Different/Better Program Than Windows Photo Viewer?

Jul 24, 2011

Is there a freeware program that will display photos in the size that Windows displays them when displaying them with the Screen Saver?

Windows Photo Viewer does not display them as large as Screen Saver does.

I have Screen Saver set to centered so it is not increasing the size, Screen Saver just displays them a lot larger than the default Photo Viewer does.

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Photo Viewer Delete Photo After Rotation?

Mar 14, 2011

my win 7 photo viewer does the weirdest thing!! when i view my photos and rotate them and close the viewer, they disappear from my folder where they were originally stored in. i've checked my deleted items. no luck. searched whole pc for edited files and names of files that disappeared. no luck there either. i tested it on my hubby's pc. exact same result there.

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Windows Photo Viewer Loading And Nothing Comes Up

Sep 1, 2012

I am trying to open ANY image with Windows Photo Viewer. When I open the image, it just shows "loading..." and nothing comes up. Now, I can open with and choose a different program, like MS paint (or any other graphics program) and can see the image just fine. Its just with Windows Photo Viewer! I did a lot of research on this. Some people were saying to do a mfc /scannow, some said updating drivers. I did everything I have read and nothing worked. Other people had the same problem, and all they did was switch to another program. I don't want to do that. Everyone else, and I mean EVERYONE ELSE who I had the problem, has the same brand name video card - ATI Radeon! No idea what to do next. I downloaded the latest drivers from the ATI website.

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Windows Photo Viewer On Second Monitor?

Apr 7, 2011

Everytime I drag a new window of Windows Photo Viewer to my second monitor it freezes for a split second. It doesn't freeze completely, just as the window begins to enter the second monitor. After that, everything works fine. I use to be able to drag it over without any problem.

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Windows 7 Photo Viewer, Too Many Instances?

Sep 30, 2012

I recently bought a new computer with Windows 7. I am used to XP's picture and fax viewer where when you are viewing a photo and click on a new one, it opens in the same window.With Windows 7 Photo Viewer, everytime you click to a new photo it opens a new window, even if you click the same photo. Before I know it I have 20 photo viewers open.I can't find a preference to always open the next photo in the same window. I found the same question posted elsewhere on the web but nobody had an answer.

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Graphical Glitch Using Windows Photo Viewer?

Jul 10, 2012

So I was just messing around looking at photos when I maximized Windows Photo Viewer and got a really weird graphical glitch at the bottom that I've never seen before. All of the buttons are invisible but then reappear once I hover over them.[URL]That second image shows what happens after I have hovered over the buttons. Doesn't seem to be affecting anything else?

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Can't Set Pictures As Wallpaper In Windows Photo Viewer

Jun 18, 2011

Whenever I download an image and open it on Windows Photo Viewer, I can't set it as my background wallpaper. I right click "Set as desktop background", and I get this message:

This image can't be set as wallpaper. An internal error occurred.

I am running on Windows 7. I have tried doing this with multiple images

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Windows 7 Photo Viewer Slideshow Color?

Oct 7, 2011

I've got a problem with colour representation in Windows 7 Photo Viewer, but only when I view the images in the Slideshow. When I double click and open them normally within Photo Viewer they are fine, but if I open the Slideshow and allow it to run through all the images (JPEGs) in the folder, they display with a desaturated cast to them - quite different to how they appear when not opened in the SlideshowI've read all about the Samsung yellow colour fix etc, but I've tried that fix and nothing changed. And that fix doesn't specifically affect just the Slideshow, as I understand it

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Windows Photo Viewer Default Location?

Aug 11, 2011

Where is windows photo viewer (the application .exe file) located by default on windows 7 64 bit? I am trying to set it as the default program to open certain picture files because an essential program I run needs those specific file associations to be made or it will not work. But every time I try to set windows photo viewer as the default program, windows asks me to browse for the application, and it is nowhere to be found on the computer (although I know it is installed and runs perfectly fine). I have tried preforming searches within the computer and just cant find the .exe file I need.

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When Viewing .jpg Files In Explorer They Are Associated With Windows Photo-viewer

Sep 25, 2012

Running Win7 Ultimate 64Bit.I recently installed adobe photoshop cs6. When viewing .jpg files in explorer they are associated with windows photoviewer.If I right click on a .jpg file and go to open with, the CS6 executable does not appear, so I select "choose default program", "browse", make sure "always use the selected program to open this type of file" checkbox is checked, go to the .exe file for CS6, select it, and it takes me back to the "Open With" window but does not allow me to select the OK button to make the association. It's like I never chose an .exe to open the file with.

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Windows 7 Photo Viewer Crashes When Moved To Another Monitor?

