Warcraft Frozen Throne?

Nov 15, 2011

I play DOTA and everything was good 2 days that is when i played it last time.So now i have this problem with the gamma setings with this game.I cant make it to be brighter.I try to change the video settings in the game but wheter i put to the brightest point or the darkest it is always returning and t is dark.If i start the game afetr 2 sec,after startting the screen blinks and it is darker,and i cant change that.Or if the game is running and i press alt+taband then return to the game 2 sec it is good and after the game is darker.I cant understand two days ago everything was fine and smooth.

I have ASUS N75SF

8 gb ram Windows 7 64 bit

Intel HD Graphic Card and

GeForce GT 555m 2gb with optimus technology.

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Frozen Throne Has Stopped Working?

Apr 27, 2012

Frozen throne has stopped working?

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Trying To Run Warcraft And Gets Shutdown

Dec 1, 2011

was trying to run World of warcraft and get a critical shutdown to prevent damage. The video timed out is this a sign something is going out

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Can't Launch World Of Warcraft

Oct 14, 2010

Right when i try and run world of warcraft a message pops up saying this [ Launcher requires write permission to the World of Warcraft Registry key to successfully locate and run the game. enable write access to the Registry key using an adminstrator account ] I'm the only user of this computer and i'm adminstrator, i have tried right clicking the desktop launcher and run as adminstrator but still get the same message, also been into the wow folder and changed the launcher there to run as adminstrator and the wow.axe folder..still get the same message.#

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World Of Warcraft BSOD

Sep 23, 2009

Looks like windows 7 64 bit drivers from nvidia are not quite up to the challenge yet?

I am using the nvidia 190.62 driver. Anyone else seen this?

Also, BSOD aside, I will get times where the video just freezes but if i ctrl+alt+del then click cancel, wow will unfreeze.

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Which Program Can Use For Installing Warcraft

Jul 7, 2012

which program can i use for installing warcraft

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How Do I Open Port For Warcraft 3 ?

Mar 3, 2010

im trying to host on WC3 and i went to portforward.com, but i still cant host. when i used a port checker it ways that the port is closed, any help would be nice.

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BSOD While Playing World Of Warcraft

Dec 10, 2011

i notice 2 days ago that my PC was begin to freeze while using it. makes no difference what i do. it freezes for 2-3 seconds. just now i was playing World of Warcraft, while that my computer did a BSOD, and pop-up with an error 0x0000124. so far what i have read on this forum ( great forum btw. just notice it now ) i could read that it is Hardware related issue.

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BSOD While Playing World Of Warcraft?

Dec 18, 2011

windows 7 home premium 64 bit OEM i just bought this laptop 7 months ago acer aspire 5750G i never reinstall the os the BSOD started around 1@2 months ago?

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Windows 7 Freezes On World Of Warcraft?

Feb 23, 2012

Whenever i try to play World of Warcraft (i just formatted my computer, so it's clean, no useless applications and crap), after some minutes the computer freezes, no BSD, no auto reboot, nothing...it just freezes, i cant move my mouse, i cant alt tab and the sound/audio freezes too, i have to push the reset button.


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BSOD After Playing World Of Warcraft?

Jul 20, 2012

I've been getting bsod for a few months now so I'm pretty frustrated with it, i've tried everything I can think of/found. (I updated ALL of my drivers)My CPU gets bsod after playing only certain games, for example: when I play "World of Warcraft", after I shut down "WoW", about 2-5 mins later I'll get bsod.I've run a ton of file scanners (CCleaner, register easy, ect.) They haven't done anything, I also have updated all my drivers with some other devices.

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Warcraft III Meet Fatal Error

Aug 20, 2009

Before upgrade into Windows 7 7600, I used Vista Ultimate Home Premium and installed Warcraft III in D:. After upgraded into Windows 7, I still can play the game normally, but after reinstall the game in the same Partition, i meet this problem when playing DotA Allstars in Garena. The game finished the loading, join in the game for a few minutes and...bingo...fatal error

Already updated my VGA driver, sound driver and the game into patch 1.23...etc...

Can you guy help me on this ?

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Directx 8 1 For Warcraft 3 Free Download?

Feb 15, 2012

Directx 8 1 for warcraft 3 free download

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Directx 8 1 For Warcraft 3 Free Download?

