Wireless Network Does Not Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jun 14, 2012

I've had this problem since I bought a new desktop PC with windows 7 installed. Every once in a while my internet stops working (router+modem) and a yellow exclamation mark appears. When I use the windows solution utility I get two different messages:

a)either my wireless network connection does not have a valid IP

b) the default gateway is not available

I am using d-link dwa-127 wireless adapter since my computer does not have an integrated wifi card, and I have already removed norton, which could possibly be blocking my conncection. I have tried setting my IP manually, but it does not work.

At the beginning it all functioned normally, and even now it works, but it did not before. I also noticed that when it does not work it says 'Unidentified network', and when it does it says 'Smuc' (the ssid of our network). The internet as such is working this whole time, I always check it on my laptop with windows XP and an integrated WiFi card.

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Jan 2, 2012

The computer which has the problem is an Acer Aspire X3400, 64-bit operating system. I get the unidentified network no internet access thing come up when i click on the little symbol at the bottom which has the yellow warning triangle infront of it. I have tried disabling the connection and restoring it. Releasing the ip and renewing it. I have tried to update the driver (ethernet cable) but it says it is up to date. In the driver management there is a yellow triangle next to the USB network interface.

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Wireless Network Connection Dosnt Have A Valid Ip Configuration

Feb 26, 2011

i have an HP touchsmart computer running windows 7 home premium 64bit and im in the army living in the barracks so my only internet source is a hotspot that they have set up for us in the barracks my problem is that when i try to connect to it it says "Wireless Network Connection dosnt have a valid ip configuration".i have went through the cmd and did the ipconfig/all, ipconfig/release, ipconfig/renew with no luck iv reinstalled my drivers for my wireless card this is what i got with my ipconfig/all. [code]

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Mar 27, 2011

Is what i get when i run the internet trouble shooter. I try to find a wireless network on my laptop and i connect to one but it sometimes it says (when i go to network sharing place) that it is an unidentified network. i try connecting to others but i don't know the security key.

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Apr 7, 2012

I've been through mostly all topics and ways to make my internet work in your forums but I still can't find a solution. I installed windows 7 on my laptop and when I try to connect to the internet wireless, all I get is this message: wireless network connection doesn't have a valid ip configuration[CODE]

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Sep 24, 2012

i im trying to connect two laptops but i get this (Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration) on the other laptop, and the yellow triangle shows on both laptops but i have access.

Heres the ipconfig /all

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersMohenned M. Kadir>ipconfig /all


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Windows 7 Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Aug 21, 2012

My computer crashed and i have no internet for one of my three computers it says Wireless Network Connection doesn't have Valid IP Configuration?

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"Wireless Network Connection" Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Dec 10, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 professional on an HP 4320s probook. I recently uninstalled some of the HP programs because I never used them (sorry can't remember which) and now I cant connect to the internet. I get the error message in the thread's title.I've tried ipconfig/release and the fix that has netsh ip textlog in it and i've also disabled the IP helper. None of these have worked. I looked for webroot in services.msc but couldnt find it so i don't think that's the problem either.

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"wireless Network Connection" Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jan 24, 2012

I frequently bring my laptop to work where the is a public wireless signal. I work at a hospital. There is a secure network but I don't have the password for it, so I use the public one. Up until recently I used an old asus with vista, and while the signal was pretty low I had no problem connecting to it and staying connected. Just meant slow internet for me. However, that computer has sadly died and I bought a samsung NP700Z5B-S01UB. And while it's a very nice machine, I cant seem to connect to the network here. It shows that there is a low wireless signal, but it still wont let me connect. The error it gives me is "wireless network connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration. since I cannot do anything to the wireless network at all (as it is a network associated with the hospital).

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"Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration"

May 16, 2012

I get a triangle and exclamation point on the wireless signal icon in my task bar after about an hour after being connected to the internet. When I hover over the icon it displays "Limited Access". Connection is lost at this point.I then right click the icon and click "Troubleshoot Network Problems" and windows seems to restart the network card and I regain internet access for another hour or so. It says the error was "Wireless network connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration". This is hard for me to troubleshoot because everyone else that has this error cannot connect to the internet in the first place. I am (strangely) connected just fine then all of a sudden I get "Limited Access" with full wireless bars caused by an "invalid IP configuration".I have unchecked the power saving feature for the network card and tried disabling the firewall, but I'm not sure what else to do.

