Multi Boot Default (XP, Vista, 7, Ubuntu)

May 13, 2009

I was originally running just XP Pro (and still use as my main OS) on C:. Installed Vista (didn't activate it yet and it's past 30 days) on Drive G:. Installed Ubuntu on D:. Installed Windows 7 RC1 son S: (in that order). When I start my computer, Windows 7 is the Default OS. I can't change the default OS to XP in Windows 7 (it only gives me the option for Vista).

When I start in XP it shows Windows 7 (7 and xp only options) as default and when I try to select XP as default it jumps right back to 7. I'm thinking I may have to activate my Vista and do it through Vista. [all OS run perfectly no issues at all] Thoughts? Ideas?

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Wrong Drive Letters In Multi Boot XP,Vista, Win7

Jun 29, 2009

FIX (with SavePart, tried other partition utilities and editing MountedDevices to no avail)

Hope this helps someone else with Wrong Drive Letter Problems

Installed Windows 7 RC and all was well with XP Dual Boot.

After some experimenting(BSD,LINUX,etc), Windows 7 would not boot, so popped in the DVD and let Windows 7 repair the boot.

Windows 7 now booted, but when booting XP on E: , it was now assigned the wrong Drive letter D: and would boot to just before the Logon Prompt and hang(same in safe mode.)

After much research and trial (including editing the HKLM/SYSTEM/MountedDevices hive of the XP install from within Windows 7 to change the drive letter) this was the fix.

This particular XP boots from Partition/Drive E: in Windows.0 directory (yeah, i know, been this way for years)


downloaded SavePart "AKA Partition Saving " Partition Saving

Boot from a FreeDOS Floppy or USB stick and run SavePart.exe

within SavePart (navigate with TAB key, Selected items turn BLACK)


Update Windows 2000/XP/Vista Registry

Choose element where boot configuration are stored (Disk number 0, in this case)

Choose element where boot configuration DATA are stored (Partition) where the XP(2000 or Vista) is located

Select the Directory where the XP (2000 or Vista) is located (Windows.0 on D Drive, in this case)

You then have access/ability to the change Drive Letters for that particular Windows Installation:

In this case:

Drive D (which needed to be E) and Drive E(which needed to be D)

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Installing Windows 7 Over Vista On Dual Boot With Ubuntu

Jan 14, 2012

I want to upgrade Vista to Windows 7, but without disturbing my Ubuntu installation, which is dual boot with Vista. I would prefer to do a clean install of Windows 7 over Vista, which has had niggling little issues (I resolve them and new ones appear) ever since I bought the pc. I don't have the recovery discs for Vista (the ones you make when you buy a new system) as they went missing during a major move.

What is the best way to accomplish all the above? Also, from what I understand, a clean installation can be done with an upgrade version of Windows 7 as long as a previous version of Vista or XP is already on the machine?

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Installation Copiers Multi Boot OS With Multi Software?

Oct 19, 2010

Installation copiers Multi Boot OS with Multi software?

I have just just purchased some new PC with different configration AMD Phenom II X4 965, Gigabyte 890GLX Motherboard, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD and 2nd AMD Athalon 635 with Gigbyte 875 Mothboard -4 GB RAM, 500GB HDD.I want to use these machines for Gaming as well as for teaching and for Internet browsing and web site development

What i Did i had Installed Multiple OS Windows XP SP3 32Bit, Windows XP SP2 64 Bit, Windows 2003 server 32 and 64 bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64 Bit, Windows 2008 server 32 and 64 bit , Windows 7 32 and 64 bit.

Now i want to install general softwares like Office, Adobe Master collection cs5 , Autocad, Coral , Visual studio Java, C, SQl Server, Oracle and the list caries on

I want that i dont have to install these software again and again on every software so that the space is not occupied and i can use same program files folder for each and every OS and time is also saved from installing the software.

For that i have seen some installation copiers (backups) which remain in memory before installation and records the information of registry and system files being copied and records and the can again be copied to the different OS.

Is there any ways to do these which installation copier backup is good for doing this . finding such softwares which can copy or backup installation files registries and i can just use the same installers.

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Install Windows 7 But Keep Vista And Ubuntu?

Sep 17, 2011

I'm a bit bored with Vista and want to install 7. Can I do this whilst keeping Vista and Ubuntu installed in case something goes wrong with the installation. At the moment Vista and Ubuntu share my hard drive and I simply chose which OS to boot on start up.