Nov 26, 2012

direct 8.1 does'nt download.

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System Restarts When Playing World Of Warcraft?

Nov 16, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Full Retail The hardware is maybe about a year old at this point.I've only installed the OS once.s a side note, this occurrence isn't consistent. Meaning that the system will run perfectly fine for days ( and even a week in some cases ) before restarting itself. The only thing I've been able to pin point is that it'll happen while I'm playing World of Warcraft most often.My video card drivers seem to be up to date ( Catalyst 11.10 ). I've re-installed the drivers a few times using the control panel ( Add / Remove ), and then manually deleting folders and registry information that happened to be remaining.As another side note, I should also mention that I've come across one other problem that I'm able to fix after booting up. I don't believe this issue is at all related to what's been happening lately, but every time the computer is booted up for the first time it will eventually lock up when ever I move the mouse or stroke a key.I'm able to fix this by using the hardware troubleshooting that Windows 7 has. Once I run that the problem is resolved indefinitely until the computer is restarted

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Blue-screen Only When Play Warcraft III TFT DotA?

Jun 11, 2012

Blue screen only when I play Warcraft III TFT DotA.Here is the error log :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1026


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Windows 7 X64 Reboots Randomly While Playing Warcraft

Dec 19, 2012

My windows 7 64bit works fine if ur browsing, emailing, watching a video, but as soon as i start warcraft 3 (DOTA) which doesnt even have high gaming graphics it reboots rite in the middle of the game randomly, it used to work fine a month ago, these random reboots just started. there is NO blue screen, nothing in the event logs just random restarts with no information.

Voltage seems fine - no ups and downs, i have 4gb ddr 3 ram - which works fine? how do i figure out what the problem is? my graphics driver is up to date, there was an update by nvidia daybefore yesterday which i also downloaded hoped it would make the restarts go away

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Programs Lag When Minimizing, Warcraft Game Lags?

Nov 19, 2011

I've been using this windows 7 desktop for over a year, and everything has been fine until the past few days. When I minimize a program or when i maximize it when it is minimized, the program lags. For example, when I am running firefox and when i click the minimize button, instead of firefox minimizing in a swift motion, it minimizes slowly in other words, lagging. Also, when I play Warcraft the game lags. It lags in a really strange way, almost as if the game is drifting around when I move my mouse. Usually when games lag, the controls you make respond slowly, or it is in a jerky kind of way. I've tried restarting my computer many times, and all is well for the first 15 mins or so, before this lag kicks in.

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Warcraft 3 TFT Game Load Time Slow

Nov 4, 2009

Ok so both of my desktop and laptop had Windows 7 64bit installed

My desktop is Q6600 2.4GHz 2.4Gb RAM

My laptop is Core 2 Core Intel 2.0GHz 4Gb RAM

Somehow my laptop load the game "Warcraft3 TFT" much faster than my desktop?

I've tried defragment my HD on desktop

By the way both systems are clean installed which I format everything to make it brand new (nothing really installed in the system except game and some random softwares)

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Wireless Mouse And Keyboard To Use With World Of Warcraft?

Mar 23, 2012

Can you tell me the best wireless mouse and keyboard to use with WoW?

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Computer Crash/Freezing When Playing World Of Warcraft

Sep 21, 2012

Every time I try to log into WoW (Initial login, when game first loads into the server) My computer just freezes with the display frozen. I can get into the game for half a second before it freezes. I usually have to manually restart. I first started noticing this issue about a week ago when I was playing and I encountered the kernel power event 41 issue. It was fine at first because it would only happen when I would play Blacklight (Free fps). As the days went on I decided to reformat my PC because the HDD I was using before crash and had a boot sector which wouldn't let me boot up anymore. I switched out that HDD eventually but this is where things get weird..

As that HDD wasn't booting up it got to the point where my computer would have power but the motherboard wouldn't load and I couldn't even get my display to work on my monitor. I did some research and I came across a solution that had me run the golden plates on each of my memory sticks against a pencil eraser to get rid of the static I suppose.. Well that turned out to work because I was finally able to get to the windows logo screen but then it would shutdown and restart during that screen.

