Dos Command For Reset Of Registry

Mar 19, 2012

Dos command for reset of register

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How To Reset Registry Permissions

Nov 11, 2012

I set a system restore 2 days ago. I then messed with the registry and it didn't go well. Today I went to reset it only to find the restore point I manually made was deleted.

How do I reset the registry to how it was before? Keeping in mind I herp derped and didn't export it first for backup.

SubinACL is giving a ton of errors, reporting that almost 50% of entried "failed" to be reset.

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Registry Editing From Command Line?

Jun 21, 2011

So I am trying to delete some keys from the registry using command line, eventually I am going to turn it into a batch file because it is something I may have to do frequently. Basically I want to delete a folder full of registry keys without having to list every key individually.

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Finding A Tool To Reset Registry Files?

Jul 9, 2012

Is there a tool to reset to factory settings?

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How To Reset Registry Subkey For File Association

Sep 24, 2011

I need to reset my Registry Subkey for the file association of: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00.

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Adding Folders In Indexing Options Using Registry Or Command Line?

Jun 28, 2012

I'm trying to add folders in the indexing options by using either registry or command lines. This is for an unattended silent install.

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Use A Command Prompt To Reset Dell Inspiron 1545?

Jan 16, 2013

im trying to factory reset my dell inspiron 1545 which has got windows 7 installed on it. iv hit F8 on start up and gone to repair your computer but dont see the option of resetting it. it works on my dell inspiron 1545 which has vista installed but wont work on the 1 with windows 7

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Driver Sweeper Can't Delete All Registry Files In Registry Editor?

Dec 6, 2011

I've unistalled Amd Driver from Device Manager, Unistalled Catalyst software and ran Driver Sweeper. There is only 3 registeries that the Driver Sweeper CAN'T delete and these are under SYSTEM folder. I've tried to change user privilegies but this far I've not succeeded.

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Registry After Windows Update And Registry Optimization Tool

Jun 16, 2012

While windows was uploading some updates yesterday, I cleaned my registry using Iolo's system mechanic tool and that's where the problems started. (I already read and understood your message: don't use those tools and stay out of your registry. A lesson I learned too late, unfortunately.)My computer rebooted and after a couple of minutes I noticed the message: " failure configuring windows features reverting changes ". I managed to bypass this loop by running in safe mode and recover my computer to a restore point in the past. This only worked partially: I get windows to run in normal mode but I get this message: "system failed while restoring the registry from the restore point. Restore point damaged or was deleted during restore". So it didn't restore but I can get into my windows now.So I don't get the 'reverting change loop' anymore, so I can access my computer but what's the mess? Well my computer is slow as hell.Like mentioned above, I already looked around on this forum and wrote down what I already tried. [code] My computer is terrible slow because of a registry defrag/optimization of a registry tool (in combination with windows update) --> I need to find a way to get back my old registry files but system recovery ain't working.

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Reset Password Without Having A Flash Drive Equipped With A Reset Wizard?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a Toshiba Laptop that after installing Dragon speech hardware somehow after shutting down my laptop it lost the password.Therefore I cant boot my laptop. How ca I reset my password without having a flash drive equipped with a reset wizard?

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Reset The Popup Blocker In Explorer But Can Find Tools To Do The Reset?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm trying to reset the popup blocker in explorer but can find tools to do the reset.

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Create A Batch File For Windows 7 To Run A Command (elevated ) In Command Prompt?

Apr 27, 2011

Trying to create a batch file for Windows 7 to run a command (elevated ) in command prompt?User: is an administrator or in administrator group ( but actual administrator account may be disabled )essentially need to be able to double click the *****.bat filehave it open up cmd in elevated ( run as administrator ) , run the command in the dos window and reboot the computer.

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Command To Change The Path Using Environment Variable From Command Prompt?

Jun 9, 2012

In UNIX, for changing the directory path, there is "cd" command. .This works fine in windows 7 too.. But the problem comes when we are trying to change the path using environment variables. .

In UNIX, cd $JAVA_HOME changes the path to the value set for JAVA_HOME,

Similarly is there any command in Windows which does the trick from command prompt for changing path using Environment variables. .

