How To Move Program Windows Uniformly

Jan 27, 2011

I use applications that involve multiple windows, specifically I thought of this while using MathCAD. A common example I can think of for a program like this is GIMP where all your toolbars are separate windows. I also use 2 monitors to work on. So is there a way in general that when I move a main program windows from one monitor to another all the other windows controlled by that program (guess I will call them slave windows) will come with it and maintain their position relative to the main program window?Alternately is there a way to select multiple windows at one time so when I move them they all move uniformly relative to one another. I just really hate having to move 6 windows sometimes when I want to swap monitors with one program.

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Windows 7 And Applied Compatibility Move To A Program

Oct 5, 2012

As a novice I went in on Windows 7 and applied the compatibility move to a program.It originally worked somewhat now it won't work at all. How can I "REVERT" the program to work as it did before applying the compatibility mode?

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Can Move An Installed Program

Jun 11, 2011

There are a few occasions I really would have use for a program that could move an already installed piece of software to another location. For this instance i'm going to use starcraft 2 that i now would like to move over to an SSD hard drive since there's a lot of loading in-game i would like to speed up.Must i uninstall, move over game folder, then reinstall the game on the SSD?

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How To Move Program Files / Folders To HDD

Aug 25, 2011

I recently built a PC with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I use an SSD as a boot drive and an HDD for storage. Since the Windows installation I have installed several other programs in both the "Program Files" and the "Program Files (x86)" folders. I'm running out of space on my SSD and I'd like to move both Program Files folders to the HDD. It would also be nice to have the option of only moving some programs to the HDD and leaving some on the SSD if that's possible.

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Move A System Tray Program To The Taskbar?

Jul 6, 2012

What I'd like is for a program that normally appears in the system tray to show in the taskbar at all times it is running so i can easily see it and use the exit functions etc.Specifically for Steam - (X) minimizes to system tray and hides activity in the task bar. I don't mind if this results in 2 icons showing (1 for an active window and 1 for the process) I know you can do the same from system tray for this particular program, but I just don't have the habit to look there for anything other than system background applications.'m running Windows 7 Professional x64 and am comfortable tinkering with registry and system files if needed.So the questions are:1/ Can a system tray icon be permanently moved to the taskbar applications area?2/ If not, can a background process be assigned a taskbar icon when active?

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Move Users And Program Files Directories?

Oct 14, 2010

My computer has a 60Gb SATA2 Solid State Drive which I am installing the OS and I have 2 640Gb SATA3 hard drives, one of which I want to use for both users, program files and program files (x86).I have read and tried many different approaches and I would prefer using a 'symlink' to achieve this rather than any registry hacks, as I have read that a symlink has fewer side effects.

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Move User&program Files To A Different Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

Basically I bought an SSD to put Windows 7 on along with some of my most used applications. However, I want to some how put my users folder and program files folder onto my 500GB HD. Ive tried multiple times to mess with the registry settings but it doesnt seem to work..? Ive also tried an application but that just meant when I restarted my PC it diddnt recognise my user account meaning I couldnt log in at all forcing me to reinstall again. I basically want only OS & a coupel of aps on SSD while having my desktop/users/prorgam files on my 500gb.

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Program To Automatically Move Files As Created By Fraps?

Aug 6, 2012

I plan to record PC gameplay using Fraps, which creates very large files. In order for me to do so whilst still maintaining high FPS in game, I have to record to my SSD. However, this fills up very quickly.make a program that automatically moves the recordings over to the HDD as they are created. Fraps has an option to split the recording up into 4GB segments, so what the program will need to do is detect when the second section has been created, then move the first across, then detect when the third has been created and move the second across etc.

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Can't Copy Or Move Files - Error Message "open In Other Program"?

Dec 29, 2011

When moving or renaming files I frequently get an error messages informing me that "The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program". This typically happens with the second or third folder I try to rename or move. Navigating away to another folder and then coming back or closing explorer and reopening it usually helps but on the second rename or move I'm back to square one. I've been reading and searching on the forum and this is what I have tried so far:stop the windows media player network sharing servicepause indexingtemporarily disable antivirus softwareused the system file checker to check integrityall to no avail. This is without a doubt the most annoying "bug" I have run into so far as it makes it virtually impossible to get anything done or organised. Has anyone found a real solution to this problem that does not involve manually unlocking every single folder before working with it (using 3rd party software

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Move Program FIles To SSD - Leave Users Files Behind?

Jun 2, 2011

Greetings Again,

My file and storage system is set up like this:
C: Drive - 120 GB SSD This is my Win 7 64-Bit Ultimate Boot drive. It has my most important Microsoft programs on it. Out of the 111GB available, I've used 42GB, leaving me 69GB free space. I want to keep this area open.

My next drive is a 1TB WD Caviar Black segmented into 3 partitions.

E: Drive = Program FIles This has the majority and rest of my programs. It also includes USERs Files. I've use 96GB out of 150GB. Out of that 96GB, 64GB are in USERS files.

F: Drive = Data Files. This stores all of my data except for media. I've used 91GB out of 350. I want to leave this be.

