Windows 7 On Samsung RV515 Formatted

Aug 7, 2012

I recently bought a Samsung RV515 with Win 7 installed. I have been using Win Xp for years. Could not get the hang of Win 7 so I formatted the 500gb hard drive and installed Win Xp. I will not go through the problems this caused. Suffice to say I have since used my Recovery Disk to reinstall Win 7. Don't slap my wrist too hard for being a idiot. Now I cannot get on the Internet because the drivers and protocol are missing.I do not know what Internet Card this Laptop has installed or what drivers are required.

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Upgrade On A Samsung RV515?

Nov 11, 2012

So, I've had this laptop, a Samsung RV515, for awhile now, and I felt it was time to upgrade it. I would just buy a better computer, but being only 14, I don't have to much money to spend. I was originally planning to upgrade my RAM from 4GB to 8GB, but I'm not sure that is the best route to go. the kind of things I want to know is if I can or can't upgrade or replace my processor, graphics card, etc. I don't know a whole lot about computers, so any input would be great. Also, it may be helpful to note that I haven't done anything to tweak and/or upgrade the laptop yet.

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Download A Latest Free Samsung Webcam For Samsung Laptop?

Feb 1, 2013

i want to download a latest free Samsung webcam for Samsung laptop

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How To Connect Samsung S5620 To Internet Using Samsung Kies In Pc

Oct 31, 2012

connecting samsung s5222 mobile with my lap top for internet purpose

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How To Connect Samsung S5620 To Internet Using Samsung Kies

Feb 4, 2013

How to connect samsung s5620 to internet using samsung kies in pc for windows7

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Accidentally Formatted My Windows 7

Apr 17, 2011

i formatted my window 7 local disk c and i donot have a system restore.

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Can't Find Samsung Drivers For Samsung Sens R525 Model Code NT-R525-AS55B

Sep 28, 2012

I Can't Find Samsung Drivers for Samsung Sens R525 Model Code NT-R525-AS55B. It's For a Korean student at my dorm.

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Mac Formatted Hard Drive To Reformat To Windows 7?

Oct 25, 2012

I have a problem for a Mac formatted WD My Passport external drive. PC recognizes the WD Smartware part of the disk but not the data. I want to reformat the whole drive to Windows 7, but I can't see any options to do that.

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Formatted HD, Trying To Reinstall Windows 7 - NTLDR Is Missing?

Apr 26, 2011

put together my barebones system, installed Windows 7, and everything was great.Then Iinstalled Sony Vegas 10. The next time I tried to boot up, I got several BSODs and couldn't boot in any mode. Everything was not so great.After trying a few things, I formatted the HD in the hopes of starting fresh.Upon first bootup, I got a message saying that "NTLDR is missing."I've tried using the boot CD & USB method described [URL]but it hangs up in a DOS-looking screen on a line that says "[0.762735][<c01034a7>] kernel_thread_helper+0x7/0x10"So that's where I am right now.

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Installing Windows 7 Over XP - 3 Hard-drives, Will They ALL Be Formatted

Sep 12, 2010

I have 3 harddrives the primary i dont care if its formatted, thats the one the OS goes on. the other 2 have all my movies on it (3tb total, 1tb and 2tb drive) will these 2 extra drives be formatted as well or untouched? If they are going to be formated can i just upplug them and plug back in once 7 is installed note if it matters ill be installing Windows 7 unltimate NOT the upgrade?

