ACER Aspire One D255-2256 Blue-screen Of Death?

Oct 29, 2011

I have an ACer Aspire one D2255-2256. At varying amounts of time of computer being on the computer goes to the Blue Screen Of Death, BSOD. I have seen different reasons given for possible problems. One problem is that the Blue Screen only stays on screen for a couple of seconds, not enough time to read the screen. It is on for a couple of seconds and at the bottom of screen it mentions '??????? dumping ', which only takes a couple of seconds, then computer blanks out and reboots. I was able to take one picture with camera of one of the blue screen appearances. But like I said earlier the reasons given are not always the same,just don't have the time to read it. I have done a complete recovery to factory settings and default settings. Still gets the blue screen.

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Need Driver For Acer Aspire One D255?

Jun 5, 2012

I'm using Acer Aspire One D255 Windows XP . But I just install new Windows 7 Home Pre 32bit . I can not access internet . I checked "Device manager" and they showed that I have no driver for [Ethernet Controller, Network Controller ,and Video Controller] . I think I deleted Windows.old already , so now I can't recover the original driver . I did a search but can't find anywhere .

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Driver Webcam Acer Aspire One D255?

Sep 27, 2012

driver webcam acer aspire one D255 for window 7

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Black Screen Of Death With Mouse Pointer - Acer Aspire 5732Z

Mar 3, 2012

My mother in law has an acer aspire 5732Z, yesterday she was fiddling with the touch pad sensitivity and suddenly her screen went black. Each time she tries restarting, she gets the windows 7 startup screen, but just before getting to the log in screen, the screen goes black. The mouse pointer is still on the screen and she can hear that the computer is still on. But besides that, nothing can make it start up properly.I have tried talking her through safe mode startup, but that didn't do anything. She has pulled out the battery and restarted, which does nothing either.

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Acer Aspire One D255 Mini Running Slow&choppy

Feb 19, 2011

I just got this new laptop! And its running slow like its an old laptop, I have windows7 starter, [just putting that out there] So yeah it runs slow, and choppy, and freezes when I get on the website, and I have to wait for it unfreeze, and then load correctly.

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Acer Aspire One D255 Setup Is Starting Services Loop

Jan 20, 2013

"On the same error screen press SHIFT+F10 and it will open up a black Window. (a command prompt window) 2) In the black windows type the word "regedit"(without the inverted commas and hit enter. That will open the registry editor. In the Registry Editor.. Browse to.... HKLocal machine/SYSTEM/SETUP/STATUS/ChildCompletion, and after highliting childcompletion,on the right hand side check for setup.exe. if the value is 1 change it to 3.(by double clicking on setup.exe and changing the value shown in the box). Then close the registry editor and then also close the black window. Then click on OK for the error and the computer will restart and the installation may complete. just try it and let me know if it worked."

I tried the above and rebooted, I still get the dreaded "Setup is starting services" loop

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Free Download Acer Aspire D255 Series Webcam Driver?

Oct 18, 2012

Gostaria de receber drives para a web camera de acer D255. Podem ajudar me'?

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Acer Aspire 5750G Shuts Down After Few Hours Due To Blue Screen

Jul 23, 2012

The problem is that my computer shuts down after some hours when in stand by. It has happened more than ten times already.

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Acer Aspire V5431, It Won't Power Up Little Blue Light Flashing, Screen Stays Black

Dec 18, 2012

it won't power up little blue light flashing, screen stays black.

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Can't Log In Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 1, 2012

I was just searching the internet- probably on facebook 2 past Friday when (I think) I opened a new tab on Firefox, and everything closed and shut down. Now, it had shut down like this before a couple days before.. However, this time a blue screen of death appeared right after I went into normal mode after the restart.

I tried it in safe mode.. I am able to get in to the log in screen.. then the waiting screen.. then the BSOD. I've heard that it's supposed to tell you what the problem is, but I still don't know what it is. I have some pictures below. They're pretty bad though because I only see it for a second before it disappears.

I've tried diagnostics and repair.. Restoring to 2 weeks ago- spring break. Taking out my "new" devises (memory drives and graphics card) that I installed more than 3 months ago and replacing the memory with the ones it came with. The only thing that I THINK I haven't tried is command prompt (which probably won't help because I don't know how to use it) and the restore to factory setting. I have clicked on it, and it has given me an error (pictures follow.) F2-F8-F12- pressed them all.

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SMB Blue Screen Of Death

Sep 8, 2009

There seems to be a vulnerability in windows 7. it's all about the SRV2.sys driver, solutions are for now to block ports 139 and 445 and SMB feature. My questions is has anyone already experienced this problem.

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Blue Screen Of Death?

Jan 5, 2013

I have a Dell Inspiron and whenever I turn my pc on a blue screen flashes and says Windows Cannot Load.. It goes directly to Startup Repair. However, That does not fix the issue.I tried a Recovery Disk for Windows 7 iso and that does not work either.. It started rebooting back to the factory settings but when it completed, and restarted, the blue screen of death was still around.I tried Command Prompt with Scandsk/ f I believe and that did not work at first because it was write protected.. I found a way past that and nothing. At one point it said boot memtest.exe is missing or corrupt.Right now I got into a Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.. I have no idea how I did but its checking for memory problems. The only way I got to this was by pressing the down button when booting with windows recovery disk via dvd drive.. and when it stated press any button to boot. when I press down it gets to this.Is my hard drive fried? Can this be rectified?