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Msconfig From Command Prompt / Or Commands For Command Promt?

Jan 9, 2012

Does any one know how to get the win.ini missing fixed when opening bootcfg/msconfig not found. Also How to change "forcing changes in msconifg" to "not forcing changes" in msconfig from command prompt, as well as opening msconfig from command prompt w/ dos command(s) / paramteters.

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How To Reset Passwordwithout Password Reset Cd

Mar 2, 2012

74 deg here in Fayetteville Arkansas USA.for MARCH 1ST we still have a chance of a Freeze till April 15...6 Weeks!Windows7 Home Premium

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To Reset The Computer To Factory Reset

Feb 1, 2012

I had to reset my computer to factory settings a while back. I've done nothing to it except download advanced system optimizer and windows antivirus. This was a miracle alone due to the fact that my Computer locks up for extensive periods of time and will barely ever finish a task; such as transferring a picture to USB drive, scan, or any click command. It has never done this before the reset.

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Reset User Password Acer Aspire 5742 Without Password Reset Disk?

Apr 19, 2012

i bought a laptop from a pawnshop and its locked. how do i reset the user password without a usb flash drive or floppy disk

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Run Administrative Command Prompt From Command Prompt

Jul 22, 2011

Ok So I got myself into a unique bind here. I was trying to install some custom system files (for a theme) and I did it wrong and now I cant open explorer.exe . I dont want to goto a backup because this is a easy fix. (in my view). So I need to know how to run command prompt with administrative privleges from command prompt.

I am trying to do this command: copy explorer.exe C:Windows

So if there is also another command I can just tack onto that that gives me admin rights to do it. I would be happy.

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How To See Computer Registry

Aug 12, 2011

how do I access my computer (Registry) and clean it?, I don`t know how to access my registry How do I clean it? I uses Toshiba laptop.

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Can't Get Into Registry Editor?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a 60GB SSD that I have my operating system on and I have a 1TB regular Hard Drive that I wanted to have all my basic programs on. Once the operating system/drivers/etc were installed on the SSD drive I changed the registry so that the default filed installation location was the 1TB drive instead (because some files/programs don't ask what location you'd like to install them to). Afterwards I restarted the computer after installing a program. Now tons of my system 32 system files/programs wont open even though they're there. I get an error message saying "Windows could not find 'C:Windowssystem32egedt32.exe' Please make sure you typed the name correctly, and try again."

This is the second time it has done this. The first time I had installed a few more programs before restarted so I thought maybe somehow I got a virus that disabled some of my registry permissions. But all this stuff I can't open IS still there, but because I changed this the ProgramDefDir registry now it can't find this stuff. After this first time when I thought it was a virus I just went ahead and reformatted and reinstalled windows, but I noticed as soon as I restarted after changing the registry the way I wanted it before, the same problem occured.So, 2 questions come from this: first, how can I fix this? i.e. changed the registry back WITHOUT the default regedit program as it wont let me use it.. second: How can I do what I want efficiently without creating this problem? i.e. OS on SSD and every other program, music, and such on the 1TB drive?

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Messed With The Registry?

Jun 6, 2011

About a week ago I tried to install Cyberlink Power DVD 10.I kept getting error message 1625,this installation not allowed due to system policy. I've gotten conflicting solutions and still no luck. As of today I tried messing with the registry and local policies etc...long story short, I cannot get past my "Starting Windows" window. It powers down, then powers back up and gives me the options of 'start windows normally' or 'repairs'. It will not start normally nor can it repair the problem. Have I done something heinous and can it be reversed? Is there a way to get it into safe mode, back to my desktop so I can restore the backed up registry.

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FilesNotToBackup Registry Key?

Sep 16, 2012

I've searched a bit here and there on the net regarding excluding certain folders and its contents from Windows Backup, since I would like to use Windows Backup to make a system backup without any user files, and use a seperate utility for backing up the user files.So I found out about this "FilesNotToBackup" string in the registry, and according to what I read, I can put full paths in there to exclude with the wildcard *.* /s. Which I did.But I found out it's not working, so it still includes the folders I added to that registry key to the system backup image. I noticed the system image in the "WindowsImageBackup" folder is the same size as the space used on my OS disk.

