Bug-code Usb Driver Blue-screen 000000fe?

Apr 22, 2012

I have a win 7 sp1 4GB ram 500gb hd pc. I keep getting this bsod saying bugcode usb driver... This prob has been around for months & every time, I need to force shutdown by long pressing the power key and reboot. These days I get this bsod twice a day - every 2 hrs I use the pc.Also, I get this popup at the taskbar saying usb device not installed properly. When I uninstalled the generic usb my system automatically reinstalls it but sill gives the popup from time to time?

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Blue Screen Error Code: 0x000000ed

Oct 7, 2012

My laptop stopped working suddenly and began to try to reboot but failed. I got the following error codes on a blue screen, and I have no idea what any of this means. It then went to a screen that said it would repair windows start up but it didn't and I'm just left with the blue windows screen but no icons or buttons are visible. I've tried starting in safe mode and also restart at last known good configuration but nothing works.

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Blue Screen Of Death Error Code Aeivnv

Feb 27, 2011

my blue screen keeps coming up even after rebooting code aeivnv_we comes which looks like update windows 7 logo and i must go on the internet (not on the internet with this computer)can i just delete or will that screw up windows 7 and no i don't have a back up.

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BSOD : 7a Error Code AND Blue Screen Second Time?

Jul 28, 2012

BSOD : 7a Error code AND Blue screen second time

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Windows Blue Screen Error Code: 1033

Jul 27, 2011

I recently just received a Blue Screen with an error code while watching an episode of a TV show online. The error message came up with this:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.


I use windows 7 home premium, an XFX 750i nForce motherboard, intel q9550 processor and an EVGA GTX 460 GPU. I am also using 8Gb of wintec ampx DDR2 RAM. I am not sure what is causing this as I had just taken in my computer about a month ago for a diagnostics at tiger direct and they said everything was fine. I am going to try and run memtest tonight but am curious if anyone here knows what is causing this?

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Blue Screen Crashing While Doing Minimal Tasks STOP Code Errors?

Jul 17, 2012

This has been going on for a couple weeks now, not sure what it is.I'm not very experienced with computers, but I did manage to run and do all the tasking prepared on the main thread to give the information needed.I keep blue-screening, at least twice a week during small minimal tasks such as AIM and firefox usage.[CODE]I recently got the computer from a friend, so I'm not sure on the actual specs myself but I do know it's Windows Ultimate 32-bit.

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Blue-screen Of Death When Play Games, Bug Check Code 0x0000009f

Jul 26, 2012

Ive had this laptop maybe 1 month it has a 1 year warrany, my issue is it seems to be blue screening non stop, generally when i open games, i was on D3/WOW when it happens the screen goes blue and says windows has experienced an unexpected error blabla.It did stop doing it for about 2 weeks however its doing it again today however now its got a different error saying DRIVERPOWR_STATE_FAILURE when i get the BSOD. i can also hear a fan in the computer maybe the gfx card?THe bug check code was 0x00000116 the first 3 times howevr now its 0x0000009f here is the BSOD from BlueScreenView:

Dump File : 072612-19125-01.dmp
Crash Time : 26/07/2012 3:29:32 PM
Bug Check Code : 0x0000009f
Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000003


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Blue Screen Says Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal?

Aug 13, 2012

I have had this computer for only a short time and it is brand new. My laptop is an HP Pavilion and has 8g of ram and 750 hard drive. I have been getting a lot of blue screens that usually say "Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal." I have also been having audio problems. There is a static sound over any audio that I play. I have contacted HP (Hp laptop) and I was told to update the audio driver, but nothing was fixed. I have also been having issues with the battery not locking properly as if there is not enough room for everything to fit. I am a college student and cannot afford to send anything in for repairs.

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Blue Screen Driver Irql Not Less Or Equal?

Jan 14, 2013

I just formatted my hard drive a few days ago, I installed windows sevens the drivers for my graphics card and the stuff on my motherboard and now it blue screens this has happened before before i formatted it. It shows driver irql not less or equal stop: 0x0000001 (0x0000007, 0x0000002, 0x000000000, 0xfffff8800167b7co) tcpip.sys-address fffff8800167b7co base at fffff88001601000, data stamp 4a5bc26e. Collecting data for crash dump: initializing disk for crash dump: beginning dump of physical memory to disk: 100.Physical memory dump complete.

