Can't Install Internet Explorer 9 Beta?

Sep 16, 2010

When i click to run the installer, i get this error message come up...

Quote: The application has failed to start because it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect The error message also said to look at the logs and in the logs in the Event Viewer, it says in details "Invalid Xml Syntax"

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Get Rid Of Internet Explorer 9 Beta?

Nov 3, 2010

I used to have internet explorer 7 and it was great but I started getting a few problems when writing letters regarding the text so I was told to upgrade. I thought Internet explorer 9 beta was the latest so i up graded. Bad mistake....In fact the worst I have every made to date on the computer, It would not be so bad if I could get it looking the same as before as I am getting it in the neck from my wife, The top tool bar is gone ie; file , favorites, edit. view ,tools, etc, All I want is to go back to what I had, Internet Explorer 7-8. I have tried everything even systems restore I can not seem to be able to get rid of Internet explorer 9 Beta and go back to what i had.

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Unable To Find Internet Explorer 9 Beta (64-bit) Spell Checker

Sep 22, 2010

I just downloaded the newest version of Internet Explorer 9 Beta 64-bit. However, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't find a spellchecker embedded into their new browser. I'm used to iespell in the 32-bit browser, but it does not load in the 64-bit browser. I like to use the spell checker at various times as I post on forums and other places and would like to have something "watching my back" as I type.

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Unable To Install Internet Explorer 8

Jan 21, 2011

I use Windows 7 with IE8 (apparently!) on a Dell desktop pc. I say apparently, because I haven't actually installed IE8 and don't understand how it is on my pc. The last software I installed was IE7. Anyways, my pc was working fine until a few weeks ago when MSN did one of its auto updates. Since then, I am having loads of problems accessing stuff like Lovefilm, Facebook, ebay etc where I have to sign in. The sites keep asking me to sign in, even when I am signed in and/or throw me out and ask me to sign in when I move on to another page, or perform an action.

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Install Internet Explorer 8 On Windows 7?

Jun 28, 2012

I am looking to install internet explorer 8 on my windows computer 7 64 bit. I need it for my job they are requiring for me have it installed since their programs are not compatible with internet 9. I looked on the Microsoft website and it does not allow me to download it for windows 7. Can someone please help me on this issue.

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Can't Install Internet Explorer 9 X32 Bit On Windows 7

Sep 25, 2011

i cannot install internet explorer 9 x32bit on my pc /.// gives a update error and asks to download it from microsofts update site..i open that site and can not download that update

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Install Internet Explorer 9 In My Windows 7 Ultimate X86?

Mar 13, 2012

Whenever I want to install Internet Explorer 9 in my windows 7 ultimate x86

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After Installing Firefox 4 Beta, And IE9 Beta, System Keeps Restarting

Jan 28, 2011

After installing Firefox 4 beta, IE9 Beta and deleting quarantined items from Malware Bytes. After system restarts it keeps going to the Configuring windows screen do not turn off your computer. It goes for a few minutes then reboots. It has done this numerous times...

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Install Internet Explorer 8 For Windows 7 64bit Free Download?

Nov 29, 2012

I want to install internet explorer 8 on windows 7 with 64bit.

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Install Ie9 Beta With Windows 7?

Oct 23, 2011

Can I install ie9 Beta with Windows 7?

Is it works fine for me or giving any impact on speed etc.

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Delete IE9 Beta And Install A Better Browser

Jun 28, 2011

i try to install IE9 and it says i have a newer version, wont do it.i have Windows 7 64bit i am always getting disconnected, ALWAYS, IT WONT LET ME DOWNLOAD. i either get a connection lost page or a tab that spins FOREVER.what should i run as a browser.. how do i get rid of the one i have, ie9beta.? i cant find it to replace it, what is the MS number in the uninstall list in add/remove. do i park ie9 or whatever in a folder to get to after ie9beta is removed.

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Change Internet Explorer 8 Icon To Internet Explorer 9?

May 22, 2012

how to change internet explorer 8 icon to internet explorer 9

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Windows Explorer ( Not Internet Explorer) Starts Up When Turn On Computer?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows Explorer ( not internet Explorer) starts up when I turn on my computer ( without my request). This just started to occur yesterday. It must be in some startup menu . Where do I look for this to remove it ?

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Internet Explorer Unable To Connect To Internet?

Jul 7, 2012

I have been having problems with my new computer running Win7 Ultimate and have had to do an upgrade install. Now IE8 and Incredimail are unable to connect to the internet although Norton, Windows, System Mechanic, etc.,can all download updates

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How To Use Internet Explorer

Aug 21, 2011

Where in the world is IE hiding? It doesn't show up under "Programs." When I search for it, up come sub-titles.I allowed Windows Updates to install IE 9 just a couple days ago. Is this the problem?

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How To Get Internet Explorer

May 2, 2012

I run a comp with vista on but my wife as windows 7 she likes to do jigsaws to relax but when she goes to her favourit site only the adds come on the rest is blank. I logged on with vista it said do you want explorer to allow this site clicked yes everthing was ok but I could not get windows 7 to do the same how can I get her internet explorer to allow this site she as used it for years and had no problems but she was using vista then.

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Why 2 Internet Explorer On 7 64 Bit

Feb 26, 2011

why in windows 7 64bit there are 2 internet explorer a 32bit & a 64 bit.

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How To Get Rid Of Internet Explorer

Jul 24, 2010

how to navigate yourself to the trick because there is no explanation needed.

1.Click the Start button.

2.Go to Control Panel.

