Rename-window Appares Behind The Taskbar

Nov 24, 2010

I have quick launch on my taskbar, and every time I add a new shortcut to my quick launch, I rename it to get rid of the "shortcut"-extension. Problem is that the top of the Rename window wants to place itself against the top of the taskbar, rather than open where it was the last time I closed it. So raising the taskbar does not change the problem. See pictures.

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Window Flashes In Taskbar

Nov 6, 2009

I have Windows 7 (64bit) and for a while now, when I'm playing Solitaire and click on the Deck to draw a card, sometimes the Solitaire window will flash and in the taskbar, the Solitaire icon moves/shifts to the right briefly. If I click on the deck a second or third time, it'll be just fine. I've also seen the same issue when playing Chess.

I thought it might be an issue with the window getting/loosing focus but I'm not sure what or where to check...any ideas?

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Error With Transparent Window / Taskbar

Feb 18, 2012

After I restarted my computer today my taskbar changed from being see-through to a horrible sky blue colour. I have done my research and outcomes that have made other peoples taskbar transparent have not worked for me, such as changing the theme of your computer to one of the Aero ones. Still my Taskbar reamins light blue. instead of the window with the color intensity and what not.

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Taskbar Window Position Switch

Mar 16, 2012

One of the windows on the taskbar just switched position from being on the far left end of the taskbar to go into far right side of the taskbar. is this normal or is this some virus or something?

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'Rename' Box Doesn't Show Up When Rename A File Shortcut

Sep 30, 2012

basically (I'll try to be descriptive), I have an Excel file (extension xlsm) on my USB and I right click it, send to --> desktop (create shortcut). I see the shortcut. I right click and attempt to rename it with a different file extension, but the 'Rename' box doesn't show up like I believe it should and the file name changes without the warning. I need to do this for the shortcut I've created, not the file on the USB.I have 'Hide extensions for known file types' unchecked and 'Display the full path in the title bar' checked, as I believe they should be.

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Can't Change Taskbar And Stuck In Window Classic

Feb 3, 2012

How can I change in my default Windows Aero Theme? I used cmd and sfc /scannow and get an error while scanning. Anyway, here's the preview of my computer specs and problem. Please see attached images.

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Taskbar Window Preview Somehow Changed To Text?

Sep 28, 2011

i am running at a resolution of 5760x1080 and notice that the mouse over preview on aplications pinned to the task bar have changed to text. this problem has been going ov for some time. when i change my resolution back to 1920x1080 (16x9) it works just fine. i am using the aero theme so that should not be the problem. i think that my computer thinks i have less ram than i do. i have 10 gb of ram, soon 16, and i am only using 30pct if im not doing something graphics intense.

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Why Windows 7 Not Show Open Window In Taskbar

Jun 23, 2011

i m using transfomatin pack of seven i have a problam in taskbar it can not show the minimize file how it will shows

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Taskbar Icons Disappearing When Window Is Moved Off Screen?

Sep 28, 2012

Recently with items pinned to my Quickbar, when a window is open and moved off screen the quick-launch shortcut is removed (so that when you hover over the quickbar icon, nothing displays). Normally you can always see the "shortcut" display of any window of that type open.In my opinion this is a great feature which allows me to remove clutter on the taskbar while still keeping the window open. This "feature" isn't working right now (i.e. no matter where the window is, minimized or off screen the "shortcut" display on the quickbar always displays it), and I was wondering if Windows was bugged, or if this is a toggle-able feature.

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Programs Opening Minimized - Taskbar Window Flashes And Disappears

Aug 2, 2010

I installed Windows 7 on new computer. Some programs start up minimized most of the time - but not always. At least Mozilla Thunderbird and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 keep doing that to name a few. The shortcut properties have "Run" as "Normal window" for both programs. I think I've also tried closing them with Ctrl pressed as suggested somewhere.

As for other similar problems, I get occasional problems with opening windows from the taskbar groups. The window shows up nicely when hovering over the thumbnail picture of the taskbar group, but when I select it, it just flashes on the top and then disappears / goes back behind other windows. Alt-tabbing seems to work flawlessly, but it'd be nice to be able to use the taskbar too.

I've noticed later that Alt-Tabbing doesn't work always either. They suggested me to try and pin software to taskbar at bleeping computer. Both Thunderbird and Premiere have started normally when launched with the pinned icon instead of the desktop shortcuts. That's not the real solution though and the problem remains at least with Windows Media Player. It goes often minimized when launched by double clicking a video file on explorer.

I did a search on your site and found Toasty's post (Programs start Minimized, will *NOT* maximize.). Also it said in some post that you should press Alt when closing. I'll try that next time the problem occurs, but I doubt it's the solution as the programs sometimes open normally and sometimes don't. Either way there's also the problem with the taskbar...