Oct 5, 2010

I have encountered a strange problem today: when I want to see an image with the Windows Photo Viewer - which is the default application for this purpose - it opens on the secondary monitor. It works fine while there, but any attempt to move the window to the primary monitor results in a crash with the message "COM Surrogate has stopped working". Here are the problem details from that error message:[CODE]

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Photo Viewer Opens In Separate Incidences Windows 7

Feb 28, 2012

When I click on a photo, it brings up a new incident of Photo veiwer. How can I set Photo viewer to open new picture in the same incident?

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Garbled Image Opening Some Photos In Windows 7 Photo Viewer?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm having problems opening some photos in Windows Photo Viewer. Image is Garbled but opens fine in Paint.This is what shows up when photo is opened[URL]

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Cannot Print Multiple Photos Quickly In Windows 7 Photo Viewer?

Jun 8, 2010

I've tried the Photo viewer in Windows 7 and it is not a patch on the old XP photo viewer in the ease of being able to print multiple photos.In the XP you could click on any thumb nail and then Print.This then brought up all your thumbnails and you could make a multiple selection by ticking the wanted thumbnails.This is not possible in Windows. In order to print multiple prints of thumbnails you have to rename the thumbnails so they are in order in the file. Then you highlight them, right click for Print and then select the amount of prints per page.This adds several unnecessary actions while prolonging of the whole opeation by minutes. have tried other viewers which may , or may not, be better for editing or

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Windows Photo Viewer - Slide Show On Secondary Monitor

Oct 5, 2009

How to Run the Windows Photo Viewer Slide Show on a Secondary Monitor ?

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Photo Viewer Error

Aug 13, 2011

I am having a problem with my windows photo viewer on my computer. When I try to rotate a picture it tells me that it cannot save the picture because of an unknown error. I've tried looking for a solution on the internet but I haven't had any luck. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem and could help me

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Way To Update Photo Viewer

Aug 8, 2012

im trying to save jpg's from this one site and it wont save the image. when i click the jpg it just says...

"windows photo viewer cant open this picture because either photo viewer doesnt support this file format or you dont have the latest updates to photo viewer."ive saved pics off this site many times before and never had any problems and this is the only site that i have this problem with so im thinking that i need to update photo viewer.

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Photo Viewer Can't Find Enough Memory

Sep 8, 2012

All of the sudden, I cannot view any (and I've tried many) images using Windows Photo Viewer. When I double click on an image, Photo Viewer pops up with the following message:"Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer. Close some programs that you aren't using or free some hard disk space (if it's almost full), and then try again."First off, I have never been even close to low on ram or disk space at any point I have tried to view an image, and in the past I could be running SolidWorks with huge assemblies open, and I could have large images open in viewer without a problem. (is this really just more of a bug?) I saw some "solutions" regarding settings in color management, but none of them worked. The only other thing that might be relevant is, I do frequently plug the HDMI output into my TV, during which it switches to just a solo monitor output to the TV. I still get the same error when using the TV though.And in case it matters, I'm running 64 bit Windows 7 on a Samsung RC512 with 6G of ram and a NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M.

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Windows Photo Viewer Can't Open Picture Because / Don't Have Correct Permissions To Access File Location

Jun 30, 2011

I just reformatted my C: partition running windows 7.All my data is on the D: partition.I took ownership of all the files in D: Their is one folder I still don't have permission to open the files inside which are graphics for a website I am creating..The error message I get is "Windows photo viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access this file location".so I ran the command prompt as administrator located the folder in question are ran "takeown /R /D Y /F *"It has given me full control of the files and made me the owner but still the error message comes up.

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Photo Viewer Becomes Cream / Biege Of Color

Jul 10, 2011

why my photo viewer becomes cream/biege of color?it is supposed to be white in background color. my monitor is AOC

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Opening Files With Adobe Photoshop And Preview Using Photo Viewer?

Sep 11, 2011

Until recently my computer would open image files with Adobe Photoshop and Preview them using Windows Photo Viewer. This is the way it has worked in Windows 7 as long as I have been using it. This worked great because Photo Viewer open almost instantly and Photoshop takes forever! About a week ago, probably after some Windows updates, it started "Opening" everything in Photo Viewer instead of Photoshop.

I changed the default program back to Photoshop, I had to do this with every image format, from BMP to TIf one at a time, but I got it so when I want to open an image, to edit, it comes up in Photoshop. The problem is that it now does the same thing with anything I want to preview! I work with images all day long. So my question is how do I get it to respond to the "Preview" command with Picture Viewer without changing the default action for "Open"? I've looked and I can't find any place that lets you change this setting.

