Can't Change Network Name

Jan 25, 2009

I setup my win 7 machine and during the network setup I accidently added a character on the end of the name of my network. It now will only show the network by this name so I am unable to see or access my home server or the other 4 Vista machines. I can access the internet but not the other resources on the network. I have went into properties and changed workgroup name, deleted connections and the wireless connection is called the same as my network name but it still shows the network as the wrong name. In vista you could merge networks to get rid of this problem but not here that I can find.

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Unidentified Network - Cannot Change It To HOME NETWORK

Oct 22, 2009

Okay so I've installed windows and everything is working okay except i can't connect my laptop to my computer via LAN because it won't let me change it to a HOME NETWORK. It is just gets set to an unidentified Network. any possible suggestions?

Also I've look at removing this from the services but its not running it when i go under task manager, unless it somewhere else.

"##Id_String2.6844F930_1628_4223_B5CC_5BB94B87 9762 ##"

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How To Change Network Type To Private Network ?

Nov 2, 2009

How to change network type to private network in networking and sharing centre with out showing UI to the user and it need to be done pro-grammatically.

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Packets And Bytes Sent And Received / N-work Connection / Why Did Network Randomly Change To "network 3"

Oct 26, 2011

(the bytes sent and received). It seems skype calls and watching in browser videos shoot them up into the billions after a few hours +. Upon googling around i am quite alarmed. Why did my network randomly change to "network 3"? A few weeks ago it just said 'network'?

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How To Change Network Name

Aug 12, 2011

How do I change the name of my NETWORK. I have my desktop one name and wireless laptop another name

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How To Change The Network Type

Apr 17, 2009

Connecting to my Access Point (WEP, Shared Key) works fine, but the network type becomes PUBLIC in the Network and Sharing Center and I cannot change it, it is read only there! My computer is not part of a domain but a member of a workgroup.

I need to change the network type for the above WiFi connection to WORK/HoME.

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How To Change Network Admin

Jun 6, 2012

I was given a computer by my employers. It's an outdated model, and they were going to toss it, but my old one had recently broken, so they gave it to me. The problem is, it's still attached to their network, and I am blocked from getting admin rights on it. I've tried all of the standard ways to bypass this, DOS commands, the sticky keys trick, trying to enable the hidden admin account, ect, but they actually went through and blocked all of those as well. I don't have anything important on here, so if the only way is to wipe the computer, I can do that, but I can't find my Windows 7 disk. If there isn't a way to get admin rights on the system as is, is there a way to wipe the system, but retain the OS that doesn't involve downloading programs to do it for me

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Network Icon Change

Aug 4, 2009

There is a nice range of icons for windows 7, but there were a few that I really liked in windows vista ultimate that I don't seem to be able to find.

One of which that I can remember is the network icon, in vista you could right click, change icon... and I remember being able to select an network icon that was like two monitors stacked on top of each other creating 4 montiors total, and at the bottom was just like any other vista-windows 7 network icon, a connector tube.

I am unable to find this icon to change the desktop icon for "network" in windows 7, does anyone know the icon I am talking about, and any way to download or obtain it in some other way to use?

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Change Network Location For LAN?

May 19, 2009

I currently have my Xbox 360 connected up to my Laptop via Ethernet and I am having a problem with streaming videos and music. Everything else works fine, it connects to Xbox Live etc, and connects to the Laptop and finds the video files, it just won't play them. It gives the error:

'The connection to your computer was lost. Make sure your computer is turned on, connected to the network, and running media sharing software.

Status Code: 53-C00DF238'

I can't find much information about this error apart from one person stating that the ethernet connection to their Xbox had made itself public rather than private and could fix it by changing it to private again.

This is where I'm having a problem. The connection is showing up as an unidentified network with no internet access and as a public network. I can't figure out how to change it to a private network, there just doesn't seem to be an option.

Everything else on the laptop is working fine, my firewall is configured correctly, media player 12 is sharing correctly, the homegroup is set up etc. It just won't stream the video and the only thing I can think of now is that it needs to be a private network in order to allow streaming. I just can't change it.

I have attached a screenshot of my network & sharing centre to show you how it won't let me change the network location type.

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Cant Change Unidentified Network

Jul 27, 2009

Ive just installed Windows 7 7600 HP on to one of our work PC's and it says its connected to an unidentified network. I cant change it to work network or even Home network but the strange thing is its working fine. All our other PC's can see it and share files on it etc and i have internet access on it.

This is the second time ive installed HP and the second time this has happened. In the past ive been using Ultimate and this didn't happen.

We use static IP addresses for our internal network with no DNS server.