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Windows 7 Install On XP Formatted Both Disks In Machine

May 3, 2011

On Friday I attempted to install windows 7 ultimate x64 My existing machine is a XP Pro SP3 machine and it meets the system requirements as per Windows 7 upgrade advisor I booted from DVD and followed the steps up to selecting where to installl windows 7

This list showed me

Disk 0 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 2

Disk 0 is my C drive where my windows xp is installed - 300GB disk Disk 1 is where is store my files: pictures, music, documents etc - 500GB disk Partition 2 of Disk 1 is unallocated 9GB I selected Disk 0 Partition 1 Then selected Disk Options Format Drive Clicked Ok to the message about destroying data And allowed the install to proceed What i intended / expected to happen was that windows 7 ultimate would be installed on drive C: (Disk 0) and that drive D: (Disk 1) would remain intact and untouched by the process The Windows 7 install completed successfully I logged on to my user account, activated my windows 7 copy I then looked at my disks and what i see is that: Drive C was formatted and windows 7 was installed there BUT The install process formatted drive D and copied the windows XP installation to that drive So i have lost a lot of data that i did not expect to, and, of course, had not backed up in ages. For now, anyway, thats beside the point.I then removed the windows 7 DVD from the drive and rebooted the PC When the disk was removed the machine booted to Windows XP - running from the copy taken earlier on Drive D However, when i replaced the DVD to try to boot to windows 7 again, it began the installation process from the start?I dont remember selecting a dual boot option during the initial install, but maybe the steps i took led me to something like that by some default?

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Formatted HD But Can't Install Windows 7 - Computer Shuts Down

Jul 21, 2011

I have a formatted hd with the win 7 disk in the cdrom. When I turn computer on, the usual comes up on screen and I press a keyboard key to load win 7. All good to this point. It barely starts reading the cdrom disk (and you can see the files being loaded onscreen), then the computer shuts down.

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Can Install Oem Windows 7 Used Formatted Hard Drive

Aug 27, 2011

Can I install a new OEM of win 7 home on a used but reformatted hard drive?

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Accidentally Formatted Windows 7 - Possible To Get Files Back?

Mar 15, 2012

I've been having problems with Windows 7, then I formatted and that fixed the problem. However, is there a way to get my back all of my old files? If so, I'd like to know. I tried using the Emergency Backup and that recovered a couple of my old files. But there are still a lot of files that couldn't be recovered by the backup. Is there anyway I can recover other files that were lost when I formatted? I've tried a few things like Pandora Recovery and EASEUS, but they didn't do exactly what I wanted them to. They seemed to only be able to recover certain file types and not special file types. Any way I can restore all the files I had before I accidentally formatted?

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How To Recover Partitions Formatted By Windows 7 Installation

Aug 10, 2012

I'm in need of a software ( free/trial/or paid) to recover my important datas that is collected since 10 years!It happened to a laptop with win 7 installed.It had 4 partitions. One boy copied datas from c: drive to d: drives.Now the datas were in d: e: f: drives.Now the boy installed win 7 formatting the c: drive only. witnesses say the installation showed individual drives.I was not present that time.After installation win 7 shows only one drive - OS C: with the whole drive as one partition with win 7 installed in it.Now how can I restore the datas There was about 130 gb data in d: e: f: drives.

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Can Windows 7 Read MS-DOS FAT Formatted External Drive

Sep 19, 2012

I have a 1.5TB Seagate ext HD that is formatted as MS-DOS (FAT), this was formatted on my iMac. The Mac internal HD has completely crashed. I attached the ext HD to my Toshiba Satellite laptop, the ext HD does not show in the drive list. It does show in the device manager. It also shows as working properly in the properties menu I need files from this drive. How do I get my Windows 7 system to read the ext usb drive?

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Possible To Install Creata Card Formatted For Windows Xp

Oct 26, 2012

Is it possible to install Creata Card formatted for Windows Xp, onto windows 7?

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Connected To WiFi But No Internet After Windows 7 Formatted?

Nov 2, 2012

I've not been connected since I formatted windows 7, I have installed drivers as specified by the dell company from the internet, but my internet is not connected with the adsl. If there is any driver for this connection so that I could use that to enable the connection.

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Have Formatted Macbook And Installed Windows 7 / How To Reinstall Os X

Nov 4, 2012

while trying to install windows 7 on a separate partition on my macbook pro, i somehow managed to format the whole hdd, then i went on and installed the windows. now i need to get back my os x (the mac didn't come with a boot cd).