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Keep Getting Blue Screen Of Death 3 To 4 Times A Day

Feb 14, 2011

I'm getting these at least 3 to 4 times a day, and I am starting to get a bit worried. It's a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and refers to athr.sys. I've attempted a virus scan and a Windows Memory Diagnostic but to no avail. What can I do to identify and remedy this problem?

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Blue Screen Of Death After 40 Seconds

Feb 16, 2013

Why not get a new computer? Because my dad wants to keep this computer going for as long as possible to not spend money for a new computer.How can I fix this blue screen of death?

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Blue Screen Of Death - Driver_IRQL

Oct 20, 2009

I had the Blue Screen telling me Driver_IRQL. I had this screen many times till now.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 1037

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: d1

BCP1: D1F71448

BCP2: 00000002

BCP3: 00000000

BCP4: D1F71448

OS Version: 6_0_6001

Service Pack: 1_0

Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:




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Please him me to get rid of this problem..

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Blue Screen Of Death After Upgrade

Dec 27, 2009

I recently purchased the upgrade to windows 7 from vista and have had nothing but problems. After spending 12 hours on the phone with microsoft i got nowhere. I was told to reinstall windows 7 but still have all the same issues. After about 30 minutes or so it crashes and i get the bsod telling me Driver_power_state_failure with the corresponding error code. Microsoft obviously has no clue as their techs had me on the phone 12 hours and knew less than I do.

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Blue Screen Of Death Every 10 Minutes

Aug 7, 2009

My pc started crashing all of a sudden, it was running fine for about 3 weeks and then it just started blue screening every 10 minutes. it could be my tv card as I had to use third party drivers or my firewire audio interface that is running with vista 64bit drivers.

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Blue Screen Of Death - Virus

Dec 13, 2009

My new dell studio 1555 came with windows 7 64 bit home premium installed, and i wanted to dual boot with windows xp. when i try to install xp, all the files are loaded and then a blue screen comes up saying my hard drives have viruses or aren't working properly and to run a checkdisk, which i have done to no avail.

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Quick Blue Screen Of Death

Jan 13, 2010

Got the blue screen of death today. Using Windows 7. Q9450 processor, 4GB of DDR3 RAM, 790i motherboard, nVidia GeForce 9800GTX. I did not install any new programs, change any settings, hook up any new devices or hardware. I woke up, hopped on and started using Firefox to read up on the Haiti earthquake. Clicked a link to a safe news site and Firefox locked up. I couldn't escape and tried opening the task manager via CTRL+ALT+DEL, no luck.

Finally the screen faded and the pop-up on the top left corner appeared, asking me if I wanted to cancel the process for Firefox since it wasn't working. I'm guessing this is a new feature to Windows 7, since it's happened to me a few times since I got it. So I canceled the Firefox process through this method and it closed a bit later. But then nothing worked.

The task manager still did not appear and I couldn't open anything. The screen faded again and this time it said Windows Explorer wasn't working. I didn't worry because I got this message a few times before. I said yes to cancel, expecting it to reboot itself and start working again like the last few times. But it didn't. Just locked up.

So I turned off the PC via the power button and started her back up. Got to the Windows loading screen. Took longer than usual. Before I even got to the account selection screen, a very quick blue screen of death flashed before immediately restarting.Went through the usual POST stuff. But then it said Windows was experiencing a problem, do I want to repair Windows or start normally.

I tried to repair but to no avail - just a black screen. I waited about ten minutes on this black screen and it was later replaced by a blue screen with the Windows logo, and I could move the mouse around, but no options to repair or anything else.

So I then tried to start her up in safe mode. Same thing: quick BSoD, then restart. I can't even read the text of the BSoD, it flashes by so fast. I tried starting her up from my last known good configuration, no go. So I'm not sure what to do. I'm half tempted to just buy a new hard drive and start fresh, or maybe somehow get Linux installed and working. I don't know what to do, so hopefully someone has a solution for my problem.

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Urgent Blue Screen Of Death?

Aug 3, 2012

I recently got 3 BSoDs while gaming today. The most recent one was in CoD 4.Can some one tell me what is wrong?


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Every Night At 2AM Get Blue Screen Of Death?

Aug 31, 2012

I have a gateway nv53a laptop with 8 gig onboard(only thing changed from spec)..every night around 2am(and I mean within 10 minutes before or after) my laptop freezes and I get the blue screen of death. I have to do a hard reboot in order to get back to windows.. when I reboot it tells me something about windows live not fully loading or something to that effect(I usually just click ok and close screen so I cant remember) Or start me down the path by suggestions on where to start? I know this isnt the most detailed query but I dont really know what to say as this is frustrating and has been going on now for over a month.