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Speed Up Scrolling On Windows Taskbar's Open Window Titles

May 8, 2012

I push my system hard, and have the hardware to handle it (for example, 24G memory.) From time to time, I'll have an enormous amount of windows open. Right now, I have about 100 chrome windows open, with multiple tabs on each. Once there are more windows open than Windows can display vertically on my 1050px height monitor, it shows an up arrow at the top of the list it can display, and a bottom arrow at the bottom of the list it can display. If I hover over either of these arrows, it scrolls at about 3-4 windows per second, which can take forever to scroll to the bottom of the list (which is where the most recently opened windows appear.)

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Live Mail Installation Window Pops Up When Icon Clicked In Taskbar

Dec 12, 2011

I wanted to install Movie Maker but it comes packaged with Live something or other, and it includes Live Mail, the newest version. Now, I do not have Movie Maker, don't even ask! But I have a newer version of Live Mail which I dislike -- that ribbon! Can I uninstall the Live software and reinstall the old Live Mail? This install window that pops up is very annoying and if I click cancel it still loads Live Mail. I saw a similar case some time ago when I opened MSN Messenger.

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Adding 'open In New Window' To Search Results, & Opening In New Window?

Feb 16, 2012

Whenever I search in Windows 7, I want to have the ability to open found folders in a new window. If I r-click, that option is not there. Is there a way to add this to Windows 7?

Also: When I go to 'open file location', the file's folder opens in the same window - highly annoying. In Vista, it opens in a new window. Anyway to change this behvior in Windows 7 to act like Vista, so the file opens in a new window?

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Mouse Opens A Window, However Cannot Click Inside The Window

Aug 22, 2012

I am running into an issue where I can open a window/program with my mouse however once the window is open I cannot click inside of it. The window becomes inactive. I also have noticed I cannot right click on my desktop to bring up the properties. I can right click on the window in the task bar to close it but not in the window. Since this is happening I am limited to command prompt. I ran sfc /scannow with no errors. I tried with 3 different mice. I booted the computer into safe mode with command prompt and brought up the device manager to show devices not in use, and when the device manager window opened I could click inside it! since I could use the window I uninstalled all mouse drivers, and reinstalled my microsoft wireless usb mouse driver.. while in this safe mode I changed my mouse properties to system default as I read somewhere that can reset things. Next I booted the computer in safe mode (without command prompt) and still the same thing. I was trying to do a restore point as well however my Kaspersky antivirus 2012 is preventing that as i cannot find a way to kill the program through command prompt.

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Drag Top Border Line Of Taskbar Downwards To Hide Taskbar?

Aug 20, 2011

Is there a method/hack or a 3rd-party program that allows the user to hide the taskbar by dragging its top border line downwards, after un-locking the taskbar? I remember I could do that under Win9x.

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[DESKTOP] Open Window Window Appears Requesting To Open Username Upon Windows Startup

Jan 26, 2011

I'm Running Windows 7(64bit)Each time I boot into Windows 7 Prem (64) a open window apears requesting my username at the top of the open window to specify a a program to open it?I've clicked on note pad and I get the following information that apears, each time though it requests, or looks for a program to use to open.

Interface List
1...........................Software Loopback Interface 1
14...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
16...00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface


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Cannot Unlock Taskbar AND Cannot Pin Anything On Taskbar Or Start Menu

Jan 3, 2013

So about a month ago I restarted my computer and when it came back on all my programs pinned to my task bar and everything that was in my start menu was gone. From there I could not unlock the taskbar and nothing would pin in either the start menu or taskbar. I researched everywhere about it. I tried unlocking the taskbar in properties and registry with no luck. I finally found some posts about how my user profile was corrupt and from there I went on and made a new profile and copied everything and BOOM it all worked fine now. Well today it happened AGAIN! I restarted my computer and everything disappeared. So I think it is still a corrupt profile, but this is the second time it has happened.

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Cannot Pin To Taskbar, Start Menu Or Unlock Taskbar

Jan 16, 2013

I have a client that has laptop with windows 7 Pro. He had a faulty network card, so I have added a new, usb network card. That said, He can not pin anything to taskbar or start menu. I cleared both folders of shortcuts(567 of them) but to no avail. He also has no options under his desktop Context menu for New. He is also using a roaming profile, of which I will disable next time I am there. I have a feeling that might be the issue. I did scour the internet trying all the usual suggestions, but do vaguely remember something about an entry in cache somewhere that if it is too big or corrupt, it could cause this behavior. I am unable to find that post anywhere now.I mention the network card because one post had taskbar issues until he disabled his faulty network card. I have disabled the faulty network card.