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Invalid File System (Epson P-7000 Photo Viewer)

May 19, 2010

My boss has an Epson P-7000 digital photo viewer. The other day, after he had taken the pictures off of it, he formatted it. I guess he thought that he was formatting the SD card, but he ended up formatting the unit instead. Now, when you turn it on, you get an error message that says "Invalid File System, please power off the device".I figured that the best way to fix this was to update the firmware. However, it won't let me get that far.

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Screen Capture Displays Poor Quality In Photo Viewer?

Dec 30, 2011

My Pc is working 100%, except for this annoying problem.when i hit print screen, go to paint and save it as png it shows 100% crisp and high resolution 1900*1200 If i edit the pic saved on my desktop in paint or photoshop it show perfect. but if i open it with windows 7 photo viewer or live gallery the dpi is very poor and the lettters are obscure.i right clicked the file and went to file details , i picked up paint does not store the dpi of the print screen on the file.all the other normal photos and images display perfect in photo viewer except the screen captures

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Photo Viewer Screwing Up System - No Icons Working / Adobe Disappeared

Oct 13, 2012

Something happened. Many of my icons do not work any more. I thing I have tracked it down to XPS Viewer. I get the following message:

"Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either this photo viewer doesn't support this file format or you don't have the latest update to Photo Viewer."

The problem came out of nowhere but.. I was working with pictures and might have deleted something on the lower task bar. Adobe has disappeared too. Was going to try to update it but it is no longer on my desktop????

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Install Windows Fax And Photo Viewer On Windows 7?

Mar 20, 2012

I've been using windows xp since it came out. Just got a new laptop that supports only windows 7 because of the driver issues. Anyways I am trying to uninstall the default Windows photo viewer that came with windows 7 and install the old windows photo viewer that came with winxp. I downloaded the RAWViewerSetup.exe, upon installing it tries to install the .net framework 1.1 which failed and installation is aborted. I managed to install .net framework 1.1 on C:dotnet folder with the help of other post. But still can't complete the setup. I am aware of other photo viewer programs which im already using. just trying to set windows xp photo viewer as default picture viewer.

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Photo Viewer Automatically "hiding" Photos After Rotation

Apr 29, 2011

Is there any way I can stop my photo viewer automatically setting files to "hidden" when I rotate them?I can go through manually and do it but I have to do it with EVERY photo I upload and believe me there are a LOT of photos being uploaded to my computer every day. so this will be ludicrously time consuming.I have set every file I can find to "show hidden" but that isn't the point they shouldn't be hidden in the first place.

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Installing Epson Stylus Photo 785epx Printer Program Onto Windows 7

Jan 2, 2012

I'm unable to install my Epson Stylus Photo 785epx printer program onto Windows 7 (64-bit) which is connected to a wireless home network. It hangs up and gives an error message that it isn't compatible by the OS. It worked on my Windows XP desktop fine.Epson.com doesn't NOT list any downloads for Windows 64-bit for my printer model nor am I able to find any useful links helping me with this issue on that site so please, no directions to go to the Epson web site.

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Firehand Ember Photo Program

Nov 25, 2009

I'm thinking of upgrading from XP to 7, only I'm afraid I won't be able to run Firehand Ember on 7.

Firehand is very old software, which hasn't been upgraded because the original designer died. I recently bought another laptop with XP just to guarantee that I could still use Ember.

So, my question is: does anyone else here use Firehand Ember and if so, were you able to keep it when switching to Win 7?

I know about all the other picture programs out there, but Firehand is my favorite, and trust me... I've tried them all.

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Free Program To Download To Remove The Background From A Photo?

Jan 15, 2013

I'm looking for a free program to download to remove the background from a photo.

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Photo Editing Software Comparable To Old Adobe Photo-deluxe?

Oct 30, 2012

Is there any photo editing software comparable to the old Adobe PhotoDeluxe. I have tried Gimp, Picasso and paid for other versions of Adobe. None are as user friendly and have the editing tools that PhotoDeluxe had.

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Photo Thumbnails In Explorer Won't Update After Photo Altered

Aug 5, 2012

Explorer won't update thumbnails after I alter a photo, for example by rotating sideways photos (that is, permanently rotating, using a photo editor program), or by cropping.

How do I get the thumbnails to update?

This is happening for all photos (not just certain ones).

I have tried:

- View > Refresh

- Copying the photos to a new folder and renaming them. Even if a photo has been drastically cropped, the thumbnail is still showing the original, whole one - that is, it's showing parts of the file that DON'T EVEN EXIST

- Entirely disabling the thumbnail cache: Group Policy Editor > 'Turn off caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs.db files'. This *must* force Windows to redraw the thumbnail - but it doesn't!

- Restarting computer after each of the above steps

Win 7 Pro, 64 bit. Photos are jpegs from a new digital camera.

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