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Windows 7 64-Bit Blue Screen Of Death?

Apr 25, 2010

I recently built a new computer system about a month ago. My specs are as follows


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Win 7 Keeps Giving Me BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH

Nov 3, 2009

I've had vista for the past year and this has never happend, soon as I install Windows 7 atleast once a day my laptop will randomly "BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH" with either the error "PFN LIST CORRUPT" OR "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO" can you shed any light on this?

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Removing McAfee Blue Screen Of Death?

May 30, 2011

I recently got a new Lenovo computer back in January and it came with a trial version of McAfee Anti-Virus Plus. Free trial ended and now it wants me to pay for it, but with all the free anti-virus software like AVG I do not want to. I tried downloading AVG but it would not work resulting in an error saying it couldn't as long as McAfee was installed on the computer. So I go to add/remove programs and uninstalled McAfee. I restart the computer as instructed and BAM! Blue Screen of Death upon trying to start up. I could only get the computer to work by going into Safe Mode (Safe Mode with networking wouldn't even work) and performed restore to an earlier date and things seem to be okay now. But I am stuck with my new "friend" McAfee. So I guess the question(s) is how do I get rid of McAfee so I can get other anti-virus software without a blue screen of death? And is this a known issue of McAfee screwing your computer up when trying to get rid of it and it's ugly tentacles? Needless to say, I am not a fan of them right now.

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Windows 7 - Got Blue Screen Of Death On Start Up

Dec 22, 2011

I got the error when Windows started up!!

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:

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First Time! Blue Screen Of Death! NOOB!

Apr 30, 2011

I just finished my first build about 3 months ago, and everytihng was nice and dandy until NOW I start getting the blue screen of death. It says something like error dxgmms1.sys driver_irql_not_less_than_or_equal. I did just some limited resarch on the net, and people are saying that I should try to update my drivers. I updated the video card driver, I`m pretty sure I got the latest motherboard bios, and W7 says no current updates available. Now the last time it happned to me I was watching a movie so I figured it might be the video card? But on the net people say I should run memtest. So i did and while it was running it killed again?. So is the RAM or the video card, how can I find out?

OS: W7 64 bit
MOBO: Gigabyte G41M-ES2L
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.67 Ghz
GPU: ATI Radeon 4600
PSU: Corsair 750 W
RAM: 2x 2GB Corsair XMS

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Blue Screen Of Death When Playing Sims 3

Mar 9, 2012

I downloaded some new houses and at first whenever I moved to one it would flicker black a couple of times then blue screen. Then I deleted them, started a new game with no custom content and played for half an hour but was blue screened again.

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Iastor.sys - Blue Screen Of Death - Windows 7 64-bit

Jan 25, 2011

I have an ACER ASPIRE 5739G running Windows 7 64-bit.No changes were made on the laptop over the past 2 months, suddenly I started to encounter the "blue screen of death" once every few days, randomly when browsing the internet (no other software was running). It started to do this more frequently, within 1 hour of EVERY startup, I then performed a system restore and now the blue screen appears within 30 seconds of every startup, as well as Safe Mode.The blue screen appears for 15 seconds, the laptop then restarts.I have attached an image of the blue screen below:I know the most obvious solution will be to re-format the hard drive, as the computer is rebooting within 30 seconds of each start up as well as safe mode.Is there any way for me to browse the hard drive on the laptop without loading up the OS, to transfer to another laptop/external HD?I have a couple of really vital documents (only 10mb worth), although the laptop reboots before I have the chance to transfer them to a USB stick.If there was a way to transfer these files, I would be more than happy to re-format the laptop.

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Blue Screen Of Death - STOP: 0x0000007E

Jul 17, 2012

2 days ago after I closed off my laptop lid, my laptop went into hibernation mode. After that, the laptop is having some trouble trying to wake up. I remembered I saw an error message saying something like "Windows has failed to wake up from hibernation". So I have no other choices but to restart. Ever since then, I start to get an error.

STOP: 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF880070C25C6, 0xFFFFF880009A8B78, 0xFFFFF880009A83D0)


I can't get into Windows. Everytime I try, I will be presented with the blue screen of death. I tried booting in safe mode but in vain. I will get stucked at Classpnp.sys[URL]. I am using Windows 7 64 bit, Core i7, 8GB Ram, 2GB Graphics

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Get The Blue-screen Of Death With The Message Bad_system_config_info?

Jan 10, 2012

After checking in the msconfig utility the option use original boot configuration and restarting the pc, i get the blue screen of death with the message bad_system_config_info. How can i change my msconfig through bcdedit. I read the tutorial and i cant understand what changes i should make.Unfortunately i cant access my pc to give you information about the DUMP file.My pc is a Sony Vaio dual Core 2.1Ghz Windows 7 Home 64bit

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ATI Radeon 3100 And Win 7 Blue Screen Of Death

Oct 3, 2009

I have a Toshiba laptop with an ATI Radoen 3100 Graphics adapter onboard. with windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit, I get the blue screen of death. what can I do about it?

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