It's the only thing I can think of because I just reformatted a new HDD completely separate from the one that had the bad boot sector.. In any case I've uploaded my zip file. You guys may notice there's no DMP file.. Well I followed the instructions on the forum post and when my computer crash and I manually restarted it, when I got back into windows and ran the SF diagnostic tool.. It was able to find everything but any DMP files. When I tried it said "No dump files found"..

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Upgraded To Windows 7 - Screen Flickering While Playing Warcraft 3

Nov 27, 2009

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 and have had problems with screen flicker in WCIII since the upgrade. I've checked for driver updates, played with the refresh rate and resolution and tried the compatibility troubleshoot all to no avail.

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Get Warcraft 3 To Work On Windows 7 With Intel Graphics Pentium

Nov 12, 2012

i have a windows 7 ultimate with an intel(r) precessor pentium(r) d cpu 2.80 GHz 2.79 GHz 32-bit operating system , i already got warcraft 3 install but when i click on the icon it black screen comes out in my monitor

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BSOD Playing World Of Warcraft Clock Interrupt Was Not Received?

Feb 21, 2012

So a few days ago this problem started when playing just WoW, My computer would randomly lock up for 5-10 seconds at a time, during this period the sound would loop and the entire computer would lock up. The problem got worse and worse to where most of the time it happens now i have to do a hard reset of my system. It is still isolated to WoW most of the time however i have started getting short lock ups when playing other games, never lasting more than a couple seconds in those.Not sure why this problem just started but here are a few facts:Since it started i have updated my BIOS as well as my Graphics drivers, ive checked for virus and also done a system restore. attached is my JCGRIFF2 File and below is my DXDIAG.[CODE]

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When Play Wow (world Of Warcraft) Plus There Is A Slight Buzzing Sound Coming From Computer?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm having trouble with what someone told me was hdd activty. Im not sure when it started but its causing serious lag issues especially when i play wow (world of warcraft). Plus there is a slight buzzing sound coming from my computer. This is a brand new computer not an old one. I ran CCleaner and italso defragged my computer as well. How can I fix this irritating problem. I attached a pic of my system info.

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Laptop Frozen Before Even Log In?

May 6, 2012

I have an advent laptop with windows 7. When I turn it on, it starts up as usual and then goes to the advent screen and then another screen which gives me the option to either "Launch startup repair (recommended)" or "Start windows normally". Whichever one I select, the same thing happens. It comes up with the normal login screen but not with the user picture or name, just the blue background. I have tried rebooting and waiting for over 15 minutes but it won't change from that blue screen. The mouse still works but there is nothing to click on. I have also tried pressing F8 at the advent screen but none of the safe mode options etc. work.

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Screen Is Frozen?

Dec 1, 2011

The measurement must be between -22'' and 22". My screen is frozen, this is the only message that comes up but it won't let me format the picture..

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Frozen After Downloading Windows 7 64-bit?

Jul 12, 2011

I just got a new desktop computer, and I downloaded windows 7 64 bit home premium. when the download completed and it restarted a screen popped up asking for country/date/time, and now the computer is frozen. Is it okay to restart right now? They said not to restart during the setup process at the very beginning, but i don't know what to do, it's been like this for 15minutes. And i believe all the setup is done, once it restarted it just went straight to asking me about the time.

oh, and also i used custom installation becauuse the express one wouldn't work, saying i couldn't switch from 32 bit to 64 bit. dunno if this is relevant, but just thought i'd say.

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Cursor Frozen On Desktop?

Dec 5, 2011

My HP laptop decided whilst on amazon to just freeze. I closed it down and restarted it and the laptop will let me move the cursor to type in my password but once its on the desktop that is where it stays. I have tried moving the battery and starting it up, also tried the fn button but nothing. I operate on windows 7.

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Windows 7 Frozen At Starup?

Jun 4, 2011

ust upgraded from windows vista.my problem started yesterday, when windows at startup it just goes black but i can see the cursor. it freeze there for so long that i have to restart again, even in safe mode is all black with the cursor. this what i have done before that, updated some windows updates. then it begun doing the black screen

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Frozen With Latest Updates?

Aug 12, 2010

My wife is running a Toshiba T110-11U and this is now frozen at update 10 of 15 from the latest batch of patch Tuesday updates. OS is w7 64 bit home premium. Has been trying to install this update for more than 8 hours!

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