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"Wireless Network Connection" Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jul 16, 2010

I recently switched to a new internet provider and now my Windows 7 Laptop will no longer connect to the internet.The error message says: "Wireless Network Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration if someone can help to explain why this is it would be great, there is also another computer in the house running Windows XP which works fine.The router is a: Quote: NetComm NB6PLUS4W Wireless ADSL2+ Router The IP configuration for the working XP laptop is: Quote: Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Familycomputer
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Wireless Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jul 24, 2011

I can't get wireless for some reason and get the msg: "Wireless doesn't have a valid IP configuration", with "unidentified network, no network access". In the past, I could just plug in to the wired connection and theIn suddenly, it would recognize the wireless. I can't seem to get it to work after reboot, turning off the router, etc. I've looked through other posts and tried various things and I don't have bonjour anywhere either that i can tell. [code]

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Network Adaptor No Valid IP Configuration Error

Mar 22, 2009

I have been using Windows 7 beta (386) with no problems up until a few days ago.I've run into the The Network Adaptor "Local Area Connection" does not have a valid IP Configuration message. When I go to Network Sharing I see that I am connected to an Unidentified Network but unable to connect to the internet. This has happened all of a sudden.

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"Windows Network Connection" Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration (HP Pavilion DV6)

Feb 6, 2011

I've just bought an HP Pavilion DV6 with Windows 7 64-bit. After the initial setup, I tried to connect to my wireless router (BT Home Hub) and after typing in the wireless key, it connects, but the network's read as unidentified and does not connect to the internet. Upon going through the diagnosis stages, it eventually comes up with '"Windows Network Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration'.

This seems like a pretty common problem but I haven't seemed to come across a solution viable to me.

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Wireless Network Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configration

Feb 20, 2012

So I'm having a major problem with my laptop. Been fine connecting to the internet since day 1 and now after having my laptop for about 6 months, It decides to connect, but have "Limited Access", therefore, not allowing me ANY Access. I diagnosed the problem and it told me to shut router off, all that stuff. I shut the router off, waited 10 seconds, turned it on, all that jazz and says that I "Completed" that, but now reads, "Wireless Network Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration".

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<device Name> Does Not Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Jan 17, 2012

My landlord recently updated his apple router and i am now unable to connect to the internet. The flow of internets is from the ATT high speed connection that goes from the modem, then to an apple router, and then plugs into his ethernet port which sends it to the ethernet port at my apartment.When I use the windows 7 networking utility it tells me that <device name> does not have a valid ip configuration.[CODE]

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Limited Connectivity / Does Not Have A Valid IP Configuration?

Jun 13, 2012

However, recently my dad needed to reboot our modem several times because he was encountering problems with his laptop. This got the wireless working for a little while, but the need came to restart the modem again, so he did. Unfortunately, this put the wireless on the modem out of action. Originally, my laptop wouldn't even recognize the network's existence, but after a 3-hour-long tech support call to AT&T, our internet service provider, I finally got my laptop to recognize the network. Although the tech support lady through doing numerous things to both the laptop and modem, my laptop still will not connect fully to the network. By "will not connect fully" I mean that it gives me an error message, saying "connection unsuccessful", and on the list of networks, listed next to my network it says "Limited Access".

I've attempted to troubleshoot the problem multiple times, and so far the only thing that comes up is the message "Windows cannot connect to [name of my network]", and something saying I don't have a valid IP configuration. I have full access to the modem's configuration as well, and I've checked the firmware and other things to see if there is a problem with the modem. After numerous tests and diagnostics, nothing seems to come up that says there is anything wrong with the modem, but the limited access problem still occurs for my Dad's, my Sister's, and my laptop

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Local Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

May 5, 2011

error I have read all the different guides on how to solve this problem and have yet to find a way to solve it it also doesn't

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VoIP Works But Our Computers Don't Have A Valid IP Configuration?

Jul 11, 2011

We are setting up in a new office building that has a network. All of our phones are on VOIP. We have Windows 7 machines and a few macs.

When we connect to the network (either directly, or through a router or switch) only the phones will connect and work.

When we try to connect our machines we get the error "local are connection doesn't have a valid ip configuration"

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Local Area Connection Does Not Have A Valid Ip Configuration

Dec 2, 2012

I have wired internet broadband connection .After rebooting the computer,i can not not connect to the internet .while trouble shooting the networker adapter in device manager,i got message that local area connection does not have a valid ip configuration The detailed ipconfig are given below

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : RAM-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration

Feb 11, 2013

One of my computers is getting the "local area connection doesn't have a valid ip configuration" error from troubleshooting my network. My network is an "Unidentified Network" with NO NETWORK or INTERNET ACCESS. This happened ever since I installed a new modem. The modem is WORKING with all other computers. My NIC card for the computer that is not connecting, is also working since I tested it on another modem. I had to call the ISP to activate the new modem. I spoke with them and they said nothing is blocked on their end.So I've narrowed it down to my computer since there is no hardware issue. I connect by LAN, FYI. I've tried new cables, etc. My computer has no "BONJOUR" in it nor does it have any firewalls set up, just Windows Security Essentials.I noticed in my IPCONFIG /ALL that no IP shows up for my default gateway (should be DHCP is enabled. I tried static IP as well to no avail.