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Install Ubuntu On A Xp, Vista, Win 7 Multiboot System

Aug 13, 2009

I have 2 hard drives, the first has Win 7 RC1 and the second has XP and Vista in their own partitions. The Win 7 boot loader gives me the choice of Windows 7, Vista and XP when I boot up. The question is: If I install Ubuntu onto the second HD in a currently unoccupied partion, will GRUB (which is sure to take over the booting process, from past experience) still leave me with the 3 choices I have now (assuming I do not select the Ubuntu prompt). I wwould hate to lose the ability to get into the 3 Win systems !

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Multi Boot 3 OS - 7, XP And 98SE

Dec 13, 2009

Is it possible to run the 3 OS', 7, XP and 98SE via a multi boot setup and if so can anyone advise on how to do this or maybe have a link to a Tutorial showing how it can be done.

Reason i ask is i am looking to play some old school games that you just cant play regardless of Compatibility Mode and other 3rd party apps.

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Can't Multi-boot Two Loads Of Windows 7

Jun 23, 2011

I'm setting up my system drive with 3 operating systems:

1) Windows 7 64 bit (for home use)
2) Win XP (for legacy programs)
3) Windows 7 64 bit (for work use) that order on the hard drive. Rather than using Windows own boot manager, I'm using the open source GAG boot manager (which, like lots of third party boot managers, runs before any OS loads so you can pick which OS to run - and then hides the other OS's and their entire partitions until you reboot.) I've done this sort of thing with multiple WinXP loads before, no issues. In fact, this very hard disk used to have three WinXp loads on it (in position 1 and 3 above). I formatted those partitions and replaced them with the Win7 loads, which is when the problem started.Everything worked fine until I added the SECOND load of Win 7 (third on the hard drive, as above). It installs properly, but when I try to run it, it hangs on the "Starting Windows..." screen (and the spinning windows logo just stays spinning infinitely).if I then immediately reboot and run the FIRST load of Windows 7 (which was hidden, worked fine before, and lives on its own separate partition), I get a screen right away saying a problem happened last time I ran it! Which isn't true - the problem happened when I just ran the SECOND load of Windows 7, not the first! Remember, these Win7 loads are totally separate. But for some reason, it thinks there was a problem. It even asks me if I want to enter repair mode. Spooky...Anyway, I do NOT choose to repair and instead just say "run normally". And everything then boots fine. (Of course!) And sure enough, if I shut down and simply choose to run that same first load of Win7 a second time, it again works with no problems reported. BUT... if I then proceed to run the SECOND load of Windows 7, it again hangs on the "Starting Windows..." screen, and - you guessed it - if then try to run the FIRST copy of Win7, it will again report it had a problem last time it was loaded. Which starts the whole thing over again....

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Modifying Multi-OS Boot Menu

Mar 16, 2012

I'm having a problem with windows explorer constantly crashing over and over. Here is the error message:

Application Version:6.1.7601.17567
Application Timestamp:4d672ee4
Fault Module
Fault Module Version:1.3.1984.0
Fault Module Timestamp:4c011e15


It's not searchable on my computer, which is running Windows 7 Home Premium 64x.

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How To Create Multi-boot Flash Drive

Apr 14, 2012

Does anyone know of a way to take several different ISO's (multiple Windows ISO'sUbuntu, Hiren's Boot CD, etc.) and put them onto a flash drive from which I can boot and select one?I've tried several different utilities thus far - unetbootin, YUMI,XBoot - but none have allowed me to successfully add all my images.

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Unexpected Error On Multi-boot System

Aug 23, 2009

I'm attempting to do an upgrade/update install of Windows 7 Professional over Vista Business. Everything checks out with the update advisor, the anti-virus and anti-spyware programs have been turned off (I have, however, left the Windows home-grown firewall on), but shortly after the temporary files have been copied and the setup begins, I received a dialog box saying that an unexpected error has occurred and that I should retry the installation.

My system is multi-boot with the first partition for Windows XP Professional, the second with Vista Business, and the third and fourth with OpenSuse Linux. I'm trying to upgrade/update the Vista partition. SP1 has been installed for Vista, and all of the updates contained in SP2 have also been installed.

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How To Create A USB Multi Boot Repair Disc ?

Nov 5, 2009

Is there a way (or tutorial) to create a repair disc for a multi boot Windows 7/Vista on a USB flash drive? In other words would like to be able to use a USB flash drive in an emergency to boot into a multi boot computer using Windows 7/Vista.