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Registry Has Become Corrupt

Jul 11, 2012

My new work computer, running Windows 7 is now unable to install software. I get various error msgs towards the end of installations. Usually some component or dll cannot be found. Aside from this inconvenience my system seems to be running smoothly. Our IT support guys have examined the system and have determined that my registry has become corrupt. They want to take my system and reformat it, and also run some intense hardware diagnostics. This is the second time this has happened in two months. I suspect these guys are just taking the easy option of reformatting rather than actual trouble shooting.

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Where Is Registry Icon

Sep 22, 2012

does any know where in the registry this icon please? i would like to change it! Windows 7 64bit SP1

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No Access To Registry?

Mar 4, 2011

Whenever I log on I don't see my own background, but just a regular Windows 7 background.Also, a lot of my icons are gone and the menu is in English, though it used to be in Dutch.I found out that I sould go to registry (regedit.exe) and than go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Profilelist.The next step was to delete one of the keys and rename the one with the same name +.bak (get rid of the .bak).But when I try to do so, I get an error, it says: cannot delete <name of the key>: Error while deleting key. So, I've tried to get permission by allowing full control, but than I get another error saying: Unable to save permission changes on <name of the key>. Acces is denied.what can I do to get access to registry? Is there anything left to do or is it best to just start a new account?

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What Is The Point Of The Registry

Jul 4, 2012

Ive used DOS then Windows all my computing life (which happens also to be all my life) and i recently converted over to primarally using Unix Derivitives. Now Unix derivitives such as linux have a etc directory which stores all the conf and unmarked configuration files while DOS uses interdirectory INI files for configuration... WHile windows uses INI files, appdata directories in each user directory, a program data root directory, configuration directories in the windows/system32 directory AND the registery...... What is the point of it all, the registery is a great single point of failure and its redundant.

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How To Deal With Registry

Sep 25, 2012

I have been trying to understand the registry in windows 7. From what I read, the registry is the foundation of windows. Without those foundations, windows 7 could not work. How do i keep the registry keep and stable ? I came to the conclusion that it is impossible. Am i correct in saying that keeping the registry clean and stable is an impossible task ? Even more so secure. I am now using a piece of software that i bought to handle the registry for me. Once a week i run the software and once a week it corrects the errors that need to be corrected. In particular, i always have a lot of "COM/AcitveX/OLE" entries and "Empty Registry Keys". I do get "Empty Registry Keys". There are piece of software there were installed and then erased. When erased, some bits and pieces were left in the registry (something like that). What are COM/ActiveX/OLE ?Finally, I think WINDOWS is the most complex piece of software i have ever come across. I think it is so complex that an entire eco-system was built around it to make you shell out more cash:i.e. registry cleaner, anti-virus etc...

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Is A Registry Cleaner Necessary

Aug 7, 2011

Is a registry cleaner necessary? On almost all of them I've used, it detects tens or hundreds of "problems" that need to be fixed, on freshly installed systems too. And after fixing them, if I run another scan, it finds even more! Does it make my system "faster" in any noticeable way? It seems to cause more problems than it fixes.

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Dot Net App Cannot Access The Registry

Jun 9, 2011

I have a large application written in .net 1.1. this app needs to read and write to the registry. On windows XP this works flawlessly but on windows 7 it fails with no error message. simply, windows 7 will not let my dot net app read or write to the registry even if logged on as an administrator How can I set application security to allow my app to read and write to the registry regardless of the security level of the user.

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How To Encrypt Registry File

Dec 11, 2011

I have one file with me its called test.reg i want to encrypt this file coz if some one want to open then he can open easily in notepad then he/she can see what it do.. so i want to to encrypt my reg file. if any one will double click on it it will save as to register.. so let me know how to encrypt my file..

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Registry Dll Multiple Errors

Sep 1, 2012

Toshiba Satellite 655, 64 bit OS, Intel. Celeron CPU 925@2.30 GHz

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