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Windows 7 Wont Install On Blank/formatted SSD

Jan 30, 2013

So I  formatted my SSD. So there is no Windows on it and I am not able to access windows 7 on it. so I put in my CD went along with the install until it asked me where I want to install it to. Of course I chose my SSD. However it gave m his terror message The selected disk has an MBR partition table. on EFI systems, Windoed cak only be installed on GPT disks."

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Windows 7 Installation On Fresh Formatted Drive - Not Enough Space

Feb 20, 2011

I am having problems installing windows 7 on a fresh, formatted drive, it keeps telling me I don't have enough space to install windows seven on the drive, but its a 500gb Hitachi deskstar.

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Non-system Partition No Longer Formatted After Re-installing Windows 7?

Dec 29, 2011

I have an Asus 1215n netbook. It came with Windows 7 Home Premium installed. The drive came with the following partitions:

100 GB Windows 7
15 GB Asus Expressgate (a quick-boot minimal OS)
118 GB Empty partition
15 MB (unknown)

I had been using TrueCrypt to encrypt the 100 GB system partition, which required that I enter a password before booting into windows.Other than that I never touched it until now. Today I decided to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate, so after making sure everything I wanted to keep was on the 118 GB partition, I booted into the Windows 7 setup, formatted *only the 100 GB partition* from within the setup, and selected it as the volume to which to install.Upon restarting, the third partition wasn't shown in My Computer. I went to Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management, which shows the following partitions:

100 GB Healthy
15 GB Healthy
118 GB Free space
20 MB Healthy

I've done these exact steps in the past with similar configurations, and have never had this happen to me before. I can only surmise that this is due to having had a TrueCrypt boot manager, but beyond that I am uncertain. how I might be able to recover this partition?

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Formatted Windows 7 PC For Fresh Start - Slow Boot Up

Oct 12, 2012

I have been using windows 7 for some years. Recently I formatted my pc since unwanted programs, bugs, viruses and junk was accumulating and I wanted a fresh start. The pc came with windows 7 64bit pre-installed and the re-seller gave me a cd along with it. After I formatted the pc (I only formatted the c: drive, I kept all the important and backed up software, drivers and any important documents in the D: drive). After going through procedures and a successful installation the windows booted and apparently it took 5-10 minutes to get to the desktop icons.

Here are the things I did afterwards.
- I tried to boot in safe mode, it just get stuck at classpnp.sys.
- I re installed the os over 9 times now so don't ask to do that.
- I ran repair a lot of times. It does not work.
- I ran registry checks/cleanup, I installed all the correct drivers which are the latest.
- I not stop searched the whole web for 4 straight hours, I seen this happening with a lot of other users.
- Not hardware or software was installed just a clean format.

This happened at the very first boot up after os installation, so installed software's can be ruled out (non was installed). The computer is working just find but the boot up time .... Anyways I think that bios is responsible?

System Spec:
Acer Aspire M3910
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 750 @ 2.67Ghz
Memory : 4gb DDR3
Storage : 1 TB HDD
BIOS : American Megatrends PO1-AO

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Windows 7 Not Recognizing Dual WBFS Formatted External HDD At Same Time

Mar 7, 2011

as the topic states, my main desktop and my netbook cannot recognize having two identical external hdd's at the same time.It will recognize each seperate,but not both at the same time. The reason i need this is that i am backing up all my WII iso's

both hard drives are WD mypassport 500gb external portables (both powered by USB), and each are partitioned. on one partition its formated ntfs,the other WBFS and both are the exact same like that.

i guess im wondering if its because i named the second hdd drive x and drive z?

i got a warning when formating the second one something like (windows doesnt like when you name the hdd letters like x and z) what i dont get is that both drives can be recognized when plugged in seperately...