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Very Frequent Blue-screen With Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal Errors

Dec 17, 2011

My Windows is Window 7 64 bit that came pre-installed.I purchased this computer about 2 weeks ago November 2011 and I have never re-installed the OS.I have gotten this particular blue screen error ever since I started installing initial applications into the computer. I just removed Zone Alarm but I still want this application to run on this computer. I am not sure if it is Zone Alarm or another application. I am attaching the BSOD dump and system file collection files as well as the System Health Report.

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Blue Screens Appears , If I Install Graphic Driver To My Led Screen?

Nov 14, 2012

if i install graphic driver my led screen will get cracked and blue screens appears

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Windows 7 Code 28 Driver - Mass Storage Controller Driver - Error Code 28

Jun 13, 2012

i need the driver for windows 7....error code 28.My laptop is a philips x58......please help....the message i get is Mass Storage Controller Driver not installed

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Laptop Crashes, Random Pattern On Screen / Blue-screen?

Dec 19, 2011

one day it suddenly crashed while i was watching a movie. it displayed random patterns on screen. kinda like part of the image from the video is on the screen then a black strip and random colors. I restarted the unit to safe mode and left it on and browsed the net and downloaded some big files for how many hours and nothing happened.. there are also times when windows is still loading with the windows logo on screen, it crashes. there are also times when the login screen is displayed and it crashes. it just crashes randomly! so i tried to reformat it. i deleted the partitions and created a new one, formatted it then fresh installed windows 7 ( my previous OS is windows 7 by the way) and started installing the basic drivers and after a few hours, it crashed again...thinking that the driver installed might not be compatible, i tried another fresh install of windows (same execution, delete partition, create, install OS) and this time, without installing the drivers, it crashed again after a few hours... sometimes it crashes immediately after turning it on from cold start!

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How To Repair Blue Screen And Freezing Error On Screen?

May 3, 2012

Blue screen and freezing. This is happening frequently but never has any regularity to it. Sometimes happens after a couple of days and sometimes after a couple of minutes. Also sometimes with only one browser window open and sometimes with 15 or more. Happens with both chrome and firefox. Has not happened with other programs as this lapy only gets used for surfing/email/forums etc. Sometimes happens while the computer is sitting idle right after boot. Very strange.

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Blue Screen Crash On Welcome Screen?

Nov 27, 2011

I'm getting a blue screen of death right at my welcome screen. Here is the following error:

-Stop: 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF880042E3443, 0xFFFFF88003554128, 0xFFFFF88003553990)

-AMPPAL.SYS - Address FFFFF880042E3443 base at FFFFF880042CB000, DateStamp 4E3FF366

I'm assuming it's a BIOS driver problem, but i'll leave it up to you guys to tell me, you're the experts :P I also tried doing a system restore, but for whatever reason when I try it just says the restore is initializing and it sits on that screen and never does anything. I've left it for about an hour before and still nothing, not real sure what the problem is there either. Right now I'm running the laptop off safe mode with networking and it's working fine, hopefully it's just a driver problem I can fix.

I'm on Windows 7 32bit and let me know if you need any more information.

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Blue Screen And Black Screen?

Jun 2, 2012

i have a windows 7x64.Yesterday while watching videos my screen started jumping and crashed to a blue screen with(QPR is not less or equal i think) and after that i restarted and it came with other errors.Now when i switch on the laptop it only shows black screen with no option to do anything.

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Pc Is Getting Blue Screen

Jun 6, 2012

Lately my computer has getting blue screens.

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Blue Screen While Using Usb Dvb Box?

Sep 21, 2012

I am using ProgDVB with DTV-DVB UST7000Bda DVB USB Boxsometime blue screen appear and windows crashed !Dmp files : attached

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W7 Blue Screen

May 11, 2009

ive just installed the latest version of windows seven and get a bleuscreen when im in the desktop.. nothing was installed. the bleuscreen sayd something with a driver_equal or somthing.

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Blue Screen Afd.sys

Jun 9, 2009

Since i have added my windows 7 installation to the domain i often get afd.sys blue screens. It seems to occur when i access a network resource. Any ideas?

