BSOD While Playing Or Watching Videos

Apr 23, 2012

While playing a game, or watching a video on a website or a player it freezes and gives me the BSOD and oh, I did not find the "save as" in "file" in the preformance monitor Attachment 208535,as for the other requested file, here it is: Attachment 208536.

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BSOD When Playing / Watching Videos After An Hour

Mar 20, 2012

i am having the famous bsod when watching video, using mpc for local and flash (Internet) for online after an hour or so from when i start watching. i noticed that the crash happens more often when i use often the seek-bar and jump to various points of the movie. codecs dont think are the problem for they are regularly updated. this crash sometimes happen when i am playing games an hour or so after the start.

another dump.rar

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BSOD When Playing Games Or Watching Videos On A Player

Apr 18, 2012

my laptop started crashing every time i play games and watch videos on player.

Code: Windows 7 Ultimate x32 OEM I reformatted it a month ago so i thought it would be fix but its still not fixed... I also thought it would be the heat or the usage of memory but i still haven't found what the problem is i keep getting random BSOD's about usbport.sys and other but i get more error codes....

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BSOD When Playing Games Or Watching Flash Videos

Jun 30, 2012

basically my old 6870 card died because of numerous BSODs it had over the 6 months throunh flash videos and it killed it with artifacts. I have recently received a brand new XFX 6870 and have been using it over a month and its been happening again with flash videos as occasionally get BSOD randomly like 30 mins or even over an hour. which is pointing out Error: VIDEO_TDR_ERROR file path: C:Windowssystem32driversatikmpag.sys


file path: C:Windowssystem32driversdxgkrnl.sys
its even happened once last night on a game FIFA 12 which restarted and had this error
file path: C:Windowssystem32

How will I be able to eliminate these problems? my system specs are below and I have built this system over 8 months and nothing is overclocked.

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BSOD When Playing Games Or Watching Videos (Upgraded Graphics Card)

Sep 2, 2012

I upgraded my graphics card driver 2-3 days ago with no problems until today when my laptop crashed couple of times when I was playing LeagueOfLegends, and again when playing a video (using VLC). When I disable my graphics card driver all is fine, but when I play a game with the graphics card enabled I get a blue screen.

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Multiple Monitors, Playing Games And Watching Videos

Oct 6, 2009

Just installed Windows 7. and everytime i start up a game (like left 4 dead)

all screens go black(like when they do when you set a other resolution) and back to normal resolution. when game resolution isn't different from the desktop resolution. and cause i ussually have a series running on one of my other monitors i can't see them cause well desktop thinks it not on its desktop resolution(or for what ever other reason it is that video won't show on second monitor if there is a game up on your main monitor that is not on ur normal desktop resolution).

this doesn't happen with every game though and can't really figure it out. if u need any info, or have no idea what i'm talking about(don't really know how to explain this very wel) post for more details.

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Windows 7 Freezes While Playing Games Or Watching Videos Online

Dec 13, 2011

Whenever I go to a webpage and try to play games, view videos, or streaming content my system "freezes" every minute or two. I can never watch a video or play a game in its entirety without having to sit through numerous "freezes", or whatever it is. The little spinning icon just keeps going round and round.

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Random Freezes / System Lock Ups When Playing Games Or Watching Videos?

May 3, 2012

The problem is that I will get a system lock up, or freeze when playing games like Portal 2 or FM2012. The freezes are very random however they occur the most when trying to play Co-op in Portal 2 (say about 80% of the time when trying to play it). However with the likes of FM2012 or other games, I can literally play for hours on end without a crash, but other times a crash could happen within about 5 mins.I also seem to randomly crash if I watch a HD video in full screen (1920x1080) however I cannot recall such a problem watching it minimized (using VLC). I also used to get random crashes while browsing the internet on certain websites, however I haven't had this issue since upgrading my RAM.

When the PC does crash, the monitor will just black out and if sound was playing at the time it will usually loop or repeat. The only thing I can do is a hard reboot and upon restarting the PC it will say about the unexpected shut down and to start windows normally however I don't seem to get any minidumps. I've had this problem now for quite awhile, and at first it was something I just overlooked as a random occurance but now its starting to drive me crazy! My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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BSOD While Watching Videos?

Aug 15, 2012

I get BSOD's everytime I watch a movie in my PC

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BSOD While Watching Videos Online?