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Windows 7 Installation On Formatted Drive - CD Hangs On Expanding Files

Feb 10, 2013

I have a custom built pc, has quad core phenom processor 4gb ram. Gigabyte motherboard 500gb hard drive with windows 8 preview installed. And a formatted 250gb. I'm trying to install windows 7 on the formatted drive but every time off cd hangs on expanding files. So I thought I'd try USB stick. Got a 16gb cruzer blade. Formatted and made bootable. Windows on it. Will start via my computer but whenever I try booting it on standup I get an error about not being digitally signed. I've tried numerous things but will not boot from USB.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Loaded On A Clean Formatted Disc On Dell M5030

Nov 10, 2012

Windows 7 64 bit loaded on a clean formatted disc on Dell M5030. However no wifi drive or other drives are installed. Also, I cannot install any drivers I get a message need to know if you are running x84 or x64. Seems that the software isn't putting the entire programs up.

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Windows Backup On Mirrored Drives - Disks Cannot Be Formatted To Match Layout

Dec 13, 2011

I have a new computer build where I have Win 7 Pro 64-bit installed on a SSD. Then I have a pair of 1TB drives that I setup as mirroring drives in Disc Management. I proceeded to setup my windows backup to the mirrored drive, but it is giving me the warning: When restoring a system image from this volume, the disks on your computer cannot be formatted to match the layout of the disks in the backup. To have full restore functionality, select a volume on basic disk as our backup location. I am not really sure I even need a backup for the SSD.

It is a small 64GB drive strictly for the OS and surfing the net, minor games (card games, etc.) and a few other minor things. I mirrored the 1TB drives because they are going to be our music server on our network for our laptops, as well as we planned to backup our laptops to the 1TB drive. I figured I would mirror the 1TB in case one crashed we would have the backup. However, if I am having issues with not being able to setup windows backup on these from this computer, I assume I will run into the same issues with the laptop backups. Is there no way to use windows backup to a mirrored drive?

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Blue Screen Error / System Not Responding - Formatted Windows 7 Drive

Oct 15, 2012

I'm facing unexpected shutdown( blue screen error) so many times and my system going not responding so many time. Gaming is smooth (hd 7750) but sometime game stuck for 2-5 minute. I've to format my system windows drive every week.. backup doesn't work and now when I try to shutdown it's not going shutdown. It just shows that it is shut downing but even after the 1 hour it doesn't..

My system spec (3 year old):
Windows 7 32bit,
Intel c2d e7500 2.93ghz,
2gb ram ddr2,
Intel dg41rq mb,
Odyssey 450w psu 14a on 12v rail,
ATI hd7750 graphics.
WD Wavier blue 320 GB hdd 8mb cache

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Formatted Windows 7 Loads Shows Windows 7 Logo And Screen Blank With Cursor

Oct 28, 2011

Formatted Windows 7 loads shows Win 7 Logo and Screen blank with cursor

I have an Acer laptop 4551, got hit by nasty viruses and on top no restore intact.
I formatted the hard drive which gave me an error 83% and stopped. Today I turned on laptop to install fresh genuine Windows 7, I popped in the DVD and done everything in BIOS selected Boot from CD. Everything was Ok I hit enter to Continue then comes the Windows 7 logo and after that a blank black screen with Cursor, that's it! I done that some 5/6 times but no luck.

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External Hd Asking To Be Formatted?

Nov 25, 2011

using windows 7 64 bit sp1, using old hd from last pc as external drive, using it for backup, today when I switched it on I get a message telling me it needs to be formatted, why this has suddenly happened, formatting no problem as I still have files on pc, just like to know why this message has suddenly popped up, drive is SATA if it helps,

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Formatted And Now Need To Recover

Jul 1, 2010

I changed my motherboard and disconnected all of my drives apart from the one I thought was my C drive. Alas it was not and had some very important folders in it.I started to install windows and got to the drive option and formatted it and as soon as I had I realised which drive it was. I did not go any further with the installation so nothing has written over it.Can anyone advise what my options are if any to recover this drive?

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