I see where there is a way to create a Vista/XP multi boot USB repair disc but not one for Windows 7/Vista multi boot. Evidently the boot files for Vista/XP are different from the boot files for Windows 7/Vista. I have a 4GB flash drive that I would like to use.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Combine Both HDDs Creating Multi Boot System With C: As Windows 7?

Sep 4, 2010

I have one HDD C: with Windows 7 64bit and another HDD from my previous dual boot PC with two partitions C: and E:, both winX pro.How is it possible to combine both HDDs, creating a multi boot system having as C: my Windows 7 drive?

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Bootmenupolicy=standard For Windows 7 Hides Multi Boot Menu?

Aug 27, 2012

I have defined BootMenuPolicy for Windows 7 loader as standard(1) in a multi boot system with Windows 8 and Windows 7 (and other OSs) and set Windows 7 as default loader. System boots directly to Windows 7 - no boot menu is displayed.So what is prohibiting boot manager to display boot menu ?(If bootmenupolicy for Win 7 is set to legacy(0) boot menu is displayed.)

bcdedit output:

Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
device partition=D:
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-US
inherit {globalsettings}


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Default Operating System - Change Default Boot OS

Jun 12, 2009

How to Change the Default Operating System to Start in Windows 7 ?

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System Should Dual Boot To Windows 7 Or Vista Ultimate, But Does Not Recognize Vista

Aug 15, 2012

My system dual boots to either Windows 7 or Vista Ultimate, or, at least it is supposed to. Something happened and now the system just boots to Winodows 7 without giving me the choice to boot to either. When I use F6 I find that only Windows 7 is listed in the Operating Systems box.

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Windows 7 & Vista Dual Boot Installation - Vista Won't Load?

Sep 13, 2010

New laptop has Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I have two business programs that won't run on a 64bit system. Partitioned the hard drive to install Vista Home Premium 32bit to create a dual boot system solely to run these two programs.Can't get Vista to load. Followed tutorial meticulously. All goes fine until the "Vista will boot for the first time" step. After this first boot, the screen returns to the "completing installation" page. However, the process dies here and the progress bar across the bottom of the screen never moves, even after an hour. Reformatted the partition and started over with same results. Multiple attempts always die after the first boot.

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Remove Vista From Vista / Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Sep 13, 2012

I have two drives (C and D) with Vista on one and Win 7 on the other (not sure if they're actual drives or partitions of a single drive, how do I tell?). I am dual booting and never use Vista. Starting to need the disk space and want to delete Vista. Is this difficult in this scenario?

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Removing Vista From Dual Boot Of Windows 7 And Vista?

Apr 5, 2011

I had recently installed windows 7 on my laptop running windows vista. I did not remove the existing windows vista installation, and thus win 7 was installed in a dual boot combination. Now, i want to remove vista from my laptop and use windows 7 only.The problem is that during installation, win 7 was installed on logical drive and windows vista was on the primary drive. Thus, i cannot delete/format the windows vista partition. Also I cannot transfer the boot drive to the partition containing win 7 because the vista partition is the active one.

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Vista To Be Default OS During Bootup In BIOS

Jan 21, 2009

First off, Windows 7 is very cool; I might use it more than vista now that I got internet for it, but that will have to wait for a month or two. My first question is: when I boot up my comp, and I have to pick either vista or Windows 7 (I have Windows 7 on another partition), I usually leave the room while my comp is booting, so after 30 seconds the BIOS picks Windows 7 as the default OS because its first.

I would really like to boot up my pc while doing something else, and I would love for the BIOS to pick Vista after 30 seconds instead of Windows 7 because I use Vista for games and such. Is there some way of doing that or do I have to sit around throughout the start up and manually pick Vista?

My second question seems a little picky or over the edge, but when I boot up my comp and have to pick an OS, it prints "Windows 7" while underneath it it prints out "Microsoft Windows Vista". Is there some way to add 'Microsoft' in front of Windows 7 when Im picking in the BIOS? It doesn't look as good without the Microsoft.

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Dual Boot - Keep Vista With Win 7 Without Reinstalling Vista

Oct 11, 2009

I have dualboot XP SP3 and Vista Ultimate on my system,,and now i want to install Windows 7 over the XP OS. I wish to keep Vista with Windows 7 without reinstalling Vista.

Can I just install Windows 7 over XP , or should i be careful for MBR,or boot....