May 5, 2012

I've had my laptop since December, 2011. Brand new, customized it online on the HP website. I didn't expect it to have soo many BSOD screen crashes! And it happens at least twice a month.. I watch videos online like hulu or any other site.. and randomly the video drive or something like that will stop working the video turns a green color can't see anything and if i try to redo it.. all of a sudden the blue screen pops up with all that information.. then when i restart it i get this

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033


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BSOD While Gaming / Sometimes Watching Videos

May 14, 2012

On my laptop I can run a game and log into my account and pick a character but as soon as it loads the character i get blue screened, it sometimes happens when I am watching a movie or something but only on the rare occasion but it happens every time i try to play a game. Earlier tonight I restored to factory settings and all was going well and I was installing a game until at about 54% I got a blue screen. My laptop is 64-bit and has the original operating system on it which is the pre-installed version that came on it.

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Random BSOD While Watching Videos?

Sep 6, 2012

someone can shed some light on my bsod video problem. This happens randomly while watching movies on on Firefox 15, and more recently while watching one on WMP. If there is any other information that you need, I will happily oblige.

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BSOD While Browsing, Watching Videos Or Gaming

Oct 13, 2012

Ran the W7F diagnostic tool as admin and it wouldn't create anything on my desktop so have attached dump files/cpu-z/RAMMON

Has always BSOD occasionally but has become much more frequent, every 15mins when playing X-COM. Appears to be mostly 101 clock error. The processor was pre-overclocked by the supplier, the overclocking profile only kicks in when cpu is under load. I never changed voltages or anything else in bios.

Ran prime 95 for 3 hrs last night before it crashed but the error was different to what it normally is - that's the oldest dump file in attached.

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Memory Fail / BSOD Watching Videos

Dec 7, 2011

It's been doing this lately, and i get the blue screen telling me memory has failed and is shutting down. It's only up for a second, but right before that, the screen goes nuts with distortion and i hear buzzing (audio malfunction).

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BSOD At Random Times, Mainly When Watching Videos?

Dec 10, 2011

I haven't noticed a exact pattern yet, it happens most when watching videos and movies, or when playing games. But it has happened at other random times.

Zip. attached.

Basic Info:
Windows 7 home premium 64bit
Original OS is the same.
Laptop is ASUS K52F
I've had this laptop for 13 months, OS is same.

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BSOD While Browsing, Watching Videos, And On Startup

Jan 10, 2012

I got a BSOD about 5 months ago and I replaced one of my memory sticks and everything was fine until now. I've been getting them recently and I noticed its usually while watching a video or playing a game (graphics card problem?). After each bsod I usually get another during startup. Then my laptop runs startup repair and everything is fine for a few hours. I ran the driver verifier and it crashed almost as soon as i loaded a video but didn't create a dmp file for some reason.

Running Windows 7 x64
Upgraded from Vista about 7 months ago
Machine is a HP Pavillion dv7 1450us - a little over 2 years old

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BSOD While Watching Videos, Or Talking On Skype?

Mar 31, 2012

I seem to be getting a BSOD every once in a while. I don't understand why it happens. It seems to happen occasionally while I am doing various things on the computer. I might be watching a video, or maybe just talking on Skype.I attached the files asked for, and included a picture of the BSOD..Edit: This computer was recently reformatted (a couple weeks ago). It appears to have been the cause, since before the reformat I never experienced this. Also, it's Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

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BSOD Occurred While Watching Videos And Gaming

May 23, 2012

Around a week or two ago my computer started getting blue screens and restarting at random times. I tried system restoring before that time and it didn't work, so I just decided to deal with it because I didn't know of a site that dealt with blue screens.

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BSOD At Random - Daily Occurrence Usually When Watching Videos

Oct 14, 2012

I've recently had quite a few system crashes on my desktop. After I got the first one, they have been rather frequent, 1-5 times per day, usually when watching videos. I have tried reinstalling windows, flashing bios, updating misc drivers, ran CHKDSK on both my os ssd and storage hhd, but in vain.

System information:
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Service Pack 1
MB: Asus P8Z77-V PRO (ASUS - Motherboards- ASUS P8Z77-V PRO)
Bios version: 1504
CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K Processor @ 3.40GHz
Memory: Corsair XMS3 1866MHz Vengeance CL9 (Kit w/2x 4GB XMS3 modules, CL9-9-9-24, 1.5V)
PSU: Corsair HX 750W PSU
GPU: Ati Radeon HD5870
OS SSD: Corsair SSD Force Series GT 120GB 2.5
Storage HDD: 466GB Hitachi HTS725050A9A364 (SATA)
Display: BenQ XL2410T
Mouse & KB: Logitech G400 Gaming Mouse, some plain logitech USB keyboard
Sound & mic: normal headset using the MB output, plain mic

I have no other components connected to the computer. I have attached a zip including 6 minidumps.

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BSOD Physical Memory Dump While Watching Videos?

Sep 2, 2012

i recently purchased a toshiba satellite l850d laptop for university and it's been fine for the most part. however, whenever i try to watch videos (usually on Internet), my laptop freezes, the screen goes black and a blue screen appears with a physical memory dump message at the bottom of it. this usually happens after watching 9 or 10 videos.

