop (windows 7) that works great and 1 laptop (Windows XP) which works great.

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Limited Internet Access With Windows 7?

Jan 16, 2013

Have windows 7 os and have a problem connecting to certain websites e.g. google, hotmail etc but otherwise can surf the net. Tried diagnosing problem and the message came up "your dns server might be unavailable." I have tried troubleshooting from online advice - resetting the router, restarting everything, tried resetting the dns cache and changing the ip address but that just lead to an ip conflict.

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Can't Access Internet Limited Connection Only?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm in need of some serious help here. Working with a Dell Inspiron 1750 laptop that's running windows 7. The machine can not get full access to the Internet. It seems as if there is a software conflict, but I can't find what it is. It did display the BSOD a couple of times, but the screen was gone before I could see what the codes were. The system restore only has 2 days of restore points, neither did anything to help.Running the diagnostics produced the following codes. 0f00:0232, 968634624, 0x490, 0x8007042c, 2000-0151.All repair options suggest patches that require an Internet connection. Well...if the computer had an Internet connection I wouldn't be in such a state. Reminds me of the car repair manual that says to start the engine to preform a test when the problem is the engine won't start.Anyway, I'm at a loss. This isn't even my machine, it belongs to the sister in-law, which means I have no idea of what she may have done, if anything, to cause the problem.There's a lot of Apple software for the ipod, or itouch, whatever it is she uses.I can't access the recent update history, so I'm not sure if updates are a factor.It sure seems like a software issue, but what do I know? If I knew what I was doing...I surely wouldn't be here seeking help.One other thing, when the machine is first booting, a window of some sort appears just after the desktop appears. It only flashes for a split second before disappearing. Not long enough to tell what it is.Well that's all I have, I sure hope that someone has an idea. The computer isn't even 2 years old, so it'd a shame to have to throw it away. As far as programs goes, it has very little, and the 500GB HD isn't even 25% filled.

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