G:| Drive = Medsia FIles This stores all Media = Vids, Music, Graphics, Pictures. I've used 80 GB out of 500GB

I also have a 64GB ~ 55GB actual storage SSD drive that is partitioned but has no data on it or assigned drive letter.

Here is what I want to accomplish. i want to move my actual Program FIles to the 64GB SSD, assign it a drive letter, and keep the USERS files where they now reside on the F: dirve

My main concern is that in moving all these files around and splitting the USERS files from the Program Files that I'll mees up my Registry. Will someone please suggest some links I might read that will best help me acheive these moves.

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Cards Don't Move When Try To Move Them

Aug 20, 2011

Win 7 Freecell "sticks" The cards don't move when you try to move them. If you keep trying you get the message "freecell is not responding" or "problem with freecell executable". Could this have anything to do with a recent Norton upgrade? I have tried turning windows games on and off and it doesn't help. If so, where can I get a clean reinstall?

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Windows Runs Installation Of Program When Start Program

Aug 14, 2012

I installed Weathrbug Plus and for some odd reason recently when I run it Windows runs the installation for the program. When I run the prograsm I get the typical "Preparing to install..." abnd then tyhe 'Configuring Weatherbug. I've been in contact with Weatherbug Support all day and we can't seem to find an answer.I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials.This is a clean install of Windows 7. I haven't used any other real-time security software other than MSE.I disabled MSE and tried it and got the same results.

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Stop Windows 7 64 Bit Program To Be Installed In Program Files (*86)?

Jun 23, 2011

64bit application is getting installed in program files (*86). How to change the destination folder. Insta shield is not giving this option.

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Move Windows 7 From HDD To SSD?

Nov 28, 2012

I have a 1TB drive with win7 installed on it, as well as various other applications. I just bought a 120GB SSD and want to move my OS over to it, but leave all the other files on the HDD. Is there a way I can do this without having to reinstall all my applications?

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Move Windows 7 From One Drive To Another?

Dec 16, 2011

I have used many cloning software.

- Macrium Reflect
- EaseUS Disk Copy & Todo Backup
- RoboCopy
- Paragon Backup & Recovery

I'd like to move Windows from one drive to another without backing up THEN restoring. This is an extra step that I consider unnecessary.RoboCopy ALMOST did it correctly. But it corrupted the Outlook Registry. Microsoft recommended to uninstall and re-install Office.

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Cannot Move Apps Around In Windows 7

Aug 18, 2011


You cannot move appp around in windows as windows makes DLL files and registry entry and moving it will break it.Also Microsoft wants people to use shortcuts and moving apps will break the shortcuts of path of the files.

In OS X all files needed to to run the app are glued with the app and in windows you must run the installer to make the directory where it will copy all files to run the app ,make path ,make the shortcuts and DLL files and registry entry .

Moving files around break the DLL files and registry entry .Part of this is to stop illegal copying.In windows people use the installer to remove or install app we never move app around like in OS X .

Also most time apps have to run in system level in windows not like OS X It is not the scopes of Linux ,windows ,OS X security myths but the thread got little of topic of talking about moving appp around in windows and other OS.

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Could Not Move Windows 7 Hdd To Dell Box.

Jun 12, 2012

The power supply went out on my Win 7 box(custom built) and so I decided to put it into my granddaughter's Dell box which was running Win XP. I unplugged the XP hdd, plugged in the Win 7 hdd, but it will not complete opening Windows.I've tried using a Win 7 Recovery CD, but none of the 3 I have will boot! So, I used the Win 7 DVD and can get to the install screen, where I've tried the 'repair' option. But, that gives a message that it is unable to repair the computer.

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Monitor Every Move In Windows 7?

Mar 25, 2012

Is there any way i can thoroughly monitor an user account in windows 7? What the user has changed,what program has he opened,how much time has it run,when has he closed it,what other program has been he opened,......etc. and present the data in a logged format.

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Move Windows 7 Over To My Laptop?

Nov 22, 2011

I have asked in another post about getting my daughters computer working for her whilst she is overseas. I have 2 legitimate windows discs 1 is xp and the other is win 7. I have a new laptop with win 7 on it so I don't really have to have it loaded on my experimental machine. Can I delete win 7 from my machine and put it on her laptop. Or the same with the xp disc. It has become redundant any way and is sitting in a cupboard gathering dust. 2 legit discs and product keys. Can I move them to other machines?

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Move WMM Files To Windows 7?

Sep 18, 2010

Just updated to Windows 7 and need to locate and use my WMM projects etc. on the new OS..I have copies of my old data etc which the install of W7 kept for me plus an acronis backup.

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Move Windows 7 From P4 To Pentium D

Aug 25, 2012

About a year ago, our Pentium D died and I was able to retain a few pieces from the machine, enough actually to rebuild it shortly.

My main question is this: I already tried moving Win 7 Home Premium 32bit from the Pentium D to the Pentium 4 and the hard drive crashed and with some heavy research, I discovered that this was not possible without a nuke and restart.