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Can't Boot Windows 7 Tried Ubuntu And Other

Sep 28, 2012

I've downloaded Bluestacks to sync my android apps with my pc and it worked just fine. Shortly after I've gotten a request from Microsoft to run some updates which I've accepted. I left my workstation and when I came back 2/3 of my desktop icons had vanished and there were about 30 application error windows on my screen. The pc was blocked and only CTRL+alt+del worked, so I've shut down the pc. Since then nothing worked. I can't boot Windows 7, can't start safemode.The only thing that works is F2 (Setup) and F12 (boot options), but I don't get far there.Remedies: I've tried the following without success:

1) Rebooted W7 from the CD, ran the repair option out of which system image won't work and although I see system restore points (I have bi-monthly points), I get an error abort message. So no luck there

2) I've downloaded the Ubuntu 12.04 ISO on a UBS flashdrive and at least succeeded to get the initial Ubuntu screen but couldn't install (subinstall it under Windows 7 was suggested) and thus had no chance in recovering my files/docus/media. The computer goes back to the black screen with the blinking unusable cursor.

3) I've tried to follow the suggestion from your Tech JSntgRvr by downloading the "Farbar Recovery" program and execute it in the Window command prompt, but I get an error message that states:x:sources>i:frst.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. (with "i" being the drive where the usb flash was)So now I am out of my "very limited" wits.

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Stuck With Ubuntu In Boot

Nov 11, 2009

I wanted to play around with Ubuntu but the install failed.

So I tried to uninstall it. Went to Control Panel>Programs and found Ubuntu there. However when I clicked it I got a message that there was no such program on this computer.

There is no Ubuntu on my machine but when I start the computer I get an option to either launch Windows or Ubuntu.

Is there a way to get rid of this message during the boot up?

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Add Ubuntu To Boot Manager?

Nov 20, 2009

I want to install Ubuntu to a new partition on one of my hard drives. However, I do not want to install GRUB along with it. I want to be able to keep my Windows boot loader, and add an entry to it referencing the Linux partition.

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Cannot Boot Win 7 After Installing Ubuntu

Nov 24, 2009

cannot boot win 7 after installing ubuntu.

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How To Dual Boot Win 7 And Ubuntu 9.10 ?

Dec 9, 2009

I read that if you have Windows 7 installed, it ruins Ubuntu. I want my computer to have both, so I was wondering, how can I dual boot them without them clashing? I don't want to use Wubi, by the way.

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Tried Multi-boot, Now Can't Boot At All

Sep 26, 2011

I tried installing XP and Windows 7 on my laptop and now my computer won't boot at all. I get the message "Disk Read Error. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart" and this just keeps looping the same thing. I can't get it to go far enough into a boot to read a Windows installation disc, I can only access the BIOS. Right before this, I could get XP to load, but when it finished installing and restarted, it would try to run the setup again rather than booting the OS. Extremely lost, and any advice as to get rid of the "Disk Read Error" or a multi-boot once I get past the "Disk Read Error"

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To Dual Boot Ubuntu And Windows 7

May 26, 2011

How can i dual boot windows 7 and Linux. Can i just create a disk partition and install Linux on that and have windows on another partition and will i be able to choose which one i want on boot? or do i have to do something else i have windows installed now.

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How To Boot Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu 10.10

Oct 20, 2010

I just finished installing Ubuntu 10.10 and was wondering how I could boot Windows 7 instead of ubuntu. Ubuntu loads and does not give me a choice of wanting to run Windows 7.

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Change Boot From Ubuntu To Windows 7?

Aug 6, 2012

I have a dual Ubuntu 11.10 and Windows 7 Home Basic booting system on my laptop (VAIO, specs at the end). Each time I switch on my laptop, Ubuntu's GRUB first shows me the options as to which OS to boot from. The choices include Ubuntu and Windows 7. To install Ubuntu,I made a 25 GB unallocated volume on my hard disk. Recently, while updating Ubuntu to its latest version, my internet crashed and the download only partly succeeded. After that, I have never been able to use Ubuntu on my laptop. However, GRUB is still functioning; each time I switch on, I still see the options as to which OS to boot from. If I choose Windows 7, then I get the usual Windows 7 Booting screen.Basically, I now have 25GB of space lying unusable on my machine. I want to merge this with one of my other partitions. However, I fear that doing so would delete GRUB and make my laptop impossible to boot. What steps should I take? Is there any way whereby I can safely delete Ubuntu and change the boot sequence from GRUB to the Windows boot program? (I guess it is BOOTMGR.EXE)

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