Anyone got any ideas how i can change this network location. Im using HP as im testing it out for when my copy arrives in Oct but if this is a problem related to HP i might think again.

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Network Was Disabled While Trying To Change IP?

Dec 29, 2011

move on my part, especially going into this with no knowledge, but I really needed my IP changed.

This guide told me to disable my local host, so I did just that. I assumed it would still appear in the menu but I guess I was wrong. Windows won't detect that network now, but it does detect that it's disabled. I'm running Ubuntu from a disc and the internet is fine. Am I going to have to call my ISP? It's 3:54 AM right now, so I think it may me a bit too late to do that.

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Network Name And Icon - Change

Dec 2, 2009

How to Change the Network Name and Icon in Windows 7 ?

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How To Change The Network Type

Apr 17, 2009

Connecting to my Access Point (WEP, Shared Key) works fine, but the network type becomes PUBLIC in the Network and Sharing Center and I cannot change it, it is read only there! My computer is not part of a domain but a member of a workgroup.

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How To Change The Network Type?

Apr 17, 2009

Connecting to my Access Point (WEP, Shared Key) works fine, but the network type becomes PUBLIC in the Network and Sharing Center and I cannot change it, it is read only there! My computer is not part of a domain but a member of a workgroup.

I need to change the network type for the above WiFi connection to WORK/HoME.

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Network ID Can't Change To Home Computer

Nov 3, 2011

i run win 7 ultimate 64 and in Network ID, when i change the initial setting (this computer is part of a business network) to: this is a home computer, and prompts me to restart, the system reverts to the first setting (business network). I ve done this procedure many times, even in safe mode but the problem persists.

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Change The Network Icon In The Taskbar

Jan 6, 2010

I wanna ask you if we can change the network icon in the taskbar from what it appear now to that in win xp.

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Network ID Is Greyed Out But Change Button Is OK

Apr 15, 2012

My customer has a small business with 2 x HP Proliant ML110 G6 servers installed ith VMware ESX 4.1.He has 7 Windows 7 64-bit workstations in a domain. He has a Windows 2003, 32-bit Domain Controller and 5 of the machines are in the domain. The other two are in a Workgroup and have DNS and DHCP on Windows 2003 Servers also 32-bit. All of these run as VMware Virtual Servers on the Proliants.The workstations in the Domain are all Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Everything has been working well for almost 3 years. A few weeks ago, they setup an extra server but decided that the VMware Server that the DC was on, was running low on memory, so they Cloned the Windows 2003 DC to the other VMware server. They say that everything was fine until they discovered that the shared printers no longer worked and various other problems.That was when I got involved. When I checked Control Panel --> System --> Advanced System Settings --> Computer Name, it shows the Full Computer name (plus domain), the Domain BUT...

The Network ID is greyed out but the Change Button is OK. If I click the Change Button, Member of Domain shows the domain name, but it's greyed out.I shut down the cloned Domain Controller and started up the original one, but this didn't make any difference.I tried taking one of the workstations out of the domain, but when I tried to put it back, the Domain stayed greyed out, so no way to put it back in. Netdom is also missing from all the workstations.They had a backup of this workstation, so I restored the backup and Voila! the computer was back in the Domain. Unfortunately all the backups of the other Windows 7 Workstations are WAY out of date.

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Change A Folder Icon Across A Network?

Sep 11, 2010

I currently have two Windows 7 Home Premium computers on a small home network, and I would like to be able to change the folder icon of one computer from the other computer on the network. Normally, if I go into properties of a folder, I am able to change the icon. But I noticed that this option disappears for folders in shared drives on the network.

I noticed this phenomenon also occurs in previous versions of Windows as well.

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Unable To Change Network Sharing To Off

Sep 27, 2012

I have Win 7 x64 and originally set up and used one account that was an Admin account, thinking that I had all rights and priveleges as I should have, being the sole user.

Then I started noticing strange things like I was unable to change my Network Sharing to Off. I would select that option only to have it back On.

To my horror, I then realized that my computer had been hacked and a Default account had ALL rights and privileges and limited my account!

I called a computer specialist that reset my computer back to the original settings and am starting over. This time I have two accounts - an admin and regular account. I only work in the regular account now.

When I log in as an Admin to check up on things, I am am once again unable to disable network sharing even though I have a Homegroup.

How can I know if a hacker has taken over that account?

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Unable To Change The Network Type

Nov 6, 2009

I have two network cards in my PC. A wireless and an ethernet card. The wireless connection is identified as a public network and I can change it.

My ethernet card is connected to another PC and I've got the two of them connected directly to each routers or anything. I am unable to change the network type and it is stuck on Public Network. Is there anyway to fix this?