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Afd.sys Blue Screen

Jun 23, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 64-bit last night, and the installation went without a hitch. I started to install my programs and then things started to get a little hairy. Every once in a while (ranging 3 minutes - 3 hours) my computer will blue screen out with a mention of afd.sys. This usually happens when I try to do something with the network (ex: Skype, Trillian, etc.).

I'm too new to this to know how to read minidumps, so I thought I'd give them to you guys and see how you could help me. I'm up for any suggestions on how to fix this problem. Reformatting is not an issue, as I have time to spare (when I'm not at work). My system specs are up to date in my profile.

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Getting A Blue Screen?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm getting a blue screen when playing video games and I don't know what might be causing it. It says that the video memory manager is doing something which I don't remember exactly what now and at the end of the blue screen it says

Stop: 0x0000010E follow by a lot of other similar codes in ( ). what the problem might be and what I can do to fix it?

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Screen Is Blue And Nothing Comes Up?

Dec 22, 2012

power on,blue screen?

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Getting Blue Screen Errors?

Oct 26, 2011

I keep getting blue screen errors. I tried Defragging hard drive, updating drives, doing memory diagnostic But none of these worked.


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Blue Screen When Plugging In USB?

Nov 20, 2011

I run windows 7 home premium and this morning for no apparent reason when I plugged in my USB stick my computer blue screened, I tried restarting it and the same thing happened, I tested my usb on a different computer and it was fine, I tired both ports on my laptop and the same thing happened on both. The same thing happened when I plugged in a different usb stick, but the usb mouse and webcam work fine.

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Can't Log In Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 1, 2012

I was just searching the internet- probably on facebook 2 past Friday when (I think) I opened a new tab on Firefox, and everything closed and shut down. Now, it had shut down like this before a couple days before.. However, this time a blue screen of death appeared right after I went into normal mode after the restart.

I tried it in safe mode.. I am able to get in to the log in screen.. then the waiting screen.. then the BSOD. I've heard that it's supposed to tell you what the problem is, but I still don't know what it is. I have some pictures below. They're pretty bad though because I only see it for a second before it disappears.

I've tried diagnostics and repair.. Restoring to 2 weeks ago- spring break. Taking out my "new" devises (memory drives and graphics card) that I installed more than 3 months ago and replacing the memory with the ones it came with. The only thing that I THINK I haven't tried is command prompt (which probably won't help because I don't know how to use it) and the restore to factory setting. I have clicked on it, and it has given me an error (pictures follow.) F2-F8-F12- pressed them all.

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Won't Boot Blue Screen?

May 10, 2012

BSOD 0x6b - Process1 initialization etc 64 bit machine Tried to repair it countless times I used this in rec consol bcdedit /export c:cd_backup ren c:ootcd.old bootrec /rebuildbcd I also tried it with D instead of C I see that there are 4 partitions to this drive system ?system reserved which is C OS which is D Data which is E The first time I tried it, it worked !Then on reboot - it went back to bsod getting fed up with it - am i doing something wrong, or is there another way

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Blue Screen Error?

Jan 11, 2013

I have recently been getting the blue screen of death at random times, I think it might be coinciding with sometimes when I have my phone plugged in to charge. I believe it said page fault in non paged area once. It has done it more than once though.Here is what windows gave me after it booted back up from 2 different times: #1Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version:6.1.7601. Locale ID:4105Additional information about the problem: [URL]

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Blue Screen Happens Many Times

Jul 7, 2011

I reinstalled my windows (7 SP1) five days ago and BSOD has happened many times since. This morning it happened 3 times in one hour when I was watching a film with Windows Media Player.

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Blue Screen (Dump) On New PC

Jan 6, 2013

It has been a month or two that I bought a new Pc and now I suddenly get a blue screen (dump). I have also attached the .dmp file which I got in the minidump folder.

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Getting Blue Screen Continuously

May 2, 2011

Yesterday, my comp was still run as normal. Once window update(IE9 update)done and I restarted my computer and played game(PES 2011), the graphic started being not clear and then blue screen occurred. Afterward, I cleaned up the dust in my CPU and also updated my NVIDIA driver to 270.61 version. However, blue screen still occurred repetitively until I was forced to start in safe mode. So, I hope to find out any problems before further action.Here is the error came out from the blue screen.


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