Please tell me there is some way to go from the P4 to the Pentium D when i rebuild it in a few weeks...? I've been reading that it may be possible if I uninstall all the drivers in safe mode and then move the hard drive to the Pentium D. I've also read that this is not possible with OEM versions, I just double-checked and our copy is retail upgrade from XP.

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Vista To Windows 7 Now Need To Move To New PC

Jun 25, 2011

A friend upgraded from Vista to Win 7 last month using MS Upgrade (download). He now has the chance to move to a new(and better) pc. Can he use the Lic Key he got with the upgrade and install win 7 on the new pc? His present pc is an HP Desktop and I assume the original vista was OEM.

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Move Windows 7 From Old Computer To A New One?

Jan 1, 2013

is it possible to move win 7 home premium 32bit from my current computer into a new one onto an ssd (the ssd will be brand new and have nothing on it) and then upgrade it to 64bit?

becuase the new motherboard has UEFI (Gigabyte SKT-1155 Z77-DS3H ) i was thinking if i may be able to do the UEFI bootable usb drive tutorial UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive - Create in Windows then install with that but im not sure how i would upgrade to 64bit in that process or if it will even work. UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) - Install Windows 7 with and i also want a fresh install but would like to keep some of the files on my system like steam games, skype etc.

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How To Move Windows 7 From D Partition To C

Jun 24, 2010

Installed Windows 7 but accidentally did it on the d: drive. Now have dual OS - Vista and Win 7. Want to keep Win 7. Have read many threads on how to get rid of Vista partition by moving boot folder from Vista to win 7 first but after doing so and going to disc mgt it says it's using info from C: when I try to re-format the volume. Essentially here's my issue: I want Win 7 to be on the C: partition, not the D: because D: is listed as a recovery partition with limited space. How can I do that? (or can I?)

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Move Folder From XP To Windows 7?

Apr 9, 2011

I have 4 PCs network in Windows 7. A is primary Windows 7. B is win 7 networked. C is XP on Windows 7 network, and D is XP on Windows 7 network. I have a folder on C(XP) that is shared on the network and can be accessed from A, B and D. I want to delete that folder on the XP (C) and put it on A (Windows 7) to be shared on the network. Copied it to USB drive. Copied it from USB to A (Windows 7) HD. When I open the program that uses the files in the transferred folder, A (Windows 7) cannot find the folder/files on A that I copied. It looks for the old networked location on C, which is not there (deleted after copied). How do I stop the program from looking on C (XP) and find on A (Windows 7)? When I try to open the program on A(Windows 7) it will NOT let me go to ANY other folder except the shared folder on the C (XP) PC which no longer exists.

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Possible To Move Windows 7 From Current PC To Another?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a laptop that I bought from a highstreet shop that came with win 7 already installed. It didn't come with the disks or anything though. Now, I am probably going to buy another laptop and was wondering if there was anyway to move the OS over? I will be moving the HDDs across from one laptop to another, will I just be able to boot from the primary HDD that has the OS on it?

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Move Files Within Windows 7?

Jan 24, 2011

How can I move files within Windows 7?

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Move Tracks Around With Windows 7?

Apr 19, 2011

How do I move audio tracks around in an album, most of the time when I rip or copy a CD win7 moves the tracks to a different order and I can't get them back in the right sequence.

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How To Move Documents In Windows 7

Jul 26, 2011

My 6 year old Dell crashed. It used Windows XP. I bought a new H-P and it has Windows 7. I can't make heads or tails of the video tutorials. I bought "Windows 7, Quick Steps, and it's beyond me, too. I need a: first point cursor at.., then left-click mouse...I had to mark, "Configuration & Customization" but maybe "General Discussion" would have been better. See what I mean, I lack vocabulary.

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Looking To Move Windows 7 OS To A New Computer?

Oct 6, 2011

I currently have a MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.4.somethingsomething.I also use BootCamp to dualboot into Windows 7 64bit Ultimate version.Here is where i could really use your help & advice:I am planning on building my own PC this holiday season and, since i am a college kid on a budget, i would rather not have to spend the $100 or so to purchase another copy of Windows. Therefore, I am looking to transfer my entire OS (files, drivers, and all) to this new system. What would be the easiest way to do this?Here is my thought process so far:

1. purchase a 500GB+ external Hard Drive

2. back up (create an image of) my current Windows partition onto said drive

3. assemble new computer and restore the image from the external Hard Drive
(this is the step i am most unsure of how to proceed!!)

Could you guys let me know if totally off-base here as far as how to complete this task as painlessly as possible?

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Move Xp As A Second Drive To Windows 7?

Dec 19, 2011

have an old 250GB HD with XP PRO on it and ALL my programs.

I have a NEW PC with win 7 PRO, now I want to ad the XP drive to the win7 box and boot ether from XP or Win7 from the boot screen (select ether XP OR Win7). I have google for hours all I was able to find was information on ONE Drive and then portion it and reinstall an OS.

I do not want to portion anything or reinstall any OS I just would like to DUEL BOOT. Both HD are Sata Drives. I do not have Win7 CD as it is in on the recovery portion. I would like to know what files are needed and were to put them (what Drive) in order to duel boot.

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