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BSOD Playing While Playing WoW Or Watching Movies?

Jan 7, 2012

when i get the BSOD while playing WoW or Watching shows in my comouter.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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Random BSOD When Playing Or Watching Movies

Aug 25, 2012

I'm getting random BSOD's.I followed Captain Jacks guide and used SF Diagnostic tool, CPU-Z and RAMMon, all the files are attached in the .rar

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BSOD Playing Any Games Or Watching Movies?

Sep 30, 2012

this BSOD problem has been getting worse and worse , i dont know if its a virus or not ive used multiple different anti virus and malware programs and they come up with nothing . Well basically whenever im playing my games my entire OS crashes at random times and the other times it will go straight to the BSOD and memory dump , ive loaded the DMP files on the attachments just the three latest DMP files from my crashes

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BSOD While Playing SWTOR, Watching Movies, Using Internet?

Jan 10, 2012

Built this rig almost 2 years ago, AMD 965 BE, 4gb ocz ddr3 1600 (had 8 but 4gb were corrupt), Win 7 Home Premium x64, Asus MB Just started getting random BSOD in the past week or so while playing SWTOR, watching vids on internet.

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Random BSOD Usually Playing Borderlands Or Just Watching Streams?

Jul 28, 2012

i'm putting up my first post with my bsod error i get. i've gotten some in the past, but i decided to learn how to figure these things out this time.details:i usually get a bsod in a random situation either playing online games or just watching live streams ( or even Internet videos on occasion.

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BSOD Playing Shot Online And Watching Video On Windows 7 Media Player?

Jul 30, 2012

I imagine I don't need to include much information as your nice new tool has everything you need.

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BSoD On Playing Videos And Gaming?

Aug 16, 2012

just recently bought a new computer and encountered some problems on video playback and on games. on videos the video plays normally until some time the videos becomes jittery with green and pink lines, if i leave it that way it usually results into a "display driver has stopped responding...." or it goes bsod. this also happens on Internet and other video streaming sites. on games it's pretty much the same but it crashes and goes bsod or display driver has blah blah.... i pretty much updated all the drivers needed mobo, video card and win7 updates and it still haunts me, but then again i can still play videos and do gaming

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80-100% CPU While Watching Videos?

May 20, 2011

recently did a fresh install of windows 7 home premium on my hp g62-140us laptop (formatted hd, etc). everything seemed fine until i started to watch a video (doesn't matter what site, could be Internet, hulu, etc). from anywhere between 5-20 minutes of watching a video, my computer becomes extremely slow. the video freezes, probably going less then 1 fps, but the sound is still playing. sometimes, the sound lags too. task manager shows normal memory use but 100% cpu use... in resource monitor, the hog seems to be nt kernal & system. since this is a fresh install, im assuming its not malware or a virus. any ideas? i thought it was the video card driver at first so i uninstalled it and reinstalled it to no avail. also, the pc works fine in safe mode (i can watch videos).

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OS Freezing When Watching HD Videos?

Apr 27, 2011

I have had an issue recently that while watching HD videos, normally in MKV format... at random spots the video will freeze, a few seconds later the audio will freeze and then my whole OS will freeze causing me to do a hard reboot. I am running Windows 7 32-bit with the all current updates

ATI Radeon HD 3600 series graphics card
Creative SB X-Fi
Dell XPS 420
Intell Core Quad CPU 2.4 GHz
3072MB RAM
DirectX 11

It says that all of my drivers are up to date and I am not getting any error messages?

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Pc Freezes When Watching Videos?

Nov 7, 2012

for approximately 3 months my pc acts in a weird manner. whenever i watch an online video stream or in Internet after some time it freezes with a weird noise and i have to restart it. i have the latest drivers for my graphic's cardproccessor : i5 750 2,67ghzam : 8 gbgpu : amd radeon hd 6670motherboard : msi p55-cd53operating system : windows 7 ultimate 64bithard disks : ocz agility3 x2 and two sata ones

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Watching Videos Crashes Computer?

May 29, 2012

bought a pre-made from computer from tiger electronics last year in june.immediately, as in the day i got it, i started crashing when opening Internet.i solved that by turning off the realtime visualization or something along those lines and it was temporarily fixed. i began to have more start up problems and other stupid issues with the computer and their tech-support insisted that nothing was wrong and i'm an idiot but to satisfy me they'd change my hard drive. so that did nothing, and unless i want to pay a bunch for them to do a real check up on it i've been screwed. whenever i open a video, from windows media player to my flip video camera player my computer will instantly crash. whether it's a blue, green, white, or black screen it's different every time.

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