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Cannot Rename .jpg Files

Oct 21, 2011

windows 7 home premium sp1 i cannot rename .jpg files. when i right-click the file, the 'rename' option does not appear. normally there is a 'create shortcut' 'delete' and 'rename' option in the list near the bottom but not when i right-click on a jpeg, these three have been curtailed to 'create shortcut'.provenance of the .jpg varies - some come from a camcorder's picture-taking thinggy, some from the 'net, some copied from an other machine,etc but all with extension .jpg opened paint and did a 'save as' (to get the new name )then deleted the original (the one i wanted to rename).

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Drive - Rename

Dec 29, 2010

How to Rename a Drive in Windows 7 ?

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Cannot Rename Drive

Oct 18, 2011

My computer have two harddisks I rename the second hardddisk (windows not installed in this drive)but the name that I have rename appear in disk management but not appear in windows explorer

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Cannot Rename The Drive

Oct 18, 2011

My comptuer have two harddisks. I have rename all drives of second harddisk (windows not installed) but that name not appear in windows explorer but only appear in disk management

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Can't Rename Or Delete MKV Files

Sep 23, 2012

I am having a peculiar issue with MKV files - when I attempt to rename or delete these files I am (sometimes) presented with the following error message:

In order to rename the offending MKV files I need to boot into Ubuntu (using a Live OS from CD) and if I want to delete the files I either must use Ubuntu or a "file unlocking program" within Windows (the FileAssassin tool that ships with MalwareBytes is my current preference).

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How To Rename In Device Manager

May 13, 2011

how to install a mobile broad band dongel and in device manager the device ends with #2 the device was ok at first but when switched off computer the diver seemed to re-install leaving #2

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Rename Libraries And Favorites?

Jul 12, 2012

I somehow managed to rename the libraries as well as the 'Favorites' about half a year ago.I don't recall how, but remember that it took a lot of trial and error. It worked perfectly and consistently in the start menu and the window manager. Now, with the latest update (13 important) it all got changed back, and keeps so despite my effort to regain my version.How can I rename those again, or what was the update that reset MS defaults and how to kill it?

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C: Drive Renamed, Can't Rename It To Anything Else

Sep 15, 2011

I recently had a virus on my computer and decided to just reinstall the OS from top as I didnt have anything vitally important anymore. My C: drive was renamed to "Alcatel PC Suite" which is the name of the software I have for my cell phone.When I right click to rename it, I can type a new name in, I can click ok, it asks for permission and I can also click ok. Im an admin and the only user for the newly installed OS. After I give it permission, it still says the old name in My Computer.However when I go to properties of my C: drive, under the general tab, it has the new name listed.

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Cannot Rename Files With Url Extension

Feb 14, 2012

I dragged a web address off and Windows created a shortcut. I was able to change the extension to .txt. The icon changed to that for a text file, and I could open the file and read it.

Since then, though, the url extension does not show up. If I select Rename and add .txt to the part of the filename showing, it evidently retains the url extension after the .txt extension because the icon doesn't change to the one for a text file, I'm not allowed to edit it, and selecting open results in it opening the web page - i.e., acting like it is still a .url file.

I have checked Tools -> View many times and the box for hiding common extensions is unchecked so that is not the problem.

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Is It Possible To Rename A Network Drive

Jun 28, 2012

Just wondering if it is possible to rename a Network Drive created with "subst" in command prompt and if possible how?

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Rename Hard Drive

Apr 1, 2009

This is a little tip I learned many moons ago...

Right click on your "C" drive and select properties (you can select rename instead)

In the Name box give it a name. (Example: Windows 7-64)

The point of naming your "C" drive?
If you dual boot you will always know what is on that drive so you'll not make a mistake and format it :-) If you boot from a VHD, makes it nice to know at a glance which drive is the host "C" drive If you use Diskpart to work with a drive you can use the command: list volume and the name will be shown under the label column (again helps you avoid a mistake)

This tip of renaming is also good with removable USB drives. (I like to rename them by Brandname) This name stays even if you remove the device, when you plug it back in the name shows with the drive letter that windows assigns (helps me in my feeble mindlessness)

The only type of physical drive you can't rename that I know of is CD/DVD drives

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Can't Rename Or Delete MKV Files

Sep 23, 2012

I am having a peculiar issue with MKV files - when I attempt to rename or delete these files I am (sometimes) presented with the following error message:

In order to rename the offending MKV files I need to boot into Ubuntu (using a Live OS from CD) and if I want to delete the files I either must use Ubuntu or a "file unlocking program" within Windows (the FileAssassin tool that ships with MalwareBytes is my current preference).

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Failed To Rename Adapter Name?

May 10, 2011

i tried to rename adapter name but failed to rename i want to set Local area network

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