3.Click on Programs.

4.Click on Program's and Features.

5.On the left side of the screen click on the "Turn windows features on or off".

6.In that box untick the Internet Explorer 8 box.

Internet Explorer should be gone in a few restart's.

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What Is 34 Bit Or 64 Internet Explorer

Dec 30, 2012

I want to know what is a 34 bit and what is 64 bit Internet explorer and how are they different. Also what different functions do they have.

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Internet Explorer Does Not Start

Mar 3, 2011

I normally use Mozilla Firefox but an upgrade programme I recently downloaded needs IE to install. IE couldn't display the webpage so I downloaded and installed IE9 On running there was a script error. Line 1, Char 1, Error 'Components is undefined', Code 0 and URL chrome://simppulltoolbar/content/lib/external.js. I selected Yes to continue running scripts. Then came this error. IE cannot display the webpage. I selected Diagnose Connection Problems but Troubleshooting couldn't identify the problem.

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Internet Explorer Very Slow?

Aug 8, 2011

The internet explorer in my laptop is too slow to open. I was browsing the google and came across this site. I have MacFee installed on my lappy. Ran it and found no issues. Downloaded Hijackthis as recommended by this forum admin and here is the log file.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 1:18:26 PM, on 8/8/2011
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16700)
Boot mode: Normal


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Windows 7 Internet Explorer

Nov 29, 2011

Got a problem with IE. I get a window saying that IE has a problem and gives an option to let the internet find a solution. This does not seem to help any. I can get out of it and keep going , but the same window will keep reappearing.

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Windows 7 No Internet Explorer

Jan 7, 2013

Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit. Windows Explorer issue, not Internet Explorer.In my folder tree, there was a folder named "Documents" which contained no information at all. Note: I am not referring to the Libraries folder named "Documents!"All of my files are in custom-named folders, each of which is preceded by my 3-letter, initials caps.But, after deleting that redundant, empty folder named "Documents," Windows added a new bizzarre folder which I cannot get rid of. It has no information in it; it has no other right-click options except "Expand," and clicking that option doesn't do anything at all. There is no information in that folder.

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Internet Explorer 9 Keeps Crashing?

Sep 22, 2012

It was running fine before, but now it keeps freezing up and I get an error box at the bottom of the screen and I have to click "Recover Webpage" or something to that effect. The problem is that barely works and the tab ends up closing completely or the whole browser freezes. I don't know if this is an issue with the actual browser or with Windows itself cause as I said before, it was working fine until recently. I know the Windows updates have kinda screwed me up in the past though.

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Internet Explorer Is Very Slow

Jul 3, 2011

I have recently purchased a new pc with win7 64bit and it has ie8. Though everthing is working fine but the ie is very very slow.Hardly any page opens.

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Internet Explorer 9 Won't Start

Sep 20, 2011

When I try to start up Internet Explorer I get a blank IE window and a popup message that says "Internet Explorer has stopped working." Firefox works, however, and with the assistance of the IE Tab add-on, I'm able to use the IE engine from within FF.

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Internet Explorer Keeps Freezing

Jan 15, 2012

Internet explorer keeps freezing (when using just hotmail). Simple tasks (writing an email) cannot even be completed. I can open MS Word, but then it keeps freezing too.I have received numerous failure messages including:The instrument at 0X00000000724B97DD referenced memory at 0X0000000031A9830 [not sure about that group of the exact # of that long group of zeroes]. The required data not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0XC000018S.Even in Safe Mode Explorer froze. I tried restoring to an earlier date but it wasn't possible. It said no restore date is set. When I tried to set one, it didn't work.Another message I received: A writer did not respond to a GatherWriterStatus call. Check System Application event logs (0x80042319).Another: wermgr.exe error.I manually shut down the computer numerous times to attempt to restart and resolve the problem, but Windows keeps freezing, as does MS Word. I ran a daignostic test and it discovered no problems.

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No Internet Explorer In Windows 7?

Apr 13, 2012

I have an issue I've never been faced with. Have a coumputer running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. There is no internet explorer icon in the start menu or anywhere else. I installed IE9 and rebooted the machine, still no icons. I looked in prorgram files and program files (x86) and each have a folder for internet explorer.....but neither have a exe file. I went into control panel and clicked on programs and features and then turn windows features on and off. IE9 is listed there. I removed the check and applied. It goes through the motions of uninstalling but when it's done it says it could not remove it all. I rebooted but when I went back in IE9 was still listed and checked. I tried to uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller Pro.......but it does not show IE9 as being installed

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Internet Explorer 9 Crashing?

Apr 26, 2012

When I am on Facebook, MyItLab, MyAccountingLab. and Blackboard ( on colleges website) I will get an error message that says Internet Explorer 9 has stopped working. Then I get another message box that says something with this website has caused IE 9 to stop working. It searchs for the error and then I have no choice but to click the little button that says close program. It then reloads the page and anything I was doing is usually erased.

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Internet Explorer 9 Errors?

Jun 10, 2012

my system is windows 7 and i use ie 9. every time i play a video or a trailer, it comes up with a messageie has stopped working. a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. windows is checking for a solution to the problem. this keeps on happening.

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Removing Internet Explorer From PC

Dec 28, 2012

The only application that uses Internet Explorer (9) on my PC is BT's Help tool. (I use Google or Mozilla). However, Internet Explorer is not working and I wish to remove it without interfering with any of the Windows Live Essentials tools that I use.Since it is not listed in the add / remove program list, how do I remove it and clear out files that are associated with it?

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