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Unidentified Network - Unable To Change

Dec 11, 2009

I have new emachines g525 laptop with windows 7 installed and updated (today).

The laptop has both cat5 and wifi networking and the issue I have is with the wifi although I haven't attempted it with the wired network.

My network consists of a gateway computer (not running windows) that has both an internal and external network interface, and there is a WiFi access point for the internal network.

The laptop connects to the access point and obtains an internal IP address using DHCP. The only access to the outside world is via a squid proxy on the gateway machine.

The problem is that when I connect with WiFi it sets the network as an "Unidentified network" and hence sets it as a "Public network". I can manually modify this each time to "Home network" via the "Choose home-group and sharing options" in "Network and Sharing Center". If I go to the "Set network Properties" popup it displays the Network name as "Unidentified network" and the icon as a bench. I am unable to change either of these properties even though the Network name field looks to be a text entry box. I would like to change the network name and have the laptop automatically use "Home network" for this connection.

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Unidentified Network - Cannot Change Name Or Location

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to establish a home network between my 2 computers both running win 7 7100 (main is x64, secondary is x86). they are connected directly with an Ethernet cable. my main computer shares its Internet connection with the secondary computer (thus mains ip address for that connection is static, secondary is dynamic, assigned by dhcp).

my main computer does not recognize the network connection between the 2 computers - it shows up as an unidentified network and i cannot change its name or location (it's stuck at public).

is there any way to get my main computer to recognize the network without adding any hardware?

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Change The Network Icon In The System Tray?

Jun 17, 2012

I currently have the "window screen with the power plug."

I would like to change it to the Wi-fi icon (the three bars).

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Cannot Change Disk From C: To V: With Admin Right On A Domain Network

Sep 4, 2012

when i log on to a employes PC, and run an elevated CMD(admin) and type my admin logons. on the same doamin we both are belong to.

then i dont get allow to change from disk C: to disk V:.

but if i rin a normal CMD then i can change disk. but then i dont get the rights to install a script. i change disk by typing V: dont work

i have seen that some type cd /D V: - <-- what does the /D stands for?

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Windows 7 64 Bit Crashes When Change Wireless Network

Jun 23, 2011

I have a relatively new laptop, Windows 7 64 bit. I work from home and my laptop automatically connects to my wireless network fine. However, when I try and change the network I'm connecting to, everything crashes, in fact the network centre and options don't even load. It's weird, even if I place my mouse cursor over the wireless signal icon in the bottom right taskbar, the computer freezes! That's without me clicking anything... I can't go and visit clients now cos I cant connect to any wireless network. I'm sure my laptop used to be fine with this so I don't know what's wrong or how to find out.

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Change WEP Key For Saved Network (or Delete And Reconnect)?

Jul 8, 2012

I have a wireless LAN sharing internet through a Mac Book Pro, i have no problems connecting to this with Ubuntu, an android phone, and other Apple products. The only system that i'm having problems with is the windows partition....The network is listed in available connections, but seems to have the wrong WEP key because it fails to connect. However I cannot delete the connection and start again as the network is not listed in 'Manage Wireless Networks'.

I'm stuck!! I cannot scan for updates because even when the notebook is plugged directly into the router it will not connect to the internet. I can just about get onto my neighbours WiFi network, but it is very poor strength and cuts out, so can't really use that. I know the hardware in the computer is fine because the Ubuntu partition works.

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Network Location - Enable Or Disable Change

May 11, 2011

How to Enable or Disable Changing Network Locations in Windows 7 ?

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Change The IP Address Of Wired Network Printer?

Oct 17, 2012

How to change the IP address of wired network printer?

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Can't Change Quota Settings On Attached Network Drive

Feb 12, 2012

I am using a Windows 7, 64bit machine with an attached network drive I use for streaming my media. The manufacturer is Seagate (2TB) STAM2000. So, I have two folders in this drive:

TV Shows


combined there is just 500gb. So, the Seagate NAS tells me the drive is full. I right click on the drive and chose properties. I then chose Quota Settings. Here it says: To change these settings click Quota settings. I do this anf nothing happens. It looks as if this option is to prevent one user from filling the drive. I also connected a WD NAS and the same option appears.

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How To Change The Screen Resolution In Windows 7 When It Is Not Allowing To Change

Oct 3, 2011

i'm not able to change the resolutions in win 7

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Notebook Desktop Icon All Change To Microsoft Word Icon Also The Extensions Change To LNK File (.lnk)?

Oct 27, 2012

my notebook desktop icon all change to Microsoft word icon also the extensions change to LNK file (.lnk) except my computer and recycle bin icon, I used windows 7 ultimate x64?

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