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jul 1, 2009

when i start pc i see( Local area connection doesn t have a valid IP configuration) no connection ?

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Feb 16, 2011

Having a problem connecting to the internet with a Ethernet connected desktop. I am getting the following error '"Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration'. I have tried everything I have found on internet using my laptop with no success. This is in an apartment building so no access to the router.

What I've tried:
- Laptop works when connected to the same ethernet jack
- Desktop does not work when connected to another ethernet jack
- Reset winstock and ip/tcp stack cmd "netsh winsock reset catalog" and netsh int ip reset reset.log"
- Reinstalling drivers
- Do not have bonjour dns services
- Reinstalled windows 7 not formatting

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have Valid Ip Configuration

Sep 26, 2011

I've been at this all day its a brand new computer(that might be the problem right there but i doubt it) I tried renew and release method and have unidentified network Public network as well even though i do not have wireless on the comp. The local area connection says no network access as well. Every other computer currently works wired or wireless so i know the ethernet isn't the problem either.

ipconfig /all Ipconfig001.jpg picture by frostbanana - Photobucket

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Jan 4, 2012

sometimes my Internet doesnt work. When I check for errors it says "Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid ip configuration. When I restart my computer sometimes it works but sometimes it doesnt. I am not using a router, coz I live in hostel and they provide me the internet, I just hav to connect the LAN cable to my laptop. And when Im having this problem the internet connection is named "unidentified network".

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Jan 19, 2012

I�m having intermittent network/internet problems on my dsl wired ethernet connection. Sometimes the internet works fine. Other times the internet is really slow or the network says unidentified network. I run the troubleshooter and it resets the local area connection adapter, giving the error that LAC didn�t have a valid IP configuration. But this fix doesn't seem to last more than a day or so. Also, downloads with windows firewall and/or zonealarm firewall on fail or are interrupted, but not when firewall is turned off. I�ve tried a clean install of Windows. Reinstalled drivers. Reset the modem. I tried ipconfig /renew. Nothing seems to work. Windows 7 home premium 64 bit Realtek RTL8111C Gigabit Ethernet All my drivers are updated.

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : PC Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Physical Address. . . .


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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration?

Feb 15, 2012

I got a new laptop a couple days ago. It was for work so I brought it to the office. We have an open network in the office, you just need to plug into it with a regular cable. We've had it for years and it always worked. Not this time.When I'd first plugged it, it came online, but the connection had been lost in a couple minutes. When nothing obvious worked, I tried to diagnose and got the infamous "Local Area Connection doesn't have valid IP configuration" error. I've googling it ever since, trying to do everything possible to fix this.The network adapter is Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller. I've tried using different cable, restarting the router, all the ipconfig stuff, resetting winstock etc. I've formatted the hard drive and installed Win 7 from scratch. I've checked the BIOS - it only has one LAN-related setting and it's enabled. I've been to Realtek website and downloaded their latest drivers. The latest one is from JanFinally I've seen a few thread suggesting that this whole issue is router-related. So I brought the laptop home to try it there without any router in the way. It was pretty much the same - got connection, working for half a minute, gone. Diagnosing got me the same error. I've tried disabling ipV6 and playing with adapter configuration, but it didn't change much.

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Mar 16, 2012

At home i only have a wifi internet connection and i dont have a reciever for my desktop so i was using my laptop to share the internet connection through a Lan cable But today all of a sudden my desktop cant connect to the internet anymore because "Local Area Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration" I have tried all the solutions i could google but nothing helped Heres the ipconfig /all from my desktop:

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : PETTY-Home
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


(btw im not sure if i did the static IP solution right because How to Assign a Static IP Address in XP, Vista, or Windows 7 - How-To Geek just shows the "how to" but no the rules that govern the process so i might have screwed up)

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid Ip Configuration?

Mar 31, 2012

I have re-install the network adapters,it is work but when I reboot the computer , it can not access the network?

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have Valid IP Configuration

Jun 9, 2012

I have a NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mpbs Ethernet Adapter. It was working for about a year, but one day it just quit on me. My computer and router are recognizing each other because there is a green flashing light on it, however I have no internet connection. It tells me that it is an "Unidentified Network" with no internet connection. When I run the Microsoft troubleshooter, I get the message "Local Area Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration". I have even tried stopping the Bonjour DNS service responder, and that has not helped. I know this is not a hardware issue, because the lights are flashing and the computer recognizes an ethernet connection. I have a 2Wire router/modem.

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Local Area Connection Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration

Oct 29, 2012

I have a windows 7 64bit PC. Recently my internet cut out and it sait "Unidentified network No Internet access". I tried the troubleshooter and it told me that my Local Area Connection Doesn't have a valid IP configuration. I have searched up many solutions and none of them worked. I'm typing on my laptop which has internet connection. Oh and my PC is using cable internet that's connected to a internet hub that's connected to a modem.

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